Title: How the French Revolution started.
1FrEnCh ReVoLuTiOn
- How the French Revolution started.
- by Christy and Gabe
2Introduction to the French revolution
- The French revolution was a time when absolute
rulers were dominating Europe. By law, the French
people were divided into three different estates
first estate, second estate, and third estate.
First and Second estates had special privileges.
The rich and the poor were spread apart from
each other. In these times, there were a lot of
hungry and poor people rather then rich, which is
where the economy came in, Debts from the
previous King had left France in a great debt.
Certain taxing made people angry. Louis XVI was
aware that France was in need of economic reform,
but he didn't help. Financial minister, Robert
Turot, was appointed and he tried to control
spending at Versailles. He also tried in 1776.
But the Banks wouldn't lend the King any more
money . The enlightenment thinkers started
questioning why so much power was held by such
few people. A big part of the start of the French
revolution was trying not to run a country within
one or more leaders having all the power and
giving the power for many people to have.. The
American revolution and the colonist over
throwing the British had inspired the French to
fight. All the above reason were all part in the
French Revolution . In this presentation we are
going to tell you about the major event s that
occurred this time. And how they helped to lead
to the rise of democracy. Now lets take a step
back into history.
3The meeting of the Estates General
- On may 5, 1789, king Louis held an assembly of
representatives from all three states to get
approval for the tax reform, also known as the
meeting of the estates general. France was having
a financial crisis. The 3rd estate took advantage
of this meeting by changing the form of
government. They thought they should all vote by
order. It would give the advantage to the 3rd
estate. This was a rise in democracy by the first
, second and third estates are all similar to our
three branches. Also the third estate is like the
people which means the people vote, this shows a
rise in democracy.
We want A New Government!
4The Tennis Court Oath
- The tennis court oath was the name of the
agreement that the national assembly made
pledging that they would remain at the palace of
Versailles until they had drawn a new
constitution which soon was known as constitution
of 1791. The tennis court oath did contribute the
rise of the democracy by showing that they can
have control by changing the constitution, also
it ended absolute monarchy which was a big rise
in democracy.
We will not leave until we get a new
5The Storming of the Bastille
- The king was sensing trouble from the citizens so
he sent foreign soldiers to go take care of it,
When the citizens heard about these foreign
troops coming to Paris. So the French citizens
got their weapons together so they could defend
Paris from the troops. On July 14, 1789 a group
of people tried to get gunpowder from the
Bastille, which was a prison in Paris.The angry
citizens fought off the kings soldiers and the
Bastille was then controlled by the citizens. The
storming of Bastille didnt contribute to the
rise of democracy because all that happened was
the angry citizens in Paris kept the king
soldiers out and took over the Bastille.
We want gun powder!
6The March on Versailles
- On October fifth, a group of 7000 angry women
marched to Versailles demanding for bread. the
prices had risen over the months and families
were starving and many couldn't afford it .
finally they all got together , other woman
joined in along the way. They destroyed many
things in their path and were armed with weapons.
They walked into the palace angry and tried, the
king was shocked and scared, so he promised he
would give them all bread and what they wanted.
I need to feed my family!!
We want bread!!
This shows a rise in democracy because people
wanted bread and got what they wanted. This
shows a rise by the king listening to the people.
7The Reign of Terror
- During the years of July 1793-July 1794 was the
time known as the Reign of Terror. The National
Convention was facing the threats from France so
they invented the Committee of public safety.
During the Reign of Terror there were 20,000 to
40,000 people being executed. That was about 73
people dieing a day. Maximelien Robspierre led
the Committee of Public Safety during this time.
he didn't want none of his enemies to live so any
who were suspected of being so was arrested and
could be imprisoned or executed with barely any
evidence.The Law of Suspects (Sept. 17, 1793)
defined those who could be arrested for
treasonable activities it was enforced by the
Revolutionary Tribunal. Estimates vary as to the
number of victims thousands were guillotined,
and over 200,000 were arrested.They also made a
law that every French man able to be drafted in
the army. By the spring of 1794,the French had
had victories in the war.Executions were
beginning to be questioned.In July of 1794,The
National Convention ordered for Robspierre to be
arrested for treason.He was put on trial and
executed.Robespierre death ended the Reign of
Im innocent I swear
The reign of terror help lead to the rise of the
democracy because the people realized that one
person leading the country who was Maximelien
Robspierre could cause to much of damage to
people because no one could rule over him. So
they figured that they should make a government
that could be ruled by a lot more people with
equal power just like a democracy today were the
citizens control the government.
8The rise of Napoleon
If the victory is for a moment uncertain, you
shall see your emperor place himself on the front
- Napoleon was a men with great military success
and a great emperor who seized power in France
skills. When Napoleon started to become political
he first just pretended to be the
constitutionally chosen leader of a free
republic. In this republic people voted for a new
constitution, and the people voted in favor of
the constitution which gave napoleon most of the
power as first consul. Napoleons action on
economy were to set up fairer tax code, set up
national bank, stabilized currency and give state
loans to business the results were equal taxation
and stable economy. As from government and
society he appointed officials by merit, fried
corrupt officials, he created lycees and created
code of laws. In the end he got honest, competent
officials, equal opportunity in government and
public education. For religion he recognized
Catholicism as faith to Frenchmen, signed
concordat with pope and retained seized church
lands, with the results of religious tolerance,
government control of church lands and government
recognition of church influence. All these
changing helped the rise in democracy. And the
reforms of the revolution. and made himself
emperor. He started out in France as a hero
because of his great military
9The end of the revolution
- Napoleon soon lost on his power in France and
any other European country attacking France.
France became a turning Into a democracy, with no
monarchy. Soon after France also Became second
democratic country and was finally ruled by the
Third estate! After all the damage, suffering and
pain the people of France became very happy
because In the end they all got To voice their
opinion in their new government.
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