Title: Relational Leadership
1Relational Leadership
Leadership Development Institute Cleveland,
TN April 19-23, 2005
2Relational Leadership
3Mark 10 42-43
- You know that those who are regarded as rulers of
the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high
officials exercise authority over them. Not so
among you. . . .
4Relational Leadership
5Relational Leadership Is
- Servanthood
- Teamwork
- Caregiving
- Mutual transparency
- Personal growth
6Relational Leadership Isnt. . .
- Power
- Prestige
- Prosperity
- Personal charisma
7Session One
- Establishes the need for relational leadership
and defines it.
8Session Two
- Champions the need for leaders to have the
identity of a servant.
9Session Three
- Defines servanthood in terms of being with
those we serve prior to sending them out.
10Session Four
- Advocates that leaders adopt as their top
priority building a caring, connected team.
11Session Five
- Identifies and helps leaders to begin resolving
three specific hindrances to relational
not seeing ourselves as we really are,
not prioritizing love to our near ones.
not knowing the real God,
12Session Six
- Tackles the critical process of relationally
discerning God-centered vision within the context
of a caring, connected team.
13Session Seven
- Addresses three important issues for implementing
relational leadership - unity
- love
- witness
14Session Eight
- Addresses the important need for everyone to be
committed to personal, relational, and ministry
15Relational Leadership
16Key Questions
- When you think of leadership, what comes to mind?
17Key Questions
- What do you associate with leadership as you have
typically seen it practiced?
18Key Questions
- How would you describe your own concept of
effective Christian leadership?
19Key Questions
- What do you sense may be needed in Christian
leadership today?
20Relational Leadership
The Need for Relational Leadership
21Crisis In Identity
22The Church in Acts. . .
- Had a reputation of unity.
- Shared with those in need.
- Spoke the word with boldness.
- Were of one heart and mind.
23As a result . . .
- Others took note that they had been with Jesus.
- The people held them in high esteem.
24Relational Leadership
25Crises in Church Leadership
26Crises in Church Leadership
- Crises in the lives of many leaders themselves
27Crises in the Lives of Leaders
- Moral and Ethical Failures
28Crises in the Lives of Leaders
- Drivenness
- Workaholism
- Burnout
29Crises in the Lives of Leaders
- Toll of Ministry on the Family
30Crises in the Lives of Leaders
- Feeling of Being Poorly Prepared
31Crises in the Lives of Leaders
32Strongest Attributes of Christian Leaders
- Sensitivity to Sin
- Morality
- Godly Demeanor
- Faith Maturity
33Mid-level Attributes of Christian Leaders
- Using Appropriate Speech
- Having Controlled Temper
- Teaching Ability
34Weakest Attributes of Christian Leaders
- Possessing a Loving Heart
- Modeling Servanthood
- Having Godly Wisdom
35Problems Associated with Servanthood
- No sense of responsibility to the needy
- Unwillingness to sacrifice for the good of others
36Problems Associated with Having a Loving Heart
- Unwillingness to go out of their way to help
disadvantaged - Fear of potential for suffering or personal
37Problems Associated with Godly Wisdom
- Reliance on personal ability
- Trying to balance spiritual and worldly wisdom
- Inconsistently listening to God
Source Barna Report, January 13, 2003.
38Pastors and Ministries in America
- Every month in the United States, approximately
1,500 pastors leave the ministry.
39Pastors and Ministries in America
- 80 of American pastors believe ministry is
negatively affecting their families.
40Pastors and Ministries in America
- 70 of pastors in America do not feel they have a
close friend.
41Pastors and Ministries in America
- 40 of pastors say they have a serious conflict
with a church member at least once a month.
42Pastors and Ministries in America
- 80 of pastors say the number one problem they
face is isolation.
43Pastors and Ministries in America
- More than 90 of American churches are either
plateaued or declining.
44Pastors and Ministries in America
- Approximately 4,000 churches in America will
close this year.
45Relational Leadership
46Crises in Church Leadership
- Crisis in our approaches to leadership
47Approaches to Leadership
- CEO model
- Classic management model
- Management by committee
- Management by imitation
48Relational Leadership
49Crises in Church Leadership
- Crisis in leadership results
50- People today are more devoted to seeking
spiritual enlightenment than at any previous time
during the twentieth century.
51- Yet, at this moment of opportunity, Christianity
is having less impact on peoples perspectives
and behaviors than ever.
52- Why is that? Because a growing majority of people
have dismissed the Christian faith as weak,
outdated, and irrelevant.
George Barna
53Relational Leadership
54(No Transcript)
55Relational Leadership
56The Need for Restored Identity
57John 13 34-35
- A new command I give to you Love one another. As
I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this will all men know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another.
58In John 13
- Jesus gives them a purpose
- Love one another
59In John 13
- Jesus affirms their identity
- You are the ones who have been loved by me
60In John 13
- Jesus offers His vision for them
- The world will know youre my disciples by your
61Relational Leadership
62Results of the Loss of Identity
- The church has largely fallen into dysfunction
and irrelevance.
63Results of the Loss of Identity
- The lives and ministries of Christian leaders
have been ravaged by their attempts to be
64Results of the Loss of Identity
- The world has often been unable to see we are His
disciples, because we have not always loved very
65Relational Leadership
66Relational Leadership
- Serving others to build a caring and connected
team, which accomplishes significant and lasting
objectives, as all are sacrificially committed to
growth in love.
67Four Components
- A person
- A team
- A vision
- A commitment to, and plan for, growth
68Relational Leadership
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70Relational Leadership
Our Identity as Servants
71- As relational leaders, we are called by God to
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74Luke 22
- Taking bread, he thanked God for it, broke it
into pieces, and gave it to the disciples,
saying, This is my body, given for you. Eat it
in my memory.
75Luke 22
- He did the same with the cup of wine after
supper, saying, This wine is the new covenant
written in my blood, blood poured out for you. .
. .
76Luke 22
- Within minutes they were bickering over who of
them would end up greatest in the Kingdom. But
Jesus intervened and told them
77Luke 22
- Kings like to throw their weight around and
people in authority like to give themselves fancy
78Luke 22
- But its not going to be that way with you. Let
the senior among you become like the junior let
the leader act the part of the servant.
79Luke 22
- Normally the master sits at the table and is
served by his servants. But not here! For Ive
taken my place among you as the one who serves.
80Relational Leadership
81Consequences of Striving to Become a Leader
82Consequences of Striving to Become a Leader
- Pride
- Defensiveness
- Ungratefulness
83Deuteronomy 817-18
- You may say to yourself, My power and the
strength of my hands have produced this wealth.
But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who
gives you the ability to produce wealth.
84Relational Leadership
85Characteristics of Servant Leaders
86Philippians 23
- In humility, consider others better than
87Characteristics of Servant Leaders
88II Chronicles 2012
- We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on
89Characteristics of Servant Leaders
90Relational Leadership
91Startling Jesus With Our Love
- Humility (Luke 21)
- Faith (Luke 7)
- Gratitude (Luke 17)
92Relational Leadership
93Matthew 2540
- Whatever you did for one of the least of these,
you did for me.
94Relational Leadership
The Importance of Being With Others
95Mark 313-15
- And he (Jesus) goeth up into a mountain, and
calleth unto him whom he would and they came
unto him.
96Mark 313-15
- And he ordained twelve that he might send them
forth to preach, and to have power to heal
sicknesses, and to cast out devils. . .
97Mark 313-15
- And he ordained twelve
- that they should be with him.
98Relational Leadership
99- Before they became apostles. . .
- ones who are sent out
100- . . . they first spent two years being disciples.
- learners, apprentices
101Jesus Modeled Being With
- He chose to be with little children when everyone
else said, Go away, Hes too busy.
102Jesus Modeled Being With
- He chose to be with Zaccheus when everyone else
said, Why are you wasting time on a sinner like
103Jesus Modeled Being With
- When Mary of Bethany chose to be with Him instead
of working for Him, He affirmed her decision.
104Relational Leadership
105I Thessalonians 28
- We loved you so much that we were delighted to
share with you not only the gospel of God but our
lives as well.
106Three Hindrances to Being With
- Selfishness
- I dont want to waste time being with people.
107Three Hindrances to Being With
- Self-Reliance
- I dont need to be with other people.
108Three Hindrances to Being With
- Self-Condemnation
- I dont think anyone would want to be with me.
109Why Is Being With Important?
110The First Crisis of Creation
Adam and Eves Fall Into Sin in Genesis 3
Adams Aloneness in Genesis 2
Cains Murder of Abel in Genesis 4
111Relational Leadership
112Humanitys Two Fundamental Problems
113Gods Provision
- He sent His Son to deliver us from fallenness.
- He created relational structures to deliver us
from aloneness.
114Relational Leadership
115Signs and Symptoms of Not Being With
116Symptoms of Not Being With
- A Focus on the Temporal Instead of the Eternal
117Symptoms of Not Being With
- A Focus on Competition and Comparison Instead of
Unity and Servanthood
118John 17 23
- May they be brought to complete unity to let the
world know that you sent me and have loved then
even as you have love me.
119Symptoms of Not Being With
- A Focus on Autonomy and Self-Righteousness
Instead of Interdependence and Love
120Servants Give First
121Relational Leadership
122Relational Leadership
Building a Team Genuine Fellowship and Community
123Acts 242
- They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching
and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and
to prayer.
124Has church been a place where you were encouraged
to get to know one another more intimately?
125Has church been a place of safety where you could
be honest about your struggles without having to
put on masks of respectability?
126Has church been a place where loving community
has been emphasized as an important part of your
spiritual life, not just something to be
relegated to the foyer or fellowship hall?
127Relational Leadership
129Relational Leadership
130John 10 14-15
- Jesus said
- I know my sheep
- My sheep know me
- I lay down my life for the sheep
131As Relational Leaders . . .
- We need to know our team.
- We need to allow our team to know us.
- We need to be deeply and caringly involved in
their lives.
132Knowing Our Team
133Knowing Our Team
- By Entering Their World of Relationships
134Knowing Our Team
- By Entering Their World of Activities and
135Knowing Our Team
- By Entering Their World of Celebrations and
136Relational Leadership
137Knowing Our Team
- By Understanding Their Relational Needs
138Top Ten Relational Needs
- Acceptance
- Affection
- Appreciation
- Approval
- Attention
139Top Ten Relational Needs
- Comfort
- Encouragement
- Respect
- Security
- Support
140Relational Leadership
141Allowing Our Team to Know Us
142Allowing Our Team to Know Us
- Being Vulnerable With Our Compassion
143Allowing Our Team to Know Us
- Being Vulnerable With Our Dependency
144Allowing Our Team to Know Us
- Being Vulnerable With Our Need for Support
145Allowing Our Team to Know Us
- Being Vulnerable With Our Pain
146II Corinthians 13-4
- Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of
all comfort,
147II Corinthians 13-4
- Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we
can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort
we ourselves have received from God.
148Relational Leadership
149Being Caringly Involved With One Another
150Relational Leadership
151Relational Leadership
Gaining Freedom to Lead
152Having an Accurate View of God
153Relational Leadership
154Some False Views of God
- Inspecting
- Disappointed
- Distant
155Relational Leadership
156If we see God as inspecting
- we may become controlling, inspecting leaders.
157If we see God as disappointed
- it may be difficult for us to ever be fully
pleased with, and complimentary of, peoples
158If we see God as distant
- it may be easy for us to remain aloof and
disconnected from the lives of our team members.
159Relational Leadership
160I John 412
- No one has ever seen God, but if we love one
another, God lives in us and his love is made
complete in us.
161Relational Leadership
162Having an Accurate View of Ourselves as the
Beloved of God
163Romans 58
- But God demonstrates His own love for us in this
that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for
164Relational Leadership
165Expressing Love to Our Near Ones
166John 13 34-35
- A new command I give to you Love one another. As
I have loved you, so must you love one another.
167John 13 34-35
- By this all men will know that you are my
disciples, if you love one another.
168Relational Leadership
Relationally Discerning Vision
169Proverbs 2918
- Where there is no vision, the people perish.
170Fundamentals of Discerning VisionThree Key
171Three Key Questions
172Psalm 1037
- He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto
the children of Israel.
173Psalm 1037
- He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto
the children of Israel.
174Psalm 1037
- He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto
the children of Israel.
175Three Key Questions
- Where is God leading?
- Why would God lead us there?
- Does our vision address eternal concerns?
176Vision Focused on Eternity
- Our vision must bring glory and honor to God.
177Vision Focused on Eternity
- Our vision must align with Gods eternal Word.
178Vision Focused on Eternity
- Our vision must have a positive impact in the
lives of people.
179Relational Leadership
180Typical Vision Continuum
Someone else has all the vision
You have all the vision
181Relational Vision Continuum
Someone is served with vision
Others courageously and creatively contribute to
the vision
All resourcefully and respectfully incorporate
others vision
182Relational Leadership
183Benefits of a Relational Vision
184Benefits of Relational Vision
- Instills hope
- Brings security
- Builds ownership
- Stimulates discipline
185Relational Leadership
186Relational Leadership
Implementing Vision to Achieve Eternal Objectives
187Three Eternal Objectives
- I am part of you.
- I need you.
- We care about each other.
189Relational Leadership
191Love grows cold when. . .
- we exalt self-reliance instead of humble
dependence on one another.
192Love grows cold when. . .
- we focus on peoples sin and rarely give
attention to their loneliness.
193Love grows cold when. . .
- we label people as weak for being vulnerable
with their needs.
194Love grows cold when. . .
- our message to a lost world is You need God,
rather than We all need God and one another.
195Relational Leadership
197Witness to. . .
198Witness to. . .
- the priority of relationships.
199Relational Leadership
200Concentric Circles of Great Commandment Love
Household of Faith
Nearest Ones
All the World
201Witness through. . .
- sharing the gospel and our lives.
202I Thessalonians 27-8
- . . . but we were gentle among you, like a mother
caring for her little children.
203I Thessalonians 27-8
- We loved you so much that we were delighted to
share with you not only the gospel of God but our
lives as well, because you had become so dear to
204Relational Leadership
205Relational Leadership
Commitment to Growth
206Priorities Governing Growth
207 Growth Will Be. . .
208Relational Leadership
209 Growth Will Be. . .
- sacrificial.
- mutual.
- empowered by gratitude.
210Key Areas of Growth
211Personal Growth
- Being With Our Team
- Going Before the Lord on Behalf of Our Team
- Entrusting Ministry to Other People
212Growth of Others
- In Doing Tasks
- In Managing Tasks
- In Shepherding Others
- In Equipping Other Shepherds
213Equipping Others to Grow
- Relational Investing
- Relational Encouragement
- Relational Intervention
214Ministry Growth
215Ministry Growth Points
Point One
Point Two
Point Four
Point Three
216Growth Point One
- Our Ministry Will Grow as We Care for One Another
217Growth Point Two
- Our Ministry Will Grow as We Trust One Another
218Growth Point Three
- Our Ministry Will Grow as We Support One Another
219Growth Point Four
- Our Ministry Will Grow as We Love One Another
220Relational Leadership
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