Title: Healthy Eating Being Active
1Lifestyle Balance
- Healthy Eating Being Active
2What is Lifestyle Balance?
- What does Balance mean to you?
- Why is balance in your life important?
- Many diseases are a result of living an
- Un-Balanced Lifestyle
- Who is affected?
3What can we do?
- Improve our Nutrition
- Increase our Physical Activity level
- Change our bad habits
- Set a good example for our children families
4The Good News!!
- The Lifestyle Balance Program was developed to
help you find a balance between Nutrition,
Physical Activity Life! - Proven Results!
- Decreased Risk of Disease!
- Increased Quality of Life!
5Confirmed Success!
- Research has shown that losing
- weight being active can
- Give you more energy, make it easier to get
around. - Relieve tension and help you sleep.
- Lower blood pressure.
- Improve your cholesterol levels.
- Help prevent Diabetes other chronic diseases.
6Program Overview
- WHO?
- People with Multiple Risk Factors for developing
Diabetes - Native Americans
- Diabetes in the family
- 45 years of age or older
- Overweight
- Low levels of Physical Activity
7Program Overview
- 16 Weeks of Classes Activities
- Food Choices
- Physical Activity Help
- Stress Motivation
- Long-term Behavior Change
- PLUS Lots of Support, Encouragement, Fun
Prizes!! ?
8Quinault Success!
- 70 People have participated in LSB
- 37 People have completed the program
- We have lost over 420 lbs so far!!
- You can be next!
9Program Overview
- HOW?
- If you are interested in participating
- 1 Contact Any BFNEP Staff Member (x 442)
- 2 Fill out a questionnaire
- 3 Exercise Release signed by your provider
- 4 Pre-Labs Only 15 minutes! Any morning
except Thursday- FASTING! Do drink some water
?) -
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- Living a Healthy Life is a Choice.
- Decide Today!!!
- Support is Available Lets Work Together!
10What others have said
- I finally feel like Im not a failure.
- This is going to be the first thing thats going
to work, for the long run. - This class really opened my eyes.
- Its been freeing my long battle with food.
- I feel proud of myself every time I get on the
treadmill. - This program has truly changed my life
- If I can do it, anyone can do it
- If you would like to talk with someone who as
been through the program, please let us know.
12This presentation was created by Kristine
Nelson, BSDiabetes Prevention CoordinatorQuinaul
t Indian Nationknelson_at_quinault.org
This material was funded by the USDA's Food Stamp
Program. The Basic Food Nutrition Education
Program (BFNEP) is a grant-funded program that
has enabled our Nutrition Diabetes Programs to
offer more health education opportunities to the
Quinault Indian Nation. The Basic Food Program
provides nutrition assistance to people with low
income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for
a better diet. To find out more, call toll-free