Title: Mentoring Candidates for the National Board Process
1Mentoring Candidates for the National Board
2Icebreaker activity
- Find your puzzle partner
- Introduce yourself with name, certificate area,
year of certification - Read/discuss myth and truth
- Be ready to discuss with whole group
3Overview - Day 1
- Coaching, Questioning Facilitating
- Writing for NBPTS
- Mentoring for Documented Accomplishments
4Part 1 - Coaching/ Questioning/Facilitating
- Self Assessment
- 5 Core Propositions
- Roles of a Good Mentor
- Working with Adult Learners
- Cognitive Coaching
- Socratic Questioning
- Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
5Connecting NBPTS Mentoring to the Five Core
- 5 Core Propositions of the National Board
- Teachers are committed to students and their
learning - know the subjects they teach and how to teach
those subjects to students - are responsible for managing and monitoring
student learning -
- think systematically about their practice and
learn from experience - are members of learning communities.
- 5 Core Propositions for Mentoring
- Mentors are committed to mentees
- and their learning
- know about the mentees content and
- pedagogy and know how to build the
- mentees capacity to improve
- monitor the mentees learning
- support mentees systematic reflection
- on learning
- build learning communities among
- mentees and colleagues
6Roles of Mentors
- In groups, brainstorm the roles of a NBPTS
mentor. Record each role on a post-it note. -
- The 5 Core Mentoring Propositions have been
posted. Attach your post-it notes under the
proposition to which it belongs.
7Qualities of a Good Mentor
- Act as a process guide this is NOT your work.
- Know their role is to build the candidates
independence. - Refer candidates to the 5 Core Propositions and
the Standards - Encourage candidates.
8No Recipe Can Create an NBCT
- Coaches are--
- Non-Judgmental
- Honest
- Specific
- Constructive
- Probing
- Knowledgeable
- Available
9Johari Window Activity
- Complete the Johari Window form.
- What are some unproductive
- behaviors that could be set in
- motion in you by a candidates
- needs?
- What do you KNOW you cant fix
- for a candidate?
10Working With Adult Learners
- Read the chart comparing adult and child
learners. - You will be assigned a number from the chart --
place a quote in the bubble on the stick person
handout that represents your difference. - See example on next page for help. It
represents 8 from the chart.
11 Facilitation Strategies
- In groups, read and summarize assigned pages.
- Move through charts in three round carousel.
- Round 1 Summarize ideas
- Round 2 What are some dos
- Round 3 What are some donts"
12Trainer VS Facilitator
- Nurtures.
- Guides interaction.
- Operates on overarching goals.
- Has an undetermined timeframe.
- Has a repertoire to draw from to plan.
- is intuitive.
- Designs in media res.
- Moves from unknown to known.
- Gives information.
- Directs learning.
- Operates on outcomes.
- Has timeframe.
- Plans sequence.
- Is cognitive.
- Designs a priori.
- Moves from known to unknown.
137 Universal Intellectual Standards
- These must be applied to thinking if you are
interested in checking the quality of reasoning
about a problem, issue, or situation. - Design a poster for your assigned standard
- Definition
- Example sentence
- Guiding question
- See example on wall for help.
14Cognitive Coaching States of Mind
15The Cognitive Coaching Model
Teacher s
Inner Thought Processes
Student s
Overt Instructional Behaviors
Greater Learning
Costa Garmston
16Building a Trusting Relationship The Key to
Coaching Success
Trust is about the whole of a relationship
rapport is about the moment Art Costa and
Robert Garmston
17Behaviors That Build Trust
- Respect the confidentiality of your relationship
- Recognize and respect your partners ideas, even
though you dont agree with them. - Respond to his/her statements/questions to
his/her satisfaction before introducing another
topic. - Walk your talkdeliver what you promise!
18Coaching Behaviors
- Modeling instruction and self-reflection
- Sharing relevant experiences, examples and
strategies - Opening new avenues by which partners can,
through reflection and practice, take
responsibility for improving their practice
19Socratic Questioning
- The method of Socrates is a search for the
underlying assumptions which may subconsciously
shape ones opinion, and to make them the subject
of scrutiny, to determine their consistency with
other beliefs. - The basic form is a series of questions
formulated as tests of logic and fact intended to
help a person or group discover their beliefs
about some topic. This method is designed to
help a person further their understanding of
themselves and their practices.
20Socratic Questioning Strategies
- Look at the guiding question you created for the
last activity. -
- What kind of Socratic question did you use?
21Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
- Read your scenario and explore the Enhanced
Architecture of Accomplished Teaching Diagram - Where is the scenario teacher on the diagram?
- What should she/he do differently?
- What Socratic type question could you ask to help
the teacher?
22The Enhanced Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
START HERE Your Students - Who are they? Where
are they now? What do they need and when do they
need it? Where should I begin?
Set new high and worthwhile goals that are
appropriate for these students at this time.
Reflect on student learning, the effectiveness
of instructional design, particular concerns and
Provide timely, meaningful feedback to students
about their level of accomplishment of the
targeted goals
Evaluate student learning in light of the goals
and the instruction.
Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for these
students, at this time, in this setting.
Five Core Propositions
Teachers are committed to students and their
learning Teachers know
the subjects they teach and how to teach those
subjects to students
Teachers are responsible for
managing and monitoring student learning
Teachers think systematically
about their practice and learn from
Teachers are members of learning communities
Design and Implement instruction designed to
attain these goals.
Einhorn 2006
23Part 2 - Writing for NBPTS
- Ethics
- Review of Descriptive, Analytical Reflective
Writing - Complete the highlighting activity
24Ethics Related to Mentoring for Writing
- Refer to Ethical Issues in NBPTS (Guidelines
for Ethical Candidate Support) - The responsibility of developing and completing
the certification materials always rests with the
candidate. - Mentors cannot share their own entries.
- Candidates cannot falsify, copy or share
information for use in portfolio entries. - Mentors are not assessors.
- Report violations to NBPTS (1-800-22TEACH)
25Writing for the National Board Process
- Descriptive
- Analytical
- Reflective
26Evidence Accomplished vs. Lacking
- Create the Socratic questions that would have
guided this candidate from a lacking to an
accomplished response.
27Writing Tools for Candidates
- Instructional context
- vs. contextual information
- Model of Instructional Context
- Sentence stems
- Adding value
28Part 3 - Mentoring for Documented Accomplishments
29Mentoring for Documented Accomplishments Overview
- Ethics Related to Documented Accomplishments
- Teacher as communicator with students family and
community - Teacher as leader/collaborator
- Teacher as learner
- Tools for candidates
30Ethics Related to Documented Accomplishments
- Refer to Ethical Issues in NBPTS (Guidelines
for Ethical Candidate Support) - Candidates alone are solely responsible for
their certification materials - Cannot falsify or fabricate evidence
- Report violations to 1-800-22TEACH
31Three Lenses for Viewing Professional
- Leader/collaborator
- Learner
- Communicator with family and community
32Tools for Candidates
- Breaking Down the Entry
- Practical Tips for Getting Started
- Guidelines for Documented
- Accomplishments
- Guide for Collaborative
- Accomplishments
- How to Document Your
- Accomplishments
- Documented Accomplishments
- Contributions to Student Learning
- Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence
- Checklist for Entry 4 Descriptions
33Responding to Candidates Writing
- Look for
- Thorough description
- Language of NBPTS standards
- Significance evidence
- Proof of student learning
- Write Socratic questions that would guide the
34Closure Reflection
- Add comments to column 3 on the coachs
self-assessment form. - Complete 1 post-it note for each of the
following - Burning Question
- Muddy Idea
- Best Idea
35Overview - Day 2
- De-brief
- Ethical Issues
- Mentoring for Video Analysis
- Mentoring for Student Work Analysis
- Mentoring for Assessment Center Exercises
36Part 4 Importance of Ethics
- Signed agreement
- You may not show candidates your portfolio
entries. - You may not tell candidates questions you
observed on the assessment center test. - Watch what you saywhen in doubt contact NBRC or
1-800-22-TEACH for help/advice.
37Role Play - Ethics Scenarios
38Part 5 Mentoring for Video Analysis
- NBCTs will be able to
- Identify facilitation strategies to analyze
videotapes. - Identify the connection between rubric, standards
and evidence. - Identify strategies to examine written
commentaries and videotapes for evidence of the
rubric and standards.
39Videotape Quiz
- So how much do you know Take the quiz to find
40Process for Video Analysis
- Review the Strategies for Groups to View
Videotapes - Whole group Video Viewing Exercise
41Tools for Candidates
- Video notes
- Breaking Down the Entry
- Scoring guide analysis
- Tools for gathering evidence
- Reflection
42Part 6 - Mentoring for Student Work Analysis
43Guiding Candidates through the Architecture of
Accomplished Teaching
- Food for Thought
- Context of a Student
- Aligning Instruction and Assessment to Goals
- Evidence of Student Learning
- Providing Feedback
44Providing Feedback to Candidates for Analysis of
Student Work
- Read the portfolio instructions and scoring guide
for the sample portfolio entry. - Create Socratic questions to guide the candidate.
- Discuss your results with a partner.
45Part 7 - Mentoring for Assessment Center Exercises
46Mentoring for Assessment Center Exercises Overview
- Ethical Considerations
- Mentor Roles for Assessment Center Preparation
- Working Agenda
- Resources
- See NBRC website
- http//www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts
47Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center
- Assessment Center Confidentiality Statement
- Cautions for Candidates
48Assessment Center KWL for Mentors
- Individually, respond to the wall chart What Do
We Already Know? using 1 or 2 yellow post-its (1
idea per post-it). - Individually, respond to the wall chart What Do
We Need to Find Out using 1 or 2 blue post-its
(1 idea per post-it).
49Brainstorm 1. How is writing for assessment
center exercises different from portfolio
writing?2. How can you help candidates prepare?
50Assessment Center Working Agenda Review
- Use internet access to pull up agenda and show
NBCTs where to find it. - Briefly review the assessment center working
agendas. - Read directions and discuss how the prompts are
derived from the exercise description and rubric.
51Assessment Center Resources
- Assessment Center KWR
- Helpful Hints for Candidates
52Assessment Center Resources
- www.pearsonvue.com/nbpts
- Online schedule
- Assessment center tour
- Assessment Center Tutorial
- http//edtech.kennesaw.edu/intech/javatimer/javati
mer.html - -assessment center tutorial with timer
53Time to reflect wrap-up
54A facilitator is one who gets others to
understand the task(s) and then motivates them to
do the work. Chicago Public Schools,
Facilitators Resource Guide
55Reflect on this Training
- What worked?
- What do you need?
- Other comments?