Title: Army Family Covenant Initiatives
1Army Family Covenant Initiatives
- Increase ACS Support 8 contract personnel
- Provide EFMP Respite Care Implemented in FY07
- Right size ACS 8 term over-hire positions
- Increase Hourly Child Care Support for FRG
Personnel - Hire Army Military Family Life Consultants
(MFLC) - Increase FRSAs to Battalion Level
- Expand New Parent Support Services - Child
Neglect - Expand Resource Libraries for FRG
- Offer Discounted Bowling-Families of Soldiers on
extended deployments - Offer Discounted Golf-Families of Soldiers on
extended deployments - Extend Operating Hours Child and Youth Care
2Army Family Covenant Initiatives
- Expand Hourly Care/Respite Care for Custodial
Parents - Reduce Parent Fees CYS Fee Elimination
- Reduce Parent Fees Full/Part Day Care
- Reduce Parent Fees Hourly Care
- Reduce Parent Fees Team Sports
- Increase Off-Post Community Based Child Care
Programs - Increase CDC Security Systems for Remote Parental
Viewing - Provide Child Care to Support Wounded Warriors
- Operate Saturday Child and Youth Care TRADOC
Installations - Provide Transportation to Youth and Sports
Program - Expand Youth Programming Redeployment Stress
- Expand Off-Post Community Based Youth Programs
- Arrange Commercial Entertainment/Concerts, etc.
- BOSS Deployment Support