Title: CHIPS Systems Engineering
1Ongoing Results from the Cosmic Hot Interstellar
Plasma Spectrometer (CHIPS) Mission
- Mark Hurwitz,a Timothy P. Sasseen,b and Martin
Sirka - CHIPS Mission Overview
- Understanding the On-Orbit Performance
- Fields Observed to Date
- Data Reduction
- Results to Date
- aSpace Sciences Laboratory, University of
California, Berkeley - bDept. of Physics, University of California,
Santa Barbara - Crucial support from David Pierce (WFFC/GSFC),
Randy Kimble (GSFC) - NASA Grant NAG5-5213
2CHIPS Observational / Science Goals
- Perform spectroscopic sky mapping at EUV
wavelengths (90 - 260 Å) of diffuse emission from
hot plasma in the local bubble. - Characterize properties of the local hot plasma
(temperature, abundances, ionization state /
history, density / morphology, etc.). - Test models of the cooling rate of hot plasma in
the local bubble, and by inference, elsewhere.
3Emission Line Spectrum of 106 K Gas with Local
ISM Attenuation
Emission spectrum of 106 K gas attenuated by
local cloud of 2E18 cm-2. Solar abundance and
collisional ionization equilibrium are assumed.
Brightest lines Fe X 174.6Å, Fe IX 171.1Å, Fe
XI180.4Å, Fe XII 186.9Å
4Science Instrument Layout
5Science Instrument Layout
6CHIPS Diffraction Grating Array
7CHIPS Detector Door
8CHIPS Spectral Format
9Calibration Image Spectrum Coordinate System
Field of view filled w/ collimated beam sweeps
multiple source spectra coadded
10Calibration Spectrum
11Response Curve
12Satellite During Environmental Testing at KAFB
13Launch VAFB 12 January 2003
14Field of View
4.5 º
25 º
15Flight Detector Image (Narrow Slits)
He II Lyman ? and ? (256, 243 Å)
Hot spot removed in ground s/w
16Background Spectra (Raw Counts Poly/Al Filter)
White Particles Only Red Particles, Geocoronal
Emission, Stray Light
17Stability of CHIPS Calibration Pre-Flight and
- Pre-flight calibration of components showed
fair-to-average efficiencies not unrealistic /
overly optimistic values - Pre-flight end-to-end calibration in excellent
agreement (15) with product of components
despite months of abuse (repeated vibration
tests of optical subsytem, etc.) - Instrument purged with N2 virtually continuously
after end-to-end calibration. TQCM data show
negligible contamination during thermal-vacuum
test. - On-orbit response to geocoronal He II Lyman
series consistent with nominal response curve - On-orbit response to stray He I (in aluminum
panels) consistent with nominal response curve - On-orbit response to full moon consistent with
nominal response curve
18Lunar Spectrum (Poly/Al) (Narrow Slits)
White Counts per 0.5 Å inPoly/Al Red Scaled
particle background plus reflected solar model
19Lunar Spectrum (Zr/Al)
20CHIPS long look positions(NGP)
Boron band map of McCammon et al. 1983
21Narrow Slit Fields (Since Early April, 2003)
Coadded Regions HIGH (b gt 45º) LOW (b lt
-45º) PLANE
22Spectral Analysis
- Histogram spectra over useful detector area
- Adjust preflight wavelength scale by 0.9 Å for
overall best fit of He II 256.3 Å geocoronal
feature - Correct spectra for events excluded for hot
spot regions (v. small effect) - At wavelengths of interest, sum counts within
1.4x the nominal 80 EE width (comparable to
1.4x the FWHM) - Calculate background by scaling particle
spectrum to nearby wavelengths on each side - Intent is to correct for detector artifacts
true source background is strongly dominated by
particles. - Caveat True source background includes some
stray light, detector dark events could create
or mask very weak features. - Subtract background from signal, track
statistics, divide by Aeff?
23High Latitude Fields Coadded (Poly/Al plus Zr/Al)
24Results Coadded Regions
Best-Fit Line Fluxes Photons / (cm2 sec ster)
and 1? Uncertainty 1subject to transient
uncorrected detector hot spot 2possible
contamination by Vela SNR moderate latitude
sight lines
25Comparison to Predictions for Hot Local Bubble Gas
- Diffuse soft X-ray background reveals local
component (local hot bubble). - Distance typ. 100 pc, temperature approx. 106
K, mean absorption (NHI) typ. 4x1018 cm-2. See,
e.g., Kuntz Snowden, ApJ 543, 195 (2000).
Emission measure ranges from 0.0018 0.0058 cm-6
pc. See, e.g., Snowden, Proc. IAU 166 (Garching
(Fe XII excluded)
26B3 Spectra Poly/Al and Zr/Al
27Tentative Detections of Iron Line Features in
Best-Fit Line Fluxes Photons / (cm2 sec ster)
and 1? Uncertainty Caveat Poly/Al detections
not confirmed in Zr/Al Caveat2 Zr filter
response less well determined than Al
28Potential Implications of the CHIPS Results
- Canonical hot local bubble with significant
depletion of Fe - Bubble is too young to evaporate grain cores?
- Hot gas is behind moderate absorption
- Emission arises at edge / shell, not throughout
the volume - Emission measure lower than and/or temperature
far from canonical values - Solar wind / charge exchange contribution to
SXRB - Nonequilibrium ionization effects
- Emission very patchy CHIPS hasnt seen entire
sky yet - Instrumental sensitivity significantly
overestimated - Fe IX / Fe X ratio, if real, suggests
surprisingly low temperature (105.8 K) for
nearby / unabsorbed hot interstellar gas
29Limits on Continuum Break at 228 Å
30Summary / Conclusions
- CHIPS is on orbit and operating nominally
- We set tight constraints on strength of iron
emission line near 170 180 Å - Canonical sun-centered local hot bubble seems
ruled out unless abundances and/or ionization
conditions anomalous - Preliminary constraints well below the reported
detection of iron line complex by McCammon et al.
(Ap.J. 576, 188) - Observational challenges posed
- Properties of hot gas in the local cavity
- What ionizes the helium and other elements in
warm interstellar clouds? - Ongoing observations and analysis will enable us
to map more sky, characterize backgrounds, search
for or limit faint continuum emission, and
continue to refine limits on emission line