Title: Corinne Herlihy
1Our Solar System
2Solar System Information
- There are 9 Planets in our Solar System.
- The Sun is the center of our Solar System.
- Each of the 9 Planets orbit around the Sun.
- There are billions of stars in our universe.
3The Sun
- The Sun is in the center of our Solar System. It
is not a Planet but actually a giant star. It
is, in fact, the brightest star in our Solar
System. All of the 9 Planets orbit, or rotate,
around the Sun.
- Mercury is the first Planet in our Solar System.
It is the closest to the Sun which makes it the
hottest Planet. It is the second smallest of the
9 Planets. It is similar to Earths moon.
- Venus is the second Planet from the Sun. It has
extremely high temperatures because of large
amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
When viewed from Earth, it is the brightest
- Earth is where we live. Our Planet has a
breathable atmosphere and is the only Planet with
water in liquid form. Earth is divided into three
layers Crust, which is the otter layer. Mantle,
which is under the Crust. And the Core, which is
the center of the Planet. Unlike any Planet
Earth has solid plates on the surface known as
continents. Our Planet is also one of the only
Planets with one moon. The moon orbits around
Earth and is held there by Earths gravitational
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is
know as the Red Planet because of very large
amounts of iron and iron sulfide found
throughout this Planet. There are also ice caps
found at the north and south poles of Mars. The
temperature of this Planet and the ice caps are
so cold that the ice is dry ice.
Jupiter is the largest of the 9 Planets. Similar
to Earth, Jupiter has a moon. However, it has 4
moons. This Planet does not have a solid surface.
It is a ball of gases.
There is a large spot on Jupiter that is known
as the Great Red Spot. It is said to be high
and low pressure areas and high wind speeds that
have come together and formed a giant storm. The
Great Red Spot is the size of 2 Earths!
Saturn is the second largest Planet in our Solar
System. Saturns rings are made of ice and rock
particles that are caught in its gravitational
pull. Saturn has 30 moons. The most of all 9
Uranus is also a gas Planet. It has high levels
of hydrogen, helium and methane. This Planet is
surrounded by a layer of methane that absorbs
all red light giving Uranus its blue color. The
Planet, unlike any other, orbits on its side.
Uranus south pole faces the Sun.
Similar to Saturn, Uranus has rings. It has also
been discovered that there are 27 moons orbiting
this Planet.
Neptune is the eighth Planet from the Sun and is
the fourth largest in our Solar System. Like
Uranus, Neptune is a gas Planet and has an
abundance of hydrogen and methane. It is also a
blue color because of red light absorption by its
methane covering. This Planet has 20 moons.
Neptune has a spot that is similar to the
Great Red Spot on Jupiter. This one is called
the Great Dark Spot. It is also a storm spot
caused by awesomely high winds that can be faster
than 1200 mph.
- Pluto is the last Planet in our Solar System. It
is the farthest from the Sun and by far, the
smallest. Pluto is also the coldest. It rotates
in an opposite direction than the other Planets.
Pluto has only one moon in its gravitational
13Question ?
How many Planets are in our Solar System?
Click to find out
There are not 11 Planets, thats too many!
Try again!!!
Youre correct!! There are 9 Planets in our
Solar System!
There are more than 7 Planets in our Solar
System!! Choose another answer.
17This show was made by
Corinne Herlihy EDT 347 Dr. Lenaway Mark
Raffler 9/24/04
With help from
www.nineplanets.com www.photovault.com