Title: Confront the Brutal Facts Yet Never Lose Faith
1Confront the Brutal FactsYet Never Lose Faith
- Whenyou start with an honest and diligent effort
to determine the truth - the right decisions often become self-evident.
- You absolutely cannot make a series of good
decisions without first confronting the brutal
2Brutal Facts
- School districts are struggling to attract and
retain qualified candidates for leadership roles. - There is a lack of qualified candidates coming
from outside Frederick County. - Employees in some classifications have been
placed in leadership positions without adequate
training. - FCPS employee satisfaction survey indicated
opportunities for advancement and promotion
for field-based and support staff needed
improvement. - Professional development evaluations indicate the
need for more leadership training.
3Leadership Development
- Taking off to new heights
4Superintendents Charge
- In light of these points, the Superintendent
assigned the Deputy Superintendent to - research internal and external practices in
leadership development. - make recommendations regarding leadership
development for the Frederick County Public
5Investigation of Current Practices
- What is in place within and outside of FCPS.
Sources included - Literature and research
- Each cabinet member
- Principals and teachers at each instructional
level - Leadership from each bargaining unit
- Maryland State Department of Education
- Eight outside school systems from
- three states
6What is Leadership
- Mobilizing others to get extraordinary things
done in organizations. - Its about the practices leaders use to
- transform values into actions,
- visions into realities,
- obstacles into innovations,
- separateness into solidarity,
- and risks into rewards. Kouzes and Posner
Leadership is a choice not a position Covey
7Review of Literature and Research
- Leadership is
- considered the single most important aspect of
effective school reform. - important in setting the tone in a school.
Climate is the best predictor if a school will
have high achievement. - positively and significantly correlated to
positive working conditions. - cause for employees to have an overall increase
in satisfaction. Â - a predictor of adequate yearly progress (AYP)
status. - a powerful predictor of whether a school was
included in top school designation categories.
8Evaluation ofLiterature and Research
- These points demonstrate that
- each FCPS employee needs to recognize him or
herself as a leader. - Each employee needs to understand their
importance as a valuable contributor in the
education and achievement of our students.
- Differed by employee group.
- The findings are organized into three categories
- Administrative Leadership
- School-based Leadership
- Support Staff Leadership
- Under each category, information details
- FCPS Current Practices
- Findings
10Findings Administrative Leadership
- FCPS Current Practices
- No formal plan for developing the pool for
administrative applicants. - CASI offices provide induction opportunities for
school-based administrators. - Formal induction plans are not evident in other
types of positions. - Opportunities for leadership development are
provided for CASI personnel, but there is little
for others. - Evaluations from book studies and leadership
program last summer were very positive with
request for more.
11Findings Administrative Leadership
- External Findings
- Many school systems
- have preparatory courses before entering the
applicant pool. - utilize both principal and assistant principal
internships. - employ retired principals to mentor new
principals and assistant principals. - have formal induction programs
- for new administrators, with
- specific curricula.
- hold annual leadership seminars.
12Findings School-based Leadership
- FCPS Current Practices
- No systemic plan for leadership development or
ongoing training for team leaders, SIT members,
department chairs, etc. - There is not widespread clarity or understanding
of responsibilities, job descriptions, etc. - External Findings
- There was not a great deal of consideration given
to preparation for school-based leadership
positions. - Many did hold annual trainings for the people
serving in these positions.
13Findings Support Staff Leadership
- FCPS Current Practices
- This area was found to be the weakest.
- Due to multiple shifts and varied schedules, it
is difficult to schedule trainings for support
staff. - Getting communications to support staff
announcing training opportunities is difficult. - Extensive technical training is provided.
- Many individuals are placed in leadership
positions with no training in human relation
skills, evaluation, etc. - There is no systemic orientation before a person
reports to work.
14Findings Support Staff Leadership
- External Findings
- Other school systems provide leadership
development for support staff in leadership
roles. - Orientation combined with leadership development
was a common feature of systems. - Support employees are provided training
opportunities in such areas as system policies,
organization, customer service, embracing
diversity, and workplace confidentiality.
15Action Plan OverviewA first class blueprint
- Objectives
- Leadership Development
- Strategies
- Unintended Findings
- Systemic Leadership
- Administrative Leadership
- School-based Leadership
- Support Staff Leadership
16 Action PlanLeadership Development Objectives
- Provide programs for all employees that result in
higher student achievement (Goal 1 Master Plan) - Increase the number of employees who are aware of
the expectation in specific leadership positions - Increase the number of qualified internal
applicants for leadership positions - Increase and develop the leadership competencies
of employees in leadership positions - Increase the leadership capacity that is evident
in performance evaluations - Improve the results of employee satisfaction
survey - Increase opportunities of leadership training
17 Action PlanUnintended Findings Strategies
- Develop
- the leadership competencies for classroom
teacher leaders through training opportunities. - a required orientation program for all new FCPS
employees that communicates - overall mission of the school system.
- the individuals role within the mission.
- organizational structure.
18Action Plan Systemic Strategies
- Create an advisory committee for each of the
following three categories - Schoolbased Leadership
- Administrative Leadership
- Support Staff Leadership
- The advisory committees will investigate a return
on investment model and provide input and
19Action Plan Systemic Strategies
- Develop
- partnerships with local higher education
institutions to collaborate on leadership
development programs. - an MSDE course that provides leadership training
for teachers who want to be better leaders in the
classroom. - a position to organize and coordinate the
development and the delivery of leadership
development programs.
20Action Plan Administrative Strategies
- Develop
- and offer preparatory workshops for internal
administrative applicant pool. - an internship program for teachers preparing to
be assistant principals and for assistant
principals preparing to be principals. - Continue study groups that analyze leadership
theory and its impact student achievement. - Hire retired former principals to
mentor new principals and
assistant principals.
21Action Plan Administrative Strategies
- Combine the CASI induction programs for new
assistant principals and principals. - develop a formal induction curriculum
- Provide annual leadership training for all
administrative personnel. - Align the leadership development program with a
new administrative evaluation instrument. - Use the Maryland Standards for Instructional
Leadership as a basis.
22Action Plan School-Based Leadership Strategies
- For SIT members, team leaders, department chairs
etc., develop - and/or update job descriptions.
- job performance checklists.
- an MSDE workshop course on effective school-based
leadership techniques. - induction leadership training.
- and provide annual training on performance
expectations. - and provide annual leadership training.
23Action Plan Support Staff Strategies
- Provide
- leadership training during work hours or consider
a means of compensation. - regular study opportunities that analyze
leadership theory and its impact on student
achievement. - Develop
- means of communicating training opportunities to
notify all support staff. - an optional future manager workshops.
- a formal induction program for support staff
placed in positions of leadership.
24 Budget
- Fully implemented
- Approximately 357,000.00 over four years
- Everything but internships
- 97,000 FY07
- 20,000 FY08
25- Leaders are not born, they are made!
- Lombardi
- An opportunity to soar
- Leadership Development