Title: Community Challenge Grant (CCG) Program Orientation Part2 Revised
1California Department of Public Health Center for
Family Health, Office of Family Planning Division
Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program
Community Challenge Grant (CCG)
Program Orientation June 3, 2008 - Part 2
Revised 06/23/08)
2About the Webinar
- A copy of the powerpoint presentation used in
this webinar is posted on the Statewide Training
and Technical Assistance website
http//www.etr.org/ofp/webinar - Questions regarding the information presented in
this webinar may be emailed directly to the
Program Consultant. -
3This orientation is divided into two parts
- Part 1 OFP Overview and TPP Program Elements
- Overview of OFP and TPP Programs
- Project Strategies
- Curriculum
- Laws that Impact TPP Programs
- Clinical Linkage - Family PACT Referrals
- Part 2 Program Requirements (This Session)
- Collaboration
- Community Match
- Evaluation
- Workplan
- Progress Report
- Program Forms
- Purpose
- Collaboration in planning the TPP Program.
- Collaboration in the provision of services, and
the design/implementation of strategies. - Key Components
- Shared vision
- Sharing of information
- Sharing of resources
- Commitment to achieve common goals
6Types of Collaboration Required
- Local Collaboration
- CCG projects are required to develop and support
a partnership comprised of community
representatives, agencies, organizations and
other stakeholders. - Informal Collaborative - Funding Level
100,000 or 127,000 - Formal Collaborative - Funding Level 175,000
or 210,000 - Regional Collaboration
- CCG projects are required to coordinate their
efforts with other OFP-funded projects in their
region. - At a minimum, this includes all OFP-TPP funded
programs - The Regional Collaborative may include other
partners in the teen pregnancy
prevention effort - CCG projects are required to participate in both
local and regional collaborative groups.
- Informal
- (Funding Level I)
- Informal relationships with TPP partners to
coordinate efforts/activities - Identified staff responsible for supporting the
collaborative process - Meetings conducted on an as needed basis
- Minutes or a summary of discussion/activities
incorporated in the Progress Report narrative
- Formal
- (Funding Level II)
- Formalized partnership
- Mission Statement
- Operating Principles
- 15-20 hours of paid staff time per month
(reflected in workplan and budget) - Regular meetings held
- Agenda Minutes attached to progress report
8Collaborative Participation
- Informal
- (Funding Level I)
- Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP)
- Letter of Commitment
- At least one Family PACT Provider
- MOU/MOA/Letter of Commitment
- No subcontractors required
- Subcontractor Agreement, if it applies
- Formal
- (Funding Level II)
- Adolescent Family Life Program (AFLP)
- Letter of Commitment
- At least one Family PACT Provider
- MOU/MOA/Letter of Commitment
- At least two subcontractors required
- Subcontractor Agreements
Community Challenge Grant (CCG) Programs
10Evaluation Requirements
- Statewide EvaluationProject Coordinators
Telephone Survey - Continuous Program Improvement (CPI)
- One CPI tool per project
- Information is collected in order to identify
ways to improve the project.
11Continuous Program Improvement
- CPI Tools Available
- Curriculum Assessment
- Implementation Tool
- Participant Satisfaction Survey
- Local Pre-Test/Post-Test
- Training and Support
- Focus Group
Resource CPI Toolkit. This is available online
at www.etr.org/ofp
12Evaluation Workplan and Budget
- Workplan
- Include process measures under each objective of
the workplan - Include CPI activities in the administrative
objective of the workplan - Budget
- Allocate 10-15 of the total annual funding to
support evaluation activities and requirements
14Description and Purpose
The purpose of the community match requirement is
to encourage Grantees to secure ongoing
commitment and support from community agencies
and businesses, and to encourage community
- Grantees shall be required to match a portion of
the grant awarded under the CCG with either
dollar or measurable in-kind contributions as
provided by this section. - Grantees shall provide a match of not less than
10 for the first year of the grant, not less
than 15 for the second year, and not less than
20 for the third year of the grant. - The match required by this section shall be
supplemental to the funds appropriated for the
Community Challenge Grant program and shall be
from non-governmental sources.
Welfare and Institutions Code, Sections
18993-18993.9, 18993.6
15In-Kind Support
Cash Contributions
The match must come from non-governmental
17AMOUNT REQUIRED (Minimum Levels)
1st Year 10 of the grant amount 2nd Year
15 for the second year grant amount 3rd Year
20 for the third through subsequent years of the
Agencies receiving CCG funding for longer than
three years are required to maintain a 20
community match level based on their current
19(1) Promotional and Incentive Items for
Pens/Pencils Refreshments for Participants/
Meals Tee-shirts Music Discs Award Plaques,
Trophies, etc. Movie Passes Gift Certificates
- Donated items were purchased with
non-governmental funds. - Items donated to the CCG project by another
agency (or another program within the same
agency) must have been purchased with
non-governmental funds. - Source of funds may include businesses, agencies
or individuals.
21Recommended Documentation
- A letter from the donor to the CCG project
listing the donated items and either the assigned
value of each item or the total value of the
donated items. - A letter from the CCG project to the donor,
acknowledging the receipt of donated items with
the total assigned value.
If applicable, the letter should state if the
donation is a qualified tax deduction.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
Youth Volunteers Adult Volunteers Student
A volunteer is an individual who gives time,
talent and ability to a cause they believe in,
without pay.
- The volunteer is not a paid staff (full or part
time)of the CCG project or subcontractors. - The volunteer does not receive any salary/wage
for their volunteer time with the CCG project.
- The volunteer may be a participant of an
internship program, a community service project
or court-mandated community service program. - The volunteer who works for a government funded
program, including CCG project collaborators,
must not be receiving compensation for their
volunteer services to the CCG project.
Volunteers may receive a cash stipend to help
defray costs such as a gas allowance, or a gift
certificate awarded as a token of appreciation.
24Recommended Documentation
- A signed Volunteer Agreement or a Volunteer
Service Record, which should describe - The number of volunteer hours
(projected/actual) - The rate per hour or fee-for-service rate, which
may be based on any of the following - The volunteers professional rate/salary rate
- The rate of pay for a comparable position within
the agency - The market rate for a comparable
position/professional services - Total value of the volunteer services provided
to the agency - Statements verifying that the volunteer
services meet the conditions
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
25Determining the Value of Volunteer Services
- The following websites may used as a resource
for determining the value of volunteer services
26(3) In-Kind Staff Services
Staff time provided by an organization to the CCG
project may be reported as a community match
contribution and may include
- Staff services provided by the CCG-funded agency,
as long as the position is not paid by CCG
project or other government program. - Staff services provided by an agency that has a
subcontract with the CCG project, as long as the
position is not paid for by the CCG subcontract
or any other government program. - Staff of collaborating agencies/organizations,
provided the position is not paid for by
government funds. - Volunteer /service clubs or organizations such as
a local Rotary Club, a fraternity/sorority, etc. - Staff services provided by local businesses.
In-kind staff services are time, effort and
services given by an agency/ organization to
benefit the CCG project.
- In-kind service is performed by someone whose
position is not paid by government funds. - In-kind service is not performed in order to meet
the contributing organizations own
government-funded workplan (grant, contract,
etc). - In-kind staff position is not paid out of the
CCG-projects indirect costs.
28- Recommended Documentation
- One or a combination of the following
- In-kind Service Agreement between the CCG project
and the In-Kind Services Contributor. - A Thank You Letter from the CCG project to the
In-kind - Service Contributor stating services
received by the - CCG project and its assigned value.
- Agency memo listing the type of in-kind services
provided to the CCG project and its value. - Include
- Number of hours contributed to the CCG project
(projected/ - actual), rate per hour and the total value
of the contribution. - Type of in-kind services provided.
- Statements verifying that the in-kind services
meet the given - conditions.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
29(4) Donated Equipment, Office Supplies and
Educational Materials from Private Sources
- These are items that are donated to the CCG
project by organizations or individuals. - Office equipment
- Office supplies
- Educational tools
- Other items/ miscellaneous
- Donated items were not purchased with government
funds. - Items left over from another project that was
government funded may not be used as community
31Recommended Documentation
- A letter from the donor to the CCG project
listing the donated items, with the assigned
value of each item or the total value of the
donated items. - A letter from the CCG project to the donor,
acknowledging the receipt of donated items with
the total assigned value.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
32(5) Private Foundation Grants and Other
Monetary Contributions
Funds received from private donors such as
foundations, businesses or individuals to
supplement the CCG project and enhance the
- Monetary contribution is not obtained from a
governmental source.
34Recommended Documentation
- Use one or a combination of the following
- Grant award or notice.
- Copy of the check with a notation referencing
the donation or grant. - A letter from the Donor indicating the amount of
money donated to the CCG Project. - A letter from the CCG-funded agency to the Donor
acknowledging the receipt of funds and the amount
of the contribution allocated (all or partial) to
the CCG Project.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
- These are activities or events that help raise
money for the CCG project. - One-time, informal activities
- such as a carwash
- Fundraising events
- Fundraising auctions/ silent auctions
- Donor-development campaign
- Mini-grants, pilot project funding
- Other
Donated items/ supplies for the activity were
not purchased with government funds.
BONUS Fundraising Auctions You may triple
the value of contributions by accounting fora)
Value of contributed items for the auction b)
Value that the donated items sold for at the
auction c) Auction overhead facility,
volunteers, supplies, etc.
37Recommended Documentation
- Use one or a combination of the following
- A letter from the donor listing the items and
value of items donated for an auction, food or
other supplies donated for a fundraising event.
The letter should specify that the donations were
made to the CCG project. - A letter from the CCG project to the Donor
acknowledging the receipt of items and their
value, referring the items/funds as benefiting
the CCG project. - Receipts from the sale of auctioned items or
letters that acknowledge receipt for funds for
auctioned items.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
38(7) Curricula or Materials Developed with
Private Funds
CCG project may benefit from donated educational
materials. These may be considered community
match contributions.
- In case of the author donating the material
Material was developed by private funds. - In case of another organization donating the
material Material must have been purchased with
private funds.
40- Recommended Documentation
- Use one or a combination of the following
- A letter or notice from the curriculum
author/publisher stating a) authorization for
the use of their material and b) value of the
curriculum at current market price. - A letter from the CCG project acknowledging the
receipt of authorization to use the curriculum
and/or receipt of the material for use in their
program. Indicate current market value of the
material. - A letter from the Donor listing the health
education materials being donated to the CCG
project and corresponding market values. - A letter from the CCG project acknowledging
receipt of the health education materials and the
corresponding value of these materials.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
41- (8) MEDIA
- CCG project agencies may generate support for
their program from various forms of media.
No-cost media exposure for the CCG project may be
considered as a community match contribution and
may include - Airtime, including Public Service Announcements
(PSA) on television or radio - Billboard placement of an ad
- Placement of an ad in a newspaper or magazine
42 Recommended Documentation Use one or a
combination of the following
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
43Recommended Documentation
Use one or a combination of the following
Billboard Placement of an Ad
- A letter to the advertising company acknowledging
the billboard placement stating the assigned
costs based on current market rate. - A company-generated letter or billboard placement
summary provided to the CCG project, listing the
value of the contribution through waived
advertising costs. Value should be based on the
companys normal ad development/placement rate.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
44Recommended Documentation Use one or a
combination of the following
Placement of an Ad in a Newspaper or Magazine
- A letter to the newspaper/ magazine acknowledging
the ad placement stating the assigned value based
on current market rate for advertising. - A commercial company-generated letter or
ad-placement summary provided to the CCG project,
listing the value of the contribution through
waived advertising costs. Value should be based
on the companys normal ad development/placement
rate. with assigned costs based on market rate.
Sample Documentation Tools may available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
This may include facility space such boardrooms,
computer labs, meeting rooms and activity
centers, used for CCG activities at no cost to
the project.
- Community Facilities
- Office Space in Other Facilities
- Agency-Owned Facilities
- The facility was built/established with
non-governmental funds. - Example
- A school-based center established with capital
or building funds from a private foundation
47Recommended Documentation Use one or a
combination of the following
- If the space used belongs to the CCG funded
agency A written statement from the agency that
indicates the use of space for meetings and other
program activities, indicating the assigned cost.
- If the space used belongs to another
organization - A letter to the host organization acknowledging
use of the facility/office space, indicating the
assigned value of the space used. - A letter from the host organization indicating
their permission for the use of space and the
assigned value of the space used.
Sample Documentation Tools are available online
at www.etr.org/ofp/programForms/index.htm
48Basic Conditions for Community Match Requirement
- Source of funding for community match item
non-governmental and not paid for by the CCG
project (direct or indirect funds). - Use a reasonable, justified value for any
community match item claimed. - Community match must be well-documented (must
pass audit). - Documentation must demonstrate that contributions
benefit the CCG project.
49For any Community Match item not covered in this
presentation or when in doubt
- Talk to your Program Consultant
Community Challenge Grant (CCG) Program
51Downloadable FormsAll required forms and other
pertinent documents are downloadable from the
OFP-TPP website at ww2.cdph.ca.gov/programs/tpp
or the Statewide Training and Techincal
Assistance website at www.etr.org/ofp
Software RequirementMost forms require the
Adobe Acrobat software. Recommended Full
Version, 7.0 or later. Adobe Acrobat Reader
alone will not be sufficient.
52Minimum Workplan Requirement
Funding Level I 100,000 or 127,000 Funding Level II 175,000 or 210,000
Project must implement a minimum of four (4) strategies Option 1A Strategy 1A Comprehensive Sexuality Education Strategy 8 Clinical Service Linkage Two (2) Additional Strategies Option 1B Strategy 1B Abstinence Focused Education Three (3) Additional Strategies Project must implement a minimum of six (6) strategies Option 1A Strategy 1A Comprehensive Sexuality Education Strategy 8 Clinical Service Linkage Four (4) Additional Strategies Option 1B Strategy 1B Abstinence Focused Education Five (5) Additional Strategies
53TPP Workplan
54TPP Workplan Form
- The CCG workplan must include
- One objective per strategy.
- The required number of objectives based on the
required number of strategies per funding level. - An Administrative Objective.
55Indicate the date of the latest workplan revision.
56Various Sections of the Workplan
- The workplan is a document that provides a
description of how the project will be
implemented, and is comprised of the following
sections - Workplan Goal and Objective/Strategy
- Participants to be Served
- Intervention
- Curriculum Description
- Activities/Tasks Needed (to Complete This
Objective) - Sites of Service (for this Intervention)
- Documentation and Evaluation
57Workplan Goal and Objective/Strategy
- This section provides an overview of the specific
workplan objective, and has the following
components - Goal A broad statement toward which the
projects efforts are directed. The TPP workplan
must state only one goal per objective/strategy,
selected from a list that is provided in this
presentation. Projects must not create new
goals. - Objective Number A number that reflects the
sequence of strategies in the entire workplan. - Strategy An approach that a project will take
to achieve its goal. The TPP workplan must state
only one strategy per objective, selected from a
list provided in this presentation. - Substrategy A more specific type of approach
within the selected strategy. Some strategies
listed in the RFA/this presentation require a
58Project Goals for the CCG Workplan
- CCG Goal Statements
- To reduce teen and unintended pregnancies.
- To promote responsible parenting.
- To promote the role of males in the prevention of
teen and unintended pregnancies. - To increase the number if fathers who support the
economic, social, and emotional well-being of
their children. - To promote postponing parenthood until one is
able to provide for the physical, emotional,
social and economic well-being of a child. - To increase community involvement in building
healthy families though awareness of the effects
of teen and unintended pregnancies. - Promote and support the development of
self-assured, future-oriented youth capable of
navigating through adolescence to responsible
adulthood and contributing positively to society.
59Project Strategies and Substrategies for the CCG
- Prevention Education (Required)
- Substrategy Comprehensive Sexuality Education
- Substrategy Abstinence Focused Education
- Clinical Service Linkage
- Optional 1A Required
- Optional 1B Optional
- Informational Presentations
- Education and Support of Significant Adults,
Parents and Other Care Givers of Adolescents - Education and Support for Teen Mothers and
Fathers - Male Involvement
60 Project Strategies and Substrategies for the CCG
- Service Learning
- Peer Provided Services (Peer Provider Training)
- Train the Trainer
- Mentoring
- Substrategies
- 8A. Formal Adult to Youth Mentoring (Formal)
- 8B. Adult to Youth Partnership/ Role Modeling
Informal) - 8C. Team Mentoring (Informal)
- 8D. Group Mentoring (Informal)
- 8E. Cross Age Mentoring (Informal)
61Project Strategies and Substrategies for the CCG
- Community Awareness Mobilization
- Substrategies
- 9A. Community Event
- 9B. Advocacy Presentations
- 9C. Media
- Life Skills
- Youth Leadership Development
- Other
62Workplan Goal and Objective/Substrategy
Objective Number 1 Goal To reduce the number of teenage pregnancies and teenage single parents. Goal To reduce the number of teenage pregnancies and teenage single parents.
Strategy Prevention Education Strategy Prevention Education Sub-Strategy Comprehensive Sexuality Education
(Example of a completed section)
63Participants to be Served
This section provides demographic information
regarding the population that the project intends
to serve, and includes a general description of
age, gender and ethnic group. This section of
the workplan also indicates the number of
participants the project anticipates to serve
through the corresponding strategy.
64Participants to be Served
Projected/Target Number of Participants 200
By Gender By Gender
? Females ? Males ? Both ? Females ? Males ? Both
By Age Group By Age Group
? 11 and younger ? 11 and younger
? 12 14 ? 12 14
? 15 19 ? 15 19
? 20 25 ? 20 25
? 26 and older ? 26 and older
By Ethnic Group By Ethnic Group
? African American ? African American
? Anglo/ White ? Anglo/ White
? Asian ? Asian
? Filipino ? Filipino
? Latino/Hispanic ? Latino/Hispanic
? Native American ? Native American
? Pacific Islander ? Pacific Islander
? Other ? Other
- Projected/Target Number of Participants
- Refers to the total number of participants that
you anticipate - will be enrolled in a multi-session program
- will participate in a single-session activity
- Gender
- Indicate the gender of the projected participants
by checking the appropriate box(es) - Age Group
- Indicate the age group(s) of the projected
participants by checking the appropriate box(es) - Ethnic Group
- Indicate the ethnic group(s) of the projected
participants by checking the appropriate box(es)
(Example of a completed section)
This section describes the type of intervention
that will be provided to accomplish the
- Interventions are described as
- Multi-session An intervention in which more
than one session is facilitated, serving the same
group of participants. For prevention education,
a curriculum is required. - Single-session An intervention in which only
one activity is conducted, serving a specific
group of participants.
? Multi-Session Intervention
Number of sessions 8
Minutes per session 60
? Single Session/Other Intervention
- Multi-Session Intervention
- Check this box for strategies delivered in two or
more sessions such as a prevention education
curriculum, formal mentoring, etc. - Indicate how many sessions each participant must
attend per curriculum/intervention. - Indicate the length per session in minutes.
? Multi-Session Intervention
Number of sessions
Minutes per session
? Single Session/Other Intervention
Single-Session Intervention Check this box for
strategies that do not require more than one
session such as informational presentation and
community awareness activity.
Provide a description of the intervention in the
Activities/Tasks Needed section of the workplan.
(Example of a completed section)
67Curriculum Description
This section provides a description of the
curriculum that will be used for a multi-session
intervention. This does not apply to
single-session interventions.
For Multi-Session Intervention Title(s) Teen Sexual Health Program
? Evaluated or ? Non-Evaluated
? Original or ? Modified
Is this strategy part of the Statewide Evaluation? ? Yes ? No
- List the title of the curriculum
- Indicate whether the curriculum is
evaluated or not - Indicate whether it is used in its original
format or a modified version of the original
curriculum - Indicate if this strategy is being used for the
statewide evaluation
68Activities/Tasks Needed
This section provides a step-by-step description
of how each objective/strategy will be
- Describe the key steps/tasks in the implementing
the objective/ strategy. Specify the
individual, subcontractor or partner organization
responsible for each task. Address the following
components - Evaluation
- Referral to clinical services
- Partnerships with Family PACT, schools and other
agencies/organizations - Describe the intervention you propose to use in
this objective/strategy. Specify the type,
frequency and length of each activity. - For multi-session interventions, list the topics
covered in the sessions. - For single session interventions such as
informational presentations, list the various
topics that may be covered.
69Activities/Tasks Needed
(Example of a completed section)
Steps needed to complete objective by June 30th Projected Timeframe Staff Assigned
Establish collaborative partnerships with schools and teen centers identified as sites of service for prevention education. Sign required documentation such as MOUs and School Agreement Forms. Review, adapt and implement prevention education curriculum, following OFP and Education Code requirements. Develop supplemental activities if necessary. Provide staff training on reproductive health, sexuality education and prevention education curriculum, including updates and refresher/in-service courses. Schedule and implement prevention education strategy at 4 schools and 3 teen centers/community sites, following school/site protocols for programs such as parental notification, consent and materials review. Deliver at least eight (8) sixty-minute (60) lessons each time covering the following topics Reproductive anatomy and physiology Birth Control Methods , including safety and effectiveness of all FDA approved methods. Sexually Transmitted Infection/HIV, including information on prevention/risk reduction and information on local resources for testing and treatment. 07/01/08 08/31/08 07/01/08 08/31/08 07/01/08 08/31/08 07/01/08 06/31/08 07/01/08 06/31/08 Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Project Coordinator, Health Educator
70Activities/Tasks Needed
Steps needed to complete objective by June 30th Projected Timeframe Staff Assigned
Dating, Relationships and Responsibilities Decision-Making and Communication Skills Abstinence, Refusal Skills and Risk Reduction Resources for Adolescents Skills Integration/Review Develop and distribute outreach material to participants. Collect and analyze demographic and other data required for progress reports and evaluation requirements. Complete one CPI evaluation tool. Conduct regular staff meetings to review, plan and coordinate activities. Conduct presentations at local collaborative meetings regarding prevention education strategy. Maintain copies of all sign-in sheets and other program documentation on file. 07/01/08 04-31/08 07/01/08 06/31/08 07/01/08 06/31/08 07/01/08 06/31/08 07/01/08 06/31/08 07/01/08 06/31/08 Project Coordinator, Health Educator Project Coordinator, Health Educator Project Coordinator, Health Educator Project Coordinator, Health Educator Project Coordinator, Health Educator Project Coordinator, Health Educator
71Sites of Service
This section provides information on where the
services are being delivered.
- List the name of the school, agency,
organization, facility or other location
where services are provided. - List the city where each site is located.
Conway Neighborhood Teen Center, San Diego 7. La Costa High School, La Costa
Boys and Girls Club of Chula Vista, Chula Vista 8.
Lao Buddhist Temple, Monte Vista 9.
Gateway High School, Monte Vista 10.
Golden Arches Alternative School, City of Logan 11.
Cara Mia High School, Chula Vista 12.
72Documentation and Evaluation
- This section states the process objective which
will be used as a guide to determine the progress
and success in accomplishing the
Process Measures By June 30th, 2009, at least four (4) schools will collaborate with the project and allow access to youth in their schools for the intervention, evidenced by signed School Agreement Forms. By June 30th, 2009, at least three (3) community sites/teen centers will collaborate with the project and allow access to youth at their sites, evidenced by signed Memorandum of Understanding. By June 30th, 2009, a minimum of 200 youth will participate in the Teen Sexual Health Program, evidenced by sign-in sheets. By June 30th, 2009, one CPI tool will be implemented, evidenced by the completed CPI process and Evaluation Liaison review.
73Points Worth Repeating - CCG Workplan
- Prevention education or other multiple-session
strategies - Projected/Target Number of Participants refers
to the total number of participants that will be
enrolled in the program. - List topics covered in the sessions.
74Points Worth Repeating - CCG Workplan
- CCG Programs are required to have a Clinical
Linkage Objective - This objective may include activities related to
collaboration with a Family PACT provider and
development/implementation of referral systems
and tools. - This objective does not require a projected/
target number of participants who will access
clinical services as a result of the clinical
linkage effort. - The Administrative Objective must include a
description of - CCG project participation in the Statewide
Evaluation . - Data gathering and preparation of progress
75TPP Progress Report, Instructional Guide
76TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Cover Page
77Notes on the Cover Page
- Reports are due as follows
- First Progress Report (July-December) February
1st. - Second Progress Report (January-June) August
1st. - The Final Report is not due until the end of the
grant term (August 1, 2010.) - Progress reports must be emailed to the Program
Consultant and the Contract Manager.
78TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Page 2 NEW PAGE
79TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Page 3
Indicate start and end dates of employment on the
CCG Project (entire grant term.)
Indicate the FTE as it appears on the approved
budget for the current fiscal year.
80TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Page 4
- Describe collaborative activities
- Local Collaborative (Formal or Informal)
- Regional Collaborative
- Include information on
- Meetings
- Activities/events
- Challenges/resolutions
- Milestones/progress towards established goals and
objectives and - Other collaborative efforts.
81TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Page 5
82TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Page 6
83TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Page 6a
84TPP Progress Report Form Part 1 Page 7
85TPP Progress Report Form Part 2 Objective
Status Form Page 1
86TPP Progress Report Form Part 2 Objective
Status Form Page 2
87TPP Progress Report Form Attachment 1 Project
Collaborative Roster
88TPP Progress Report Form Attachment 2 Family
PACT Clinical Linkage Form
89TPP Progress Report Form Attachment 3 Sites of
Service Roster
90TPP Progress Report Form Attachment 4 Community
Match Report Form
91Even the best laid plan doesnt always work!
92Recommended steps if the program isnt working.
- Analyze the situation and explore all possible
- When you have determined that an objective may
not be accomplished, talk to your OFP Program
3. Be prepared to discuss options or
renegotiate your work plan.
93Workplan Revision/Modification
- This involves minor changes regarding
- Curriculum
- Activities
- Target population
- Subcontract, including subcontractor changes
- Sites
94Considerations for workplan revision/modification
- When to request a revision/modification of your
workplan - This should take place after you have exhausted
all possible resolutions to the problem. Discuss
possible next steps with the program consultant. - Reasonable adjustment
- Workplan revision/modification should not be
made with the intent of reducing the target
numbers/objectives but to modify strategies or
redirect efforts.
95Steps in Negotiating a Workplan
Contact your Program Consultant (PC) The PC
guides the process and approves the workplan
revision/modification. Submit the Program
Consultant Review and Acknowledgement Form with
proposed revisions.
96Revising/Modifying a Workplan
- The purpose of revising/modifying a workplan
must be to meet the changing needs of a
community, be responsive to changes in the
program environment and have a successful project!
97Other Required Documentation Forms
98Program Consultant Approval and Acknowledgement
99Agency Information Form
- This form must be submitted with the Agreement
Funding Application (AFA) package at the
beginning of the program year, and - The form must be used to report any change in
staffing for a particular position during the
year. At this time, only the staff-change for
that position must be reported.
100Additional Staff for ListServe Form This form
must be used to add staff names and email
addresses to the ListServe.
101School Agreement Form
- Submitted annually.
- If agreement covers the entire grant term, a copy
may be submitted at the beginning of each program
year. - This may be signed by a school district
administrator covering all districts in an area,
or by the principal of a particular school. - If a new school site is added during the year, a
school agreement form must be submitted for the
new site.
102- Thank you for participating!