Title: Inclusive Growth in Sri Lanka
1Inclusive Growth in Sri Lanka
- Saman Kelegama
- Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka has been categorized as a middle income
country by the IMF in January 2010, it grew by
average 5 during the conflict years (1983 to
2009) - With the rapid growth, poverty head count ratio
estimated by the Department of Census and
Statistics has been declining with an aberration
in the mid-1990s poverty increased from 26.1 in
1991/92 to 28.2 in 1995/96 and thereafter
declined to 22.7 in 2002 to 15.2 in 2006/07 - The income poverty target of the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) in Sri Lanka is on track
- However, poverty based on US 1 a day will become
more than double if US2 a day is considered
implying that there are a number of people just
above the US 1 a day poverty line who are
vulnerable to external shock or ill health - Despite poverty reduction, two types of
inequalities are visible in Sri Lanka income
inequality between top and bottom income deciles
and regional disparities - Besides a new form of social inequality has
arisen in the conflict affected areas that are
gradually coming back to normalcy - The reasons for the existing inequalities,
post-conflict emerging issues, and the
constraints for inclusive growth will be examined
3Economic Growth
- The 5 average growth during the conflict years
was due to accumulation of physical capital,
labour, as well as total factor productivity
growth - This growth trend is continuing at average 6
with TFP playing more important role in the
post-conflict years - Yet labour (human resources/education) and
physical capital (infrastructure, etc) still
plays a key role in the growth process according
to existing studies on determinants of growth - Overseas worker remittances, export sector,
services, and the public investment programme
played a key role in the overall economic growth
process - In order to make the growth inclusive successive
governments have been introducing various social
welfare programmes - Special economic/social programmes for the
conflict affected region have been put into
operation since 2008/2009 and the economic/social
package is seen as a substitute to a political
package in the short term by some key actors -
4Policy Ingredients of Inclusive Growth
Inclusive Growth
High and Sustainable Growth
Social Inclusion
Expansion of Human Capacity
Good Policies and Sound Institutions
Social Safety Nets
Removing Social Injustice
5Income Inequality between Top and Bottom Income
- Income inequality, as per the Gini coefficient,
has increased between 1990 and 2006 from 0.43 to
0.49 - The share of the poorest quintile (20) in
national consumption has declined from 8.9 in
1990 to 7.1 in 2006/07 - Average per capita consumption during 1990/91
-2002 grew by 50 for the richest consumption
quintile but by only 2 for the poorest quintile
6Income Inequality and Growth
- Inequality has increased significantly in the
1990s and has remained rising thereafter - A decomposition analysis show that income flows
associated with access to infrastructure,
education, and the nature of occupation are the
principle determinants of inequality and the main
drivers of the change of income distribution - The contribution from income flows to education
and infrastructure to the change in inequality
appears to have increased over the years - In short, growing inequality is explained mainly
by growing disparity in households access to
education and infrastructure - The same variables were found to be the main
drivers behind the rightward shift of the entire
income distribution - Clearly, the same policy variables that were
responsible for widespread economic growth were
also responsible for widespread inequality
7Poverty Headcount Ratio by Sectors and Provinces
Sector/and Province Population estimate, 000 (2006) Population as a of Total Population Poverty head Count Ratio (1991/92) Poverty Head Count Ratio (1995/96) Poverty head count ratio (2002) Poverty Head count atio (2006/07) Poor as a of total Poor in 2006/07
Sri Lanka 19,886 100.0 26.1 28.8 22.7 15.2 100.0
Urban 24671 14.6 16.3 14.0 7.9 6.7 6.6
Rural 135481 80.0 29.4 30.9 24.7 15.7 82.2
Estate 9141 5.4 20.5 38.4 30 32 11.3
Western 5648 28.40 19 17 11 8.2 15.19
Central 2567 12.91 30 34 24 22.3 18.82
Southern 2391 12.02 29 32 28 13.8 10.92
Northern 1146 5.75
Eastern 1578 7.94 10.82 4.23
North Western 2256 11.35 26 27 27 14.6 10.93
North Central 1173 5.90 24 25 21 14.2 5.51
Uva 1257 6.32 32 47 37 27.0 11.17
Sabaragam wa 1870 9.41 31 42 33 24.2 15.0
8Regional Disparities
- There is a declining trend in poverty in rural
and urban sectors while it is increasing in
estate sector - Poverty head count ratio has declined in all
districts except Nuwara Eliya and Monaragala
where the poverty head count ratio is more than
double at national level (UNDP/IPS, 2010) - Inadequate infrastructure facilities, inadequate
development of the agricultures sector of where
the most of the labour force participants are
working, weak targeting in welfare programmes,
inadequate employment opportunities in less
developed regions, low level of employment
growth, high level of employment in informal
sector, and differences in real wages, can be
identified as possible reasons for this
inequality in Sri Lanka
9Challenges in Post-Conflict in Sri Lanka
10Challenges in Post-Conflict in Sri Lanka cont.
- The war situation in Sri Lanka more or less
destroyed such infrastructure of the North and to
some extent in East. For e.g., the entire road
transport network and railway lines in Northern
and Eastern Provinces was severely damaged
including the A9 road, connecting the Jaffna
District to southern parts of the country - Closure of A9 road disconnected war affected
region from the rest of the country and led to
negative impacts on livelihood of the war
affected people through loss of market. In
addition, destruction of assets, migration, loss
of family members especially breadwinners,
destruction of financial market negatively
impacted on the livelihood of the people in the
conflict affected areas - Samurdhi poverty alleviation programme (main
poverty alleviation programme of the government)
was not operational in Killinochchi, Mannar, and
Mullativu districts before the liberation of
those areas due to the collapse of the
administrative structure -
- Population displacement together with assets
depletion lead to a new form of social inequality - Deprivation of entitlements were high
11- Policies for Inclusive Growth in Sri Lanka
12Sustainable Growth
- Mahinda Chintana Idiri Dekma (MCID) is the main
policy plan of the government - Priority has been given to the regional
development by MCID - Education, health, livelihood development, social
protection, disaster management, and water supply
are covered by the social development plan of
MCID - For achieving these broader objectives, MCID
focuses on physical infrastructure development
and promotion of business friendly environment to
strengthen the market oriented economy and
specific market interventionist measures to
achieve the social development objectives -
- Growth and social inclusion are basically
in-built to the MCID
13Physical Infrastructure
- Randora Programme (National Level Infrastructure
Development Programme) - Economic infrastructure ports and aviation,
irrigation, education and health infrastructure,
urban development, and development of townships. - Gama Neguma and Maga Neguma
- Small scale infrastructure facilities in all
regions - Road development, energy, water supply and
sanitation, reconstruction of canals,
construction of small scale rural buildings,
small scale infrastructure development, transport
and rural infrastructure at regional level
14Business-Friendly Environment through Tax
- New Tax Measures Implemented in 2010/2011
- Taxes on import of machinery and equipments have
been reduced - Income tax for the industries with value addition
has been reduced from 15 to 10 - Reduced tax on all exports from 15 to 12
- Reduced income tax on profit of the domestic
industries from 35 to 28 - Machinery and equipment to manufacture textile,
leather, footwear and bags are exempted from
import duties and VAT - A CESS is imposed on all exports of raw and semi
processed items while, finished products are free
from CESS - VAT on financial sector has been reduced from 20
to 12 - Objectives
- Increase the exports of value added products
- Improve the accessibility to world class
technology - Promoting domestic production
- promote the tourism sector
- Promotion of other services
15Conflict Affected Areas and Infrastructure
- Negenahira Navodaya (implemented in 2007 with the
aim of developing the Eastern province) - Short run objectives - de-mining, livelihood
recovery, and reconstruction of damaged
infrastructure - The focus of the economic infrastructure is on
electricity supply, roads, transport, port water
and sanitation, and rural infrastructure - Most of the infrastructure development programmes
operating at the national level have been fully
extended to the Eastern province. - Uthuru Wasanthaya (initiated in 2009 for
developing Northern province) - Two stages a 180-day programme and Medium term
plan for 2010-2011 - The focus of the first phase is on de-mining,
resettlement of IDPs, reconstruction of damaged
economic and social infrastructure, livelihood
recovery, and employment generation - The second phase covers the areas of
infrastructure development, electricity, water
supply and sanitation, health, solid waste
disposal, education, sports, cultural affairs,
transportation together with livelihood
development programmes
16 17Expanding Human Capacity
- Education
- According the Education Act of 1945, education in
Sri Lanka is free from Grade 1 to degree level
and it is universal - The government expanded the school network to
fulfill the demand for education - With the purpose of overcoming regional
imbalances, increasing educational opportunities
for the poor and increasing the quality of
education, successive governments have introduced
various policies over the years - establishment of central colleges in 1940s,
- implementation of the common-curriculum in the
1970s, - introduction of intervention strategies to
compensate for socio-economic differences, for
e.g., introduction of Grade 05 scholarship
programme, - district based university enrolment system in
1979, - free school text book programme initiated in
1980, - free midday meal programme,
- free uniform material programme introduced in
1993, - subsidized transport facilities
18Expanding Human Capacity
- Public expenditure on education increased with
the introduction of free education in early 1950s
till the mid 1960s - Government was able to spend more than 4 of the
GDP on education mainly by taxing the plantation
exports - With the gradual decline of terms-of-trade for
plantation exports and ideological shift to
neo-liberal economic policies in 1977, the
expenditure on education declined below 3 of GDP
19Challenges in Education in the Post Conflict
- Due to the conflict, education of the most of the
students of the conflict-affected areas was
disrupted due to displacement, loss of family
members, psychological impact, loss of school
materials, and the destruction of school
buildings and infrastructure - There are several issues which need to be
considered in providing basic educational
services for the conflict affected groups - reintegrating to school curriculum,
- dealing with ex-child-combatants,
- providing educational infrastructure (essential
materials such as furniture, teaching and
learning aids), - ensuring adequate human resources,
- psycho social support
20Expanding Human Capacity
- Health
- The pattern of the public expenditure on health
is somewhat similar to public expenditure on
education - Public health expenditure was relatively high
during 1950s and it recorded a peak in 1971
reaching 2.5 of GDP - Thereafter it has fluctuated around 1.5 of GDP
reaching about 1.8 lately -
21Challenges in Post Conflict Situation
- Sri Lanka has bee able to maintain overall health
indicators at satisfactory level despite of its
economic downturns over time - There are regional disparities in health
indicators and they are compounded in the
conflict-affected districts - Maternal mortality rate is five times higher than
those of at national level - Returned refugees are making a greater demand for
health services - Current government has taken many steps to
overcome these issues related to the conflict
affected areas - the Ministry of Health has taken several steps in
recent months to develop the main hospitals in
Jaffna district - Government has allocated more funds ( 3.2
million) to uplift health care facilities in the
Jaffna district - Government has allocated special funds ( 4.4
million) under the Uthuru Wasanthaya programme
to improve health felicities in Jaffna peninsula
22Selected Health Indicators for North and East
Infant Mortality Rate 1000 live births in 2000 Maternal Mortality Rate per 1000 live births in 2000 Low Birth Weight in 2001 Underweight in 2002 Home deliveries in 2001 Safe sanitation in 2001
Sri Lanka 11.2 14 16.7 29.4 4.0 72.6
North and East 14.7 81 25.7 46.2 19.4 48.2
Ampara 10.3 24 22.7 44.1 19.8 52.7
Batticaloa 15.8 117 24.3 53.2 31.4 28.4
Trincomalee 4.6 57 30.5 44.7 13.6 25.6
Jaffna 22.3 62 30.5 43.1 4.4 79.0
Killinochchi 27.8 158 NA NA NA NA
Mannar 22.3 97 12.7 38.3 39.4 70.9
Multhivu 20.3 123 NA NA NA NA
Vavuniya 8.8 76 38.8 50.6 12.3 71.0
23 24Social Assistance, Welfare and Insurance Schemes
- Samurdhi Programme
- Introduced in 1995 it provides social assistance
and social insurance for the poor - 1.6 million households covered by the programme
- The objectives to integrate youth, women and
disadvantaged groups into economic and social
development activities and to promote social
stability and alleviate poverty - Overall budget for Samurdhi programme has been
increased over time. In 2002, the maximum budget
has been allocated for the Samurdhi programme and
gradually it declined due to targeting
adjustments. Year 2006 again records an increase
in the allocation as Samurdhi benefits were
increased by 50 for all the beneficiary groups
25Social Assistance, Welfare and Insurance Schemes
26Other Social Welfare Programmes
- Public Assistance Programme
- Targets groups
- poor among the elderly and disabled,
- families without breadwinners,
- destitute women and orphans.
- It provides average monthly grant of Rs 135 (
1.3) - Thriposha Nutrition Supplement Programme
- Objective enhancing the nutritional level of
children less than 5 years and pregnant and
lactating mothers - There were 580,000 beneficiary families in 2005
- Microinsurance programmes
- In Sri Lanka, microinsurance programmes are
mainly coming with the microfinance institutions
and still they are in the initial stage - In addition to the microfinance institutions,
commercial insurance such as Ceylinco Insurance
Company also are involving in microisurance field
27Labour Market Policies
- Employees Provident Fund (EPF)
- The largest retirement scheme in Sri Lanka
- Formal private sector workers are eligible for
this scheme and the employers and the workers
have to make joint contributions at the rates of
12 and 8 of earnings respectively - The worker can withdraw the accumulated amount as
a lump sum at the age of retirement - By the end of 2001, the EPF had coverage of about
65 of the eligible population - Public Service Pension Scheme (PSPS)
- All the public sector workers are eligible for
this retirement scheme - This is mandatory and non contributory scheme
28Labour Market Policies
- Voluntary Schemes (Farmers, Fishermen and
Self-Employed Scheme) - Sri Lanka has introduced pension schemes by Acts
of Parliament in 1987, 1990 and 1996 for the
workers out side the formal sector - Two types of benefits income component and
social security benefits such as disability,
disablement gratuity and death gratuity - The eligibility for these pension schemes depends
on age and non-entitlement to other retirement
schemes and in the case of farmers, for example,
on the type of the crops cultivated - Self-Employed Pension Scheme
- This is under the purview of Sri Lanka Social
Security Board - Only certain types of workers are eligible for
the scheme depending on the age, income,
non-entitlement to other similar pension schemes,
etc. - Two types of benefits income component and
social security benefits
29Proposed Pension Schemes (2011 Budget)
- Pension scheme for the workers in private sector
and cooperate sector - a 2 contribution from employees and a 2
contribution from employers go to this scheme. - Overseas Employees Pension Fund (OEPF)
- Migrant workers
- A migrant worker has to contribute at least Rs
12,000 ( 110) per annum for minimum two years - Citizens Pension and Insurance Fund (CPIF)
- Senior citizens have to contribute a minimum of
Rs 5,000 per year as and when they have money
- Inadequate development of the agricultures sector
- Close to 30 of total employment is in
agriculture sector and majority of people depend
on the agriculture sector directly or indirectly - Productivity of this sector is very low and the
cost of production is very high - Reasons for poor performance
- the small size of average land holding size
- less developed irrigation system and poor
technology - poor institutional and market conditions
- less developed infrastructure
- Weak targeting in welfare programmes
- Samurdhi Programme
- targeting errors
- the number of Samurdhi beneficiaries is greater
than the number of poor households in each
district - there is a decline, around 9, in the number of
Samurdhi beneficiaries, however, this decline is
same for both richest and poorest deciles - simply reducing the number of Samurdhi
beneficiaries is not a comprehensive solution to
the targeting errors - Political bias of grassroots level officers --
Samurdhi Development Officers (SDOs) -- is the
major reason for targeting errors in Samurdhi
programmes. Beneficiary selection was not
successful due to political and other personal
interventions though the selection criteria
itself was sound - Government has introduced new participatory
methodology named family Classification
Methodology (FCM) to the beneficiary selection
procedure in ----- but its effectiveness is yet
to be seen -
- Fertilizer Subsidy
- In 2009, the fertilizer subsidy accounted for 3
of total government expenditure and 0.6 of GDP - This is a blanket programme, it incurs targeting
errors - Inadequate employment opportunities in less
developed regions - Total employed people in the informal sector
remains high -- 61.3 of total employed - The high informal sector employment leads to
inequality in Sri Lanka as there is a high wage
gap between formal and informal sectors - Looking at the mean monthly salary distribution
of monthly earners and the daily earners by major
industry groups, it is evident that, in the
services sector there is a high gap between those
who are paid on monthly basis and those who are
paid daily wages
- Asset ownership of the poor the case of land
- In Sri Lanka the state distributed land under the
Land Development Ordinance of 1933, to farmers on
equal terms - Land reforms enacted in 1953-58 were meant to
ensure tenure security to tenants and to regulate
the rents paid to landlords - Identify land for redistribution by the states
- Develop land and distribute
- E.g. Mahaweli development programme in Sri Lanka
- Introduce land ceilings
- E.g. Sri Lanka - land ceilings were imposed on
private ownership of land under reforms in 1976
and 1977 - The experience of closer to 60 years now shows
that inequity among these households have widened - This highlights that land alone is not
sufficient to bring in equity
- A large proportion of households , with access to
microcredit, progress in poverty reduction has
been rather modest. - Corporate asset ownership has not gone far enough
in Sri Lanka - Significant disparity still prevail in the
quality of education available to the urban
elites compared to those who come from less
privileged backgrounds or live in less developed
areas - Little attempt appears to have been made by Sri
Lankan policy makers to integrate unique
interventions in land, credit, and education in
order to address the problem of poverty within a
holistic framework. Nor have these programmes
taken into account of structural sources of
poverty related to unequal access to land,
knowledge, and capital - Large budget deficits and low revenue (14 of
GDP) do not permit the government to allocate
more resources to social welfare programmes. Any
improvement thus needs to come from better
targeting and identifying the key areas where
existing funds should be allocated
35Concluding Remarks
- Sri Lanka has been experiencing a high growth
during last few years - Poverty has declined but there are two types of
inequalities in Sri Lanka income inequality and
regional disparity - The conflict which was in the Northern and
Eastern provinces has created a new form of
inequality and it has become a more pressing
issue - The story that emerges is that the same forces
that contributed to increasing growth and
reduction of poverty are responsible for widening
economic inequality. This is because people had
different access to endowments that would enable
them to integrate them into more dynamic sectors.
Growth was not inclusive enough, poverty declined
but inequality increased. It will be a challenge
for policy makers to find alternative forms of
growth that reduces both poverty and inequality - The governments policy framework has many
programmes to address inequalities and regional
disparities but there are many loose ends and
there is no integrated strategy to address the
key areas to generate more inclusive growth