Title: Awareness National Board Certification
1Â Awareness National Board Certification
- Illinois NBPTS Comprehensive Support System
- NBCT Presenter
- Location
- Date
2National Board Certification in Illinois
33 Tiered Illinois Licensing System
- Initial License
- Standard License
- Illinois Master Teaching Certificate
- Can only be attained by successfully
- completing the National Board
- Certification Process
4IL National Board Certification
5National Board Is Growing in Illinois
- 511 Illinois ranks 4th in the number of
newly-named NBCTs in 2007. - 2492Illinois ranks 8th in the total number of
NBCTs in the nation. - 8.6 Increase of number of NBCTs in 2007 over
2006. - 500Increase of number of NBCTs from 2002 to
6Benefits of Just Completing the NBPTS Process...
Enhances reflective/analytical thinking about
instructional practice and its impact on student
learning. Fulfills continuing professional
development requirements for certificate renewal
for five years. Some universities offer graduate
credit for candidates going through the
process. May earn 3 hours of graduate credit from
ACE (American Council on Education) and
NBPTS (Credits must be accepted by an accredited
university in order to count towards an advanced
degree or by a school district for salary lane
7Benefits of Becoming an NBCT...
- In Illinois
- Illinois Master Teaching Certificate
- 3,000.00 annual stipend from ISBE
- Opportunities to earn up to 4000.00 a year
- as a mentor/provider of professional
development - Through NBPTS and ACE
- 9 hours of ACE graduate credit in education.
(Credits must be accepted by an accredited
university in order to count towards an advanced
degree or by a school district for salary lane
8What is the National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards?
9Five Core Propositions
- Teachers are committed to students and their
learning. - Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to
teach those subjects to students. - Teachers are responsible for managing and
monitoring student learning. - Teachers think systematically about their
practice and learn from experience. - Teachers are members of learning communities.
10NBC is More Than Just Recognition
- Teachers demonstrate that they meet high and
rigorous teaching standards. - Our profession benefits from every achievement
- Developing a common language of accomplished
teaching - Identifying accomplished teachers
- Raising the publics perception of educators
- The five core propositions are becoming embedded
in - Teacher preparation programs
- Continuing professional development for teacher
- Teachers daily reflective thinking
11Enhanced Architecture of Accomplished
- Who are they?
- Where are they now?
- What do they need and
- when do they need it?
- Where should I begin?
Set new high and worthwhile goals that are
appropriate for these students at this time.
Reflect on student learning, the effectiveness of
instructional design, particular concerns and
Provide timely, meaningful feedback to students
about their level of accomplishment of the
targeted goals.
Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for these
students, at this time, in this setting.
Evaluate student learning in light of the goals
and the instruction.
Design and implement instruction designed to
attain these goals.
1230 Certificate Areas
- Student Age-Ranges
- Early Childhood 3-8 years old
- Middle Childhood 7-12 years old
- Early Adolescence 11-15 years old
- Young Adulthood 14-18 years old
- Subject Areas
- Linked to the Illinois Content Area Teaching
13Eligibility Requirements
- A Valid State Teaching License
- A Bachelors Degree
- Three Years Teaching Experience
- Currently Teaching
14Certificates Available for 2008-2009
The following 24 certificates are currently
- Early Childhood (Ages 3-8)
- Generalist
- Middle Childhood (Ages 7-12)
- Generalist
- Early and Middle Childhood (Ages 3-12)
- Art
- English as a New Language
- Literacy Reading-Language Arts
- Music
- Physical Education
- World Languages Other than English
- Early Adolescence (Ages 11-15)
- Generalist
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
Adolescence and Young Adulthood (Ages
14-18) English Language Arts Mathematics Science
Social Studies-History Early Adolescence Through
Young Adulthood (Ages 11-18) Art Career and
Technical Education English as a New Language
Health Education Music Physical Education World
Languages Other than English ( German is not
available this year)
Low demand certificates will not be offered each
year. Early Adolescence Through Young Adulthood
(EAYA) World Languages Other than English (WLOE)
for Ages 11-18 is still available. Specialty
areas German, Latin, Japanese are no longer
included. Future availability of these
certificates will be dictated by demand.
Information on low demand certificates will be
provided on the NBPTS website as it becomes
15Schedule of the Process
- Once a candidate has made initial payment to
NBPTS, the candidate can complete the portfolio
and assessment center exercises in any order, as
long as the deadlines for portfolio submission
and the assessment center are met.
16Two Parts to the Process
- Portfolio Process 4 Entries
- Assessment Center 6 Entries
- Total of Entries 10 Entries
17Portfolio Entries for Complete Process
- Four Portfolio Entries
- Three classroom-based entries
- Generally, one student work analysis entry,
including student work samples - Generally, two video analysis entries
- One entry combining family and community
outreach, professional leadership/collaboration,
and professional learning activities.
18Portfolio Written Commentaries
- The candidate writes
- Descriptions
- Analyses
- Reflections
- The candidate includes
- Artifacts
- Documentation and verification
- Student Work or Videotapes
19Assessment Center
- Six 30-minute exercises
- Multi-part question prompts
- Focus on certificate area content
- Held at regional sites
- See NBPTS website for locations and times
- Four-point rubric
- Scorers are all recognized practicing teachers in
the certificate-area. - Scoring takes place in the summer.
- Bias, validity and reliability checks are in
place (has higher reliability rates than AP exam).
21Banking Portfolio and Assessment Center Scores
- Candidates
- may bank those entries with a score of 2.75 or
higher. - have 2 years to bank and pass all 10 entries
after the initial year.
222008-2011 Schedule...
Candidates have up to 3 years to complete the
NBPTS process..
Year 3 Retake if necessary
Year 1 - Initial Entry (complete portfolio)
Year 2 May retake, if necessary
23What Support is Available to Illinois Candidates?
24Three Resources for Support
- Manages the National Board Assessment system.
- NBRC at Illinois State University
- Processes the applications for the 2,000 IL
Candidate Fee Subsidy paid by ISBE. - NBCT-led Candidate Support Program
- NBCTs set up cohorts and individual mentoring for
candidates completing the NBC process.
25Limited Funding in Fall 2008
- Due to limited funding for the Illinois Candidate
Fee Subsidy, all eligible applications will be
approved on a first come, first serve basis. The
fall window for the Illinois Candidate Fee
Subsidy will be closed when all available funds
have been expended.
26Sequence to Apply for Fee Support
- FIRST Apply to NBPTS.
- Complete the NBPTS online application and pay the
nonrefundable 65 application processing charge.
- SECONDApply to the State for 2,000.
- Complete the Illinois National Board Candidate
Fee Subsidy Application ISBE 77-32 Form for the
2,000 Fee Scholarship. - THIRDVisit website to see Confirmation.
- Visit NBRC website to see list of approved
candidates. - FOURTHPay the NBPTS 500 Fee.
- When you see your name on the list, return to the
NBPTS website and pay the non-refundable initial
assessment fee of 500 to NBPTS.
27A Continuum of Support
- Contact your NBCT Local Coordinator (LCs) to
identify and arrange available support in your
area - Pre-candidacy
- Awareness Session
- TAKE ONE Entry Process
- Candidacy
- Jumpstart Sessions
- Candidate Cohorts
- NBCT individual Mentors
28Candidate Jumpstart Support
- LCs work with teachers and administrators in
schools, districts, and ROEs to design and
arrange with NBCTs to deliver the sessions. - Districts or ROEs may offer CPDU credit.
- Best time for Jumpstart is in April through June
for two days. - Participants spend four ½ days exploring and
planning for each of the four portfolio entries
and are ready to use the NBPTS criteria, rubrics
and directions throughout the summer to begin
29Candidate Support Sessions
- LCs work with teachers and administrators in
schools, districts, and ROEs to design and
arrange with NBCTs to deliver the sessions. - Cohorts of candidates may meet in structured
support sessions 10 to 15 times until March 31
for the portfolio and in April June for the
assessment center. - Candidates will work with colleagues and learn
from NBCTs using resources prepared by NBCTs
throughout Illinois to support candidates to
explore, plan, gather, draft and revise portfolio
entries. Then the NBCTs will guide candidates to
prepare for the assessment center using NBPTS
30NBCT Mentors for Candidates
- Candidates have the option to work with NBCT
Mentors in their area and if possible in their
certification area. - NBCT Regional Coordinators (RCs) and Local
Coordinators (LCs) will network candidates and
NBCT Mentors.
31How Do I Know If This
Process is Right For Me?
- Go to the NBPTS web site www.nbpts.org
- Click on For Candidates.
- Then click on the link that says Certificate
Areas. - Scroll down and select the subject area (or
generalist) and the correct development area
(early childhood, middle childhood etc.) that
matches your teaching assignment. - Then download and print out the complete set of
Standards for your certificate area. - Read the Standards carefully. Highlight every
place where you see your practice in those
Standards. Decide whether or not this process
will a good fit for you at this time.)
32What Do I Do Next?
- Review the standards and requirements. Go to
www.nbpts.org - Make the commitment.
- Familiarize yourself with your state and local
application requirements. Go to
www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts - Identify financial resources.
- Then proceed to apply
- If you are not ready for the whole process, you
can participate in TAKE ONE!
34What is TAKE ONE?
- Participants will
- Complete a specified video portfolio entry using
a classroom of PreK-12 students. - Submit the entry to NBPTS to be scored by April
15, 2009. - Can apply their scores within two years when they
begin the whole process of National Board
35TAKE ONE Entry Sessions
- LCs and RCs will work with teachers and
administrators in schools, districts, and ROEs to
design and arrange with NBCTs to deliver support
sessions. - Districts or ROEs may offer CPDU credit.
- Twelve 2 to 3-hour sessions from fall until the
April due date. - Participants work in groups to complete one
designated videotape entry to submit to NBPTS for
36Could Be 5-Year NBPTS Process
- Year 1 - Complete TAKE ONE
- August 2008-April 15, 2009
- Years 2 and 3 - Complete Whole NBPTS Process
- May 2009-June 2010 OR
- May 2010-June 2011
- Years 4 and 5 - Achieve or Bank Scores and
- Retake
- Fall 2011 Spring 2012 OR
- Fall 2012 Spring 2013
37TAKE ONE Deadlines
- Ordering deadline December 31, 2008
- Entry submission deadline April 15, 2009
- Scores available online on or before December
31, 2009
38How to Apply for TAKE ONE
- Visit www.nbpts.org under Products and Services
to find the TAKE ONE forms. - http//www.nbpts.org/products_and_services/take_on
e - 2. Apply online.
- Currently there is no funding for the 395
payment and you will need to pay online at
nbpts.org. - NBPTS materials will be sent within 3 weeks of
the payment by ISBE.
39NBPTS Resources
- Website www.nbpts.org
- Logistical Information
- Standards and Portfolios
- Support Materials
- Guide to National Board Certification
- Q A What every teacher should know
- Standards
- Portfolio Directions
- Assessment Descriptions
- Scoring Guide
40Illinois Resources
- NBRC at ISU website
- www.coe.ilstu.edu/ilnbpts
- ISBE website
- www.isbe.net/profprep/nbpts.htm
41Regional Resources
Regional Coordinator Email Phone Local
Coordinators Email Phone
42Complete the Exit Slip
- Please complete the Exit Slip Form and return to
the NBCT Presenter. - Thank You!