Protists: The Algae - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Protists: The Algae


Many are endosymbionts (living in jellyfish, corals, mollusks) ... vegetative mycelium are coenocytic; the body is one giant multinucleated cell ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Protists: The Algae

Protists The Algae
  • Autotrophic protists

  • General Characteristics of Algae. . .
  • Diverse group
  • Mostly photosynthetic
  • Range in size from single-celled to large,
    multicellular seaweeds (marine algae do 30-40 of
    all photosynthesis on Earth)
  • Must be in a damp environment when actively
    growing (lack a cuticle)
  • Gametangia are formed from single cells
  • Possess chlorophyll a, carotenoids, and several
    other pigments

Phylum Dinoflagellata (Pyrrophyta)
  • Algae with two flagella

  • General characteristics of Dinoflagellates. . .
  • Most are unicellular some are colonial
  • Some are covered with a shell of interlocking
    cellulose plates, some containing silicates
  • Each has two flagella
  • Some are bioluminescent
  • Most are photosynthetic
  • Energy storage products are usually oils or
  • Many are endosymbionts (living in jellyfish,
    corals, mollusks)
  • Lack a cellulose plates and flagella, and are
    called zooxanthellae
  • Photosynthesize and provide food to mutualistic
  • Some are parasitic

  • More about Dinoflagellates. . .
  • Their reproduction is primarily asexual
  • Their nucleus is unusual - they have no close
    relatives and some scientists consider
    reclassifying them
  • The chromosomes are permanently condensed and
    always evident
  • The nuclear membrane remains intact during
    mitosis and meiosis
  • The spindles are located outside the nucleus
  • Chromosomes do not make contact with spindle

Most dinoflagellates are marine organisms and
they make up an important group of producers in
the marine environment.
Some species have occasional blooms (population
explosions) such as red tides Some species that
form red tides produce a toxin that leads to
massive fish kills Others are eaten by mollusks,
making them poisonous to humans
Phylum Bacillariophyta (Chrysophyta)
  • The Diatoms

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  • Characteristics of Bacillariophyta (Diatoms). . .
  • Most are unicellular some are colonial
  • The cell walls are composed of two halves that
    overlap where they fit together (petri dish
    arrangement of shells)
  • Cell walls are impregnated with silica
  • There are two groups those with radial symmetry
    and those with bilateral symmetry
  • Most float those that grow on surfaces move by
  • Most are photosynthetic
  • Food reserves are stored as oils or carbohydrates
  • Found in fresh and ocean water, especially cooler
    marine waters
  • Upon death, they sink to the ocean floor and
    become sedimentary rock

  • Diatoms reproduce primarily asexually. .
  • The two halves of the cell fit together like a
    petri dish
  • The cell separates into its two halves, and each
    half becomes the larger half for a new cell
  • Some cells get smaller every generation
  • When a fraction of the original size, sexual
    reproduction occurs
  • Gametes shed the cells walls and fuse to form a
    zygote which grows a great deal before forming a
    new shell
  • This restores the diatom to its original size and
    the process starts over again.

Phylum Euglenophyta
  • The euglenoids

  • Characteristics of Euglena. . .
  • All are unicellular flagellates
  • Most have two flagella - one long external, and
    one short internal
  • Their shape continually changes their covering
    is a proteinaceous pellicle
  • Reproduce only asexually
  • Many photosynthesize some are heterotrophic
    (some can do both- depending on conditions)
  • Most live in fresh water rich in organic material
  • Used as indicators of pollution

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Phylum Chlorophyta
  • The green algae

  • General characteristics of Chlorophyta. . .
  • Their body forms are very diverse
  • Most are flagellated during part of their life
  • Biochemically they are very uniform (contain
    chlorophylls a and c and carotenoids)

  • Chlorophyta are related to plants
  • All are photosynthetic
  • Food is stored as starch
  • Most have cell walls with cellulose
  • Many are symbionts (with fungi) - Lichens
  • It is believe that plants evolved from green,
    algal-like ancestors
  • Some are aquatic some are terrestrial
  • Important producers in freshwater habitats
  • These are all characteristics of plants

  • Reproduction is varied in Chlorophyta
  • Asexual reproduction may involve fragmentation,
    mitotic fission or Zoospores
  • Sexual reproduction may be quite complex
  • Isogamous reproduction (identical flagellates
  • Anisogamous reproduction(flagellated gametes of
    different sizes)
  • Oogamous reproduction (a nonmotile egg and a
    flagellates male gamete
  • Conjugation (formation of a tube and exchange of
    genetic information)

Isogametes in Chlamydomonas
Conjugation in Spirogyra
Kingdom Protista - The Algae
  • Rhodophyta - the red algae

  • General characteristics of Rhodophyta. . .
  • Most species are multicellular often with
    interwoven fibers forming filaments which are
    delicate and feathering
  • A few species are unicellular
  • Most attach to substrates with rootlike holdfasts
  • All are photosynthetic - they contain
    phycoerythrin (red) and phycocyanin (blue)
    pigments plus chlorophyll a and caratenoids
  • Food is stored as floridean starch (carbohydrate
    similar to glycogen)
  • It is believed that cyanobacteria endosymbionts
    evolved into chloroplasts in red algae
  • There are no flagellated cells at any time
  • They live primarily in warm tropical oceans
  • Some incorporate calcium carbonate into their
    cell walls, making them very important in coral
    reef formation

  • More information for Rhodophyta. . .
  • Their reproduction is complex involving an
    alternation of sexual and asexual generations
  • The cell walls contain mucilaginous
    polysaccharides that have commercial value
  • Agar - used in baking and as a culture medium
  • Carageenan - used to stabilize emulsions in foods
    and other products (puddings, laxatives,
  • Rhodophyta serves as a human food

Phylum Phaeophyta
  • The brown algae

  • General characteristics of Phaeophyta. . .
  • All are multicellular, ranging in size from
    several centimeters to approximately 60 meters in
  • Body forms vary
  • Kelps, the largest brown algae, are tough and
    leathery and have considerable differentiation
    (they have leaf-like blades, and stem-like
    stipes, and holdfasts - these are not homologous
    to leaves, stems and roots - rather they show
    convergent evolution)
  • Many have gas-filled floats to increase buoyancy
  • All are photosynthetic (contain chlorophyll a and
    c and cartenoids, fucoxanthin is a yellow-brown
    pigment unique to brown algae, diatoms and
  • Food is stored as laminarin (a carbohydrate)

  • More information about Phaeophyta. .
  • They are common in cooler marine waters
  • Kelp forms extensive underwater forests
  • It is essential as the primary food producer!
  • Kelp beds are important in underwater ecology
    they form habitats for many organisms
  • Brown algae are important commercially
  • Algin is a polysaccharide in their cell walls
    that is used in ice cream, marshmallows, and
  • It is an important source of human food (oriental
  • It is a rich source of minerals, especially iodine

Reproduction in brown algae is varied and
complex They reproduce sexually with flagellated
reproductive cells - zoospores and gametes Most
have alternation of generations
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Kingdom Protista
  • The fungal-like Protists

  • General characteristics of the fungal-like
  • They resemble fungi in that
  • They are nonphotosynthetic
  • The body is often a threadlike hyphae
  • They are not fungi because
  • Many produce flagellated cells
  • They have centrioles
  • Many produce cellulose as a major component of
    their cell walls

Phylum Myxomycota
  • The plasmodial slime molds

  • General characteristics of Myxomycota. . .
  • The feeding stage is unusual - a brightly colored
    mass of cytoplasm (a plasmodium)
  • The plasmodium contains many nuclei (usually
    diploid), but it is not divided into separate
  • It streams over damp, decaying logs and leaf
    letter, ingesting bacteria, yeasts, spores, and
    decaying organic matter as it goes

  • Reproduction in Myxomycota. . .
  • When food or moisture are insufficient, the
    plasmodium crawls to an exposed surface and
    initiates reproduction
  • Stalked structures (sporangia) form
  • Cell walls form around each nucleus
  • Meiosis occurs, forming haploid spores
  • When conditions are favorable, spores open, and a
    haploid reproductive cell emerges from each
  • It is either a one-celled biflagellate or an
    amoeboid cell, depending on how wet it is
  • These two forms act as gametes, eventually fusing
  • The diploid zygote divides by mitosis without
    cytoplasmic division to form a multinucleate

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Phylum Acrasiomycota
  • The cellular
  • slime molds

  • During the vegetative stage,individual amoeboid
    cells behave as separate, solitary organisms
  • Each cell has a haploid nucleus
  • When food or moisture become inadequate, the
    cells aggregate by the hundreds of thousands for
    asexual reproduction
  • During this stage, they creep about as one unit,
    a pseudoplasmodium (slug)
  • Each cell has a plasma membrane and individual
  • Eventually the slug settles and forms a stalked
  • Spores differentiate in a rounded structure at
    the tip
  • Each spore may grow into an individual amoeboid
    cell, and the cycle repeats
  • No flagellated stages sexual reproduction has
    been observed occasionally

Acrasiomycota life cycle
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Phylum Oomycota
  • The water molds

  • Characteristics of Oomycota. . .
  • The body (mycelium) grows over a substrate,
    digesting it and then absorbing the predigested
  • Thread-like hyphae that make up the vegetative
    mycelium are coenocytic the body is one giant
    multinucleated cell
  • The cell walls are composed of cellulose or
    chitin or both
  • They reproduce asexually when conditions are good
  • Reproduce sexually when conditions are poor
  • They overwinter as dormant oospores
  • It was a water mold that caused the famous potato
    famine of the 19th century (caused social
    upheaval and migration to U.S. and other

Evolution and the Protists
  • Protists are considered to be the first
    eukaryotic cells
  • They may have originated 1.5 to 2 billion years
  • Evidence suggests that several organelles arose
    from endosymbiotic relationships between various
  • Photosynthetic bacteria may have give rise to
  • Aerobic bacteria may have given rise to the
  • The presence of a double membrane, DNA, and
    ribosomes supports this view
  • Further evidence is the fact that these
    organelles divide independently of the nucleus

  • Multicellularity arose in the Protist Kingdom,
    apparently independently several times
  • An ancient organism like Prochloron may have
    given rise to chloroplasts in green algae and/or
  • The cyanobacteria may have given rise to the red
  • An organism similar to Heliobacterium may have
    given rise to the brown algae and diatoms
  • Flagellates are the most primitive Protists
  • Amoeboid protozoa evolved from flagellates
  • Sporozoa may have originated from flagellates
  • Origin of ciliates is less certain

It is believe that green algae gave rise to the
plants Choanoflagellates or some other
flagellate gave rise to the animals and perhaps
the red algae gave rise to the fungus (unsure).
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