Trade Growth and Inequality

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Trade Growth and Inequality


Ramsey (1928) considered a many-agent version of his model (a MARM) ... In the MARM: Non-converging steady states are possible ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Trade Growth and Inequality

Trade Growth and Inequality
  • Professor Christopher BlissHilary Term
    2004Fridays 10-11 a.m.

Ch. 4 Convergence in Practice and Theory
  • Cross-section growth empirics starts with Baumol
  • He looks at ß-convergence
  • ß-convergence v. s-convergence - Friedman (1992)
  • De Long (1988) sampling bias

Barro and Sala-i-Martin
  • World-wide comparative growth
  • Near complete coverage (Summers-Heston data)
    minimizes sampling bias
  • Straight test of ß-convergence
  • Dependent variable is growth of per-capita income
  • Correlation coefficient between growth and
    lnPCI60 for 117 countries is .227

Table 4.1 Simple regression result N117
Correlation and Causation
  • Correlation is no proof of causation
  • BUT
  • Absence of correlation is no proof of the absence
    of causation
  • Looking inside growth regressions perfectly
    illustrates this last point

The spurious correlation
  • A spurious correlation arises purely by chance
  • Assemble 1000 crazy ordered data sets
  • That gives nearly half a million pairs of such
  • Between one such pair there is bound to be a
    correlation that by itself will seem to be of
    overwhelming statistical significance

Most correlations encountered in practice are not
  • But they may well not be due to a simple causal
  • The variables are each correlated causally with
    another missing variable
  • As when the variables are non-stationary and the
    missing variable is time

Two examples of correlating non-stationary
  • The beginning econometrics students consumption
    functionct a ßyt et
  • But surely consumption is causally connected to
  • ADt a ßTSt etwhere TS teachers
    salaries AD arrests for drunkeness

Regression analysis and missing variables
  • A missing variable plays a part in the DGP and is
    correlated with included variables
  • This is never a problem with Classical Regression
  • Barro would say that the simple regression of
    LnPCI60 on per capita growth is biassed by the
    exclusion of extra conditioning variables

Table 4,2 Growth and extra variablesSources
Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1985) Barro-Lee data
Table 4.3 Regression resultN 73 F 8.326
R2 .4308
Table 4.4 Regression with One Conditioning
Looking Inside Growth Regressions I
  • g is economic growth
  • ly is log initial per capita income
  • z is another variable of interest, such as I/Y,
    which is itself positively correlated with
  • All these variables are measured from their

Inside growth regressions II
  • We are interested in a case in which the
    regression coefficient of g on ly is near zero or
    positive. So we have
  • vgly0
  • where v is the summed products of g and ly

Inside Growth regressions III
  • Thus vgly is N times the co-variance between g
    and ly.
  • Now consider the multiple regression
  • gßly?ze (3)

Inside Growth Regressions IV
Inside Growth Regressions V
  • So that
  • vglYßvgg ?vgz (5)
  • Then if vglY 0 and vg gt 0, (5) requires
    that either ß or ?, but not both, be negative. If
    vglY gt 0 then ß and ? may both be positive, but
    they cannot both be negative. One way of
    explaining that conclusion is to say that a
    finding of ß-convergence with an augmented
    regression, despite growth and log initial income
    not being negatively correlated, can happen
    because the additional variable (or variables on
    balance) are positively correlated with initial

A Growth Regression with one additional variable
Growth Regression with I/Y
One additional variable regression
  • From (5) and the variance/covariance matrix
  • .00384 .82325ß .05216?
  • Now if ? is positive, ß must be negative
  • This has happened because the added variable is
    positively correlated with g

Adding the Mystery Ingredient L
  • gßly?Le (7)
  • The correlation matrix is

Growth Regression with L

Correlation and Cause
  • The Barro equation is founded in a causal theory
    of growth
  • The equation with L cannot have a causal basis
  • What is causality anyway?
  • Granger-Sims causality tests. Need time series
    data. Shocks to causal variables come first in

Causality and Temporal Ordering
  • An alarm clock set to ring just before sunrise
    does not cause the sun to rise.
  • If it can be shown that random shocks to my alarm
    setting are significantly correlated with the
    time of sunrise, the that is an impressive puzzle
  • Cause is a (an optional) theory notion

Convergence Theory
  • The Solow-Swan Model

Solow-Swan Model II
  • The model gives convergence in two important
  • Several isolated economies each with the same
    saving share. Only the level of per capita
    capital distinguishes economies
  • There is one integrated capital markets economy
    and numerous agents with the same saving rate.
    Only the level of per capita capital attained
    distinguishes one agnet from another.

Solow-Swan Model III
  • If convergence is conditional on various
    additional variables, how precisely do these
    variables make their effects felt?
  • For country I at time t income is
  • AiFKi(t),Li(t)
  • A measures total factor productivity, so will be
    called TFP

(No Transcript)
Determinants of the Growth Rate
  • The growth rate is larger
  • The larger is capitals share
  • The larger is the saving share
  • The larger is the TFP coefficient
  • The smaller is capital per head
  • The smaller is the rate of population growth

Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992)
  • 80 of cross section differences in growth rates
    can be accounted for via effects 2 and 5 by
  • The chief problem for growth empirics is to
    disentangle effects 3 and 4

Convergence The Ramsey Model
  • Ramsey (1928) considered a many-agent version of
    his model (a MARM)
  • He looked at steady states and noted the
    paradoxical feature that if agents discount
    utility at different rates, then all capital will
    be owned by agents with the lowest discount rate

Two different cases
  • Just as with the Solow-Swan model the cases are
  • Isolated economies each one a version of the same
    Ramsey model, with the same utility discount
    rate. The level of capital attained at a
    particular time distinguishes one economy from
  • One economy with a single unified capital market,
    and each agent has the same utility function. The
    level of capital attained at a particular time
    distinguishes one agent from another

Isolated Economies
  • Chapter 3 has already made clear that there is no
    general connection between the level of k and
  • The necessary condition for optimal growth is
  • -c(du/dc)/u(1/c)(dc/dt)F1k(t),1-r (
  • Where u is U1c(t)

Determinants of the Growth of Consumption
  • The necessary condition for optimal growth is
  • -c(du/dc)/u(1/c)(dc/dt)F1k(t),1-r When
    k(t) takes a low value the right-hand side of
    (20) is relatively large. If the growth rate of
    consumption is not large, the elasticity of
    marginal utility
  • -c(du/dc)/u
  • Must be large.
  • The idea that ß-convergence follows from optimal
    growth theory is suspect.

Growth in the MARM
  • With many agents the optimal growth condition
    (20) becomes
  • -d(du/dc)/dt/uF1Skii(t)),1-r (23)
  • In steady state (23) becomes
  • F1Skii(t)),1r
  • Note the effect of perturbing one agents capital

A non-convergence result
  • In the MARM
  • Non-converging steady states are possible
  • Strict asymptotic convergence can never occur
  • Partial convergence (or divergence) clubs are
    possible depending on the third derivative of the
    utility function

What does a MARM maximize?
  • Any MARM equlibrium is the solution to a problem
    of the form
  • Max SN1?08Uci(t)dt
  • Non-convergence is hsown despite the assumptions
  • All agents have the same tastes and the same
    utility discount rate
  • All supply the same quantity of labour and earn
    the same wage
  • All have access to the same capital market where
    they earn the same rate of return
  • All have perfect foresight and there are no
    stochastic effects to interfere with convergence

Asymptotic and ß-convergence
  • For isolated Ramsey economies we have seen that
    we need not have ß-convergence, but we must have
    asymptotic convergence
  • On the other hand we may have ß-convergence
    without asymptotic convergence
  • lnyI aI - b/t2 lnyII aII - b/t1
  • aIlt aII
  • Country I has the lower income and is always
    growing faster

Strange Accumulation Paths can be Optimal
  • In the Mathematical Appendix it is shown that
  • Given a standard production function and a
    monotonic time path k(t) such that k goes to k,
    the Ramsey steady state value, and the implied c
    is monotonic, there exists a well-behaved
    utility function such that this path is Ramsey

Optimal Growth with Random Shocks
  • Bliss (2003) discusses the probability density of
    income levels when Ramsey-style accumulation is
    shocked each period with shocks large on absolute
  • Two intuitive cases illustrate the type of result
  • Low income countries grow slowly, middle income
    countries rapidly and rich countries slowly. If
    shocks are large poverty and high income form
    basins of attraction in which many countries will
    be found. Compare Quah (1997)
  • If shocks are highly asymmetric this will affect
    the probability distribution of income levels,
    even if the differential equation for income is
    linear. Earthquake shocks.

The BMS Model
  • Barro, Mankiw and Sala-i-Martin (1995)
  • Human capital added which cannot be used as
  • One small country converges on a large world in
    steady state (existence is by exhibition).
  • A more general case is where many small countries
    have significant weight. Then if they differ some
    may leave the constrained state before others and
    poor countries may not be asymptotically

Concluding Remarks
  • There is no simple statistical association
    between initial income and subsequent growth,
    hence no support for ß-convergence from a basic
    two-variable analysis
  • With multivariate analysis the hypothesis of a
    causal connection between initial income and
    subsequent growth on an other things equal basis
    is not rejected
  • Theoretical models with common technology often
    confirm the ß-convergence hypothesis
  • Surprisingly the literature neglects catching-up
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