Title: Superimposed Information
1Superimposed Information
CS4624 Multimedia, Hypertext, and Information
Uma Murthy and Edward Fox
Source NSF/NSDL project proposal 0405396
2Outline for today
- Introduction to superimposed information and
related concepts
- Demonstrations
- Activity
3Consider this scenario
- A biology professor is preparing for a class on
the brain
- Most of her class material comes from existing
(multimedia) resources
- While researching for material, she selects bits
of information from various resources
- A few paragraphs from various articles
- Individual chapters from different electronic
- Images and parts of images
- Clips in audio lectures on the brain
4Scenario continued ...
- For this topic, she prepares course material such
as lecture notes, comparison charts, concept
maps, and multimedia presentations, etc.
- She shares this with her students and other
- Later, students and other faculty use these newly
created information for their personal
(educational) tasks
5Functionality required
- At varying document granularities
- Select and annotate multimedia information
- Link information to make new associations
- Organize/arrange selected information into
desired structures
- With existing and new information, be able to
- Share and reuse
- Find and re-find
Work with information selections in situ (in
their original form and context)
6Work with information selections in situ
- Select and annotate multimedia information
- Link information to make new associations
- Organize/arrange selected information into
desired structures
7The problem
- Digital Libraries (and the WWW) offer little
support for working with information resources at
sub-document granularity in situ
- Specificity of reference of sub-document
- Going beyond annotation to provide knowledge
organization and management capabilities
- Indexing, searching, browsing, visualizing and
sharing new resources created from existing DL
- Lack of formal foundations for such support,
which may lead to divergent development efforts
and interoperability issues
8The proposal
- To define and build a superimposed-information-sup
ported digital library
- To define and build a superimposed-information-sup
ported digital library
9A superimposed-information-supported digital
library (SI-DL)
10What is superimposed information?
11Superimposed information (SI)
- New interpretation of existing information
- New content, new structures
- Focuses on
- Information at sub-document granularity
- Information from heterogeneous sources
(multimedia content)
- Working with information in situ
12Origin of SI
- This basic need had been addressed in diverse
ways, with varying degrees of success, for many
- concordances, annotations, comments
- bookmarks, concept maps, digital annotations,
- The term SI was coined in 1999 by researchers,
currently collaborating with us, now at Portland
State University
- Lois Delcambre
- David Maier
13Superimposing information (1/2)
- Overlaying new information on top of existing
- Add new data
- Impose new schema or model
14Superimposing information (2/2)
Superimposed layer New information/structures
- Mark
- Reference to base information element
Base layer Existing information from heterogeneou
s sources text, images, audio/video documents
15What is a mark?
- An abstraction that represents a selection of
information inside a base layer
- Allows isolation of marked information while
maintaining links to the base layer
- Includes
- Properties of marked region (address and document
format information)
- Properties of mark creation (who, when, where)
- May be represented as a URI
- May be used to retrieve context information
- Specificity of reference
- Flexibility
- Identifying interesting (parts of) objects
- Making connections between selections
- Managing collections of selections
- Preservation of context
- No redundant copies of existing information
17SI and hypertext
- In SI, we deal with a lower level of conventional
- Flexibility of defining nodes at sub-document
- Use URIs in superimposed layer to link to marks
in base layer
18Superimposed applications
- SI-integrated concept maps
- Use of marks as URIs in concept maps
- An enhanced image description and retrieval
19Integrating SI with IHMC CMapTools
- We make use of existing features in IHMC
CMapTools, a concept mapping tool, and add
features to support SI.
- Connect concepts by adding linking phrases to
information at sub-document granularity
- Treat marks as resources
- Make use of a URI representation of marks
20Creating a mark
21Using it in a concept map 1 of 2
URI representation of a mark sparcemarkfodderS
22Using it in a concept map 2 of 2
Mark as a resource
23Activating a mark from a concept map
24SIERRA an enhanced image description and
retrieval application
- Annotate parts of images
- Retrieve information as annotations and
associated images/sub-images in two ways
- Images or marks similar to a specified image or
- Annotations containing specified query terms
25Annotating an image
26Searching over annotations
27Searching over content of images/sub-images
- Maier, D. and L.M. Delcambre. Superimposed
Information for the Internet. In WebDB 99. 1999.
- Murthy, S. and D. Maier, SPARCE Superimposed
Pluggable Architecture for Contexts and Excerpts.
2003, OGI CSE.
- Murthy, U., Ahuja, K., Murthy, S. and Fox, E.A.,
SIMPEL A Superimposed Multimedia Presentation
Editor and Player. In Proceedings of the 6th
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, (Chapel
HIll, NC, USA, 2006), 377-377. http//doi.acm.org/
10.1145/1141753.1141873 - Murthy, U., Fox, E.A. and Delcambre, L. Enhancing
Concept Mapping Tools Below and Above to
Facilitate the Use of Superimposed Information.
To appear in proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Concept Mapping. (San
Jose, Costa Rica Sept. 5-8, 2006).
2006.pdf - Murthy, U., Torres, R.d.S. and Fox, E.A., A
Superimposed Application for Enhanced Image
Description and Retrieval. (Demo proposal
accepted at the European conference on digital
libraries, Alicante, Spain, 2006).
_DemoCameraReady.pdf - Fox, E.A. and U. Murthy. The Superimposed
Information Project at Virginia Tech -
http//si.dlib.vt.edu/. 2005.
- SPARCE website - http//datalab.cs.pdx.edu/sparce/
. 2005.