Title: The Gift Box Program:
1The Gift Box Program
- What is the ONE Spirit Gift Box Program?
- Goal Send Christmas gift boxes to Lakota Indian
children at Pine Ridge Reservation, SD - Each year we send more gifts, but there are 1500
children on this reservation - We are starting with the 400 or so Head Start
children - If people everywhere act together, we can make it
- Pine Ridge Reservation
- Now home of Lakota Sioux Indians, in South Dakota
near Nebraska border - Very desolate and isolated place
- Desperately poverty-stricken (second poorest
region of world, after Haiti ) - Indian people there are invisible to rest of
society, get very little attention - Low life expectancy, poor health, poor housing
- Why participate in the Gift Box Program?
- For most children, this will be the ONLY
Christmas gift they get (too sad to contemplate)! - How better to celebrate the birth of Christ than
to help a young Indian child at Christmas - Its a humanitarian act for children who are
innocent victims of poor economic and social
- How can you participate in the Gift Box Program?
- Thats what the rest of this presentation is
6Group Activities to Make it Happen
- We suggest doing all these things as group
activities - Its more fun
- Its a better feeling of participation
- Be sure to include young people (have a big
Party with a Purpose at your church)
- Buy these at the discount store where you get the
gift items - Colored tissue paper to line the plastic boxes
- Marking pens, colorful stickers, yarn to decorate
boxes - Christmas gift labels, pens to write labels
- Large rubber bands to secure the box lids
- Scissors or other paper cutters
- Scotch tape
8Obtaining Gift Items
- Go as a group to your favorite department,
discount store (e.g., Dollar Tree, Big Lots) - Can ask people in your group to bring gift items,
too - Especially good for children, to make them feel
they are contributing a gift - Sometimes people want to knit hats, gloves
9Obtaining Gift Items
- We suggest spending about 13 - 15 per box
- Fills a box with 13 to 15 items from Dollar Tree
(or similar store) - Please resist temptation to spend more
- We know you want to make your package special for
a child, but . . . - Its better if they are about the same when they
open them together, to avoid bad feelings - Better to send more packages
10Gift Items Examples
- Gifts are for children ages 3 - 5
- Kinds of gift items to include
- Candy, gum (kids need some fun)
- Toothbrush, toothpaste (to clean off the candy?)
- Books and other educational items (especially
those that help them learn reading or arithmetic)
- Crayons, pens, pencils, water colors, coloring
books - Toys, games (nothing requiring batteries, no toy
guns) - Hats, gloves, scarves, sox, winter comfort items
- Small stuffed animals (a childs friend)
11Gift Items Examples
12Constraint on Wrapping Gift Boxes
- Gift boxes must be inspected for inappropriate or
potentially harmful gifts - Inspection must be done at receiving end, at the
reservation - Therefore, cannot wrap boxes usual way
- Must be easily opened for inspection
- If lid cannot be removed, they will have to
unwrap the box
13Gift Boxes
- You can use donated cardboard shoe boxes
- Ask everyone in your group to bring in empty shoe
boxes, but limit it to the standard shoe-box
size, not the oversized boxes for boots, etc. - However, the cardboard boxes are much more
difficult to wrap (because lid must be wrapped
14Gift Boxes
- We found it practical to buy large number of
shoe-box-size plastic boxes - Gives a uniformity that helps avoid feeling by
children that someone else got a bigger box - Much easier to wrap (just line with tissue paper)
- E.g., Sterilite brand available for about 1
- The box is a gift itself can be used to store
toys, etc. throughout the year
15Distribution of Gifts to Boxes
- This works especially well as a large group
project - Sort the gift items by type on table tops around
the room - Each person in group
- Picks up a gift box from the head table
- Lines it with colored tissue paper
- Carries it around the tables, fills box with
representative selection of 12-15 gift items
16Wrapping, Labeling, Securing, and Decorating Boxes
- Next the person takes the box to the finishing
table where they - Add a label to the lid identifying whether the
box is for a boy, a girl, or either - If appropriate, add an age range for the
recipient - Decorate the outside of the box, if desired, with
marking pens, colored stickers, yarn, etc. - Cut our parts of old Christmas cards and glue on
- You can make it as simple or as fancy as you like
- Secure the lid with large rubber bands
17Wrapping, Labeling, Securing, Decorating Boxes -
18Packing for Shipping
- Use shipping boxes as large as possible
- Our experience UPS or FedEx works better and is
cheaper than the U.S.P.S. - The larger the shipping box, the cheaper the
shipping - For UPS not larger than 70 lbs., 130 inches
girth plus length
- Ship by December 1
- Contact Marcia McMorrow for shipping address
information - Email to freemar_at_localnet.com or
- Call 207/674-3258
- Get a confirmation and tracking number
20Follow Up
- It is very important to the Head Start program to
know how much is being spent (for matching of
federal funds) - So, please send your best estimate of your total
spent on boxes, contents, and shipping to - Marcia McMorrow freemar_at_localnet.com
21Other Ways to Help
- If you cant send a gift box, send a donation
- A check for 25 will cover gift box, shipping
- Make check out to O.N.E./ONE Spirit
- Add Gift box to memo line
- Send to
- ONE Spirit Gift Box Program
- P.O. Box 2595
- Chesterfield, VA 23832
22Other Ways to Help
- Help with your prayers, ideas, and suggestions
- Recruit other local groups to work with you
- Show them this presentation
- Explain the need and convince others to
contribute gift boxes
23Need Help Getting Started?
- Any questions about how to start up a Gift Box
Program of your own? - Please feel free to contact us at
- Marcia McMorrow freemar_at_localnet.com
- Phyllis Rawlings phizless_at_hotmail.com
- Rex Hartson rex.hartson_at_gmail.com
- Sandy Birch birch_at_vt.edu
24Thank You!!
- Thank you for considering this worthwhile project
- This is a chance to make a difference
- Your heart will smile, an Indian child will
smile, and God will smile!