General Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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General Introduction


When Eve was seducing Adam, Adam should have recognized that Eve's behavior was ... mother/son cooperation: Rebekah helped Jacob get the blessing from Isaac. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: General Introduction

Chapter 10
Application of the Principle from the Viewpoint
of the History of Restoration
A. Restoration through Indemnity
1. Indemnity
separation from Satan F/F subjugation of
Satan F/S
2. Indemnity Period
growing period original period in which to
fulfill the human portion of responsibility
indemnity period from the position of a fallen
person The entire life of a fallen person is in
the indemnity period. There is no separation
between ones own life and life of faith.
3. Indemnity Conditions
- Real indemnity conditions are made through
following and practicing Fathers words. - If
the motive in making an indemnity condition is
directed toward God, and remains unchanged
throughout the indemnity period, the indemnity
condition is made successfully.
4. Reverse Course
To make indemnity conditions we have to walk the
way of suffering.
satanic world
casual life
continuation of the satanic world
satanic world
serious life
realization of the ideal world
hardship, suffering
5. Example of Mountain Climbing
In climbing a mountain, after reaching halfway
up, if I descend from it, the only way to climb
again to the top is by beginning from the foot of
the mountain.
6. Degree and Quality of Indemnity
  • Equal indemnity the full indemnity condition is
  • 2) Lesser indemnity less than the necessary
    amount, requiring a supplement through heart
  • 3) Greater indemnity more than the original
    amount is demanded

7. Central Point of Indemnity from Gods Viewpoint
The restoration of Gods Heart e.g., Noahs
lying naked was to restore Gods Heart in
Adams family resolve Gods resentment (Han)
liberate God from suffering
8. My Historical Position
As the representative of my ancestors and all
humanity throughout history, I must attend the
LSA. my purpose the purpose of human history
such a person is beloved by
God servant requests a salary master feels
responsible for the whole Never be a spectator
or an onlooker.
B. Adams Family
1. Motivation and Process of the Fall
a. Turning Point of Heart at the Top of the
Growth Stage
Adam and Eve received the Commandment to fulfill
the Three Great Blessings. They entered into
the relationship of engagement. God knew the
dangerous situation, therefore He gave the
Commandment, Do not eat.
b. The Fall of the Archangel, Eve, and Adam (1)
The Archangel The Archangel knew the Principle,
but failed. Why? power of love power of
the Principle The Archangel justified his
actions. He should have checked the motive of his
  • Emotions of the Archangel
  • Envied the position of Adam and Eve as lord of
    the angels.
  • 2) Jealous of Adam and Eve.
  • arrogance (self-pride) jealousy
    hatred violence and murder
  • 3) Resentment toward God.

(2) Eve Eve was intellectually and emotionally
confused. Eve wanted to do something for the
Archangel who felt lonely. Eve should have had a
deeper relationship with Adam, her subject, and
should have explained everything to him. If she
had done so, no problem would have arisen.
Eves great mistakes 1) Did not keep Gods
Commandment, Do not eat. 2) Did not pray and
report to God. 3) Did not confess and
repent. 4) Was not willing to receive the
punishment befitting a prostitute (Jn
83-11). 5) Brought Adam with her into hell
because she did not want to go to hell
alone. 6) Committed a sexual act with the
Archangel and multiplied it by committing the act
again with Adam.
Reasons why fallen Eve could not
confess 1) Ashamed of having become a
prostitute. 2) Afraid of rejection by Adam
because she was no longer a virgin. 3) Arrogance
(self-pride), pretending she was still in her
original condition although she had committed a
terrible sin with a servant.
  • Adam
  • Adam allowed Eves confusion to influence him.
  • Adam reciprocated with fallen Eve without
    recognizing her Fall.
  • When Eve was seducing Adam, Adam should have
    recognized that Eves behavior was against Gods
    Commandment and should have kept some distance
    from Eve.
  • But, Adam was emotionally dominated by Eve,
    severing his relationship with God.

The order of responsibility to prevent the Fall
was Adam, Eve and the Archangel, although the
order of evil was the Archangel, Eve and
Adam. Adam did not want to take responsibility
for his actions but blamed Eve.
2. The Providence of Restoration
a. Midway Position Adams position after
the Fall, an unclear state If we do not make
indemnity conditions to move away from the midway
position, we become unclear and vulnerable to
Satans invasion. To come out of the midway
position, we must treat the precious time period
connected with the providence with utmost
b. The Providence of Separation of Good and
Evil God sees everything from the aspect of
blood lineage. Blood lineage is related to the
motivation of heart. blood lineage blood
lineage of heart, love
c. The Original Sin Inheritance of Satans blood
lineage after the Fall To remove the original
sin means to remove Satans blood lineage this
means to inherit Gods blood lineage this means
to become one with God in heart we can
resolve the resentment (Han) God
experienced after the Fall.
d. Common Base God could not work with Adam. God
can work only through a common base of
heart. Abel faithful Abraham abhorred
evil Jacob internal Moses righteous
3. Responsibilities of Cain, Eve, and Abel
a. Cain Cain knew nothing about Gods
providence. He only knew that Abel had received a
blessing from God and that Abel was favored by
God. Cain knew his choices love or
hate, serve or kill Abel.
Cain suffered because of his unprincipled
thinking, just as a sick person suffers with
disease (Gen 45). God said, You must master
it (Gen 47). A begrudging emotion (seed)
grew to sin murder
b. Eve If Eve had comforted and guided Cain in
the right direction, Cain would not have killed
Abel. Eves mission to unite Cain and Abel
to unite the children (Cain and Abel) with their
father (Adam)
c. Abel Abel should have known that Cain was
suffering, and should have had compassion toward
him. Abel should have comforted Cain with a
humble attitude. We should know that behind any
grace, someone is shedding tears. Those who are
only grateful without understanding the tears of
others will someday find themselves miserable.
C. Noahs Family
1. Noahs Faith
a. The Father of Faith Noah received a
revelation from God only once, but he remained
unchanging in his commitment for over 120 years.
It was not easy to accept the revelation to build
an ark on a mountain.
  • b. Noahs Mission during 120 Years
  • - to build the ark
  • - to witness to his family
  • to educate Ham
  • Noahs unchanging faith in God should have been
    inherited by his sons.

2. Hams Failure
Criticism and action from a self-centered
viewpoint failure need patience,
humility and obedience to perceive Gods
viewpoint Satans rightful accusation We are
not centered on God (the Divine
Principle). Rather we are centered on our
emotions, anxieties, joys, attachments, etc.
fallen nature which comes from Satans
blood lineage
Ham felt ashamed Peter was afraid I do not know
him contrary to the internal faith of Noah or
Jesus difficulty arose separated from Gods
D. Abrahams Family
1. Gods Tenacity
Since Ham, the second son of Noah, was taken by
Satan, God took Abraham, the first son of Terah,
an idolater. God never gave up his providence of
salvation even though He encountered difficult
situations and went on to challenge even more
difficult situations.
2. Leaving the Homeland
Abraham had to leave his homeland, Ur, and again
from Haran, with no attachment to anything of the
past. Even though he might meet many
difficulties, he must not regret leaving his
homeland and must not have resentment toward
3. Sarahs Faith
sister brother Pharaoh Sarah Abraham Sarah
believed that God was at work behind their
course. She believed that Abrahams direction to
declare themselves brother and sister and not
husband and wife came from Gods wisdom no
4. Lots Education in Faith
Abraham educated Lot by his exemplary life until
Lot reached a certain point of growth. After
that Abraham sent Lot an independent way. Even
after Lot was on his own, Abraham continued to
have concern for him, as a parent would.
5. Symbolic Offering
Formation stage Dove symbol of purity,
innocence feel joy listening to Gods Words the
time to make relationship with Gods Words
Growth stage ram symbol of obedience work
for the church, obeying the guidance of church
leaders the time to make relationship with people
Completion stage heifer symbol of
loyalty live for the sake of God absolutely, go
out for pioneer witnessing the time to establish
a family and to stand in the position to receive
respect from others.
6. Abrahams Failure
At the time of the symbolic offering Abraham fell
asleep. This meant the decrease of his sincerity
compared to the time when his wife was taken to
the Pharaohs palace. Because of this his
offering was invaded by Satan. Abraham was more
concerned about his wife than about his offering
to God.
Satan tries to make us fall asleep at very
important times. the disciples during Jesus
prayer at Gethsemane while listening to a Divine
Principle lecture
7. The Offering of Isaac
  • a. Internal Struggle of Abraham
  • - faith in God love for his son
  • God blessed Abraham God seems to retract
    the blessing
  • Even if a blessing is
  • taken away from me,
  • I should deny myself
  • and follow Gods direction.

What is your Isaac? We should love God and His
Will more than anyone or anything else,
sacrificing any personal attachment for His
purpose. God requires sacrifices, because He
wants to give something even more valuable than
Isaac asked, Where is the lamb for a burnt
offering? Abraham was in great distress, but he
could not explain his inner world of suffering
inner crucifixion. God sympathized with
Abraham. God suffered with Abraham. Gods
blessing and grace would come later.
b. Isaacs Faith Isaac entrusted himself
completely to his father, Abraham, like a carp on
a chopping board. He kept no attachments. Father
s words An offering symbolizes obedience and
surrender. Therefore, it is selfless, does not
have the consciousness of possession, and does
not resist even on the verge of death.
Satan makes people anxious about themselves.
Satans invasion e.g., Elijah was
defeated by Queen Jezebels abuse he
worried about his life and fled. We should
entrust ourselves completely to Gods Will
through the Messiah.
8. Inheriting Gods Suffering and Pain
Abraham had to undergo trials similar to what God
had experienced in order to inherit His suffering
and pain. Through seeing Abrahams overcoming
the trials, God sought to have His own Heart
comforted. 1) Abraham had to leave his homeland
Ur, and again Haran God lost the Garden of
Eden. 2) Abraham had to offer his wife, Sarah,
to gentile kings God lost His wife,
Eve. 3) Abraham had to sacrifice his son, Isaac
God lost His son, Adam.
E. Jacobs Course
  • Jacobs Tenacity
  • (the spirit of a snapping turtle)

Jacob had such a strong desire to get the
birthright that when Esau asked Jacob for his
stew, Jacob immediately responded, First sell me
your birthright. An angel wrestled with Jacob,
pushing Jacobs thigh out of joint, but Jacob
never surrendered.
(No Transcript)
2. Rebekahs Wisdom
mother/son cooperation Rebekah helped Jacob get
the blessing from Isaac. Rebekah protected Jacob
using her wisdom. Rebekahs mission to unite
Esau and Jacob to unite the children (Esau
and Jacob) with their father (Isaac)
3. Jacobs Absolute Conviction
Jacob started alone from Canaan to Haran.
Halfway to Haran, God encouraged Jacob through a
dream. Jacob realized that God was always with
Jacob made a pledge to God.
Gen 2820-22 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, If
God will be with me, and will keep me in this way
that I go, and will give me bread to eat and
clothing to wear, so that I come again to my
fathers house in peace, then the Lord shall be
my God, and of all that thou givest me I will
give the tenth to thee.
Jacob had the strong conviction to accomplish his
mission even if he received no support. God
could work because of Jacobs confidence and
4. The Victory of 21 Years of Suffering
Jacobs foundation for victory Even though Jacob
was allowed to marry Rachel, Labans daughter, he
lived the life of a servant of servants, so the
servants respected and supported him.
5. Leah and Rachel
The Lord opened Leahs womb, but Rachel was
barren. Leah came to realize the position of a
woman who is beloved. Rachel came to realize the
position of a woman who is not beloved.
Therefore, Leah and Rachel could understand each
others situation. God expected them to
unite and support each other, and to help Jacob.
6. Jacobs Courage, Wisdom and Love
Jacob knew the danger of going back to Canaan,
but he obeyed Gods Commandment with courage and
succeeded with wisdom based on love. 1) He
divided the people who were with him, and the
flocks, herds and camels, into two companies.
He prepared carefully for the worst case, being
attacked by Esau. 2) He showed his love to
Esau, preparing gifts.
3) He bowed to the ground seven times, until he
came near to Esau. 4) He showed his gratitude and
appreciation, praising Esau for his welcoming
The power of love overcame the power of hatred
natural surrender
F. Josephs Course
1. Elder Brothers Jealousy and Resentment toward
Jacob loved Joseph most and gave him a richly
ornamented robe. Joseph had two dreams that
suggested that he would become the leader of the
Josephs 10 elder brothers hated him out of
jealousy and they conspired to kill him, but
Judah persuaded the brothers to sell Joseph to
the Ishmaelites instead of killing him.
2. Overcoming Adulterous Temptation
Joseph was sold as a slave at the age of 17 in
Egypt to Potiphar, one of Pharaohs officials,
the captain of the guard. Joseph became the most
trusted servant of Potiphars house and became
the overseer of the whole house and all the
Potiphars wife was attracted to Joseph and every
day attempted to seduce him.
Joseph overcame the numerous adulterous
seductions made by Potiphars wife. However,
Joseph was imprisoned because Potiphars wife
falsely accused him of attempting to seduce
her. Adam failed to overcome fallen Eves
seduction, but Joseph succeeded Jesus also
3. Prison Life
Without committing any kind of crime or sin,
Joseph, at the age of 28, was thrown into prison
for two years. In spite of his punishment he
never complained, never had resentment and never
lost his faith in God.
Through interpreting Pharaohs dreams, Joseph, at
the age of 30, became the Prime Minister of
Egypt. Joseph predicted seven years of famine
and organized all of the preparations in Egypt
necessary to overcome this.
4. Loving and Giving All Things to His Enemy
When the famine struck, Jacobs family began to
suffer, and Jacob sent Josephs 10 elder brothers
to Egypt to buy grain. The brothers did not
recognize Joseph. As Prime Minister of Egypt,
Joseph had the power to kill his enemies, the 10
elder brothers.
However, he did not. He loved his enemies with
tears and restored the elder brothers birthright.
After 21 years Josephs dreams were realized at
the age of 38. Joseph gave all things to his
5. Josephs Mistakes
The Pharaoh gave to Joseph as his wife Asenath,
the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, when
Joseph reached the age of 30. Joseph should have
married a daughter of Israel. Joseph should have
made his brothers and family members high
officials in the land of Egypt, which would have
prevented the Israelites from becoming slaves.
G. Moses Course
1. The First Course
a. 40 Years in Pharaohs Palace
separation from Satan Internally, Moses walked
a thorny course. Moses never lost faith and
loyalty to God nor brotherly love for the chosen
people Israel.
Heb 1124,25 By faith Moses, when he was grown
up, refused to be called the son of Pharaohs
daughter, choosing rather to share ill-treatment
with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting
pleasures of sin.
b. Moses Killed an Egyptian
Cain killed Abel, making Satan a historical
criminal. Therefore, Satan had no condition to
accuse Moses when Moses killed an Egyptian.
Moses action was to cut his attachment to
Pharaohs palace, and was to help the people of
Israel to believe and follow Moses by
understanding his love for them. However, this
action was not Gods original plan for Moses.
Moses should have persevered for the sake of
facilitating the liberation of his people.
2. The Second Course
a. 40 Years in the Wilderness of Midian Moses
thought that he was sent to the wilderness of
Midian by God. Therefore, Moses had no complaint
about it. prince
shepherd (top)
(bottom) Moses heart was not changed by external
circumstances. He worked hard and gained the
respect of his wife she determined to go to
Egypt with Moses at the risk of her life.
b. Meeting God at Mt. Horeb
1) God appeared from a fire in the midst of a
bush. For 430 years the Israelites had lived a
thorny way of life.
God had also gone a thorny course.
2) Put off your shoes from your feet.
Relinquishing ones past lifestyle Relinquis
hing all past human relationships
3) Gods call Moses hesitated to accept Gods
call. Just a moment! Moses mistake God knew
everything, even that Moses was not a good
speaker. Moses should have trusted God
completely concerning the details of his mission
and responsibility.
c. God Tried to Kill Moses Moses should have
gone to Egypt to liberate the Israelites without
seeing miracles and being pushed by God.
However, even though the time had come, Moses
did not realize the importance of going there by
himself, so God pushed him by showing miracles.
Moses had to pay indemnity for Gods
intervention by going to Egypt at the risk of his
life therefore his son was circumcised, shedding
d. Reasons God Hardened Pharaohs Heart - To
show the people that God sided with the
Israelites - To make Pharaoh relinquish his
possession of the Israelites and realize his
impotence - To help the Israelites cut their
attachment to Egypt and make them hostile toward
Pharaoh God utilized even the power of Pharaoh,
the representative of Satan, to raise the faith
of Israel.
e. The Symbols of the Lords Passover Ex
125-11 Your lamb shall be without
blemish,.They shall eat the flesh that night,
roasted with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
they shall eat it. Do not eat any of it raw or
boiled with water, but roasted, its head with its
legs and its inner partsIn this manner you
shall eat it your loins girded, your sandals on
your feet, and your staff in your hand and you
shall eat it in haste. It is the Lords
1) A lamb without blemish or defect the symbol
of the Christ eternal life from partaking
in the flesh and blood of the
Christ flesh the incarnation of the Logos
Gods Word blood lineage, heart Gods love
2) With unleavened bread and bitter
herbs leaven the center of the spirit and
customs of the satanic world 1 Cor 56-8 Do
you not know that a little leaven leavens the
whole lump?....Let us, therefore, celebrate the
festival, not with the old leaven, the leaven of
malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of
sincerity and truth. bitter herbs the way of
tribulation through which we can understand the
real value of the Christ
3) Do not eat any of it raw or boiled with
water, but roasted. We should accept the
Christ who would receive the fire of Gods anger,
paying indemnity by shouldering the sins of
4) Its head with its legs and its inner parts.
inner parts emotion
legs will
head intellect
accepting everything of the Christ
5) In this manner you shall eat it your loins
girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff
in your hand and you shall eat it in haste.
be prepared to move immediately never
compromise with the satanic world by doing
things in a relaxed or casual manner
Reference Gods Selection of His
Soldiers Judg 72-7 and the Lord said to
Gideon, Every one that laps the water with his
tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set by himself
likewise every one that kneels down to drink.
And the number of those that lapped, putting
their hands to their mouths, was three hundred
men but all the rest of the people knelt down to
drink water.
(No Transcript)
f. At the Red Sea 1) When the Israelites met the
greatest difficulty, they easily forgot God and
His power which had caused the 3 signs and 10
plagues. They thought that they had walked
their way by themselves and shouted, cried and
complained to Moses. Believers must not retreat
even during times of dilemma.
2) Moses was influenced by the faithless
Israelites and cried to God. Ex 1415 The Lord
said to Moses, Why do you cry to me? Tell the
people of Israel to go forward. From this
time, God considered the possibility of Moses
failure in the future. Moses had to keep
absolute faith in God and His word, not be
influenced by faithless people.
3) The Israelites were saved by the miracle at
the Red Sea.
They should have repented for having cursed
Moses, but without doing so they were just joyful
and danced. Therefore, they would repeat the
same mistake many times after this.
g. The Idol of a Golden Calf When the
Israelites were not under Moses strict
leadership during his 40-day fast, they easily
compromised with their evil sexual desires,
pushing Aaron to make an idol of a golden
calf. Moses was an uncompromising
person. Aaron was a compromising
person. Moses and Aaron had to be united
centering on Gods Will.
Moses failed to educate Aaron to be able to
separate from Satan and made the great mistake of
destroying the two tablets of stone out of
his short-tempered anger.
We must be careful at the time of absence of our
central person we are apt to forget God, to
judge and to act in a self-centered way.
  • h. Intercession and Suffering of Moses
  • After the Israelites made the golden calf
  • Ex 3210 Gods anger
  • Ex 3211-14 Moses intercession
  • Ex 3219 Moses showed Gods anger toward the
  • Ex 3231,32 Moses humility

2) After building the Tabernacle Num
111-6 complaints of the Israelites Num
1110-15 complaints and suffering of Moses Each
time when they expressed their resentment and
complaint, Moses should have reflected himself in
such a manner I also grieved Gods Heart,
complaining always to Him. Moses should have
cried with repentance considering the Heart of
God who had to rely upon such a person.
3) Moses dual role substitute for God strict
in front of the people model for Jesus humble,
meek in front of God Num 123 Now the man Moses
was very meek, more than all men that were on
the face of the earth. Num 1125-29 Moses had no
consciousness of being privileged, he accepted
all works of God as good.
i. Failure of the Spying Mission to Canaan
10 faithless 2 faithful (Joshua,
When the 10 spies met with difficulties, they
easily forgot God and His works and were
dominated by self-centered thinking. They failed
to see from Gods viewpoint.
Num 1411,12 Gods anger And the Lord said
to Moses, How long will this people despise me?
And how long will they not believe in me, in
spite of all the signs which I have wrought among
them? I will strike them with the pestilence and
disinherit them, and I will make of you a nation
greater and mightier than they.
Num 1417-19 Moses intercession Num
1426-35 failure of the 40-day spying
indemnification through 40 years Only the
internal Israelites, who were born in the
wilderness, survived. The external Israelites,
who had come out of Egypt at the age of over 20
years, 600,000 died, all except Joshua and Caleb.
3. The Third Course a. 40-Year Wilderness
Course Because of the disbelief of the
Israelites, the restoration of Canaan was
prolonged from a 21-day course to a 21-month
course, and again from a 21-month course to a
40-year course, sacrificing many people.
b. Striking the Rock Twice Num 2010-12 Moses
lost the parental heart and love, the parental
position, and the role of representing God to the
Israelites, through his self-centered temper and
anger. This was the internal cause of his
failure. God dislikes self-centered emotion and
c. Moses Death God loved Moses 120 years and
desired to bring him to Canaan, but it became
impossible because of his failure. Therefore God
showed Moses all the land of Canaan from the top
of Pisgah, Mt. Nebo. Gods love for Moses
to the end
Moses asked God to let him go to the land, but it
grieved Gods Heart, therefore God stopped his
mouth. Deut 326 ...speak no more to me of this
d. Joshua
Joshua remained faithful to God and Moses through
the entire course into Canaan. He inherited
Moses mission.
God encouraged Joshua to be strong and of good
courage, standing firmly on the Words. Josh
15-9 Only be strong and very courageous, being
careful to do according to all the law which
Moses my servant commanded you turn not from it
to the right hand or to the left, that you may
have good success wherever you go. This book of
the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but
you shall meditate on it day and night, that you
may be careful to do according to all that is
written in it for then you shall make your way
prosperous, and then you shall have good
success. As long as we live in Gods Words, we
also can get victory, at any time and in any
The internal Israelites were loyal and obedient.
Josh 116-18 And they answered Joshua, All
that you have commanded us we will do, and
wherever you send us we will go. Just as we
obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you
only may the Lord your God be with you, as he was
with Moses! Whoever rebels against your
commandment and disobeys your words, whatever you
command him, shall be put to death. Only be
strong and of good courage. True Parents are
now expecting us to have stronger faith than the
internal Israelites of that time.
e. The Fall of Jericho
6 days unchanging indemnity period On
the 7th day, the 7 priests with the 7 trumpets
marched around the city 7 times. On Joshuas
command the people raised a great shout, and the
walls crumbled.
f. After Entering Canaan Many Israelite women
expected their children to live comfortable lives
through marriages with the Canaanites, and from
them the Israelites inherited evil customs and
idol worship. Great chaos in faith They
had to keep absolute faith in God, seeking to
establish the ideal community centered on God
rather than seeking an externally comfortable
H. Jesus Course
1. The First Course
a. Mary Revelation from God, Jesus Son of
God The testimony of the three wise men from
the East Mary knew who Jesus
After giving birth to Jesus, Mary lost her
internal standard, felt indebted to Joseph
through his constant influence on her, thus Mary
felt constrained. After marriage with Joseph,
Mary became secularized.
Jesus could not testify about himself. Mary was
to have done that, but failed. She looked at and
loved Jesus as her son, not as the son of God.
At the age 17, 27, and 30 years old, Jesus asked
her to prepare his marriage with John the
Baptists sister. Mary could not accept it
because it meant a marriage with a relative,
uncommon in Israel society.
Zechariah, Elizabeth and John the Baptist knew
of this and rejected it, saying Absolutely not!
Therefore, Jesus attitude toward Mary was
negative. God did not instruct Mary, Joseph and
John the Baptist about their internal missions.
They should have realized their missions through
desperate prayer.
b. John the Baptist
John the Baptist should have attended Jesus from
the moment he baptized Jesus. He should have
become Jesus first disciple, attending him
directly, and guiding all his followers as
Jesus disciples, but he did not do so.
Jn 330 He must increase, but I must
decrease. John the Baptist decided not to
follow Jesus, even though he knew Jesus identity
and mission through revelations from God. He did
not want to lose his position as the greatest
prophet. His attitude was the same as that of
the Archangel Lucifer. He was dominated by his
fallen nature.
The reasons for John the Baptists disbelief 1)
Feeling of decrease of love 2) To save his face
and to keep social dignity 3) Ignorance about
Gods providence 4) Judging Jesus
humanistically 5) Wrong concept about the
Messiah 6) Could not understand Jesus words and
2. The Second Course
a. Three Great Temptations (Mt 41-11) 1) Stones
bread Satan tried to destroy the unity of
mind and body of Jesus. No matter what
difficult situation we may encounter, we should
make the desire of our spirit mind stronger than
the desire of our physical mind unifying our
mind and body.
2) Temple Satan tried to discourage Jesus, Why
do you call yourself the Son of God? Nobody will
believe you you had better give up your
mission. I should see myself from Gods
viewpoint and never lose hope. Hope belongs to
God hopelessness (despair) belongs to
Satan. I should never lose heavenly dignity
anywhere, anytime Second Self or Chosen One
3) Worship me. We should not worship the glory
of the satanic world money, position, honor,
knowledge, sex, etc. Jas 44 Unfaithful
creatures! Do you not know that friendship with
the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever
wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself
an enemy of God. 1 Jn 215 Do not love the
world or the things in the world. If anyone
loves the world, love for the Father is not in
b. Entry into Jerusalem Gods expectation was
to see His beloved son being welcomed by the
Israelites as King of Kings in glory. But this
became impossible because of the disbelief of the
Therefore, Jesus tried to comfort God at least by
riding on a colt, imitating the original status
of the Messiah. When the faithless Israelites
tried to stop even that, Jesus said with a
painful heart, ...the very stones would cry
c. Jesus Prayer at Gethsemane Mt 2638,39 My
Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass
from me nevertheless not as I will, but as thou
wilt. Jesus did not want to go the way of the
cross, but finally trusted God with his
life. Jesus first priority was Gods Will. If
Jesus had not entrusted his life to God, he would
have failed completely.
d. The Crucifixion Jesus prayed asking
forgiveness for his enemies. Jesus united with
God in heart. The thief on the right consoled
Jesus. He was the first person to enter Paradise
with Jesus.
(No Transcript)
God cannot forget those who protected His son in
great tribulation. Fathers words The sloping
road of indemnity is too severe. The way to pass
over it immediately is only one, that is to long
for the Messiah. longing for the
Messiah become one with the Messiah in
heart inherit the victorious sphere of heart of
the Messiah deny oneself naturally receive
Gods grace
The Messiah is the fruit of Gods providence of
restoration. Therefore, if we accept and follow
him all our sins will be forgiven.
Jesus cried, My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me? but finally entrusted his life to
God, Father, into thy hands I commit my
spirit!. Jesus first priority was Gods
Will. Therefore Jesus could resurrect after that.
3. The Third Course Jesus disciples scattered
because they did not want to be persecuted on
behalf of Jesus, but after the Crucifixion he
called on them again from the spirit world. They
surrendered to Jesus because of his true love,
and determined to follow Jesus words at the risk
of their lives. Originally they should have
attended Jesus risking their lives while he was
living on earth.
Peter had to indemnify his three denials of Jesus.
Jn 2115-17 He said to him the third time,
Simon, son of John, do you love me? Peter was
grieved because he said to him the third time,
Do you love me? And he said to him, Lord, you
know everything you know that I love you.
Jesus said to him, Feed my sheep.
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