Title: Emotional Disorders
1Emotional Disorders
2Signs of mental health problems
- Sadness over specific event for no reason
- Hopelessness
- Violent or erratic mood swings
- Inability to concentrate or make decisions
- Fear and anger at the world
- Trouble getting along with others
- Severe sleep disturbances
- compulsive self-destructive behavior
- Frequent physical ailments
3- Emotional problems describe patterns of
thinking and behavior that cause a person
significant emotional pain or prevent normal
functioning. - Emotional problems affect any one or more of
three important areas - 1. social or family relations
- 2. performance of tasks (including schoolwork)
- 3. leisure time activities
4- Emotional problems can run in families learned,
inherited, or both - Emotional problems can be caused by brain damage
from drugs, injuries, and diseases. (syphilis) - Emotional problems can be caused by unbalance
brain chemistry. - Environmental factors can aggravate emotional
problems pressure from society
5Two types of mental disorders
- 1- ORGANIC DISORDER When a disorder is caused
by a physical illness or injury that affects the
brain. - ex brain tumors, alcoholism,
- infections syphilis, meningitis, stroke
- 2- FUNCTIONAL DISORDER occurs as a result of
psychological causes in which no brain damage is
6- Functional disorders result from conditions such
as - Stress
- Emotional conflict
- Fear
- Poor coping skills
- 1. Anxiety Disorders
- 2. Somatoform Disorders
- 3. Affective Disorders
- 4. Personality Disorders
- Disorders in which real or imagined fears
prevent a person from enjoying life - Phobias
- Obsessive-compulsive
- General Anxiety
- Post-traumatic Stress
- When a person goes to extreme measures to avoid a
fear and reacts in a way that limits normal
functioning - ( lady with bugs, snake, bird, roach)
10Phobias that start with the letter A!!!!!!
11- Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or
bathing.Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the
insects that cause itching.Acerophobia- Fear of
sourness.Achluophobia- Fear of
darkness.Acousticophobia- Fear of
noise.Acrophobia- Fear of heights.Aerophobia-
Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or airbourne
noxious substances.Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open
high places.Aeronausiphobia- Fear of vomiting
secondary to airsickness.Agateophobia- Fear of
insanity.Agliophobia- Fear of pain.Agoraphobia-
Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded,
public places like markets. Fear of leaving a
safe place.Agraphobia- Fear of sexual
abuse.Agrizoophobia- Fear of wild
animals.Agyrophobia- Fear of streets or crossing
the street.Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or
pointed objects.
- Ataxiophobia- Fear of ataxia. (muscular
incoordination)Ataxophobia- Fear of disorder or
untidiness.Atelophobia- Fear of
imperfection.Atephobia- Fear of ruin or
ruins.Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton
or ignored or forgetting.Atomosophobia- Fear of
atomic explosions.Atychiphobia- Fear of
failure.Aulophobia- Fear of flutes.Aurophobia-
Fear of gold.Auroraphobia- Fear of Northern
lights.Autodysomophobia- Fear of one that has a
vile odor.Automatonophobia- Fear of
ventriloquist's dummies, animatronics creatures,
wax statues - anything that falsly represents a
sentient being.Automysophobia- Fear of being
dirty.Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of
oneself.Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of
12- Ailurophobia- Fear of cats.Albuminurophobia-
Fear of kidney disease.Alektorophobia- Fear of
chickens.Algophobia- Fear of pain.Alliumphobia-
Fear of garlic.Allodoxaphobia- Fear of
opinions.Altophobia- Fear of heights.Amathophobi
a- Fear of dust.Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a
car.Ambulophobia- Fear of walking.Amnesiphobia-
Fear of amnesia.Amychophobia- Fear of scratches
or being scratched.Anablephobia- Fear of looking
up.Ancraophobia- Fear of wind.
(Anemophobia)Androphobia- Fear of
men.Anemophobia- Fear of air drafts or
wind.(Ancraophobia) Anginophobia- Fear of
angina, choking or narrowness.Anglophobia- Fear
of England or English culture, etc.Angrophobia -
Fear of anger or of becoming angry.Ankylophobia-
Fear of immobility of a joint.Anthrophobia or
Anthophobia- Fear of flowers..
- Anthropophobia- Fear of people or
society.Antlophobia- Fear of floods.Anuptaphobia
- Fear of staying single.Apeirophobia- Fear of
infinity.Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being
touched. (Haphephobia)Apiphobia- Fear of
bees.Apotemnophobia- Fear of persons with
amputations.Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut
butter sticking to the roof of the
mouth.Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of
spiders.Arithmophobia- Fear of
numbers.Arrhenphobia- Fear of men.Arsonphobia-
Fear of fire.Asthenophobia- Fear of fainting or
weakness.Astraphobia or Astrapophobia- Fear of
thunder and lightning.(Ceraunophobia,
Keraunophobia)Astrophobia- Fear of stars or
celestial space.Asymmetriphobia-
- A person who has an unreasonable need to think
and act in a certain way
Compulsions becomes so repetitive that the person
can not lead a normal life.
- The person feels anxious, fearful, upset most of
the time for no specific reason
- A condition in which a person who has experienced
a traumatic event feels severe and long-lasting
after effects. - Ex Vietnam, rape
16- Post traumatic stress can affect people who have
gone through bombings, rape, floods, fires,
torture, child abuse, kidnapping or hurricanes. - These events could lead to anxiety attacks
sudden, extreme, disabling attack of panic that
often comes on for no apparent reason. Includes
dizziness, rapid heart rate, sweating, extreme
alertness, rapid breathing
17(No Transcript)
- Describes a condition in which a person
complains of disease symptoms, but no physical
cause can be found -
- hypochondria
- Mood swings which are severe, from extreme
happiness to extreme sadness, and last for a long
period of time
- When feelings of sadness or hopelessness last
for more than a few weeks and interfere with
daily activities and interests
21- Ten million U.S. citizens suffer from depression
each year. - 5 of every 100 teenagers suffer its most severe
form. - DEPRESSION can be difficult to diagnose.
22Symptoms of depression
- constant feelings of sadness, irritability, or
tension - decreased interest or pleasure in usual
activities or hobbies - loss of energy, feeling tired despite lack of
activity - a change in appetite, with significant weight
loss or weight gain - a change in sleeping patterns, such as difficulty
sleeping, early morning awakening, or sleeping
too much - restlessness or feeling slowed down
- decreased ability to make decisions or
concentrate - feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt
- thoughts of suicide or death
23Lord Byron described his mental state as a chaos
of the mind.
Edgar Allen Poe alcoholic which is common in
bipolar depression. What made Poe write is what
made Poe drink.
Robert Schumann son of a bipolar author, German
composer who wrote 130 songs in one year. He died
in an asylum.
24Vincent Van Gogh he once wrote of his illness,
the weakness increase from each generation.
Virginia Woolf She filled her pockets with
stones and drowned herself. I have a feeling I
shall go mad, she wrote. I can not go on
Ernest Hemingway Born into a family plagued by
suicide, the writer-haunted by manic enthusiasms
and depressions-shot himself.
Curt Cobain Seattle grunge rocker took his band
Nirvana to the top with Nevermind (one song
Lithium) but took his life at 27.
25True story of depression
- When I realized that something was wrong with
me I just wasnt motivated to even get out of bed
and face the world and nothing in particular was
bothering me, I just didnt feel like dealing
with anything. I think that was the biggest, the
hardest part for me, was actually getting
motivated, getting up, to even seek help to get
up and go to therapy, or get up to go to the
doctor to see what was going on. - -Kareema
- Oh, the things with depression that bother
me the most are feeling like youre encased in
cement, where you just cant drag your body out
of bed, where the simplest of tasks is just
daunting and you have to force yourself to
re-focus and to pick yourself up and to take that
shower, get to the grocery store, get the kids
off to school, get to the office, get through
your day. - -Bonnie
- When a person's moods shift dramatically form one
emotional extreme to another for no apparent
reason - Bipolar depression
- 2.3 million women and men suffer from bipolar
depression in the United States. - Does not include kids under 18 years of age.
27IS YOUR CHILD BIPOLAR?(a check list)
- Is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
- Has periods of excessive, rapid speech
- Is willful and refuse to be subordinate
- Displays periods of hyperactivity
- Displays abrupt, rapid mood swings
- Has irritable moods states
- Has elated or silly, giddy mood states
- Has exaggerated ideas about self or abilities
- Exhibits inappropriate sexual behavior
- Feels easily rejected
- Has periods of low energy
- Has periods of self-doubt, poor self esteem
- Is excessively distressed when separated from
family - Exhibits excessive anxiety ro worry
- Has difficulty arising in the a.m.
- Is hyperactive and excitable in the p.m.
- Sleeps fitfully or has difficulty getting to
sleep - Has night terrors and wakes in the middle of the
night - Is unable to concentrate at school
- Has poor handwriting
- Has difficulty organizing tasks
- Has difficultly making transitions
- Has many ideas at once
- Is very intuitive and very creative
28- Is intolerant of delays
- Relentlessly pursues own needs
- Argues with adults or bosses others
- Defies or refuses to comply with rules
- Blames others of his or her mistakes
- Is easily angered when people set limits
- Lies to avoid consequences of actions
- Has protracted explosive temper tantrums or rages
- Has destroyed property intentionally
- Curses viciously in anger
- Makes moderate threats against others or self
- Has made clear threats of suicide
- Is fascinated with blood and gore
- Has seen or heard hallucinations.
- These
- disorders
- have no apparent distinct signs or symptoms!
- Characterized by a persons constant conflict
with society- - The person my display behavior that is cruel,
uncaring, irresponsible, and impulsive
- These people are often uncooperative with others
- They resent being told what to do
- They show their anger indirectly
- A mental disorder meaning split mind
- This disorder affects 1-2 percent of the
population - Appearing most in people between the ages of 15
and 35.
33- A person with schizophrenia lose the ability
to distinguish fantasy from reality, and become
less and less able to function. - Brain imaging shows signs of brain tissue
shrinkage in those suffering from schizophrenia.
Fluid-filled spaces exist in some areas where
working brain tissue is normally found.
34True Stories of Split Personalities
- The Three Faces of Eve A doctor is treating Eve
White when he discovers that her headaches and
occasional blackouts are actually the result of
-- -- multiple personalities! Under hypnosis, a
whole new set of personalities emerge, such as
nice-girl Jane and wild, fun-loving Eve Black.
- Sybil
- A girl with 16 different personalities. It
was based on a true story about a young woman
whose childhood was so disturbing she developed
all these vastly different personas. Here, split
personality is used as a metaphor for what people
do to survive and the plight of abused children.
- Therapy any activity that has healing-promoting
effect - Counselor a helping person
- Psychiatrist MD who after completing medical
school receives specialized training and is
licensed to prescribe drugs. - Psychoanalyst a psychiatrist who specializes in
seeking the root causes
36- Psychologist graduate degree in psychology.
- Social worker person with a graduate degree in
social work includes training in counseling - Drug therapy Prozac, lithium
37- Codependent helper" that allows the troubled
person to avoid facing problems. - Enabling misguided attempt to help, supports the
continuation of the inappropriate behavior