Title: Metalib UWF
1Metalib _at_ UWF
- The Metalib Implementation CommitteeRay
Uzwyshyn, Caroline Thompson, Melissa Finley
Gonzalez, Lynn Shay, Bryan Reingruber, Don
Thompson - Soft Launch, December 6, 2006, Official Launch,
January 8 2007
2What is Metalib?
- Cross Database Search Engine
- Metasearch Engine
- Integrated Search Engine
- Federated Search Engine
3Why Do We Need Metalib?
Libraries used to purchase most of our research,
academic journals and all books in print Full
Text Journal Searching 15 years ago This is no
longer the Case
4The Web Databases
Current Journal Research Methodology
We purchase access to hundreds vendor
specific Databases, e-resources and journal
collections across the multiplicity of university
5Data Pipes
Like waterpipes containing information Paying
for access to data (articles, journals,
books)( Anthropology to Chemistry to Zoology)
may be accessed electronically
6Access to all this Information is through Our
7Subject Guides
8Scrolling List of Databases
9Library A-Z List
10How Do We Better Access these Pipes?
- UWF is part of a State Wide Computing consortium
FCLA - We Pay for Access for 323 Vendor Databases,
42,000 E-Journals, 270k/year(outside of FCLA),
4.8 of 3.2million/year FCLA in Data pipes
11Single Database E-Resource Searching
Searching 1998 - 2006
12New Metalib Search Model
Multiple Database SearchingEmphasis on Resource
DiscoveryMetalib as Resource Discovery Tool
13When to Use Metalib?
- Research Intensive ApplicationMetalib Allows
higher recall Search TermsMolecular
Biology Kappa1-opioid receptors and
physical activityMayan Archeology Chichi
n Itza Tulum and epigraphy
Cross Database Search Engine, Federated Search
Engine, Integrated Search
15Metalib Customization
5 Major Metalib Sections
Customization on Backend (Addingand Configuring
Our UWF List of Databases and e-Resources Customi
zation on Front End (ConfiguringMetalib for UWF
audience Simple but powerful Tool
16Customization Features
17Metalib Training
Metalib TeamRay Uzwyshyn Overview,
CustomizationCaroline Thompson Quicksearch,
MetasearchMelissa Finley Gonzalez Find
DatabasesLynn Shay Find JournalBryan
Reingruber My ResearchDon Thompson Getting
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