Title: Paxful’s phenomenal Growth – Reaches $4.6 Billion
1Paxful Reached its Milestone Trade Volume 4.6
2 Paxful, the popular US-based Bitcoin Exchange,
the strong competitor of localbitcoins going to
step in to its fifth year, and reached the new
milestone trade volume of 4.6 Billion USD as well
as 4 million wallet registration.
3Roy youseff, CEO of Paxful, glad on their success
and said When you look at our data, in Africa,
Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya lead in terms of volume
this year. Coming in fourth, and surprisingly one
breakout country weve seen is Cameroon where we
have 5M USD in volume (YTD 2020). In terms of
the COVID-19 pandemic, while it has impacted
usage of cryptocurrencies on our platform and
more specifically the interest in a
nontraditional monetary asset, we believe that
the continued growth is more a result of the
financial inequality that continues to plague the
4He also added that there is a significant growth
in the Indian crypto market and the volume
increases by 883
5Thus, the growth of Cryptocurrency Exchanges is
kept on increasing. Of course, starting the
Crypto Exchange is not a bad idea! You can
instantly start an exchange like Paxful with
Paxful Clone Script by joining hands with
Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company.