Title: Chapter 3: How the World
1Chapter 3How the World Mankind Were Created
Erebus (Death)
Father Heaven
Mother Earth
Father Heaven (Ouranos)
Mother Earth (Gaea)
3 MONSTERS hated by their father - huge
strong 100 hands 50 heads 3 Cyclopes one
eye in the middle of their foreheads 12 Titans
Cronus, wounds father Rhea (sister)
Zeus, 6th child Cronus ate the 1st 5 kids due
to a prophecy (Rhea tricked w/stone Zeus in
4Cronus Mommas Boy
- Ouranos hated three 50-headed children
(imprisoned them w/in earth) - Outraged Gaea (asked Cyclopes Titans to free
children) - Cronus agreed fought wounded father
- Took over as ruler of Heaven Earth
5Father Heaven
Blood of Ouranos
Erinyes (Furies) snakes for hair tears of blood
6Zeus, the Conqueror
- Made Cronus cough up 5 kids
- W/ siblings fought Cronus Titans
- Enlisted help of 100-hand monsters Prometheus
- Won banished Titans who opposed him to Tartarus
- Made Atlas hold earth heaven on shoulders
- Killed giant, Typhon buried in volcano
Gods conquered monsters setting stage for mankind!
7The World According to the Greeks
- Earth was disk divided in middle by water
(Mediterranean Black seas) - Ocean flowed around Earth
- Strange marvelous lands (dead Cimmerians
lived in darkness) - North Hyperboreans Muses
- South Ethiopians
8Creation Story 1
- Prometheus Epimetheus
- Epimetheus designed humans
- Gave best gifts to animals strength, swiftness,
courage, shrewdness ( feathers, fur, wings,
shells) - Nothing good left for humans
- Epimethus asked Prometheus for help
9Creation Story 1
- Prometheus Epimetheus
- Prometheus made humans like gods (stood upright
walked) gave them fire
- Prometheus knew who would bear son to overthrow
Zeus refused to tell Z (we do not know either) - Z chained P to rock in Caucasus eagle tears _at_
him, eating liver - P was god so punishment could last forever
- Today symbolizes a great rebel against injustice
and blind power
11Creation Story 2
- 1st Age gods created golden race guardians of
humanity - 2nd Age silver unintelligent group who injure
each other - 3rd Age brass violent people
- 4th Age godlike heroes
- 5th Age iron evil next generation became
worse Zeus destroyed them
12Creation Story 3
- Zeus destroyed humans by flood because were
wicked (The Deluge-Noahs Ark) - Deucalion (son of P) Pyrrha (daughter of E)
only survivors (saved in wooden chest) gave
thanks at temple
- Voice in temple Earth is the mother of all
her bones are the stones - Threw stones over shoulder
- Stones became people
13Eves Apple? No, Pandoras Box!
- Zeus angered when Prometheus gave fire to men
tricked gods into agreeing to let humans take
meat of sacrificed animals - Zeus got revenge Pandora
- Pandora unleashed evil w/box (apple)
- Lid opened plagues sorrows flew out also
hope, to deal w/bad stuff