Title: Agenda Monday, September 15
1Agenda Monday, September 15
- 830 AM 1140 AM
- Welcome and Agenda Review
- Update on August 2003 DOJ survey
- Ken Nakata, DOJ and Craig Holcomb, NSA
- Panel Accessible EIT Resources
- Break
- Keynote speaker
- Dan Chenok, OMB
- Understanding the relationship between the 508
Standard and 255 - David Baquis, US Access Board
2Agenda Monday, September 15
- 1240 PM 430 PM
- Panel Update on complementary efforts vis-a-vis
508 (Local, State, and International) - Panel Update on complementary efforts vis-a-vis
EIT Acquisitions - Break
- Accessibility and Security--Two sides of the same
coin - Preety Kumar, Deque Systems
- Closing Speaker
- Ed Reniker
- Closing Remarks and Adjourn
3Agenda Tuesday, September 16
- 830 AM 1150 AM
- Welcome and Agenda Review
- Opening speaker
- Mary Mitchell, GSA
- Project Team Update EIT Acquisition Focus Group
- Jim Kindrick with Kelly Wong (HUD) and Carla
Sherry (USPS) - Break
- Tool Demonstration Buy Accessible
Wizard--Applicability Assistant - Bill Hetzner, Jim Kindrick, and Seema Jetli
- Next Steps
- Terry Weaver, GSA
4Agenda Tuesday, September 15
- 1250 PM 400 PM
- Whats Next for EIT Accessibility?
- Gregg Vanderheiden, TRACE
- Whats Next for the Accessibility Forum?
- Terry Weaver, GSA
- Break
- Guest Speaker
- Craig Luigart, Co-Chair of the Federal CIO
Council's Section 508 Steering Committee - Open Mike Session
- Terry Weaver and Skip Crane, Moderators
- Closing Remarks and Adjourn
5- Accessibility Forum
- September, 2003
Welcome to Washington, DC We thank you for your
6Agenda Monday, September 15
- 830 AM 1140 AM
- Welcome and Agenda Review
- Update on August 2003 DOJ survey
- Ken Nakata, DOJ and Craig Holcomb, NSA
- Panel Accessible EIT Resources
- Break
- Keynote speaker
- Dan Chenok, OMB
- Understanding the relationship between the 508
Standard and 255 - David Baquis, US Access Board
7Agenda Monday, September 15
- 1240 PM 430 PM
- Panel Update on complementary efforts vis-a-vis
508 (Local, State, and International) - Panel Update on complementary efforts vis-a-vis
EIT Acquisitions - Break
- Accessibility and Security--Two sides of the same
coin - Preety Kumar, Deque Systems
- Closing Speaker
- Ed Reniker
- Closing Remarks and Adjourn
8Agenda Tuesday, September 16
- 830 AM 1150 AM
- Welcome and Agenda Review
- Opening speaker
- Mary Mitchell, GSA
- Project Team Update EIT Acquisition Focus Group
- Jim Kindrick with Kelly Wong (HUD) and Carla
Sherry (USPS) - Break
- Tool Demonstration Buy Accessible
Wizard--Applicability Assistant - Bill Hetzner, Jim Kindrick, and Seema Jetli
- Next Steps
- Terry Weaver, GSA
9Agenda Tuesday, September 15
- 1250 PM 400 PM
- Whats Next for EIT Accessibility?
- Gregg Vanderheiden, TRACE
- Whats Next for the Accessibility Forum?
- Terry Weaver, GSA
- Break
- Guest Speaker
- Craig Luigart, Co-Chair of the Federal CIO
Council's Section 508 Steering Committee - Open Mike Session
- Terry Weaver and Skip Crane, Moderators
- Closing Remarks and Adjourn
10Update on August 2003Dept. of Justice Survey
- Ken Nakata, DOJ
- Craig Holcomb, NSA
11Update on August 2003Dept. of Justice Survey
- History and background of the Survey
- Plan for releasing the Survey
- Review of some of the questions on the Survey
- QA
12Panel Accessible EIT Resources
- 508 Universe Helen Chamberlain, GSA
- Market Research Terry Weaver, GSA
- VPATs Terry Weaver, GSA
- Moderator Lesley Field, OMB
13508 Universe
- Comments by Helen Chamberlain
14508 Universe
- Source for
- Information and Web based training courses on
various topics - Downloadable presentation materials and
instructor and participant guides for classroom
courses - Other resources
- Relevant resources
- Government/Policy
- General Information about Disabilities and
Accessibility - Web Development and Accessibility
- Products and services
- Federal Government Accessibility Centers
- Accessible Conferences
15508 Universe
- Available 508 Training Courses
- Designing Accessible Web Sites (4 hours)
- Accessible Conferences (2 hours)
- Buying Accessible E IT (1.25 hours)
- Section 508 Coordinators (1.5 hours)
- Additional Accessibility Usability Concerns
(1.25 hours) - Accessible Video and Multimedia (2.5 hours)
- Building and Buying Accessible Software (2 hours)
- Buying Accessible Computers (1.5 hours)
- Opening Closed Products (1.5 hours)
16Market Research Education
17Market Research Education
- Two vehicles relevant to Market Research
- Acquiring Technology What Every Federal
Employee Needs To Know About Section 508 - Micro-purchases
- Acquiring Technology
- Currently available in classroom format
- Plans are in place to transition to 508 Universe
- Sept. 25 GSA will conduct a Train the Trainers
class to prepare agencies to conduct the
classroom version on their own - Micro-purchases
- Material still in development
- Delivery plan to be determined (standalone or
part of the required training tools for all
credit card purchasers)
18Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPATs)
19Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPATs)
- VPAT is a product of The Information Technology
Industry Council (ITI) - Designed in partnership with GSA linked to "Buy
Accessible" web site (www.section508.gov) - Intended to be a simple, Internet-based tool to
assist Federal Agencies as part of their Section
508 market research requirements - Many EIT companies routinely produce VPATs, post
them on their company web sites, and link them to
GSA's "Buy Accessible" web site. - The VPAT (template)
- Download from www.itic.org/reports/508/vpat.html
(dynamic changes as recent as a few days ago)
21Please Welcome Our Guest Speaker
- Dan Chenok, ChiefInformation Policy and
Technology Branch, Office of Information and
Regulatory AffairsOffice of Management and
22508 and 255 Whats the Difference?
- David Baquis,
- Accessibility Specialist
- U.S. Access Board
- Office of Technical and Information Services
23255 versus 508Two different laws
- Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996
(Amendments to the 1934 Telecommunications Act) - Note that the FCC has a Consumer Advisory
Committee that meets regularly and the public is
invited to attend. - Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as
amended in 1998.
24255 Products covered
- Section 255 telecommunications products and
services. (Rules include considerable guidance
as to what accessible means) - Customer premises equipment that connects
directly to the network to originate and receive
a call - Local and long distance telecommunications
services wireless and paging services - Voicemail and interactive menu functions of a PBX
or network equipment - Voicemail and interactive menu functions provided
for a fee - Information services such as web pages
- Equipment that does not connect directly to the
network, such as a computer that is connected to
a PBX and used by a consumer
25Specific 255 Accessibility Examples (Depending
on company resources)
- Font size on LED display
- Contrast of numbers on the keypad
- Availability of vibrating cue for ringing
- Voice recognition dialing
26508 Products covered
- Section 508 electronic and information
technology (broader) - Telecommunications
- Websites
- Software
- Video/multimedia
- Desktop and portable computers
- Self contained, closed products
27Disability Categories Addressed
- 508
- Hearing
- Speech
- Vision
- Dexterity
- 255
- Hearing
- Speech
- Vision
- Dexterity
- Cognitive
28255 Who Must Comply
- Manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and
customer services equipment - Some software, voicemail, and interactive menu
equipment developers - Providers of telecommunications services
(including aggregators)
29508 Who Must Comply?
- Section 508 covers Federal agencies and
departments (regarding compliant procurements) - The term federal agency or department is
defined in the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) - 508 does not cover legislative or judicial
branches, although some have certainly taken
initiatives toward voluntary accessibility.
30255 versus 508 Enforcement Mechanisms and
- Section 255 Federal Communications Commission
(no recourse in court) - Full range of enforcement mechanisms available
(e.g., investigations, hearings, citations,
forfeitures, and settlement talks). - Broad range of investigative and remedial powers.
- Informal complaints consumer friendly, fast and
effective. - Focus on getting accessible products in the
marketplace. - Section 508 Administrative (Section 504)
complaint process of each agency and department.
Also, individuals have a right to file a private
civil action.
31255 versus 508 Company processes
- Not only are telecommunications manufacturers and
service providers required to provide accessible
telecommunications products and services, but
they must - Consider accessibility issues in all phases of
their design process - Collaborate with disability organizations and
- Evaluate products to determine if they are
accessible and include people with disabilities
in the testing and marketing of products. - Section 508, on the other hand, focuses on
outcomes procurements of conforming products.
32255 versus 508 Differences in degree of effort
to comply
- Section 255 ..when readily achievable to do
so. (weaker) - Section 508 ..unless an undue burden would be
posed upon an agency. (stronger)
33Access Board Technical Assistance
- Guide on Section 508 telecommunications
provisions - Telecommunications advanced technical assistance
for designers (upcoming) - Interactive course on Section 508
telecommunications provisions (upcoming) - 508 Standard posted in English, Spanish, Japanese
and digital talking book format - Research (e.g., Cell Phone/Hearing Aid
interference - via Interagency Committee on
Disability Research) - Other publications (e.g., 255 Guidelines, 508
Standard, etc)
34Terminology Clarification
- Accessibility This word is never mentioned in
508.(In this context it means conformant to the
508 standard) - Accessible It is possible for something to
conform to the 508 standard (for accessibility)
and still not be accessible. - Usability not generally a 508 issue, but often
bundled and confused in technical assistance
provide by others. - Compatibility not a 508 issue, but a
significant challenge
35Why Dont People Complain?
- They are afraid of making trouble for an employee
or company (or themselves) - They are so upset, they are afraid they will lose
control - They believe that some other person or
organization is handling it and the issue will
resolve itself - They think their complaint will be ineffective
- They dont know how to complain
37Update on complementary efforts vis-a-vis 508
(Local, State, and International)
- International InitiativesDavid Capozzi, US
Access Board Staff - Non-Federal InitiativesDeborah Buck, ITTATC
- W3C InitiativesJudy Brewer, W3C
- Moderator Skip Crane
38International Initiatives
- Comments by David Capozzi
39Non-Federal Initiatives
40 Non-Federal InitiativesInformation Technology
Technical Assistance Training Center (ITTATC)
- November- October Program Period
- Completing 3rd year
- Customers
- People with Disabilities
- State Governments
- Industry
- Training Technical Assistance
- Live On-Line
41Consumer Training
- Two Training Modules Developed
- Buying Products
- The Laws and how to complain
- Development
- Partnered with World Institute on Disabilities
- Under review
- Next Steps
- Meet with Consumer Organizations Offer training
late Fall at Galludet University - On-Line Training
- Respond to budget and travel restrictions
42Industry Training
- Developed 2-day training
- Flexible modules can be split
- Day 1
- Experience rooms awareness at the ah ha level
- Based on tested methodologies approaches
- Day 2
- Targets Industry Accessibility Program Managers
Marketing Staff - Target Audience
- Targeting specific companies
43Technical Assistance
- Technical Assistance Materials
- for usability Human Factors Professions
- Intended for usability testing
- Technical Assistance Knowledge Base
- Scope of Knowledge
- Section 508 of Rehab Act
- Section 255 of Telecomm Act
- Universal design of EIT
- Focusing on our target audiences
44Status of Knowledgebase
- Completed or In Process
- Collected 1100 possible entries
- Developed process that outlines review and
vetting requirements for individual entries - Active discussions with the Access Board about
including the TA responses they are providing - Identifying and editing answers to batches of
questions - Refining database and application design
- Refining taxonomy to be used for storage and
retrieval of entries - Tuning natural language search engine to support
retrieval of entries
45State Governments
- State Reports
- Web-based
- Update and Revisions
- Technical Assistance Training
- Assistance to specific states upon request
- Policy and practice based
- Resource Tools
- Policy development tool resources
- Training Modules in Development
- Awareness, Business Case
46For more informationhttp//www.ITTATC.org
47W3C Initiatives
48Update on Complementary EffortsEIT Acquisition
- Integrated Acquisition Environment
- Federal Enterprise Architecture
- SmartBuy Emory Miller, GSA
- Moderator Bill Hetzner
- Initiatives to Improve the Acquisition Process
- Integrated Acquisition Environment
- Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act
- e-Government
- Initiatives to Improve the Acquisition of EIT
- Federal Enterprise Architecture
- SmartBuy
- Section 508
- Clinger-Cohen
50Integrated Acquisition Environment
51Integrated Acquisition Environment
- VisionA secure business environment that
facilitates and supports cost-effective
acquisition of goods and services in support of
mission performance - Goals
- Create a simpler, common, integrated business
process for buyers and sellers - Increase data sharing
- Take a unified approach to obtaining modern tools
52Federal Enterprise Architecture
53Federal Enterprise Architecture
- Framework for the relationship between business
functions and the technologies and information
that support these functions - FEA maintenance and upkeep process is facilitated
through the use of an Internet-based automated
repository and analysis tool - the Federal
Enterprise Architecture Management System
54Federal Enterprise Architecture
- Major IT investments will be aligned against
agency independent reference models - Business Reference Model (FY2005)
- Lines of business and internal functions
- Performance Reference Model ((FY2005)
- Identify and measure improvement opportunities
spanning traditional organization boundaries. - Service Component Reference Model (FY2005)
- IT and business components
- Technical Reference Model (FY2005)
- Standards, specifications, and technologies
- Data Reference Model (TBA)
- The information content
- Government wide enterprise licensing initiative
- Goal to reduce the government's cost for
acquiring commodity software - Initially targeting the large companies that sell
a the government large quantities of software
58Web Accessibility and Security Two Sides of
the Same Coin?
- Preety Kumar, CEO
- Deque Systems, Inc.
59What we will discuss
- Part One Background What are the common
threads? - Part Two Options What can be done?
- Part Three Direction What have we been up to?
60Part One BackgroundHow they are the same?
- Common Origins
- Poor Coding Practices
- Policy-based
- Information Awareness
- Monitoring and Filtering
- Impact - Infrastructure, Integration, and
Collaboration - Similar Challenges, Related Recommendations
61Part Two Options
- Usage Patterns
- User Identities
- Structured and Self-identifying Content
- Common Testing Techniques (especially with short
turnaround times) - Complete Assessment A different type of
62Part Three What are we doing about it?
- Exploiting the overlap.
- Easing Security into Accessibility Rule Engines.
- Implementation in Large and Complex Platforms.
- Black Box Dynamic Analysis
63Please Welcome Our Guest Speaker
64Have a Wonderful Evening
65Good Morning
66Agenda Tuesday, September 16
- 830 AM 1150 AM
- Welcome and Agenda Review
- Opening speaker
- Mary Mitchell, GSA
- Project Team Update EIT Acquisition Focus Group
- Jim Kindrick with Kelly Wong (HUD) and Carla
Sherry (USPS) - Break
- Tool Demonstration Buy Accessible
Wizard--Applicability Assistant - Bill Hetzner, Jim Kindrick, and Seema Jetli
- Next Steps
- Terry Weaver, GSA
67Agenda Tuesday, September 15
- 1250 PM 400 PM
- Whats Next for EIT Accessibility?
- Gregg Vanderheiden, TRACE
- Whats Next for the Accessibility Forum?
- Terry Weaver, GSA
- Break
- Guest Speaker
- Craig Luigart, Co-Chair of the Federal CIO
Council's Section 508 Steering Committee - Open Mike Session
- Terry Weaver and Skip Crane, Moderators
- Closing Remarks and Adjourn
68Please Welcome Our Guest Speaker
- Mary Mitchell, GSA
- Deputy Associate Administrator Office of
Electronic Government Office of Governmentwide
69Project Team Update EIT Acquisition Focus Group
- Jim Kindrick
- with
- Kelly Wong, HUD
- Carla Sherry, USPS
70Section 508 Acquisition Tools Focus Group Summary
71What We Areor The Way We Were
- A focus group is a relaxed group interview and
moderated discussion. The hallmark of a focus
group is the explicit use of group dynamics to
generate data and insights that would be unlikely
to emerge without the interaction of a group. - Our goal is to provide functional requirements
and end-user perspectives to the design team
developing computer-based tools to provide
Section 508 related EIT acquisition assistance
for the federal government.
72Who We Are
- Representatives from 8 different agencies (so
far) - DOI, FEMA, GSA, HUD, NSA, OMB, US Access Board,
USPS - Representing a program requiring official
perspective, the contracting officer
organization, and people concerned with federal
compliance - People with experience in the acquisition process
and in defining requirements for procurements - Group facilitators from the Accessibility Forum
73What We Set Out To Do
- Develop and validate a domain model a model of
the world that the computer system is supporting - Identify and validate a set of use cases a
typical interaction that a user has with the
system in order to achieve some goal - Review and validate user scenarios prototype
screens and logic flow representing an evolving
user interface design
74Highlights from Meeting Minutes
- General comments about acquisition assistance
tools - Need to build a step-by-step process that people
can follow - Need to customize tool for agency specifics -
need a tool that is a common building block - Need a QA plan for the procurement assistant tool
knowledge content
75Highlights from Meeting Minutes
- Tools should not be developed from scratch or in
a vacuum - Need to understand the relationship to existing
pieces of solutions out there - Over 20 potential actors with roles related to
the acquisition process identified - Need to identify where tools fit in among
multiple process life cycles - Procurement/Acquisition process, Contract
Administration process, Program and Project
Management life cycles, SW development life
cycle, - System development and integration differs from
COTS buys - Need to represent both cases in a general
acquisition process model
76Highlights from Meeting Minutes
- Some comments about the acquisition process
- Buying COTS off a list or catalog is a
particularly important issue for 508. - IDIQ contracts are like buying from GSA schedule
in that there is no solicitation phase in the
process go directly to source selection. - No matter what contracting vehicle is available,
the requirements of Needs Assessment, including
applicability and market research, are still
77Highlights from Meeting Minutes
- Some comments about actors and roles
- Program Requiring Official is a person, but the
role is really Program Requirements Definition
it may be done by one or a combination of people. - Compliance enforcement is another important role
that may be done by a separate actor, someone
other than the Requiring Official. - Some comments about use cases
- Use case for COTS buy differs from that of EIT
system development or custom integration
functional characteristics are known for COTS,
not yet known otherwise. - Use case for RFP solicitation and competitive
selection process differs from a fast track
contract vehicle where the source is known or
78The Buy Accessible Wizard A Section 508
Compliance Assistant
79Presentation Goals and Objectives
- To better understand how
- A general EIT acquisition process works
- Section 508 affects the acquisition process
- Different stakeholders are affected
- Tools can support the process
- Paper Tool Quick Reference Guide
- The Buy Accessible Wizard
80How a General EIT Acquisition Process Works
- FAR, FEA, IAE, OMB A-11, et. al. place
requirements on the acquisition process - Requirements intended as opportunities for
consistency and process improvement - General EIT acquisition process
- Step by step process breaks down requirements
81General Acquisition Process
acquisition process
82Acquisition Process in Context
program and project planning
acquisition process
contract administration
acquisition planning
System Development Life Cycle
83How Section 508 Affects the Process
- Section 508 compliance is a process requirement
- Federal compliance is currently inconsistent
- General acquisition process incorporates the
section 508 requirement - Must accommodate variations in use and among
84Differences in the Acquisition Process
- COTS product - EIT characteristics and functions
known - Custom development/integration - not yet known
- Competitive contract, RFP solicitation
- Formal requirements for solicitation and
evaluation - Simplified contracting and existing vehicles
- Less formal solicitation, source is pre-qualified
- EIT providing independent user functionality
- EIT depending on existing user functionality
85How Different Stakeholders are Affected
- Government Programs
- New responsibility to acquire accessible EIT
- EIT Providers
- New opportunities to sell accessible EIT
- The Federal Workplace
- New possibilities using accessible EIT
86Actors and Their Roles
- Brainstorm generated over 20 actors with possible
relevance to the EIT acquisition process - Actor defined as a coherent set of roles
- May be person, system, database or other
information source,
87Actors and Their Roles
- Pieces of the solution include
- Agencies with Section 508 policy and management
roles - People responsible to conduct EIT acquisition
activities - Standard Operating Procedures for some agencies
- Information repositories and databases
- Section 508 specific tools from federal agency,
EIT industry, and International government - Web site accessibility validation and development
tools - Researched and documented over 30 actors in the
domain - Grouped into 7 role categories
88Actors in the Broader Context
program and project planning
acquisition process
contract administration
acquisition planning
System Development Life Cycle
89Actors in Specific Roles
acquisition process
90People with acquisition activity roles and
- Program Requiring Official
- Charged with determining program needs, Section
508 relevance and exceptions, and specific
Section 508 technical and performance
requirements. Responsible for conducting market
research on accessibility of available EIT.
Must also provide RFP language for solicitation,
assist in choosing the best proposal during
source selection, and conduct inspection and
acceptance during EIT delivery. - Program Contracting/Procurement Officer
- Conduct the acquisition interface between Program
Requiring Official and EIT product vendor
execute the contracting process prepare and
distribute the RFP and subsequently establish
contract with selected EIT provider.
91People with acquisition activity roles and
- EIT provider
- Responsible to provide market research data
related to Section 508 accessibility
requirements, to respond to RFP during
solicitation, and if selected to establish a
contract with the Program Contracting Officer.
Also, responsible to provide the EIT
product/service and to maintain the EIT
throughout the contract lifecycle. - Contract Administration Personnel
- Once a contract is in place, maintain the
contract and its deliverables thru the contract
life cycle.
92Observations on Use Cases
- Use Case a typical interaction that a user has
with the system in order to achieve some goal - COTS product with simplified contract is a
particularly important case for Section 508 - Especially for credit card buys after October 1,
2004 - COTS vs. Custom an important distinction for the
Needs Assessment phase - Contracting less so, but functionality is tricky
- All the different cases require Needs Assessment
- Current practice sometimes skips this critical
93Focus on Needs Assessment
Acquisition Process
508 Relevance
508 Applicability
Market Research
508 Exceptions
94How Tools Can Support the Process
- The Paper Tool
- Quick Reference Guide to Section 508 Resource
Documents, v1.0, September 10, 2003 - The Buy Accessible Wizard
- Designed to support section 508 compliance and
best practices, deliver resource document content - Alpha-development section 508 applicability
assistant module - Next Steps
- Beta-deployment within federal agencies
- Assessment of effectiveness
95Buy Accessible WizardNeeds Assessment Use
Contracting Officer
Requiring Official
Market Research Review
Business Need
Solicitation Documents
EIT Acquisition Process
Section 508 SOW Language
Section 508 Requirements
Buy Accessible Wizard
96Buy Accessible Wizard Functionality
- Acquisition Browser
- Browse, start new, or resume an acquisition
process - Search existing acquisition data, link to
external resources - Acquisition Navigator
- Maintain list of acquisition process modules
- Sequence control through list of modules
- Acquisition Reporter
- Generate reports based on collected acquisition
data - Acquisition Process Modules
- 508 Relevance is it EIT? Are there general
exceptions? - 508 Applicability what specific technical
requirements apply?
97Buy Accessible Wizard Architecture
Backbone Coordinates the activity of a set of
process modules
needs assessment module
source selection module
delivery module
solicitation module
98Buy Accessible Wizard Benefits
- Checklist of Section 508 Acquisition points
- Consistent with existing processes, IAE, e-Gov,
other initiatives - Consistent information outputs that can be
integrated into current environment - Output reports compatible with existing tools and
processes - Shared repository of reusable acquisition
information, e.g. applicability or market
research - Do once, use many philosophy
99Buy Accessible Wizard Benefits
- Improved communication between organizational
components, e.g. program office and procurement - Consistent vocabulary, information content, and
formats - Portability, compatibility, and flexibility
- Modular architecture design
100Buy Accessible Wizard Demonstration
- Jim Kindrick and Seema Jetli
101System Backbone Functionality
- Identification and Authorization
- Acquisition Browsing
- Portfolio management
- Acquisition Navigation
- Activity management
- Reporting and Documentation
- Linkage to additional resources
102Acquisition Browser Functionality
- Browse current acquisitions
- Open existing acquisition process
- Start new acquisition process
- Search existing acquisitions
103Acquisition Navigator Functionality
- Start, stop, resume acquisition process
- Guidance through acquisition process
- Customize process for agency specifics
104Backbone Use CaseIdentification and
- Login to system
- Set level of information privacy, access
- Share procurement data with others
- Protect procurement data from others
105Browser Use Case Acquisition Portfolio
- List existing acquisitions
- View status of existing acquisitions
- Open existing acquisition
- Create new acquisition
- Copy existing acquisition
- Search existing acquisitions
- All public, by user, date, type, status, text
keyword, ,
106Navigator Use Case Acquisition Activity
- Navigate through procurement process steps
- Sequential or opportunistic
- View status of current procurement activity
- current position in procurement process
- Add information content within a process step
- Modify existing content within a process step
107Reporter Use Case Documentation and Reporting
- Generate procurement activity report
- View procurement activity report
- Edit, modify procurement activity report
- Annotate procurement activity report
- Share procurement activity report
108Backbone Use Case Linkage to Additional
- Get help (additional information) on the current
context within procurement process - Definition of terms
- Detail on required user inputs
- Get tutorial overview of procurement process
- Get tutorial overview on EIT accessibility
- Get tutorial overview on EIT-AT interoperability
- Access additional external (web) information
109Use Cases for acquisition process activities
- Use Case a typical interaction that a user has
with the system in order to achieve some goal - Section 508 relevance
- Intended need specify agency program
requirements for EIT - General exceptions understand Section 508
relevance given agency or program features - Section 508 Applicability - determine specific
technical requirements that apply
110Intended Need Goals and Use Cases
- Need to understand if agency needs EIT products
or services - Does Section 508 apply at all?
- Need to know how a product will be used, not who
will use it - Section 508, not Section 504
111Intended Need Goals and Use Cases
- Need to justify EIT purchase within technical
environment to - Provide new capability (via EIT product or
system) - Enhance existing EIT system (with EIT product
or system) - What about products purchased as components of an
existing system? - Repair existing capability (with EIT product or
system) - What about bug fixes and patches? These may also
be enhancements.
112General Exceptions Goals and Use Cases
- Need to determine if an exception applies to an
EIT procurement - Many different general exceptions are possible
- Micro-purchase
- National security system
- Acquired by a contractor incidental to a contract
- Located in spaces frequented by service personnel
for maintenance, repair, or occasional monitoring
of equipment - Determining if and which exceptions apply is not
easy - Need to produce documentation for exceptions
113Applicability Goals and Use Cases
- Specify accessibility-related functional
characteristics of required EIT - Determine which specific parts of Section 508
apply to particular EIT procurements - Requires detailed knowledge of the standard and
EIT accessibility - Many multi-functional products cross the
boundaries of the technical sections of the
Section 508 standard - Functional characteristics of certain products
might exceed requirements of agency - May not know functional characteristics of EIT
not yet built
114Take a Break
115Buy Accessible Wizard Next Steps
116Buy Accessible Wizard Next Steps
- Buy Accessible Wizard
- Status and Plans for Deployment
- Plans for Additional Development
- Tool Maintenance
- Accessibility Forum
- Relationship to the Buy Accessible Wizard
- Development of Additional Information
- Maintenance of the Knowledge Base
117Status and Plans for Deployment
- Develop and test the Buy Accessible Wizard
Backbone (1Q04) - Data Base, Navigator, Browser, Summary (report)
- Develop and test two initial modules supporting
Section 508 Needs Assessment (1Q04) - Section 508 Relevance and Section 508
Applicability - Deploy prototype Buy Accessible Wizard in
selected federal agencies (1Q04)
118Plans for Additional Development
- Document information requirements for two
additional modules supporting Section 508 Needs
Assessment (3Q04) - Section 508 related market research
- Section 508 exceptions
- Develop and deploy two additional modules (3Q04)
119Tool Maintenance
- Form a Buy Accessible Wizard User Group
- Deployment group extending Focus Group experience
- Interface with federal acquisition and IT policy
groups - Interface with the Accessibility Forum
- User Group Functions
- Report bugs(!?), suggest new or modified
functionality - Monitor Wizard impact and effectiveness
- Observe federal acquisition performance
- Department of Justice survey
- Other data generated by the Wizard
120Accessibility Forum
- Relationship to the Buy Accessible Wizard
- Wizard uses information developed by and vetted
through the Forum - Does the Forum want its name on the Buy
Accessible Wizard? - Development of Additional Information
- Follow established procedures for developing and
vetting information - Maintenance of the Knowledge Base
- Forum role in keeping information current
122Whats Next for EIT Accessibility?
123Whats Next for The Accessibility Forum?
125Please Welcome Our Guest Speaker
- Craig LuigartCo-Chair of the Federal CIO
Council's Section 508 Steering Committee
126Open Mike Session
127Thank You for Coming and Travel Safely