Topics in Embedded Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topics in Embedded Systems


Title: Topics in Embedded Systems Author: Taeweon Suh Last modified by: Taeweon Suh Created Date: 8/14/2004 10:46:03 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Topics in Embedded Systems

COM609 Topics in Embedded Systems
Lecture 1. Embedded Systems vs General-Purpose
Prof. Taeweon Suh Computer Science
Education Korea University
Embedded Systems
  • Embedded System is a special-purpose computer
    system designed to perform one or a few dedicated
    functions -- Wikipedia
  • In general, it does not provide programmability
    to users, as opposed to general purpose computer
    systems like PC
  • Embedded systems are virtually everywhere in your
    daily life

Embedded Systems (Cont)
  • Even though embedded systems cover a wide range
    of special-purpose systems, there are common
  • Low cost
  • Should be cheap to be competitive
  • Memory is typically very small compared to a
    general purpose computer system
  • Lightweight processors are used in embedded
  • Low power
  • Should consume low power especially in case of
    portable devices
  • Low-power processors are used in embedded systems

Embedded Systems (Cont)
  • High performance
  • Should meet the computing requirements of
  • Users want to watch video on portable devices
  • Audio should be in sync with video
  • Gaming gadgets like playstation should provide
    high performance
  • Real-time property
  • Job should be done within a time limit
  • Aerospace applications, Car control systems,
    Medical gadgets are critical in terms of time
    constraint Otherwise, it could lead to
    catastrophe such as loss of life
  • Will talk more about this

Embedded Systems (Cont)
  • It is challenging to satisfy the characteristics
  • You may not be able to achieve high performance
    while maintaining low power consumption and
    making use of cheap components
  • So, you got to do your best in a given
    circumstance to be competitive in the market

HW/SW Stack of Embedded Systems
  • Identical to the general-computer systems

Components of Embedded Systems
  • Hardware
  • It is mainly composed of processor (1 or more),
    memory, I/O devices including network devices,
    timers, sensors etc.

Components of Embedded Systems
  • Software
  • System software
  • Operating systems
  • Many times, a multitasking (multithreaded) OS is
    required, as embedded applications become
  • Networking, GUI, Audio, Video
  • Processor is context-switched to process multiple
  • Operating system footprint should be small enough
    to fit into memory of an embedded system
  • In the past and even now, real-time operating
    systems (RTOS) such as VxWorks or uC/OS-II have
    been used because they are light-weighted in
    terms of memory requirement
  • Nowadays, little heavy-weighted OSs such as
    Windows-CE or embedded Linux (uClinux) are used,
    as embedded processors support computing power
    and advanced capabilities such as MMU (Memory
    Management Unit)
  • Device drivers for I/O devices

Components of Embedded Systems (Cont)
  • Software (cont.)
  • Application software
  • Run on top of operating system
  • Execute tasks that users wish to perform
  • Web surfing, Audio, Video playback

Real-Time System
  • Real-time operating system (RTOS)
  • Multitasking operating system intended for
    real-time applications
  • RTOS facilitates the creation of real-time
  • RTOS does not necessarily have a high throughput
  • RTOS is valued more for how quickly and/or
    predictably it can respond to a particular event
  • Hard real-time systems are required to complete a
    critical task within a guaranteed amount of time
  • Soft real-time systems are less restrictive
  • Implementing real-time system requires a careful
    design of scheduler
  • System must have the priority-based scheduling
  • Real-time processes must have the highest
  • Priority inheritance (next slide)
  • Solve the priority inversion problem
  • Process dispatch latency must be small

Priority Inversion Problem
  • Pathfinder mission on Mars in 1997
  • Used VxWorks, an RTOS kernel, from WindRiver
  • Software problems caused the total system resets
    of the Pathfinder spacecraft in mission
  • Watchdog timer goes off, informing that something
    has gone dramatically wrong and initiating the
    system reset

Priority Inversion Problem
  • VxWorks provides preemptive priority scheduling
    of threads
  • Tasks on the Pathfinder spacecraft were executed
    as threads with priorities that were assigned in
    the usual manner reflecting the relative urgency
    of these tasks.

Task 1 tries to get the semaphore
Task 1 gets the semaphore and execute
Task 1 preempts Task3
Priority Inversion
Task 1 (highest priority)
Task 2 (medium priority)
Task 2 preempts task 3
Task 3 (lowest priority)
Task 3 is resumed
Task 3 gets semaphore
Task 3 is resumed
Task 3 releases the semaphore
Priority Inheritance
  • A chain of processes could all be accessing
    resources that the high-priority process needs
  • All these processes inherit the high priority
    until they are done with the resource
  • When they are finished, their priority reverts to
    its original value

Task 1 tries to get the semaphore (Priority of
Task 3 is raised to Task 1s)
Task 1 preempts Task3
Task 1 completes
Priority Inversion
Task 1 (highest priority)
Task 2 (medium priority)
Task 3 (lowest priority)
Task 3 gets semaphore
Task 3 is resumed with the highest priority
Task 3 releases the semaphore
Operating Systems for Embedded Systems
  • RTOSs
  • pSOS
  • VxWorks
  • VRTX (Versatile Real-Time Executive)
  • uC/OS-II
  • Palm OS (source Wikipedia)
  • Embedded operating system initially developed by
    U.S. Robotics-owned Palm Computing, Inc. for
    personal digital assistants (PDAs) in 1996
  • Symbian OS (source Wikipedia)
  • Proprietary operating system designed for mobile
    devices by Symbian Ltd.
  • A descendant of Psion's EPOC and runs exclusively
    on ARM processors
  • Android
  • Open Handset Alliance Project
  • Based on Linux 2.6 kernel
  • http//

Operating Systems for Embedded Systems
  • Windows CE (WinCE) (source Wikipedia)
  • Microsoft's operating system for minimalistic
    computers and embedded systems
  • WinCE is a distinctly different operating system
    and kernel, rather than a trimmed-down version of
    desktop Windows
  • Embedded Linux (uClinux, ELKS, ThinLinux)
    (source Wikipedia)
  • The use of a Linux operating system in embedded
    computer systems
  • According to survey conducted by Venture
    Development Corporation, Linux was used by 18 of
    embedded engineers
  • Embedded versions of Linux are designed for
    devices with relatively limited resources, such
    as cell phones and set-top boxes
  • Due to concerns such as cost and size, embedded
    devices usually have much less RAM and secondary
    storage than desktop computers, and are likely to
    use flash memory instead of a hard drive
  • Since embedded devices are used for specific
    purposes rather than general purposes, developers
    optimize their embedded Linux distributions to
    target specific hardware configurations and usage
  • These optimizations can include reducing the
    number of device drivers and software
    applications, and modifying the Linux kernel to
    be a real-time operating system
  • Instead of a full suite of desktop software
    applications, embedded Linux systems often use a
    small set of free software utilities such as
    busybox, and replace the glibc C standard library
    with a more compact alternative such as dietlibc,
    uClibc, or Newlib.

Embedded System Design Flow
  • ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
  • SoC System-on-Chip

A General-Purpose Computer System (till 2008)
Main Memory (DDR2)
FSB (Front-Side Bus)
North Bridge
Graphics card
DMI (Direct Media I/F)
Peripheral devices
South Bridge
Hard disk
PCIe card
But, dont forget the big picture!
Present, Near Future and More
  • Core i7 based Systems
  • Core 2 Duo based Systems

Keep in mind that CPU and computer systems are
evolving at a fast pace
x86 History (as of 2008)
x86 History (Cont.)
32-bit (i386)
32-bit (i586)
64-bit (x86_64)
32-bit (i686)
Core i7
  • What is x86?
  • Generic term referring to processors from Intel,
    AMD and VIA
  • Derived from the model numbers of the first few
    generations of processors
  • 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486 ? x86
  • Now it generally refers to processors from Intel,
    AMD, and VIA
  • x86-16 16-bit processor
  • x86-32 (aka IA32) 32-bit processor IA
    Intel Architecture
  • x86-64 64-bit processor
  • Intel takes about 80 of the PC market and AMD
    takes about 20
  • Apple also have been introducing Intel-based Mac
    from Nov. 2006

  • We call North and South Bridges as Chipset
  • Chipset has many PCIe devices inside
  • North Bridge
  • Memory controller
  • PCI express ports to connect Graphics card
  • http//
  • South Bridge
  • HDD (Hard-disk) controller
  • USB controller
  • Various peripherals connected
  • Keyboard, mouse, timer etc
  • PCI express ports
  • http//
  • Note that the landscape is being changed!
  • For example, memory controller is integrated into

PCI, PCI Express Devices
  • PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)
  • Computer bus connecting all the peripheral
    devices to the computer motherboard
  • PCIe (PCI Express)
  • Replaced PCI in 2004
  • Point-to-point connection

PCI express slot x16
PCI express slots
PCI slot
An Old GP Computer System Example
PCI Express Slots in GP Systems
PCI express slot
GP Computer System in terms of PCIe
North Bridge
South Bridge
Core i7-based Systems
  • Core i7 860 (Lynnfield) based system
  • Core i7 920 (Bloomfield) based system

Software Stack
Applications (MS-office, Google Earth)
API (Application Program I/F)
Operating System (Linux, Vista, Mac OS )
BIOS provides common I/Fs
BIOS (AMI, Phoenix Technologies )
Computer Hardware (CPU, Chipset, PCIe cards ...)
How the GP Computer System Works?
  • x86-based system starts to execute from the reset
    address 0xFFFF_FFF0
  • The first instruction is jmp xxx off from BIOS
  • BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
  • Detect and initialize all the devices (including
    PCI devices via PCI enumeration) on the system
  • Provide common interfaces to OS
  • Hand over the control to OS
  • OS
  • Manage the system resources including main memory
  • Control and coordinate the use of the hardware
    among various application programs for the
    various users
  • Provide APIs for system and application

So What?
  • How is it different from embedded systems?
  • General-purpose computer systems provide
    programmability to end-users
  • You can do any kinds of programming on your PC
  • C, C, C, Java etc
  • General-purpose systems should provide backward
  • A new system should be able to run legacy
    software, which could be in the form of binaries
    with no source codes written 30 years ago
  • So, general purpose computer system becomes messy
    and complicated, still containing all legacy
    hardware functionalities

x86 Operation Modes
  • Real Mode ( real address mode)
  • Programming environment of the 8086 processor
  • 8086 is a 16-bit processor from Intel
  • Protected Mode
  • Native state of the 32-bit Intel processor
  • For example, Windows is running in protected mode
  • 32-bit mode
  • IA-32e mode (64-bit mode)
  • There are 2 sub modes
  • Compatibility mode
  • 64-bit mode

Registers in 8086
  • Registers inside the 8086
  • 16-bit segment registers
  • CS, DS, SS, ES
  • General-purpose registers
  • all 16-bits
  • AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, DI
  • Registers in x86-32

Real Mode Addressing
  • In real mode (8086), general purpose registers
    are all 16-bit wide
  • Real model
  • Segment registers specify the base address of
    each segment
  • Segment registers
  • CS Code Segment -gt used to store instructions
  • DS Data Segment -gt used to store data
  • SS Stack Segment -gt stack
  • ES Extra Segment -gt could be used to store more
  • Addressing method
  • Segment ltlt 4 offset physical address
  • Example
  • mov ax, 2000h
  • mov ds, ax
  • ? Data segment starts from 20000h (2000h ltlt 4)

Data Segment in Real Mode
  • Memory addressing in real mode (8086)

Main Memory (1MB)
mov ax, 2000h mov ds, ax mov al, 100h
20000h 2000h ltlt 4
  • 8088/8086 allowed only 1MB memory access since
    they have only 20-bit physical address lines
  • 220 1MB
  • Memory is accessed with segmentoffset in
    8086/8088 (still the same though)
  • What if CS0xFFFF, IP0x0020?
  • CS ltlt 4 IP 0x100010
  • But, we have only 20 address lines. So, 8088 ends
    up accessing 0x00010 ignoring the 1 in A21
  • Some (weird?) programmers took advantage of this

A20M (Cont)
  • How about now?
  • Your Core 2 Duo has 48-bit physical address lines
  • What happens if there is no protection in the
    previous case
  • Processor will access 0x100010, breaking the
    legacy code
  • So, x86 provides a mechanism called A20M (A20
    Mask) to make it compatible with the old

A20M (Cont)
Another Example
  • Protected mode addressing (32-bit)
  • As application programs become larger, 1MB main
    memory is too small
  • Intel introduced protected mode to address a
    larger memory (up to 4GB)
  • But, Intel still wants to use 16-bit segment
    registers for the backward compatability
  • How to access a 4GB space with a 16-bit register?

Protected Mode Addressing
Hardware Inside the CPU (Registers)
Main memory
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor
Segment Descriptor Format
  • Software (OS) creates descriptor tables (GDT, LDT)

Address Translation in Protected Mode
One More Example
  • 8259 Interrupt Controller

Still in South Bridge
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