Title: Blue Cross and Blue Shield
1Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
Foundation How to Effectively Connect with
Grantmakers October 9, 2008 Kellan Chapin,
Program Manager
An independent licensee of the Blue Cross and
Blue Shield Association. Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of North Carolina Foundation is a licensed
affiliate of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North
Carolina. Registered Mark of the Blue Cross and
Blue Shield Association.
- 1) Learn how to effectively connect with
grantmakers - 2) Better understand what is important to
grantmakers - 3) Learn why partnerships are essential to
3How to connect with a grantmaker
- Do your homework
- Call the program manager/officer
- Listen to and act upon their advice
- Submit only those projects that align with the
grantmakers priorities - Cultivate the relationship
4Whats Important to Grantmakers?
short-term change
long-term change
6Three Important Questions for Nonprofits
- How do you define success meaning results from
your services? - How do you know for sure when success has been
achieved? - Half way through your program, how do you know
that you have enough time and money left to get
to the success you have defined?
7Funder vs. Investor
- The Funder
- Uses multiple criteria to select grants may use
a point system - Believes fairness means distance from applicants
- Considers decisions the high point of their work
- Monitors for grant compliance
- The Investor
- Answers 3 questions of each opportunity
- What are we buying?
- What are the chances well get it?
- Is this the best possible use of money?
- Believes fairness means appropriate engagement to
fully understand - Considers initial investment only the starting
point - Asks How can I help?
8Investment Approach
- Targets align with results sought by the focus
area - Clearly defined, verifiable health gains
- Alignment between organizations mission and core
know how - Prior achievements in most relevant work is
strong - Key individuals have necessary attributes and
capabilities - Organization is financially sound based on most
recent audit - Process is clear in terms of intensity/duration
to make a difference - Milestones are clear and presumed predictors of
success - Commitment from key partners
- Cost for human gains is strong compared to
similar opportunities - Replicability
9Why are partnerships essential to sustainability?
10What is sustainability? What does it mean to your
11What is Sustainability?
- In a general sense, it is the capacity to
maintain a certain process or state indefinitely.
- How does this translate to grantmakers?
- Do you have the right partners at the table?
- Do you have multiple investors/revenue streams?
- What will happen to your project or staff after
the grant is complete? - Do you have the right people (sparkplugs) doing
the work?
12Partnerships help achieve sustainability
- Community problems community solutions
- Improved health gains
- Nonprofits operate in cost-constrained
environments (time, talent and money) - Partnerships help leverage limited resources
- Grantmakers invest in collaborations, not silos
13Thank you!www.bcbsncfoundation.org