Title: Head of the Chemicals, diffuse pollution, agriculture
1French initiative regarding nanomaterials
2Context of a national initiative for
- Substances at nanoscale may exhibit different
physico-chemical properties from those of the
bulk substances - ? Great potential for innovation but possible
bad toxicological and ecotoxicological effects
which are today difficult to assess
- The use of nanomaterials is already or expected
to be widespread in a large variety of
industrial sectors and consumer applications
(computer, cosmetics, )? - but the overview of what types of nanomaterials
are or will be on the market remains currently
3Context of a national initiative for actionmain
- From 2005 several expertises requested by the
French government - French agencies for safety (workers and
environment AFSSET, food AFSSA, )
- The High Council of Public Health
- have been consulted on the issue of the impact
of nanomaterials and on the way to go forward - ? identification of scientific and technical
gaps and need for action to handle risks
scientific research and regulation
4Context of a national initiative for actionmain
- 2007 national brainstorming in favour of a
sustainable development called le Grenelle de
lenvironnement - Conducted by the ministry for sustainable
development - 3rd working group about Environment and Health
- All kinds of stakeholders involved state and
regional administration, industry, employees,
NGOs, elected representatives, scientific experts - Public consultations via internet and public
meetings in various locations - ? action plan commitment about nanomaterials
among and other emerging issues
5Commitment n159 of Grenelle To anticipate
risks linked to nanomaterials
- Public debate organised by an independent
commission (CNDP) - Compulsory reporting of nanomaterials
- Balance cost/benefit of the use of nanomaterials
in products - Information and protection of workers according
the results of AFSSET expertise
6The Grenelle laws
- 2 projects to implement the commitments of the
Grenelle - Grenelle law n1
- Programmation law which describes the way to
implement the commitments of the Grenelle - Voted by the Parliament 23 July 2009
- Grenelle law n2
- Lays down a legal frame to implement the
commitments - Elaboration still ongoing
7Grenelle law n1 article 42
- The national public debate
- Aims at
- - Informing the public about challenges,
technical aspects, impacts of nanotechnologies in
the most objective, accessible and complete way - - Allowing the public to ask questions, to
express its opinion - - Enlightening the authorities before taking
decision - Free participation of everyone
- Conducted by a ad hoc independent commission
composed by 6 members 1 president with various
backgrounds (scientist, technicians, economist,
historian)? - 15 October 2009 to 24 February 2010
- Public meetings in 17 cities with themes adapted
to the local context (ex tyres and automobiles
industries in Clermont-Ferrand)? - Internet www.debatpublic-nano.org
8Grenelle law n1 article 42
- Within 2 years, a compulsory reporting to the
authorities, regarding quantities and uses of
nanomaterials and a supply of information to the
public and consumers shall be enforced
- The authorities shall ensure that the information
on risks and protection measures due to employees
by employers is improved
- A methodology for assessing risks and benefits
associated with these substances and products
shall be developed
9Why a compulsory reporting ?
- To obtain more information on what types of
manufactured nanomaterials are on the
market, in which quantities, from which
companies and for which purpose - ? Transparency and better knowledge of
exposition of the population ?
Better survey of sanitary impact on workers
- To make aware stakeholders of the concern raised
by these particular substances and their
properties - ? Improvement of the risks management
- Voluntary reporting has already been experienced
in 2007 by AFSSET the yield of response
was very low (16 )?
10The French compulsory reporting(Art.73 Grenelle
law 2)
- Who ? Manufacturers, importers, distributors
- What ?
- Identity of nanomaterials
- Quantities on the market
- Uses
- Data available on hazards on request of the
authority -
- To whom ? One authority a unique data base for
all categories of products (chemicals, biocides,
pesticides, cosmetics, food, ) - Public information about identity and uses of
11The definition issue
- A definition of nanomaterials is needed to define
the scope of the declaration - International organisations such as OECD have
provided a working definition - Some definitions are already or are to be adopted
in other regulations (cosmetics, food)?
- A definition will be adopted very soon in the
French context, even if it will evolve in
the future
- The French initiative doesnt seem to be isolated
- ? Harmonisation is necessary
12Which interface with Reach ?
- Registration many issues are still outstanding
and left, for the
time being, to industrys appreciation - Shall nanomaterials be regarded as as new or
existing substances ? - ? Consequences on the registration deadline ie
on the availability of information - How to assess correctly the risks of
nanomaterials ? - ? Consequences on the relevance of data and of
management measures
- The registration threshold (1 t / y) is often
- Reach / nano subgroup of the competent
authorities is currently working
but the deadline is 2012, after the first
registration deadline
13Which interface with Reach ?
- The compulsory reporting will anticipate and be
complementary to the Reach requirements, indeed
- Knowledge of the market quicker available and
more explicit
- Knowledge covers manufacture, import and placing
on the market below 1 t / y
- Input for the Reach / nano subgroup of the
competent authorities (assessment of the need to
revise Reach in 2012)?
- Awareness of industry about the need to care for
its registration dossiers
- Help to prioritise registration dossiers and
substances according to Title VI of Reach
- Help the authorities in charge of public health
and environment to take action through Reach
(SVHC, restrictions, ) to better manage the
risks, if necessary
? Help to better apply Reach