Title: Public School Employee Health Insurance Benefit Overview
1Public School Employee Health Insurance Benefit
- Summer/Fall 2006
- For Plan Year Beginning 10-01-2006
Provided by Employee Benefits Division (EBD) of
Ark. DFA Ashli Davis, Communications Director
2Health Insurance Enrollment -Content Overview
- Public School Employee health benefits
- How to enroll
- Plan changes for the new year
3Look for this booklet in the mailalso available
online now!
It will contain important health insurance
benefit information including rates, contacts and
4Summary Plan Description (SPD)
This booklet gives details about health insurance
coverage, such as exclusions, limitations and
plan rules. Coming to your mailbox in the fall.
Also available online.
5Online Info 24/7
- www.ARBenefits.org
- Enroll and make changes online!
- All health insurance publications, contact
information, forms, updates, and more! - Bookmark this site for future reference.
6 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- Choice of
- Health Advantage, NovaSys Health or
QualChoice/QCA - In-Network benefits provided through Primary Care
Physician (PCP) - No out-of-network benefits except in emergencies
- Referrals to Specialists must be obtained from
PCP to be paid - Office Visits 20 Co-pay Primary Care Physician
(PCP) - (eff. 10-01-06) 25 Co-pay Specialist Care
- Hospital Outpatient 100 Co-pay
- Hospital Inpatient 250 Co-pay 10
- Out of Pocket Maximum 1000 Individual / 1,500
7Point-of-Service (POS)
- Choice of Health Advantage, NovaSys Health,
QualChoice/QCA - Offers wide range of healthcare services.
Requires primary care physician referral to
maximize the POS benefit. No referrals required
if in-network. Out-of-network benefits are
subject to deductible and reimbursed at 70 of
approved charges. (Starting 10/01/06.)
Some restrictions apply.
8Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- Choice of Blue Cross Blue Shield NovaSys
Health - More traditional plan with deductible and
co-insurance. Offers large network of hospitals,
physicians, and other providers. Does not
require members to have Primary Care Physician.
Offers wide range of comprehensive healthcare
9High Deductible PPO Plan (HD PPO)
- Offered by NovaSys Health
- High deductible plan with co-insurance after
deductible is met. Offered by NovaSys Health.
Does not require members to have Primary Care
Physician. - Participation in the Health Savings Account (HSA)
through DataPath is voluntary but available for
HD PPO plan participants. Contact DataPath for
more info.
10All plans have Rx benefits
- HMO POS PPO plans
- Three tier co-payment structure for 31-day
supply - 10 for generic medications
- 25 for preferred name brand drugs
- 50 for non-preferred name brand drugs
Find preferred drug listing online at
www.NMHC.com Click on Member Services then
State and Public School Employees Preferred Drug
11All plans have Rx benefits (contd)
- High Deductible PPO plan (HD PPO)
- Prescription costs apply toward deductible
- Pay discounted retail cost until deductible is
met, then pay 20 co-insurance - Deductible restarts every October 1st
- No pre-set co-payments like other plans
12Included with all plans
- StarEAP (Employee Assistance Program)
- Tobacco Cessation program (ARQuit Now)
- Health Improvement Programs
- Balance (6 weeks, weight management)
- Nourish (8 weeks, nutrition improvement)
- Go to www.Corphealth.com/ARWellness
- Or call 1-866-378-1645 for info on all above
Also, 100 coverage for annual wellness exams!
13How to enroll
- New employees can enroll in health benefits upon
hire (have 30 days to enroll) - Existing employees can enroll, drop or make other
changes annually during August open enrollment
period - Open enrollment changes go into effect on October
14How to enroll(contd)
- Enroll online at www.ARBenefits.org
- Set up individual password security
- Enroll, drop, add/delete dependents, change
plans, select primary care physician - Print and sign enrollment or change form
- Turn into business office by the deadline
- Or use paper forms available online or from
district business office
15General Information
- May enroll yourself and dependents in any plan
with no medical questions, no pre-existing
condition limitations - Can change to a different plan or company with no
medical questions or limitations
16Coming in October New combined Medical and Rx
I.D. card!
- All plan participants will get new card
automatically - Use this card for doctor, hospital and pharmacy
17Health Risk Assessment (HRA)
- HRA completed annually for discount next plan
year (voluntary participation) - Take HRA August 1-31st
- Provides 10 ea/month rate discount per employee
and covered spouse - Additional 10 ea/month available based on
wellness score
HRA available online at www.ARBenefits.org Or by
phone 24/7 _at_ 1-866-456-3950 (Spanish version also
18Dental and Vision Screenings
- For HMO and POS plan participants only, starting
10-01-06 - Preventative dental screenings every 6 months for
25/copayment - Preventative vision screenings every 24 months
for 25/copayment - Must be in-network with your benefit coordinator
(Health Advantage, NovaSys Health or
19Contact us we can help!We manage your health
- Employee Benefits Division of DFA
Customer Service Anytime, 8am 5pm, M-F Toll
Free (877) 815-1017 Little Rock area (501)
682-9656 Email AskEBD_at_dfa.state.ar.
us On the web www.ARBenefits.org