General Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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General Introduction


Chapter 7 Four Great Realms of Heart, Three Great Kingships and the Realm of Royal Family – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: General Introduction

Chapter 7
Four Great Realms of Heart, Three Great Kingships
and the Realm of Royal Family
A Four Great Realms of Heart
1. Gods Blueprint (Logos)
If anything becomes one with me, I cannot
recognize it clearly. e.g., my face, heartbeat,
the breathing of my lungs, etc. It is the same
even with God He cannot feel or experience His
own greatness just by Himself.
God objectified Himself seeking to obtain joy
through the stimulation coming from it. The
being that was created as an object to perfectly
reflect God Himself was the human being. At
the beginning of His creation of heaven and
earth, He had a blueprint of the creation of the
human being.
2. Textbook of Childrens Love
God desired Adam and Eve to set up a standard to
love God as their parents to become the
textbook of Childrens Love. The textbook of
childrens love means to become the perfect
substance of the childrens love to set up a
standard showing the model of how to love God as
- Development of aesthetic sensibilities 1)
Raising the heart of parents and children with
God, receiving cooperation of angels 2) Give
and Receive Action with the mineral world,
plant world and animal world
- Our case
  • Receiving love from parents
  • 2) Receiving beauty from nature and environment
  • - giving love to nature and environment

3. Textbook of Brotherly-Sisterly Love
God desired Adam and Eve to become the textbook
of Brotherly-Sisterly Love. Those who were
born from common parents are brothers and
sisters. Brotherly-Sisterly Love is to become
mature putting parental love always in their
(No Transcript)
Brotherly-sisterly love O B
Childrens love O A
Double realm of love
Invisible textbook of childrens love
(invisible) blueprint
Invisible textbook of brotherly-sisterly love
double realm of love
Brotherly-sisterly love
Textbook of childrens love (substance)
Textbook of brotherly-sisterly love (substance)
4. Textbook of Conjugal Love
God desired Adam and Eve to become the textbook
of Conjugal Love.
a. Conjugal Love
Brotherly-sisterly love O B
Conjugal love O C
Childrens love O A
Triple realm of love
(1) The Center of First Love The center at
which the loves of Adam and Eve spark is also the
point at which Gods love comes down vertically.
This point, where vertical Gods love and
horizontal conjugal love cross at 90 degrees, is
really the point of perfection of three loves.
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When a husband and a wife become one body
spiritually and physically for the first time at
the place of first love, human beings become a
substantial object resembling Gods dual
characteristics. They can give God the greatest
joy, and God also can pour out the highest love
to human beings.
(2) Love Follows the Shortest Path
Vertical Gods love must be perpendicular to the
standard of horizontal love of Adam and Eve.
Their loves cross at 90 degrees perfectly.
(3) The Point of Settlement of the Four Great
Hearts Childrens love, brotherly-sisterly love
and conjugal love are not perfected separately,
but at the center of the first love of Adam and
Eve at this one point these become
perfect. Further, from this one point parental
love starts and it also becomes perfect in this
one point.
(No Transcript)
Invisible textbook of parental love
Invisible textbook of childrens love
Invisible textbook of brotherly-sisterly love
Perfection of triple realm of love
Invisible textbook of conjugal love
Textbook of conjugal love (substance)
Perfection of Four Great Hearts Perfection of
quadruple realm of love
Textbook of parental love (substance)
Textbook of childrens love (substance)
Textbook of brotherly-sisterly love (substance)
Point of settlement of the Four Great
Hearts (Center of first love of Adam and Eve )
Childrens love
Brotherly-sisterly love
Conjugal love
Parental love
Quadruple realm of love
(4) Distinctive Nature of Conjugal Love There
is no warning regarding parental love,
brotherly-sisterly love or childrens love but
only for conjugal love. The relationship of
conjugal love is allowed only with my one spouse
with whom I received the Blessing. We should
follow the voice of our conscience.
  • (5) Conjugal Love which Represents Four Great
  • Representation of the dual characteristics of the
  • 2) Representation of the dual characteristics of
    all humanity
  • 3) Representation of the substance of the dual
    characteristics of the created world
  • 4) Representation of Gods dual characteristics

  • b. Purpose of Marriage
  • Mutual Perfection
  • The marriage of Adam and Eve is a precondition
    for the perfection of the Four Great Hearts.
    Therefore without marriage, perfection of the
    human being is impossible.
  • A husband should perfect his wife,
    simultaneously he should be perfected by his
    wife. A wife should perfect her husband,
    simultaneously she should be perfected by her

Also, from the viewpoint of restoration, there is
no salvation without marriage. Truly, a husbands
Messiah is his wife, a wifes Messiah is her
husband. Each spouse is the second Messiah for
the other. Without children they cannot embark
upon parental love and cannot perfect the Four
Great Hearts nor the purpose of creation
therefore children become the third Messiah for
the couple.
  • Capturing Gods Love
  • When, under Gods blessing, human beings
    consummate marriage and become one, the couple
    becomes the perfect object of Gods love.
  • God becomes one body with Adam and Eve and
    absolutely cannot leave them because of His love.
    Adam and Eve were supposed to be able to capture
    Gods love through marriage.

(3) Perfection of God Even God cannot become
perfect by Himself in the aspect of love. This is
because love can be experienced and perfected
only in relationship with objects. Therefore
God grows according to the growth of the value
and love of human beings, His object of love.
The marriage of Adam and Eve becomes the very
marriage of God. Then as Adam and Eve perfect
their conjugal love, give birth to children and
become parents, and perfect parental love, God
also perfects the Four Great Hearts
experientially and can accomplish the perfection
of love as God.
c. Three Original Palaces and Original Palace of
Conscience (1) Original Palace of True Love
The center at which Gods vertical love and
the horizontal love of Adam and Eve cross at 90
degrees in the shortest path becomes the original
palace of true love. True love is the love of
the realm of direct dominion, and absolute,
unchanging love with which only God relates, and
which has nothing to do with Satan.
(2) Original Palace of True Life The seed of
true life is sown at this point, where mans
(fathers) love and life and womans (mothers)
love and life are mixed, and true life starts
from there.
(3) Original Palace of True Lineage The lineage
is connected through the relationship between
parents and children. Through the relationship
between parents and children, love and life are
linked as lineage from parents to children.
When love is true, life also becomes true,
therefore lineage also becomes true. Thus true
lineage starts from the one point where Adam and
Eve unite.
True love, true life and true lineage are
themselves heavenly tradition. Heavenly
tradition starts from the center where Gods
vertical love and the horizontal love of a couple
intersect at 90 degrees. Therefore this center
is the original palace of true love, true life,
and true lineage that is, the original palace
of heavenly tradition.
(4) Original Palace of (True) Conscience Conscie
nce grows together with the growth of a human
being, and becomes perfect at the one point where
the conscience meets with Gods love. At this
time, the desire of the conscience is fulfilled,
and the conscience is filled with joy.
5. Textbook of Parental Love
God desired Adam and Eve to become the textbook
of Parental Love. Parental love starts from
the moment new life is born from the original
palace of true life.
  • a. Suffering the Pain of Labor
  • When a mother gives birth to a baby, she suffers
    the pain of almost dying.
  • This is in order to have human beings inherit
    the standard by which God totally invested when
    He created Adam and Eve.

b. The Second Lord of Creation The children
born have the same value as Adam and Eve whom God
created therefore it signifies that the parents
performed the same work of creation as God
through giving birth to children. Giving birth
to children is equal in value to Gods creation
of heaven and earth.
c. Embodiment of Gods Love The world of heart
that parents have toward children is the very
reflection of the Heart of God toward Adam and
Eve, appearing as unselfish love toward
children. Parental love is the love that
desires that children become greater than
parents. Parental love is perfected when
children grow up and get married at that time,
we call such parents true parents.
6. Relationship among the Four Great Realms of
Heart, the Three Great Blessings and the Three
1st Heart Childrens love 2nd Heart
Brotherly -sisterly love 3rd Heart
Conjugal love 4th Heart Parental
love Dominion over All Things 3rd Blessing
(God is involved) (The lower items
include the upper ones)
1st Blessing
Elder sonship
2nd Blessing
  • Three Great Kingships
  • (Kingships of Three Generations) and Realm of
    Royal Family
  • Three Great Kingships
  • (Kingships of Three Generations)

1st Kingship
Gods (grandparents) kingship past king
ship kingship of invisible substantial world
2nd Kingship
parents kingship present kingship kingship of
visible substantial world
3rd Kingship
childrens kingship future kingship kingship of
both invisible and visible substantial worlds
Three great kingships
point of settlement of Three Great Kingships
point of settlement of Four Great Hearts
2. Realm of Royal Family
point of settlement of Four Great Hearts
point of settlement of Three Great Kingships
direct lineage of Adam
C. Conscience
1. What Is Conscience?
Conscience as described here is used in the same
meaning as original mind in the Divine
Principle book. Conscience is the Second God.
God is the Being who has responsibility for the
whole cosmos conscience is God who has
responsibility eternally for myself.
Conscience is in the second position to God of
creation, but for me, it is in Gods position
therefore it is absolute. Therefore, we must
respect the conscience absolutely. The voice of
conscience never makes any mistakes. The
conscience knows everything about me. The
conscience never compromises.
2. Three Propositions of Conscience
  • a. Conscience Is Superior to Parents
  • b. Conscience Is Superior to Teachers
  • c. Conscience Is Superior to God

3. Why Was the Conscience Damaged?
The tragedy of conscience took place due to the
Fall of Adam and Eve during their period of
imperfection. The conscience was defeated by the
physical desires the Principled conscience was
defeated in front of unprincipled love. This was
the Fall. Through this, the human conscience was
4. Liberation of Conscience
a. Strengthening the Force of Conscience (1)
Knowing Gods Word (2) Prayer (3) Practice of
Gods Word b. Weakening Physical
Desires Self-dominion through concrete battle
against the physical self.
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