Title: Network Information Flow
1Network Information Flow
- General goal
- What is the capacity region of communication
networks with arbitrary interference, noise and
feedback? - Subgoal
- Solve special cases.
- Observe general heuristics and principles.
3Broadcast Channel
Degraded Broadcast Channel
Ideas Superposition Successive
Decoding Applications Lectures Images
4Multiple Access Channel
Gaussian Channel
Ideas Information flow across cut
sets Applications Music, singing, CDMA,
Cocktail party effect
5Role of Feedback
- Doesnt help for memoryless channels
- Colored Gaussian noise
- Feedback helps multiple access channel
- Simplifies coding
- Example Erasure channel
Ideas Feedback helps (a little) Feedback
simplifies Applications Dialog
6Time Synchronization for Multiple Access Channels
Ideas Use joint typicality Applications Time
synchronization is not necessary
7Joint Data Compression
Slepian-Wolf Theorem
Ideas Hashing works Applications Distributed
source coding
8Open Problem
Exchanging lists
Find R1 and R2.
How many bits must be exchanged to find the
element common to both lists?
9Channels with Side Information
Writing on Dirty Paper
Ideas Join the noise dont fight
it Applications Watermarking Terraforming
- Superimpose information.
- Use all the band all the time (CDMA).
- Use feedback for simplicity.
- Feedback induces cooperation.
- Use random hashing for descriptions.
- Join noise, dont fight it.