Title: JROTC Curriculum Overview
1JROTC Curriculum Overview
2JROTC Curriculum
- Seven Units of Instruction
- Citizenship in Action
- Leadership Theory and Application
- Foundations for Success
- Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid
- Geography, Map Skills and Environmental Awareness
- Citizenship in American History and Government
- Cadet Safety and Civilian Marksmanship Program
(Optional) - Interactive/Multi-media/Developed
- in conjunction with the latest
- research on student learning
3Curriculum Background
- JROTC curriculum first developed in 1987
Emphasized citizenship mission - Revised one year at a time thereafter until 2000
- In 2000 completely revised all 4 years adding
- technology and aligning by unit
- 2004 POI revised to identify mandatory core
- lessons by LET level
421st Century Learning
- Framework
- In Addition to Core Subjects 21st Century Content
should include - Global Awareness
- Financial, Economic, Business, and
Entrepreneurial Literacy - Civic Literacy
- Health and Wellness Awareness
- Learning and Thinking Skills
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Literacy - Life Skills (to include leadership)
- 21st Century Assessments (high quality
standardized testing along with effective
classroom assessments) -
- Source Partnership for 21st Century Skills
All exist in JROTC!
5National Standards
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
(McRel Standards) are linked to each lesson to
show a cross-connection with the JROTC curriculum
and the standard curriculum taught in high
schools. National Standards that are addressed
- Life Work
- Self Regulation
- Thinking and Reasoning
- U.S. History
- Working with Others
- Citizenship Civics
- Economics
- Geography
- Health
- Language Arts
- Life Skills
- Address the intended learning results
- Describe discipline-specific skills, knowledge,
and attitudes that are measurable and observable.
- Provide specifications for assessing mastery of a
competency. - Show they were learned when applied in the
completion of assessment tasks that require one
or more of the following - make a decision
- perform a skill
- perform a service
- solve a problem
- create a product
7Core Abilities
- Core Abilities in each lesson describe broad
- life-long skills that every cadet needs for
success in career and life roles.
8Four Phase Lesson Plan
9Student Learning Plans
- Each lesson includes a Student
- Learning Plan that mirrors the
- Instructors Lesson Plan to
- Answer the questions students need to know
- Guide students through the four-phase lesson
- Help learners take responsibility for own
learning - Support student metacognition
10Core Curriculum
- Â Â Course LET 1 LET 2 LET 3 LET 4 TOTAL
- Â Â
- Â Unit 1-Citizenship in Action 18 Â 2Â 6 26
- Â Unit 2-Leadership Theory App 18 Â 12 10 40
- Â Unit 3-Foundations for Success 30 Â 36 16 82
-  Unit 4-Wellness/Fitness/Frst Aid 28   28
-  Unit 5-Geography, Map Skills  2  2
-  Unit 6-Citizenship/History/Govt 36 16  52
- Leadership Application 20 20 20 20 80
-  Cadet Challenge 10 10 10 10 40
- Â Service Learning/Cty Service 10 10 10 10 40
- Â Administration/Testing/Inspections 24 24 24 24 96
- Â Addtl Teaching Leadership Hrs 0 0 0 34 34
- State JROTC Elective Hours 50 50 50 50 200
- TOTAL HOURSÂ 180 180 180 180 720
- Note 25 reduction does not apply to required
11Enhancements/Learning Strategies
Winning Colors A behavioral observation
communication tool or process that is used to
gain a better understanding of yourself and
others Success Profiler/Personal Skills Map
(DVD) A systematic research-based assessment and
skill building program Service Learning An
active and experimental learning strategy where
students have a direct impact on an identified
need that interests and motivates them Unlocking
Your Potential Offers students the opportunity to
learn about, practice and eventually master the
timeless concepts of attitudinal training and
success High School Financial Planning Program
(HSFPP) National Endowment for Financial
Education (NEFE) Helps students acquire the
information and gain the skills necessary to take
control of their financial destiny (New
curriculum Spring 07) www.hsfpp.nefe.org
12Enhancements/Learning Strategies
You the People An introduction to citizenship
involvement in the American system of government
We the People Provides an understanding of how
the constitution came into existence, how it took
the form it did and how it has functioned for the
past two hundred years Thinking Maps Thinking
Maps are a common visual language in the
learning community for transferring thinking
processes, integrating learning, and assessing
progress Classroom Performance System (CPS) An
easy-to-use Infra Red (IR) response system that
obtains immediate feedback from every student
www.einstruction.com (Version 5.01) Financing
College and Admissions (DVD) Assists students in
the college admissions process March2Success
(www.March2Success.com) Standardize test
preparation course Interactive DVDs-HCH, J2D,
INO, Saving Sergeant Pabletti, Challenge
III (www.willinteractive.com)
13Inspect What You Respect
- Coaching Rubric M (Master) A (Apprentice)
14Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Accreditation and School
Improvement (SACSCASI) Comments
- .it shed most of its early military
content.citizenship, communications, leadership,
life skills evolved as the core - improved student-centered curriculumreinforces
competencies taught in other academic subjects - learning styles, multiple intelligences,
critical thinking strategies, reflectionused to
build a quality educational program - The team commends AJROTC on
- the implementation of a comprehensive quality of
educational delivery system for students - an educational model that ensures student
success - its use of technology, especially in the
classrooms utilized for instruction
15SACSCASI Recommendations
- The team recommends that the Army
- develop a systematic follow-up instrument to
provide long range data on the success of Cadets
after graduation - develop an instrument to collect data on the
satisfaction of stakeholders concerning the
quality of the Army JROTC programs - request that instructors meet with the
respective school faculties at beginning of each
year to explain the purpose and objectives of the
JROTC program - work to get courses accepted as requirements or
required electives
16National Defense Authorization Act FY07
- The FY 07 National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) - Authorizes services to hire retired National
Guard Reservists - Increases Army JROTC by 15 units (unfunded)
(2.1M startup and 1.3M sustainment) - Longevity Pay (Budget will discuss)
- Recognizes JROTC Instructors as qualified upon
completion of the Army Certification Process
17JROTC Awards