Title: NCLB
1NCLB for New LEAs Presented by the Arizona
Department of Education
2What is NCLB?
- Federal education legislation
- Reauthorized ESEA - since 1965
- Signed January 8, 2002
- Effective date July 1, 2002
3ESEA and the Federal Role
- Target funds and services to specific populations
of students - Designed to benefit impoverished areas
- Provide funding for additional services
supplemental to state and local funds
4Federal Role and NCLB
- Expanded role for federal government in K-12
education - Increases accountability to include all students
- Impacts all public school teachers
5NCLB Reform Principles
- Accountability
- Schools and students
- Highly Qualified Teachers
- Flexibility
- Researched Based Programs
- Informed Parents
- Schools need to show results
- Teachers need to be prepared to teach
- Progress measured annually AYP
- Extra support for schools that do not improve
- Are students learning?
- Schools and districts must design programs around
needs - Transferability allows funds to be spent as if
from other programs - States have flexibility in designing
accountability systems to meet NCLB
- Funds must be used on what works
- Scientifically based research defined in NCLB
- Professional development for teachers and staff
must also be research based - Comprehensive School Reform web site
- http//www.centerforcsri.org/
9Informed Parents
- Status of student on assessments
- Status of school AYP / dangerous
- School choice
- Supplemental services
- Qualifications of teachers
- Title I parent participation requirements
- Involved in decision-making
10NCLB Programs
- Title I-A
- Improving Achievement
- Title II-A
- Highly Qualified Teachers
- Title V-A
- Innovative Programs
- Title II-D
- Technology
- Title IV-A
- Safe, Drug-Free Schools
- Title I-B, C, D, F
- Title II-B
- Title III
- Title IV-B
- Title VI-B
- Title VII
- Homeless Title X-C
11NCLB Program Cycle
Approved Plan
Consolidated Report
12NCLB Consolidated Programs
- Titles I-A, II-A, II-D, IV-A and V-A
- 3 important documents
- Interim and Final Consolidated Plans
- Consolidated Application Fiscal
- Titles I-A, I-D, II-A
- Consolidated Report
13How to Access NCLB Funds
- New charters eligible to apply in 1st year 3
deadlines - BY November 1st full year funding
- BY February 1st pro rated funding
- BY May 15th eligibility for subsequent year
14How to Access NCLB Funds
- Step 1 Input eligibility of students into SAIS
- ADE calculates allocations by formula and
provides mandatory training - Step 2 - Prepare Plan and
- Step 3 Prepare Application - submit both to ADE
for approval - Funds now available to implement programs
15Step 1 - Eligibility
- Must have 40th day ADM
- Free/reduced lunch eligible count
- Minimum 10 students and 2 of enrollment
- Formula generates funds
- Title I based on census poverty
- Titles II and V combination of poverty and
16Step 1 - Eligibility
- Maintain records for
- National School Lunch Program data
- Parents complete and sign applications
- Verify income documentation per NSLP
- Survey data
- Eligibility based on NSLP income guidelines
- Parents complete and sign survey form
- LEA responsible for accuracy of information
- Compile NSLP or survey data and enter into SAIS
17ADE Allocations and Training
- Mandatory new LEA trainings are tentatively
scheduled for October, January, and Spring-
depending on numbers - Allocations calculated before end of day
- Training will cover NCLB requirements for
programs and applying for funds
18Step 2 - Plans
- Interim Plans
- First year of funding due for approval prior
to receipt of funds - Final Consolidated Plans due one year following
approval of Interim Plan - On-line submissions currently through Common
Logon / ALEAT
19Step 3 - Application
- Consolidated Application Fiscal
- Due annually
- Subject to monthly deadlines of grants system and
cash management - Budget and descriptions
- Charts of accounts
20NCLB Consolidated Programs
- Consolidated Report
- Due annually in fall
- Based on federal requirements
- HQT Position Input
- Program data is in SAIS
- ELL data
21Title I AImproving Academic Achievement for the
Economically Disadvantaged
22Title I AImproving Academic Achievement for the
Economically Disadvantaged
23Title I AImproving Academic Achievement for the
Economically Disadvantaged
- Design your program
- Targeted assistance programs
- Schoolwide programs (requires one year of
planning) - Needs assessment Standards and Rubrics
- What is the greatest academic need?
- Supplemental instruction
24Title I AImproving Academic Achievement for the
Economically Disadvantaged
- Funding to the school-rank ordering
- More than 1000 students or more than one school
per grade span - LEA-level activities
- School or LEA improvement
- Set asides
- Required and optional
25Title I AImproving Academic Achievement for the
Economically Disadvantaged
- Required Set asides
- Homeless services
- Optional Set asides
- Administration
- LEA-wide activities, summer school, preschool or
other school improvement activities and services
and general PD - PD set aside up to 5 for reading endorsements
26Title I ATargeted Assistance Programs (TA)
- All programs are initially TA
- Targets the most academically at-risk students
rank order - Instruction is supplemental outside the regular
school day instruction time - TA programs have 8 components
27Title I ATargeted Assistance Programs (TA)
- Goal- to meet AZ Academic Standards
- Part of whole school plan
- SBR and effective methods used
- Extends learning time
- Minimizes time away from classroom
- High quality curriculum
- Supports regular education program
- Uses HQ teachers and paraprofessionals
- Professional development for all associated staff
- Parent activities, including family literacy
- Coordinates with other support programs from
state and local sources
28Title I ASchoolwide Programs (SW)
- After your second year of funding
- Eligibility 40 poverty at site
- SW Plan developed over one year period
- Outside support required and ADE will provide
training - Part of an overall reform strategy
- Three types dependent on funding support
29Title I ASchoolwide Programs (SW)
- Based on comprehensive needs assessment
Standards and Rubrics for School or LEA
Improvement - Leading to a comprehensive SW plan
- Must address the intents and purposes of combined
programs - Ex. Plan must address professional development
needs - Evaluation imbedded in plan and implementation
- Submitted through IDEAL - ASIP
30Title I AFiscal Requirements
- Supplement not supplant
- Maintenance of effort
- Comparability
31Title I - Staff
- Important dates FY2010
- Paraprofessional requirements
- HQ teachers
- Core academic subjects Elementary content
Science Mathematics Foreign language Arts (music
and visual arts) Civics and government
English/LA Reading History Geography Economics
32Title II A
- Requires needs assessment
- Teacher needs
- Student needs
- PD plan as part of NCLB plan
33Title II A
- Plan is long-term PD is focused and ongoing,
data driven - Based on student learning, academic standards,
assessment and curriculum - Based on research-validated practices
- Improves teachers mastery of subject knowledge
34Title II-A
- Priorities for Title II-A spending
- Non- HQ teacher plans
- PD for continuous school improvement
- Class-size reduction
- Title II-A spending guidance on the web at
35Title II A
- Funds to assist teachers to become Highly
Qualified or retain HQ teachers - Professional development high quality defined
- NOT one-day workshops
- Sustained, intensive and classroom based
36Title II A
- Mentors for new teachers
- Recruitment
- Bonuses
- Class-size reduction (not 1st year)
- Caution must be a full FTE no supplanting, not
for growth - Based on needs assessment
- Must be a research-based program - Research shows
effect at 18 or fewer in grades K-3 - Not to meet an LEA requirement
37Title II-D Technology
- Tech plan required
- 25 for PD related to technology
- Goals of program are for both teachers and
students to become technologically literate - Integrate technology into instruction
- Separate application
38Title IV ASafe and Drug-Free Schools
- Annual goals and objectives
- Principles of Effectiveness
- Research based activities
- Needs assessment
- Measurable performance goals and objectives
- Evaluation of program required
- 2 admin limit
- Separate application
39Title V-A Innovative Programs
- No direct funding allocated
- Most flexible program 27 allowable activities
- 8 Categories
- 5. Parental Options
- 6. Literacy, Early Childhood Education and Adult
Ed - 7. Community Service and Community Involvement
- 8. Health Services
- Teacher Quality, PD
- and Class-Size
- Reduction
- 2. Technology and
- Educ. Materials
- School Reform and
- School Improvement
- 4. Special Needs
40Title VI - Flexibility
- Alternative use of funds
- LEAs eligible for SRSA Program (ED approved list)
- 100 transferability
- Transferability
- Use funds as if under another program
- Funds remain in allotted budget
- 50 of allocation eligible for transferability
- From Title II-A, II-D, IV-A, and V-A
- To Title I-A, III or any of the above
41Title III- Language Instruction for LEP Students
- Funds to provide services to ELLs
- Based on SAIS-reported counts
- Separate application
- Minimum 10,000 allocation or join consortium 2
admin limit - Parent notification required
- http//www.ade.az.gov/asd
- http//www.ade.az.gov/asd/nclblibrary/
- http//www.ade.az.gov/asd/Title1/AccountabilityGra
nts/ - http//www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/legislat
43- Nancy Konitzer -602-542-7470
- Nancy.konitzer_at_azed.gov
- Richard Valdivia - 602-542-3270
- Richard.valdivia_at_azed.gov