Title: Military Pediatrics: Everything You Were Afraid to ask
1Military Pediatrics Everything You Were Afraid
to ask
- Gregory S Blaschke, MD, MPH, FAAP
- Captain, Medical Corps, United States Navy
- Associate Professor of Pediatrics
- Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences - Naval Medical Center San Diego Pediatrics
2Department of Defense Disclaimer
- The opinions or assertions contained in this
presentation are the private views of the
presenter and are not to be construed as official
or as reflecting the views of the - Department of Defense (DOD)
- Navy, Army or Air Force (USN, USA, USAF)
- Uniformed Services University of the Health
Sciences (USU or USUHS) - Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD)
- I could go on
- USN x 19 years so some Navy examples
- Info from all 3 services but each is slightly
different - Uniformed Services Section of AAP 700
- Military Chapter East and Chapter West
- Chose to stay
- Children, Families and Communities
- Training, Leadership Opportunities
- I am NOT a recruiter
- I am
- Well trained
- An adventurer, a travelor
- A leader
- Not in debt
- Opportunity may exist for students, residents,
fellows and staff
5Alphabet Soup
- Pediatrics SGA, LGA, AGA, PDA
- Residency at small program
- 15 residents
- Naval Hospital Oakland
- Fellowship at large program
- 450 fellows
- 145 residents
- Childrens Hospital Boston
- Ideal 1-2 years at small and large
- 5 States, 8 Countries, 7 medical schools and
visited 20 programs - FP and Peds training (students to fellows)
- Community to quaternary care hospitals and
clinics - Newborn, Inpatient, Outpatient General and DBP
- International work
- Minimum of 50 clinical practice for past 8 years
- Bright Futures
- Community Pediatric Training Initiative
- Caring for children, their families and our
9Military Pediatrics
- Clinical Care and Service Delivery
- It takes a village
- Internal and external advocacy
- Education, Training Research
- Quantity, Quality
- Students to Fellows and beyond
- Military Medicine
- Operational Medicine
- Humanitarian Security Assistance
- Homeland Defense and Disaster Preparedness
- Opportunities, Threats Collaboration
10Military Pediatrics
- Clinical Care and Service Delivery
- It takes a village
- Isolated and austere
- Internal and external advocacy
- AAP Book About Children
- Some inaccuracies
- Stereotypes misconceptions
11The Military Culture
- Fortress A metaphor for military culture
- Represents enclosure, exclusion, and apartness,
as well as the warrior mission that is its reason
for existence - Has systems of symbols, values, beliefs, dress,
12The Military Not your typical culture
- Undefined racially, ethnically, religiously,
geographically, and linguistically - Most members not military-born
- Membership impermanent
- Most join for advancement, education
- Cross section of America (with some exceptions)
- Medical, Military and Military Medical Cultures
13History of the Military and Families
- Ancient and not so ancient history
- Enlisted men of lowest rank forbidden to marry
- After WWII, global responsibilities led to
expansion of peacetime military - If the Marine Corps had wanted you to have a
family, it would have issued you one. - Wives and children often treated as bothersome
complications and potential threats to readiness
14A Growing Role for Families
- 1973 all volunteer force created
- Families essential to an all-volunteer military
- Restrictions on marriage of junior enlisted
dropped - 1979, 1st Family Support Center opened by Navy
- Family discontent principal reason to leave
- Family Centered Care!
- Recruiting/Retention during current GWOT conflicts
15State Populations of Military and Civilian
Personnel in U.S. Military Installations, 1999
Source Statistical Abstract of the United
States 2001
16Military Demographics
- Today uniformed personnel outnumbered by
dependents - 3.5 million total military personnel
- 1.4 mil active duty (with 1.9 million
dependents) - 1.1 mil reserve and national guard
- 800,000 DoD civilians
- Military force is 32 smaller than 1990
17Number of Active Duty by Service Branch
September 2005
18Military Families
- Total of family members of AD 1,865,058
- 54.6 active duty are married (59.4 in Army)
- 51.2 of spouses are less than 30 years old
- Average number of children is 2
- ½ of military were between 20-25 years of age
when first child born - 5.4 are single parents (overall, US Census is
11.4) - Total of family members of R/NG 1,141,735
- 53.8 reservists are married
- 26.8 of spouses are less than 30
- Average number of kids is 2
19Age of minor dependents of Active Duty
N 1,177,190
20Junior Enlisted
- 46 of military is junior enlisted (E1-E4)
- Majority single (71)
- 24 Married to civilians
- 63 Spouses work to make ends meet
- 21 Young children
21Women in the Military
- 14 of military population
- Ratio Officers Enlisted
- 20 in joint service marriage (4 of men)
- 75 of joint service marriage E1-E6 ranks
- Family care plans
22Children and the Military
- Membership is not a choice
- Military is powerful, shaping culture
- May lack hometowns and may not have easy access
to extended families - Mobility affects continuity
- Legacy members choose to give back to community
23Number of U.S. Military Personnel by Installation
Location, 2003
Source Department of Defense 2003
24Military Life
- Much absence from family life by the parent(s) in
uniform - Extreme mobility
- Separateness, and maybe alienation, from the
civilian community - Constant preparation for war
- Loss Cycle of Deployment
- Resiliency
- Military families move on average every 2.9 years
- Children attend 5 to 7 schools in 12 yrs
- Threat of parental loss in the line of duty looms
- Highest quality daycare in Nation, but not
meeting 100 of need
26Community Challenges
- Reluctance to use available resources
- Most bases have centers that provide advice,
counseling, and education for military families - Services underused because sometimes perceived as
a career risk - Services delivered in a military way
- Some choose civilian services
- Financial stress
- Financial difficulty is one of the principal
quality-of-life reasons members leave - Military pay is about 6 below civilian pay for
comparable work - Military behavior extending inside the family
- Authoritarian
- Can contribute to stress, family violence and
child insecurity
28Positive Attributes of Military Children
- Often emerge with qualities that serve them
extraordinarily well for the rest of their lives - Resilience in the face of change
- An anti-racist attitude
- Idealism
- Decreased disparities
- Community?
- Access?
- Single Party Payer?
29Military Health Care
- Single party payer health care system
- MHS Military Health System
- Direct care in military
- Employer and health care provider employed by
same system - Staff Model HMO
- Occupational Health
30Military Health Care
- Continental US (CONUS)
- Tertiary Care (Peds categorical training)
- Community Care (FP with Peds staff)
- Isolated small rural hospitals and clinics
- Global practice ranging from solo to tertiary
care - Mostly 1 to 4/6
- Comprehensive Generalists
31Clinical Practice
- It takes a village
- About AND not OR
- Military and Civilian Pediatricians care for
children of military - Semi-closed system of care
- Mix is community dependent
32(No Transcript)
33American Academy of Pediatrics March 2007 ALF
- Critical Action to Support the Children and
Adolescents of American Military Families
34Video Resources
- Talk, Listen, Connect Helping Families During
Military Deployment (Preschool Age) - Mr. Poe and Friends Discuss Reunion after
Deployment (Elementary Age) - Military Youth Coping with Separation When
Family Members Deploy (Older Children and
Adolescents) - TriWest Deployment Video Support Video - Getting
Home - All the Way Home, and On the Homefront
AAP HP 2010 Mental Health Chapter grant
35Other Important Resources
- www.MilitaryOneSource.com
- www.ZeroToThree.org
- Coming Together Around Military Families
- www.NMFA.org
- National Military Family Association Operation
Purple Camps - www.MilitaryHomeFront.DOD.mil
36No matter what you think
- If you want to honor a member of the military
for their service and sacrifice, take
exceptionally good care of their legacy their
children, while they are away doing the necessary
work of the nation. - COL Elisabeth M. Stafford, MD, FAAP
- -- Congressional Testimony
37Education Training Implications
- Military is cross section of America
- Care occurs within semi-closed system that cannot
care for all (by choice to allow choice) - Training occurs within a semi-closed system
(Diversity important) - Military Unique Curriculum (MUC) necessary and
required by Congress - Military internal and collaborative external
- Care of children in university-like system
- Collaborate and connect to civilian systems
- San Diego, CA or Minot, ND
- Anywhere, USA
- DOD commitment to military children, families,
retirees, reservists - DOD commitment to training to meet unique needs
- Are we (PEDIATRICS) doing enough to train all
pediatricians about caring for these children,
their families and our military community? - Avoid the tyranny of OR
- Military AND Civilians care for children
families - Our obligation
- Need Military and Civilian training and education
40Military Pediatrics
- Education, Training Research
- Quantity, Quality
- Students to fellows and beyond
- Only federally funded medical school
- Army, Air Force, Navy, US Public Health Service
- Graduate Nursing School
- School of Public Health
- About 25 of students
- Full military officers while in training
42Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP)
- Largest accessioning program for Navy Medical
Corps officers (75) - Training at US civilian medical schools (MD DO)
- 4-, 3-, 2-, and l-year scholarships available
- Tuition, books, fees covered, plus monthly
stipend - Paid 6-week active duty training time each year
while on scholarship
43The Price
- Contractual obligation
- Year-for-year payback
- Minimum 3-year payback
- Active Duty Internship/Residency does not count
for payback, but counts for time-in-service for
pay and retirement purposes - Internship counts for payback for 1- and 2-yr
HPSP recipients
44Navy GME Training Pathways
- Similar in all services
- Fulltime Inservice (FTIS)
- Other Federal Institution (OFI)
- Fulltime Outservice (FTOS/DUINS)
- Navy Active Duty Delay for Specialists (NADDS)
- Full deferred civilian training
- Financial Assistance Program (FAP)
- Residency and Fellowships
45Inservice GME
- Largest of training pathways
- Navy 60 programs _at_ 9 institutions
- Navy
- 1000 in-service
- 400 additional deferred
- Air Force same total but more deferred
- Army twice the size
- Total about 5800
46(No Transcript)
47Navy MC Officers in GME
48 General Medical Officers (GMO)
- Must have completed internship successfully
- Practice as a primary care physician
- Must obtain a license
- Assigned
- Fleet Marines (usually 1-2 years)
- Overseas Clinics (usually 2-3 years)
- Ships (2 years)
- Undersea Medical Officer
- Flight Surgeon
49GMO Tour
- Navy Medicine is working to convert GMO billets
to Primary Care Operational positions - Moving towards an all board eligible force
- By 2011 GMO/FS/UMO positions will be drastically
reduced - This will increase the opportunities for straight
through training - Army and Air Force physicians are battalion
surgeons after residency
50GMO Tour
- Frequently seen as a negative by students
- Students are focused on completion of training
- Army and Air Force do operational medicine after
51GMO Positives
- Allows break after years of intense education
training - Maturation decision making clinical skills
- Leadership opportunity early in career
- Lifestyle and overall maturity
- Certainty of specialty choice, career
- Opportunities to travel around the globe
- Participate in events that shape history
- No comparable experience in civilian world
- Increased pay
52Military Pediatric Residencies Fellowships
- General Pediatrics
- NMCSD 22
- NMCP 28
- NCC 33
- SAMPC 24
- WP Dayton 24
- MAMC 18
- TAMC 18
- Total 167
- Fellowships
- Neo, GI, ID, HO
- Adol, Neo
- Neo
53Quality of DOD GME?
- Majority of GME sites with maximum institutional
accreditation - Over 85 of individual programs have maximum or
near maximum program accreditation - Excellent 1st time Board pass rate in all
specialties (95)
54Navy GME Quality
- 25 of Medical Officers
- 1,000 trainees at Navy internship (23), residency
(43), and fellowship (14) programs - 400 in deferred civilian training status
- Superb Programs
- 99 of programs fully accredited by ACGME
- First time pass rate of 94 for board
certification exams (several at 100)
55NAVY vs. National Rates
56Research CME
- ID Research Labs
- Fellowships and Research
- Publications Grants at all teaching centers
- Uniformed Services Pediatric Seminar
57Outstanding Training Graduate Medical Education
- Highest quality education training
- Young enthusiastic faculty
- Adventure travel
- Leadership opportunities
- Service to your country
- Tremendously appreciative patients
- Universal single party payer 1 plan
- Higher pay and little if any debt
58Individual Downside of Military GME
- The needs of the Navy, Army AF
- Choice of training site
- Timeline
- Subspecialty choice may not be available
- Academic tracks may be limited
- Possibility of interrupted training (GMO) and/or
operational role (PCO)
59Education Training Summary
- Only federal medical school 25 of physicians
- Scholarship students generally 75 of physicians
- Draft and Selective Service Law
- Semi-closed GME to support MUC
- GME at generalist and specialists level both
internal and external (Diversity) - Direct acquisition financial assistance
60Military Pediatric Residents
- Show up on time
- Know what they need to learn
- Understand common need to know what to do for
children in Guam and Minot, ND - Think of the World as their Community
- -Vivian Reznik, UCSD Co-PI CPTI
61Military Unique Curriculum
- Comprehensive Generalist
- Decision making, resuscitation stabilization
- Neonatology
- Critical Care
- Subspecialty
- Child Protection
- Military specific roles
62Military Medicine
- Military Medicine
- Operational roles
- Humanitarian Security Assistance
- Homeland Defense and Disaster Preparedness
63Military MedicineA Global Enterprise
- Health care for
- Active duty (avg age on ship 19)
- All eligible family members (enrolled to 23)
- Retiree and family members
- Tertiary Care, Community Hospitals and Clinics
in U.S. around the globe
64Military Pediatrics
- 700 in Uniformed Service Section of AAP
- 150 Navy
- 150 AF (64 sites with pediatricians)
- 300 Army
- 25 additional in training
65Military Pediatrics
- Peace time benefit to eligible population
- Homeland Defense/Disaster Preparedness
- Humanitarian opportunities
- USNS MERCY (Tsunami, SE Asia)
- USNS COMFORT (Latin America)
- USS PELELIU (SE Asia and Oceania)
- Operational Roles
- Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan
- Security Assistance
- Presidents Emergency Project for HIV/AIDS Relief
66Military Providers
- Majority will get the opportunity to do something
besides specialty - Navy shifting toward Army Air Force model
- Proportional to services role in war
- Army Pediatrics 50 Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan
(75 GP, 40 Subs) - Navy Pediatrics (Marines)
- Air Force Pediatrics
67Operational Tours
- Generally 24-months
- Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan
- All global sites
68Pediatrics in Military / War
- 2.0 Million military children, families who are
stressed - Deployed worry most about those behind
- Peds deployed as Primary Care / Triage
- Sick Call
- Triage
- Psych, Derm, Prev Med, Ortho, Infectious Disease
- Mid to late adolescents
69Humanitarian Curriculum
- Cultural Competent Care
- Medical Content
- Humanitarian Assistance (MMHAC)
- Disaster Preparedness (ATLS, etc)
- Practical Experiences
- International
- Military Unique Curriculum (MUC)
- Military Medical Humanitarian Assistance Course
- 2 Day Course similar to PALS
- Designed for Providers
- Overview, NGOs, Surveillance, Public Health and
Ethical Dilemmas - D/D, Infectious Diseases, Malnutrition
71Preventing War
- Tsunami, Earthquakes Hurricane Katrina
- Project HOPE (Civilians)
- All services and Partner Nation Military
providers - MMHAC Faculty and NGOs
- 1-3 Staff Peds
- Resident rotations 28d-6wks internal medicine and
73USS PELELIU Pacific Partnership
- 4 month deployment
- 12 pediatricians (85 medical providers)
- 5 US Navy 2 GP 1 Neo, 2 Residents
- 1 Partner Nation India GP
- 6 Civilian NGOs 3 GP, 1 PICU, 1 Chief Res, 1 ED
- 5 FPs 1 USN, 1 NZ, 1 Australian, 2 Canadian
74Pacific Partnership
- 30,000 patients seen, 300 surgeries
- Approximately 40 Pediatric Age
- Visited 8 nations worked with 10 partner
nations medical personnel - Da Nang General NICU Viet Nam
- Kar Kar Hospital Papua New Guinea
75Security Assistance
- DOD HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (DHAPP)
- Presidents Emergency Project for AIDS Relief
(PEPFAR) - Partners include NMCSD, SD Public Health, UCSD,
SDSU, NHRC - 1 resident three 2-week trips to South Africa
- 1 resident two 2-week trips to SA
- 2 residents two 2-week trips to Zambia
- 3 Peds Faculty have gone to Zambia, South Africa
- 3 Peds Residents on Ships for HA missions
- Twinning between African and San Diego HIV
programs - Observe antiretroviral care Observe untreated
- Multidisciplinary, Multispecialty approach to
annual exams - Interact with ID, Internal Med, Peds
- Ongoing since 1999
- DOD/DOS project for all US HIV/AIDS
- 500K to NHRC for twinning with NMCSD and country
militaries - South Africa, Zambia
- Russia, Thailand
78Military Pediatrics
- 100 of our graduates become our partners and
care for our children - High standards
- Mentor, remediation termination
- About 75 do primary care pediatrics first
- 100 take the ABP Exam
- 100 NMCSD 1st time taker ABP pass x 6 years
- 100 NMCSD graduates are ABP certified
79Military Pediatrics
- Utilization tours to isolated CONUS and OCONUS
- Train for resuscitation/stabilization x 48 hrs
- Strong primary care and subspecialty experience
- Child, Family and Community Pediatrics
perspective - The Comprehensive Generalist approach
- Challenges
- Recruitment and Retention
- Military Unique Curriculum
- DOD Commitment to Families/Children as well as
wounded warriors - Collaboration internally/externally advocacy
- Research/Academia
81Discussion / Conclusion
- Are WE meeting the educational needs of learners
and providers to care for military children,
families and communities during war? - Military education and training have many
military pediatric unique needs (similar to
rural) - Both training systems are necessary and need
support - Military Pediatricians are performing competently
in all roles - Advocacy within MHS and on behalf of military
children, families, communities and GME are at
times necessary
83Naval Medical Center San Diego The Pride of Navy
?Readiness Optimization Integration Alignment
Covenant Leadership