National Series Lecture 1 Introduction Kyrgyzstan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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National Series Lecture 1 Introduction Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyzstan: National Academy of Science . Institute of Biotechnology, working on the: Creation of genetic resource bank of plants, livestock and microorganisms. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: National Series Lecture 1 Introduction Kyrgyzstan

National SeriesLecture 1IntroductionKyrgyzstan
  • Bradford Disarmament Research CentreDivision of
    Peace Studies, University of Bradford, UK

Picture Image Transparent Globe by digitalart -
from http//
  • Where we are in the early 21st century
  • Outline of the following lectures
  • What we should know (learning outcome)
  • What we can do (policy contribution)

Picture Image Golden World In Hands by
jscreationzs- from http//www.freedigitalphotos.n
What is Life Science?
  • Any field of science that is leading to or has
    the potential to lead to an enhanced
    understanding of living organisms, especially
    human life.
  • E.g. Biology, proteomics, genetic engineering,
    nanotechnology, aerosol technology, chemistry and
  • (National Research Council, 2006 27)
  • Applied in
  • Public health, Medicine, Agriculture, Energy,
    Environment and National security studies

Biotechnology An integral part of national
strategy in the 21st Century
A growing market in Biotechnology the
pharmaceutical market (National Research
Council, 2006 85)
Region Annual Worth Share
North America 204 Billion 51
Europe 102 Billion 25
Japan 47 Billion 12
Asia, Africa, Australia 32 Billion 8
Latin America 17 Billion 4
  • Similar results in number of researchers and
    the amount of private investment for RD in the
    life sciences
  • Rapid growth in the Asia-Pacific and the Middle
  • (ErnstYoung 2011, FrostSullivan 2010)

Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Sciences
  • Kyrgyz Academy of Sciences (official name
    National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of
    Kyrgyzstan), originally part of the Soviet
    Academy of Sciences, was established as an
    independent entity by government decree in
    December 1993.
  • (NASKR 2012)

Kyrgyzstan Life science outlook
  • National Academy of Science has to perform the
    following important tasks
  • To advance basic researches and obtain new
    knowledge on nature and society
  • To converse new opportunities into really
    needed knowledge, technology and products in
    Kyrgyzstan and competitive in the world
  • To build and establish basics for development
    of strategic sectors and public processes in the
  • To secure innovation growth by integrating
    effectively a science, production and vocational
  • (NASKR 2012)

Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Science
  • Institute of Biotechnology, working on the
  • Creation of genetic resource bank of plants,
    livestock and microorganisms.
  • Development of vaccines and other biological
    defense technology to protect farm animals
    against infectious and special danger diseases.
  • Creation and maintenance of a collection of
    manufacturing strains and microorganisms.
  • Research of natural nidality of infectious
    diseases common for humans and livestock.
  • Research and development of the technology for
    obtaining bioactive substance (BAS) for
    iodine-iron deficiency prophylaxis.

Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Science
  • Institute of Medical Problems, working on
  • Diseases  prevention  measures  and  maintenance  
    of  human  physiological  balances  in
    mountains environment as well as in bad
    ecological conditions and pathology.
  • Preservation of genetic human resources.
  • Development and introduction of
    import-substituting and export-oriented
    technologies in pharmacology and medicine.
  • Different types of medicinal tea (hepatitic,
    vitamin, choleretic, hypotensive, nephritic),
    tinctures (golden root, nut etc.), vitamin
    concentrates, medicinal oils (rosehip,
    sea-buckthorn), ointments, concentrates, food
    additives obtained from local herbs of
    ecologically pure zones of Kyrgyzstan

PubMed search with Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Science
  • Collaboration with the International Science and
    Technology Center (ISTC)
  • Institute of Biochemistry Physiology, National
    Academy of Science of Kirgizstan
  • STC Projects, includingKR-1101 Anthrax Agents
    in Kyrgyzstan, 
  • KR-1133 Sheep Pox Vaccine, 
  • Kr-1154.2 Kyrgyz Center for Infectious
  • KR-1406 Maintenance of the Collection of
  • KR-1610 Biochips in the Diagnostic of Emerging
    Infectious Zoonotic Diseases, KR-1632 Pollution
    of Kyrgyzstan by Anthrax Agents, 
  • KR-1768 Regulations on Biosafety in Kyrgyzstan, 

International Conference
  • First International Biology Conference in
  • First International Biology Congress in
    Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University
    (KTMU) by the Department of Biology, Faculty of
    Science campus conference halls Chingiz Aitmatov
    was held on 24-27 September 2012.
  • The aim of the congress in the world that has
    become more and more important with each passing
    day that works in all areas of biological
    sciences of biology, agriculture, veterinary
    medicine, medicine, and presented the results of
    their latest research colleagues in various
    fields such as food. 
  • The program of the First International Biology
    Congress in Kyrgyzstan, 6 invited speaker, Oral
    Presentation of the 198 pieces and Poster
    Presentation of 161 pieces of eight different
    sections, for a total of 359 papers  are

International Collaboration
  • Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Sciences and
    Emerging Pathogens Institute (University of
  • The SEER Lab of the University of Florida) has
    partnered with the Department of Emerging
    Bacterial Infections, Walter Reed Army Institute
    of Research to provide the Kyrgyz Institute of
    Biotechnology, a part of the Kyrgyz National
    Academy of Sciences, with a two-week workshop on
    molecular pathogen characterization and
  • Funded by WRAIR through the US Defense Threat
    Reduction Agency, participants will work with
    SEER Lab and WRAIR trainers to learn PCR and
    genotyping techniques that will enhance the
    diagnostic and strain characterization capacity
    of the IBT and strengthen ongoing collaborative
    projects between the SEER Lab and IBT. 

Nanotechnology in Kyrgyzstan
  • Nanotechnology Now (3 October 2007)
  • The Nanotechnologies Development Board in
    Kyrgyzstan was established and vice
    prime-minister of Kyrgyz Republic Dosbol Nur uulu
    held its first meeting on October 3 2007,
    informs KABAR. During the meeting, the current
    state of nanotechnologies in Kyrgyzstan was
    discussed. It was decided, that the interested
    ministries should prepare proposals for
    development of such technologies.
  • No doubt that nanoscience and nanotechnologies
    have become one of the perspective areas of
    science, industry, and business. However, it
    requires not only significant financial and
    intellectual resources, which only rich developed
    countries can afford, but also a good basis of
    fundamental science and research.

Life Science Laboratories
  • Kyrgyzstan needs a biological laboratory to
    ensure biological security
  • To ensure biological security Kyrgyzstan needs a
    biological laboratory, the president of the
    National Academy of Sciences of the KRG Sharipa
    Zhorobekova declared today at the press
  • According to her, a fuss around the construction
    of the biological laboratory in Bishkek was
    raised artificially. In mass media there are
    opinions of ignorant people giving wrong
    information. So already the third laboratory is
    being constructed in Almaty, in Dushanbe a
    similar object is going to be built near the
    residence of the head of state. There people
    understand that the existence of such institute
    will be of a great benefit to the country. But we
    have not yet decided, said Sharipa Zhorobekova.
  • (Marchenko, 2011)

Why do we care? Should this be an issue for us?
  • The dual-use nature of science and technology
  • Every major technology metallurgy, explosives,
    internal combustion, aviation, electronics,
    nuclear energy has been intensively exploited,
    not only for peaceful purposes but also for
    hostile ones.
  • Must this also happen with biotechnology,
    certain to be a dominant technology of the
    twenty-first century?
  • Matthew Meselson Professor of Molecular Biology
    at Harvard University
  • (Meselson, 2000 16)

Meselsons Forecast in 2000
  • Ability
  • Our ability to modify fundamental life processes
    continues its rapid advance
  • We will be able not only to devise additional
    ways to destroy life but will also become able to
    manipulate it
  • Dilemma
  • This has a Vast potential for beneficial
    application and could have inimical consequences
    for the course of civilization.

Meselsons Forecast in 2000
  • At present, we appear to be approaching a
    crossroads a time that will test whether
  • Will come to be intensively exploited for hostile
    purposes, or
  • Our species will find the collective wisdom to
    take a different course.

Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
  • Article I
  • Each State Party to this Convention undertakes
    never in any circumstances to develop, produce,
    stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain
  • 1. Microbial or other biological agents or toxins
    whatever their origin or method of production, of
    types and in quantities that have no
    justification for prophylactic, protective or
    other peaceful purposes.
  • This applies not only to states but also to
    non-state actors

Science and Security Dual-Use
  • The need for a broader conceptualisation of
  • Biological agents and toxins can be used for
    hostile purposes without weaponization and
    technology is typically diffused globally for
    peaceful purposes
  • Hostile use can take the form of criminal acts or
    terrorist acts (non-state level) in parallel to
    military application (state level),
  • The BTWC prohibits the misuse of the life
    sciences by both states and non-state actors

Kyrgyzstan and international regimes
  • WMD
  • Kyrgyzstan does not possess nuclear, chemical, or
    biological weapons programs, and is a member of
    relevant nonproliferation treaties and
    organizations. Kyrgyzstan inherited a large
    uranium mining and milling complex and several
    military-related industrial facilities when the
    Soviet Union collapsed.
  • BTWC
  • Accession (15 November 2004)
  • CWC
  • Accession (29 October 2003)
  • (Nuclear Threat Initiative 2012)

National Series Lecture Outline
  • 2. Biosecurity Threats
  • 3. The Web of Prevention
  • 4. National Measures
  • 5. Responsibility of Scientists

Picture Image Transparent Globe by digitalart -
from http//
Reviewing threats (Lecture 2)
Natural outbreaks of infectious disease
Safety/accidental risks at laboratories
Manmade threats warfare, crime and terrorism
Unpredictable future of the life sciences
  • No single focal point of threats
  • Potential actors, material and information, which
    can be related to dual-use issues, exist at
    international, regional, national, local and
    individual levels.

The Web of Prevention (WoP) (Lecture 3)
  • To address natural outbreaks of infectious
  • Public health preparedness and response planning
  • To address safety/accidental risks
  • Laboratory regulations to safely manage
    dangerous pathogens and toxins, to prevent an
    accidental release into the environment and
    unauthorized access
  • To address manmade threats
  • Strong international arms control agreements with
    effective national implementation
  • Internationally coordinated export controls
  • Intelligence
  • Biodefense
  • To address the unpredictable future of the life
  • Oversight Review of security-sensitive science
    and technology developments
  • Responsible conduct in research through education

Natural threats
Safety risks
Manmade threats
Governance of science
National implementation (Lecture 4)
To National Context
National implementation (Lecture 4)
Worldwide engagement of life scientists with the
WoP will
The need for responsible conduct in
research(Lecture 5)
  • Effectively strengthen biosecurity measures by
    requiring the engagement of practicing scientists
  • Prevent unnecessary restriction of scientific

Engagement of informed life scientists about
biosecurity issues is key to successful security
  • Education of, and capacity building among,
    scientists on biosecurity issues is necessary for
    successful security
  • Uninformed scientists no effective science
    policy inputs to the WoP

Biosecurity Definition issues
  • The term biosecurity has been conceptualised
    differently across various scientific and
    professional disciplines
  • Areas The term has been used in ecology,
    agriculture, food supply, arms control and public
    health contexts, with different meanings and
  • Policy processes these overlap with
    interdisciplinary areas such as biosafety,
    counter-terrorism, agricultural biosecurity and
  • Linguistic In addition to these conceptual
    complications, biosecurity has also experienced
    linguistic complications
  • (Fidler and Gostin 2007, Sunshine Project 2003,
    Barletta 2002)

National SeriesWoP Biosecurity Education
Biosecurity Competency
  • The references cited in this lecture are viewable
    in the Notes section of this presentation.
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