Title: The Three Faces of Eve
1The Three Faces of Eve
- Special ID Grand Rounds, 4/5/12
- Ambar Haleem, MD, Infectious Disease
- Paola Boggiato, Postdoc, Microbiology
2Case- part I (2009)
- CC Bloody diarrhea
- HPI 33 M with 10mth h/o daily bloody, mucoid
diarrhea, with fecal urgency, tenesmus,
abdominal tenderness. - ROS Fatigue, dizziness, anorexia, 30lb wt loss.
- SH Immigrant from Sudan. No h/o () TB test or
incarceration. Not sexually active. - EXAM Afebrile, Orthostatic.
- LABS Hb 7.5g/dl, plt 508. Wbc, renal liver fxn
NL. -
3Part I diagnostic evaluation
- Stool assays for bacteria, ova parasites NEG.
- Quantiferon TB Gold and HIV serology NEG.
- E histolytica serology and stool Ag by EIA NEG
- CT abd Thickened L-sided bowel wall with fat
stranding, () LN. - Barium enema Granular mucosa, L-sided colonic
ulcers, possible stricture at junction of
rectosigmoid and descending colon - Colonoscopy Severe left-sided colitis, cecal and
peri-appendiceal inflammation with
superficial rectal ulcers
4Part I diagnosis outcome
- Histopathology Severe colitis, cryptitis, crypt
abscesses and Entamoeba cysts - Treatment Metronidazole x 14d iodoquinol x
20d Excellent clinical response. - No similar history in household members
- Parents' stool OP test negative for amoebic
5Case- part II (2011)
- Similar clinical presentation as in 2009, with 2
wk symptom duration - Entamoeba serology and E histolytica stool Ag
again negative - Colonoscopy Severe L-sided colitis, punctate
ulcers scattered b/w areas of normal colonic
mucosa. No organisms seen. - Treatment Metronidazole x 21 d and paromomycin x
10d --- Excellent clinical response.
6Histopathology- Normal colon
72009 colon biopsies
82009 colon biopsies
92011 colon biopsy and 2012 appendectomy
10(No Transcript)
11Epidemiology of Amoebiasis
- Worldwide prevalence of Entamoeba infections is
10 of the population - Entamoeba taxonomy
- E. histolytica - pathogenic sp.
- E. dispar, E. moskovsksii- nonpathogenic sp.
- True prevalence and incidence of E. histolytica
not well-established - Approx. 50 million people infected annually
- gt90 E. histolytica infections are asymptomatic
12Epidemiology of Amoebiasis
- E. histolytica infections cause death in
100,000 people worldwide/year - In the US, combined prevalence of E.
histolytica/E. dispar 4 - Humans are the only reservoir
- Fecal-oral transmission (main route)
- Asymptomatic cyst passers (E. dispar, E.
histolytica) - Colonization with E. histolytica is associated
with development of invasive amebiasis
S Afr Med J 198772, JID 2002 86 CID 2012 54
13Amoebae- morphology
Trophozoite of E. histolytica
Cysts of E. histolytica / E. dispar stained with
trichrome. Nuclei (black arrows) Chromatoid
bodies with typically blunted ends (red arrows)
14E. histolytica disease
- Clinical syndromes
- Asymptomatic intestinal colonisation
- Intestinal amoebiasis
- Extra-intestinal disease
- Chronic, nondysenteric, amoebiasis
15CID 199929
16Sensitivity of tests for diagnosis of Amoebiasis
Serology by ELISA most popular method,
recommended by CDC
NEJM 2003 348
17Differences in disease expression by geography,
age, gender, parasite virulence and host and
parasite genetics
- 1. What determines the switch of E. histolytica
from an asymptomatic coloniser to a pathogenic
phenotype? - Â
- 2. Is there a link between amoebiasis and
inflammatory bowel disease? - 3. Does E. histolytica induce any protective
- immunity? If so, are there potential vaccine
- candidates? Â