Title: Baptism 101
1 Isaiah 520Woe to those who call evil
good, and good evil Who substitute darkness
for light and light for darkness
Proverbs 1715He who justifies the wicked
and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them
alike are an abomination to the LORD.
2Hate Speech
I. The Persecution of Righteousness
- Because of their Message
- Because of their Morality
3Hate Speech
I. The Persecution of Righteousness
II. The Preaching of Righteousness
- The Definition Change the Mind
- The Description Good Works
a. Not the Root of Salvation
4(1) Ephesians 29 Not of works, lest anyone
should boast.
(2) Romans 45 But to him who does not work
but believes on Him who justifies the
ungodly, his faith is accounted for
5Hate Speech
I. The Persecution of Righteousness
II. The Preaching of Righteousness
- The Definition Change the Mind
- The Description Good Works
a. Not the Root of Salvation
b. But the Fruit of Salvation
6(1) Ephesians 210 For we are His
workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus for good works,
(2) Acts 2620 ... that they should repent,
turn to God, and do works
befitting repentance.
7Hate Speech
I. The Persecution of Righteousness
II. The Preaching of Righteousness
- The Definition Change the Mind
- The Description Good Works
3.The Doctrine
b. New Testament
8Hate Speech
I. The Persecution of Righteousness
II. The Preaching of Righteousness
B. A Message of Reconciliation
- We are Sinners
- We deserve Death and Hell
9Hate Speech
I. The Persecution of Righteousness
II. The Preaching of Righteousness
B. A Message of Reconciliation
2.The Gospel this is Good News
b.God has a Plan and a Purpose