Title: The Shield Program
1The Shield Program
2The Shield Program in conjunction with Character
Counts creates another opportunity for our
students to develop positive attitudes towards
their school and themselves.
3What is the difference between Knighting and the
Shield Program?
- Knighting
- Recognizes individuals for
- Dramatically improved and sustained behavior or
educational achievement. - Outstanding characteristics.
- The Shield Program
- Recognizes individuals as well as the efforts of
the class as a whole. - random acts of character
- everyone is able to succeed with program
- Caught in the act of displaying good character at
that moment. - It cant be taken away
4How the Shield Program works
- Teachers will receive a pad of 50 shields to
award to students for the remainder of the school
year. - Teachers will circle the appropriate pillar
contained on the shield that exemplifies the
character trait displayed by the student. - Upon receiving the shield, the student will
deliver it to the office. They will then be
entered into a quarterly drawing for a prize.
5Individual Prizes
- Individual prizes could be donations from
businesses, credit on a lunch card. - The committee agreed that the amount and size of
the individual prizes cannot overshadow the
Knighting program awards. -
- After the student receives a shield and
registers it in the office, it will be placed on
a specific column in the cafeteria . The columns
will be marked 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. The
shields will be protected with double sided tape
when attached to the columns.
7Class Prizes
- The class with the largest ratio of shields to
students at the end of each marking period will
also be rewarded. Possible class awards will be - Basketball during study hall
- Ipods or walkman during study hall
8The Pillars of the Shield Program
9TrustworthinessBe honest Dont deceive, cheat
or steal Be reliable do what you say youll
do Have the courage to do the right thing
Build a good reputation Be loyal stand by
your family, friends and country RespectTreat
others with respect follow the Golden Rule Be
tolerant of differences Use good manners, not
bad language Be considerate of the feelings of
others Dont threaten, hit or hurt anyone
Deal peacefully with anger, insults and
disagreements ResponsibilityDo what you are
supposed to do Persevere keep on trying!
Always do your best Use self-control Be
self-disciplined Think before you act
consider the consequences Be accountable for
your choices
10FairnessPlay by the rules Take turns and share
Be open-minded listen to others Dont take
advantage of others Dont blame others
carelessly CaringBe kind Be compassionate and
show you care Express gratitude Forgive
others Help people in need CitizenshipDo your
share to make your school and community better
Cooperate Get involved in community affairs
Stay informed vote Be a good neighbor Obey
laws and rules Respect authority Protect the
11The Shield (under construction)