Kein Folientitel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kein Folientitel


Bringing Economy to Health by Creating Healthy Economies Where there s health, there s hope! Using commerce to serve the needs of humanity! The GlobalView – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kein Folientitel

Bringing Economy to Health by Creating Healthy Ec
Where theres health, theres hope!
Using commerce to serve the needs of humanity!
The GlobalView Health Network
The Electronic Public / Private Procurement System
Todays problems cant be solved with
yesterdays tools!
Mission Statement
  • To prevent Human Crisis in the face of worldwide
    Financial Crisis. Not just for a small group of
    people - but the whole family of mankind - and
    those yet to be born. To counter the enormous
    increase in human misery in crisis-stricken
    countries that threatens to spawn social and
    political unrest, desperation, hopelessness,
    decline and mass confusion.
  • To bring about humanitarian benefit and economic
    improvement through creative transformation of
    public and private commerce with adequate
    attention given to meeting long-term development
    needs that promote health, education, nutrition
    and infrastructure building.
  • To establish an international information
    infrastructure that links all public/private
    sector trading partners to enable a global
    e-commerce approach that generates
    self-sustaining funding mechanisms to support
    value-added state reform and modernization
    programs / infrastructure.
  • To provide more resources, new strategies, better
    decisions throughout all sectors accelerating
    integration in the ongoing globalization.

GlobalView Overview
  • A humanitarian project of planetary proportion to
    be deployed and operated in each nation by an
    alliance of multinational and local firms.
  • A common, secure, computer-based network that can
    offer significant savings by organizing
    information infrastructure requirements in
    support of growth in standard-based networked
  • Designed to meet the critical business process
    needs of government and private sector trading
    partners for e-commerce and data transfer for
    social and fiscal programs.
  • An Electronic Public / Private Procurement System
    adapted to the opportunities and risks of
    globalization that will replace the complex,
    diverse, redundant, and costly multiple
    communication / EDI connections that currently
    exist throughout the supply chain.
  • Preserves and strengthens national and global
    flows of trade both in developing and
    industrialized nations.

GlobalViews Global View
  • Regardless of todays financial setbacks
    (recession, devaluation, currency flight,
    slowdown in demand. GDP growth swings moving from
    plus to minus percent, etc.) governments must
    continue to provide adequate funding for meeting
    basic social needs and financing infrastructure
    building that promotes health, nutrition and
  • GlobalView is devoting its energies to the
    creation of a new architecture for developing
    vast flows of capital to help governments provide
    uninterrupted universal access to these basic
    services regardless of how destabilized economies
    may become in developing, industrial and
    post-industrial nations.
  • Everyone agrees with GlobalView that there needs
    to be better information generation, information
    gathering, and information sharing throughout all
    public sectors for better decision making. Timely
    and appropriate information can even strengthen
    the global flows of trade and foreign investment.

GlobalViews Blueprint for
  • GlobalView has created a blueprint of dramatic
    reforms in the way governments conduct their
    business dealings to ensure that life-saving and
    life-enhancing programs are not reduced or
    eliminated. A blueprint that shows governments
    how they can deploy The GlobalView Network
    throughout their nation immediately without
    any financing required.
  • GlobalView is moving toward a planetary
    information infrastructure for the whole global
    economy and all the governments and systems
    within it. A series of short- and
    intermediate-term actions that GlobalView can
    help execute can help governments with specific
  • Improvements in public procurement and public
    sector management
  • An internationally supported public procurement
    adjustment program
  • Immediate procurement supervisory and training
    steps for each nation
  • Vigorous, accelerated efforts to structure
    domestic / global e-commerce
  • Improved arrangements focusing on greater public
    / private coordination
  • Redefining roles and responsibilities for
    pragmatic design, integration and implementation
    of GlobalViews structural reform programs

A GlobalView Thought
  • On our planet vast gulfs exist between one mans
    (or womans) reality and anothers. Even so, each
    man is born with the yearning to make the most of
    his life regardless of the environment in which
    he lives. An individuals state of health is
    often a determining factor between a life of
    fulfillment or a life of frustration. A life of
    success or a life of despair.
  • Where theres health, theres hope!
  • With health a person can reap benefits in their
    life that now would seem unattainable throughout
    many parts of the world.
  • With health a persons experience can be extended
    providing far greater resources at their command.
  • Family relationships can show the greatest
  • There can be a metamorphosis liberating many who
    will rise above economic and political
    circumstances to develop their abilities to live
    happier, more fulfilling lives.

The Information Age
  • The transition from industrial to post-industrial
    societies requires even the most advanced nations
    to adapt their institutions and mentality to the
    Information Age.
  • The Information Age requires pragmatic,
    conceptual and philosophical solutions for coping
    with the problems of post-industrial society. It
    is not confined to the material evolution of
    society itself, but builds on such an evolution
    the appropriate political and humanitarian
    elements that make Information Age societies more
    efficient and agreeable
  • The Information Age recognizes the private sector
    as the engine of growth. Government
    interdependence, the necessity to compete, equal
    opportunity and mutual responsibility are all
    elements that have universal application.
  • Alan Greenspan, U.S. Federal Reserve Board
    Chairman, says higher levels of growth in the
    U.S. probably can be credited to productivity
    increases made possible through better use of
    information technology.

Areas That Must Be Addressed
  • To take part in the global economy it is critical
    governments have in place the information and
    communication infrastructure that will permit
    their countries and people to develop
    successfully. Social and political development is
    influenced by access to affordable
  • People must have access to telephony, computers
    and networks.
  • The access must be affordable, such that a much
    larger percentage of people from all strata
    within society are able to use these
  • Information must be provided in a manner that
    makes it easy to use and useful in that it
    provides real value in their work, social and
    political lives.
  • An enabling environment must be established that
    encourages all elements in society to engage in
    building an Information Society focused on
    meeting the needs of the people in each nation,
    region and worldwide.
  • World leaders must call for development of
    National Information Infrastructure Plans to help
    guide public/private entities that are active and
    often must collaborate. Multilateral Banks should
    provide technical support to facilitate national,
    as well as regional and global plans.

Information is a Product
  • Information is the product of a well-defined
    production process. It is a product with a life
    cycle. Properly managed information adds value.
  • The information-as-product approach has one clear
    goal to deliver quality information to the
    information consumer- as a total product
  • Intrinsic Information Quality - Accuracy,
    Objectivity, Believablility, Reputation
  • Accessibility Information Quality -
    Accessibility, Ease of Operatons, Security
  • Contextual Information Quality - Relevancy, Value
    Added, Timeliness, Completeness, Amount of
  • Representational Information Quality - Ease of
    Understanding, Concise and Consistent
    Rrepresentation, Interpretability,
  • The information-as-product approach requires the
    need to understand the needs of each information
    consumer in their different functional
    departments in order to design and develop
    standardized and controlled procedures for
    collecting and updating data.

TCP/IP - GlobalViews Connectivity
  • With the ubiquity of the Internet, GlobalViews
    goal is to move each of our worlds government
    information systems, their public procurement
    entities, and all their in-country and
    cross-border trading partners to TCP/IP-based
    connections to all applications, at all levels,
    in all areas. Increases total-cost-of-ownership
    savings. Eliminates redundancies.
  • GlobalViews commitment to TCP/IP and
    Internet-based communication strategies will
    provide faster access, allow common applications
    to run worldwide, and deliver information to
    information consumers around the globe or around
    the corner at the highest performance and lowest
    network costs. Intranet / Extranet / Internet /
    E-commerce all in one.
  • GlobalViews approach will leverage the Internet
    over time
  • Finding a balance between centralized and local
  • Providing application development tools that can
    leverage core information manufacturers to better
    serve their consumers needs.
  • Developing a fast way to update standards and

Realizing GlobalViews Vision
  • Todays trading partner networks are complex,
    redundant and costly. Individual applications and
    business processes often use aging, proprietary
    protocols. Each trading partner may require other
    trading partners to use specific communications
    methods and service providers. A common network
    infrastructure for all public procurement frees
    resources and lowers costs. Current problems are
  • GlobalViews envisions all data communications
    between trading partners using the TCP/IP
    protocol suite. This would simplify networking
    issues and help contain the costs associated with
    trading partner data communications. A single
    logical TCP/IP communication link that will
    provide users with access to all other trading
  • The logical line may consist of multiple physical
    links to one or many service providers to supply
    access diversity. As more applications are
    offered, trading partners will be able to
    eliminate many of their current multiple
    connections, thus gaining economies of scale. The
    size or speed of the connection can vary to meet
    each trading partners needs.

Primary Requirements and Pertinent
  • The Public Internet is not the place for
    governments and their trading partners to conduct
    serious business among themselves. GlobalView
    will provide a central overseer to certify and
    monitor its Internet Service Providers, assist
    with resolution, manage security, and provide
    useful information to trading partners on ISP
    performance and services.
  • Reliability - Trading partners must be reachable
  • Primary reliability requirement is high service
  • Pertinent metrics include physical route
    diversity routing protocol convergence times
    error and disaster recovery plans backbone,
    exchange point and access circuit availability
    replacement of failed customer premises
  • Performance - Speed and responsiveness must be
  • Primary requirements include minimal network
    congestion and efficient and predictable routing.
  • Pertinent metrics are latency, packet cell loss,
    link utilization, throughput, and efficient
    exchange of routing information.

Solutions-Oriented Approach
  • Application Evolution
  • Procurement process communications and
  • Requirements planning and scheduling,
    collaborative design
  • Applications Commonality
  • Develop business cases for standardization /
    conduct transaction set pilots
  • Application headers for protocols to identify
    destination or recipient
  • Common look and feel for web-enabled industry
  • Identification of which technologies are
    appropriate for a given application or business
  • Use of security at the application level,
    interoperability and scalability
  • Barriers to Implementation
  • Education and training
  • Timing and coordination
  • Audit trails and security

Electronic Commerce Principles
  • Using as a model the recommendations of various
    US and European commissions on Electronic
    Commerce and the Global Information
    Infrastructure the following principles must be
    taken into consideration
  • Development of the Global Information
    Infrastructure should be led by the private
    sector. The rapid evolution expected in the next
    decade, in Electronic Commerce and the Internet,
    will only be possible in a market-driven economy
    not in a regulated industry. This holds true for
    almost every issue including telecommunications,
    payment methods, information technology, Internet
    accessibility, etc.)
  • Governments should provide a suitable legal
    environment to buy and sell products and services
    through the Internet. However, they should not
    impose unnecessary regulations, restrictions or
    taxes on commercial activities that take place
    via electronic commerce or the Internet.
  • Minimal Regulations and a simple legal
    environment will ensure competition, protect
    intellectual property and privacy, prevent fraud
    and support electronic transactions for this new
    medium in which there are no state, national or
    international borders.

Some Global Statistics
  • Hospital Ownership - Of 173 nations reporting on
    hospital ownership
  • 68 nations 100 owned by government
  • 47 nations 75 owned by government
  • 25 nations 50 owned by government
  • Selected Languages Nations Total
  • English (including India) 43
  • Spanish 20 319,000,000
  • French 21 198,000,000
  • Portuguese 6 186,000,000
  • Arabic 21 228,000,000
  • Assorted Eastern Europe 9
  • Chinese 1 1,210,000,000
  • German 3 97,000,000
  • Russian (and CIS) 10
  • Japanese 1

Public/Private Partnership
  • GlobalView will form a public / private
    partnership and planetary trading alliance to
    maximize its integration with information
    technology investments being made by individual
    governments and corporations.
  • Streamlined / strengthened administrative
    efficiency in public institutions
  • Enhanced government decentralization,
    privatization and planning
  • Diffused best practices in health, education,
    training, commerce sectors
  • Multilateral Development Banks will recommend The
    GlobalView Network as a value-added multiplier
    to enable and assist government borrowers reach
    their state reform and modernization program
  • Some Public / Private Partnership Participants
  • Sun Microsystems, EDS, AT Kearney
  • Efficient Healthcare Consumer Response Consortium
  • US Department of Commerce / International Trade
  • US Federal Electronic-Commerce Program (Policy

Not-for-Profit Non-Governmental
Organization (NGO)
  • The GlobalView Network, a not-for-profit
    humanitarian effort, has been researching and
    developing The GlobalView Health Network and
    Electronic Public Procurement System for most of
    this decade. During this time, GlobalView has
    identified not only numerous humanitarian service
    opportunities but also put together a framework
    to help promote and provide Health for All in
    the 21st Century a founding vision of the
    World Health Organization and a recognized goal
    within all nations for all populations.
  • The GlobalView Network is supported by the
    Florida Atlantic University Research Corporation
    and will operate in each nation and worldwide as
    a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). GlobalView
    will coordinate its university research projects
    through The State University System of Florida
    which provides expertise in all areas of health
    and informatics
  • Medical Schools, Schools of Public Health,
    Nursing and Health Sciences
  • Colleges of Engineering and Computer Sciences
  • Centers for International Business and Trade,
    Environmental Studies, etc.

The GlobalView Network
The Electronic Public / Private Procurement System
The Electronic Procurement System
PublicBusiness to Government
PrivateBusiness to Business
Private Sector
Public Entities /Trading Partners to be
Urban Development
Industry Mining
Agriculture Fisheries
Trade Commerce
Credit Finance
Health Nutrition
Transportation Communication
Present Proprietary One To One Connectivity
Urban Development
Industry Mining
Agriculture Fisheries
Transportation Communication
Trade Commerce
Credit Finance
Health Nutrition
Ministerial Telecom Networks
Ministerial Telecom Networks
Ministerial Telecom Networks
Ministerial Telecom Networks
Ministerial Telecom Networks
GlobalView Open Any To Any Connectivity
Urban Development
Industry Mining
Agriculture Fisheries
Transportation Communication
Trade Commerce
Credit Finance
Health Nutrition
Worldwide Public Procurement Initiatives
  • Our world governments spend approximately 5
    trillion of our total 35 trillion Gross World
    Product (GWP) on Public Procurement. The
    GlobalView Network is working together with
    representatives of the following public
    procurement initiatives
  • World Trade Organization
  • European Union SIMAP
  • Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
  • V. P. Gores Partnership for Reinventing
  • U.S. Federal E-Commerce Program
  • G-8 Nations Global Marketplace for Small and
    Medium Enterprises

National Partnership for Reinventing
  • The National Partnership for Reinventing
    Government is the Clinton-Gore Administration's
    initiative to reform the way the federal
    government works. Its mission is to create a
    government that "works better, costs less, and
    gets results Americans care about.
  • Begun in the early days of the Administration,
    and with Vice President Al Gore at its helm, the
    task force has operated the duration of the
    Administration through several phases of
    initiatives. It is the tenth federal reform
    effort this century and has been the
    longest-running federal reform effort to date.
  • Most importantly, public trust in the federal
    government is finally increasing after a 30-year
    decline. Various polls have shown a clear and
    steady increase over the past four years.
  • While it is not clear this is directly linked to
    reinvention, we like to think it is an important

National Partnership for Reinventing
  • Accomplishments in Brief (As of March 1998) -
    measures of progress
  • The size of the federal civilian workforce has
    been cut by 348,000 -- the smallest since Kennedy
    held office and, as a percentage of the national
    workforce, the smallest since 1931.
  • Recommended about 1,500 actions. Agencies
    completed about 58 percent. Of the original 1,250
    recommendations, they report 66 percent
    completed. President Clinton signed 43
    Presidential Directives and 83 laws to implement
    these recommendations.
  • Over 325 Reinvention Labs have been created to
    pilot innovations.
  • Recommended about 177 billion in savings over a
    5-year period. Agencies locked into place about
    137 billion with estimated savings or cost
    avoidances of about 31 billion because of these
  • Agencies eliminated about 640,000 pages of
    internal rules, about 16,000 pages of Federal
    Regulations, are rewriting 31,000 pages into
    Plain English.
  • Agencies are sponsoring 850 labor-management
    partnerships. Employees in organizations that
    promote reinvention are twice as satisfied with
    their jobs.
  • Over 570 federal organizations have committed to
    more than 4,000 customer service standards.

Federal Electronic Commerce
Program Office
  • The Federal Electronic Commerce Program Office
    provides central leadership and management for
    the use of EC in the U.S. Federal Government. The
    Office of Electronic Commerce consists of 3
  • The EC Coordination Team works with Federal
    agencies, OMB, and others to coordinate, monitor,
    and report on government-wide implementation of
  • The EC Policy Team works with Federal agencies,
    OMB, the Electronic Process Initiatives
    Committee, and others to develop a policy
    framework to support key government-wide EC
  • The Card Technology Team works with Federal
    agencies and industry to coordinate, monitor, and
    report on the government-wide implementation of
    card technologies.
  • Electronic Commerce - the Future of Government
  • With the spread of computer and Internet use
    throughout American society, consumers can buy
    nearly everything on-line from electricity to
    books airline tickets to movie tickets futures
    contracts to insurance policies automobiles to

Federal Electronic Commerce Program
  • Electronic Commerce is becoming the preferred way
    of doing business with government, as well. Over
    the next several years,
  • Federal agencies will buy and pay for most
    products and services electronically.
  • Universities and research centers will seek
    grants and deliver reports online.
  • Citizens will use smart cards to receive a range
    of benefits.
  • Vendors will have real time access to government
    business opportunities and government buyers will
    find what they need on electronic catalogs.
  • Electronic Commerce is actually the use of many
    core technology tools - the Web, electronic data
    interchange, electronic mail, electronic funds
    transfer, electronic benefits transfer,
    electronic catalogs, credit cards, smart cards,
    and other techniques - to deliver citizen
    services and conduct government business.
  • The Federal Electronic Commerce Office is
    Co-chaired by officials from the General Services
    Administration and the Department of Defense.

Understanding the
Transformation to Electronic
  • Networks, not hierarchies will define government
    in the 21st century. - VP Al Gore (Picture of a
    fully electronic 21st Century government).
  • Service delivery is shifted to serve the citizen.
  • Instant access anytime, anywhere, in any format,
    in any medium. Access is available at home, at
    the library, at a corner telephone/information
  • National Infrastructure but local robust
    government networks interoperate, delivering
    online services across all hardware platforms,
    database structures, application programs. One
    access to Federal/state/local govts.
  • Citizens have control to find what they need -
    interactive contact and real-time data and
  • The face of government becomes open and
    consistent to its commercial partners. Standard,
    predictable electronic procurement processes
    employed across all government organizations.
    Each citizen can access only to public
    information and whatever information is needed to
    conduct business with government. Only the
    affected individual has the power to use and
    release information.

Understanding the
Transformation to Electronic
  • Government and private business will merge
    services where it benefits the citizen.
    Transactions can be completed at one sitting.
  • Buying a car includes payment of sales tax,
    purchase and creation of the license plate, and
    signing up for the proper level of insurance
  • Planning a trip with a travel agent updates or
    creates a passport as well as an itinerary of
    lodging, transportation, and amusements.
  • Single procurement opportunity access- CBDNET and
    move toward CBDPlus
  • Supporting interoperable web catalogs and other
    single face efforts.
  • CommerceNet Catalog Interoperability Pilot.
    CommerceNet, a premier industry association for
    promoting and building electronic global commerce
    solutions on the Internet. Federal Government is
    working with CommerceNet on electronic catalog
    interoperability - a commercial solution.
  • ARNet. Officially sanctioned source for
    government procurement information
    and electronic acquisition tools. Ties Federal
    procurement electronic efforts to a virtual
    single point.

Understanding the
Transformation to Electronic
  • EBT - Electronic Benefits Transfer. Automation
    of the massive 500 billion a year transfer of
    monetary benefits from the Federal-to-state-to-loc
    al government for distribution and direct Federal
    government-to-citizen distribution of entitlement
    funds. There are currently 143 systems and
    methods to transfer funds from the Federal
    treasury to the citizen recipient. It is shared
    system delivery, based on a commercially
    developed infrastructure.
  • Efforts towards integrated search facilities
  • The government is supporting new ways to organize
    and search for information using the
    customer-centered view.
  • A number of university efforts supported with
    government grant funds, to develop new ways to
    search for information. There is a lot of
    research and development in this area. e.g. MIT
    Media Labs
  • GOVBOT. A powerful tool enables fast, accurate,
    and timely searches of US government web pages,
    documents, statistics, agencies, departments and
    resources. This method of access to government
    information can only grow more sophisticated and

Understanding the
Transformation to Electronic
  • Broad approaches to solving security problems.
  • Security on the Internet, on your home computer,
    in the company's accounting system have all taken
    on new challenges with the astronomical growth of
    users and information prepared, transmitted and
    used in an electronic form.
  • The Identity issue -"On the Internet, no one
    knows you are a dog." (Privacy Concerns)
  • ACES transaction-based, supports
    citizen-government on-line transactions, strong
    ID without compromising privacy.
  • Smart Cards-allow strong ID for a variety of
    applications and mobility
  • To Sum Up- The Government's Goal
  • Common Approach is Value Added by Government
  • Seamless, single face approach
  • Working with industry on solutions
  • Secure access with privacy

Globalization of Public Procurement
  • The majority of current public procurement is
    based on traditional administrative practices and
    means of communication mainly a paper-based
    system of notification, dissemination and
  • The GlobalView Network will revolutionize the
    awarding of contracts. An electronic
    marketplace in which suppliers list products and
    prices in electronic catalogues contracting
    entities compare prices and conditions order
    electronically best value items that meet their
  • Electronic procurement will be more transparent,
    more open to dialogue with suppliers, and more
    efficient than paper-based systems.
  • Worldwide use of GlobalViews Network will
    greatly diminish the dangers that incompatible
    national electronic public procurement systems
    could create. Major new problems of technical
    incompatibility among systems could make it more
    difficult to communicate and consequently we may
    not be able to reap the expected benefits of
    electronic public procurement.

Strategies and Tactics
  • The GlobalView Networks strategy is to move
    industries toward a data-centered trading
    environment by redesigning each industrys supply
    chain so that all participants can simultaneously
    share information electronically instead of
    generating information each time a product passes
    from trading partner to trading partner.
  • Trading partners in each nation will be linked
    immediately to The Network to facilitate
    efficient order management that will improve
    information exchanges and interdependencies
    existing among partners
  • Online product directories and interactive
  • Automatic bidding opportunities / Pre-negotiated
    supplier discounts
  • An electronic library of RFP's, RFQ's, and ITB's
  • Electronic customer identification / Electronic
    product identification
  • Electronic order management and processing
  • Electronic shipping / Electronic receiving
  • Electronic billing / Electronic funds transfer /
    EDI transaction sets.

Catalysts for Support
  • Technical Reasons
  • Single, secure, reliable, managed network
  • Open system and standards (interoperability)
  • Less complex than todays variety ot methods
  • Simpler deployment of new technologies
  • Lower barriers to electronic exchange of
  • Business Reasons
  • New and existing government / business to
    business functions
  • More efficient business cycles
  • Significant transformation of competition in all
  • Common global network solution to reduce current
  • Faster information exchange
  • Business continuity and disaster recovery

Public Procurement Training
  • Changing traditional procurement practices will
    succeed when there is a change in management
    ethos away from closed relationships with limited
    suppliers to a transparent and truly commercial
    environment open to other bidders and value for
    money is the primary motivation.
  • Training on procurement rules and best practice
    may well be the best and least costly way to
    achieve such a change. The GlobalView Network
    will provide systematic and rigorous training for
    officials in order to give them the tools that
    effective procurement demands.
  • The Network will spread a global program of
    training worldwide. Steps must be taken now to
    stimulate the training of procurement officers in
    the new and evolving skills they need to better
    perform their new role.
  • The Network will provide tools and methods needed
    to improve Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)
    access to public and private procurement markets
    and to fulfill their training needs in relation
    to information technology and related challenges
    such as security and confidentiality.

Multilateral Banks (Project Procurement)
  • After a loan is approved, funds are available to
    implement the project and purchase the items,
    works and expertise needed. Implementation of the
    project is the responsibility of the borrower, as
    is procurement of goods and services. The
    Multilateral Development Banks are not a party to
    any contract, but they do require that
    procurement follow agreed procedures as reflected
    in the legal documents. These include, among
  • The criteria for packaging the contracts
  • The various methods of procurement that may be
  • The thresholds within which those methods apply
  • Rules for prior and subsequent review of
  • Bid documents
  • Evaluations

Multilateral Banks (Project Procurement)
  • They carefully supervise implementation and the
    procurement process to ensure that procedures are
    followed and the process is fair and impartial.
    While specific procurement rules and procedures
    may differ depending on the type of project, the
    Banks have three basic concerns that govern their
    procurement policies
  • To ensure that the loan is used to buy only those
    goods and services needed to carry out the
    project, and that they are procured in the most
    efficient and economical manner possible.
  • To give all qualified bidders from the Banks
    member countries an equal opportunity to compete
    for Bank-financed contracts.
  • To encourage development of local contractors and
    manufacturers in borrowing countries.

Multilateral Banks (Project Procurement)
  • The Banks experience has shown that these
    objectives can best be achieved through an
    international competitive bidding process (ICB)
    with a margin of preference given to domestic
    goods and, under certain conditions, to domestic
    contracting services in developing countries.
    They have some special features and requirements
    that prospective bidders should note, including
    the following
  • Public Advertising All goods or works to be
    procured through ICB must be advertised
    internationally and in at least one major local
    newspaper. For large, specialized contracts,
    invitations should also be advertised in
    technical magazines, newspapers, trade
    publications of wide international circulation.
  • Currency of Bid Bidders are entitled to bid in
    their own currency or other currencies in which
    they would incur expenditures, or in an
    international currency specified by the borrower
    in the bidding documents.
  • Payments Successful bidders are entitled to
    receive payments in the currencies of their bid,
    thereby minimizing the bidders exposure to
    exchange rate fluctuations. Bidders in
    Bank-financed contracts are not required to
    accept any portion of their payments in

Transforming European
Public Procurement (SIMAP)
  • Quoting Mario Monti (member of the European
    Commission Directorate General XV)
  • Developing and applying an effective public
    procurement policy is an essential element in
    delivering the best possible services at the
    lowest cost to the public. It is also of prime
    importance to helping EU suppliers to compete in
    an increasingly competitive world procurement
  • However, the benefits for procurement
    authorities, utilities, taxpayers, customers and
    suppliers will be more effectively secured if we
    can extend and improve our systems for collecting
    and disseminating information about contracting
    opportunities to potential suppliers across the
  • We must also continue to build confidence and
    commitment among suppliers and contracting
    entities. To do this we need to provide both
    purchasers and suppliers with relevant,
    accessible and comprehensive information in the
    right form and at the right time.

Transforming European
Public Procurement (SIMAP)
  • Todays Information Technology advances provide
    the tools to not only create significant
    improvements in the supply of relevant
    information, but also revolutionize the whole way
    of doing business between procurement entities
    (government authorities and utilities) and
  • SIMAP (systeme dInformation pour les Marches
    Publics) represents a major step in this
    direction. Although it is starting with two
    relatively modest pilot projects, the Commission
    expects it to be extended ultimately to all
    suppliers and procurement entities in the EU and
  • Public procurement markets represent a
    significant proportion of the European Unions
    economy (an estimated 10 12 of the EUs GDP),
    so that opening up these markets to competition
    is of crucial importance to the success of the
    Single Market as a whole.

Transforming European
Public Procurement (SIMAP)
  • SIMAP is the European Unions initiative to
    promote, coordinate and manage that process of
    change in the world of public procurement.
  • Take advantage of the opportunities that IT
    offers to create a Europe-wide electronic
    environment for the whole procurement process
  • Encourage the rapid introduction of these
    technologies so that from the internal planning
    stage, through electronic tendering to invoicing
    and payment will in the future be a seamless,
    paperless chain.
  • Provide coordination both within the EU and
    internationally to ensure that additional
    information will increasingly be made available
  • Facilitate the transition to a streamlined, less
    cumbersome and more focused procurement process
    in such a way that all players, whether
    purchasers or suppliers, will benefit from the
    use of new electronic tools with European public
  • Simple and speedy access to information giving
    suppliers the necessary added knowledge and
    expertise required to compete at the EU level.
  • Allow participating procurement entities to
    disseminate more and better information to
    potential suppliers throughout the Union.

Transforming European
Public Procurement (SIMAP)
  • At their February 1995 Summit on the Information
    Society the leaders of the G7 nations decided
    that electronic tendering should be developed as
    a priority application for the new information
  • In a few years the whole procurement process
    could take place electronically, from internal
    planning through electronic tendering to
    invoicing and payment, offering enormous savings
    in time and efficiency.
  • It is not only in the context of relations
    between purchasers and suppliers that change is
    occurring. Inside purchasing organizations,
    procurement practices are undergoing far-reaching
    re-engineering, with a view toward greater
    streamlining, reduction in manual procedures,
    significant cost savings and enhanced user
    friendliness at all levels of the organization.
    More generally, access to external databases and
    advisory services is enhanced by electronic

Transforming European
Public Procurement (SIMAP)
  • New electronic tools provide opportunities to
    purchasing bodies to cooperate via the exchange
    of information, ideas, and experience.
    Information on topics of previous work for other
    procuring entities will be easily accessible help
    decision-makers decide on contract awards.
  • European Commission has launched an initiative to
    use new electronic tools in order to make public
    procurement more efficient. This initiative is
    known as SIMAP. Two pilot projects have already
    been launched to demonstrate and develop tools
    for use in public procurement. These projects
    involve 75 procurement entities (from all 15
    Member States) which issue a large number of
    procurement notices.
  • The use of a Common Procurement Vocabulary
    developed by the Commission, which attributes a
    nine digit code to some 6,000 commonly used
    terms, allows tender opportunities to be
    translated into the EUs eleven official
    languages for publication in the Official Journal
    of the EU and in its online equivalent TED
    (Tenders Electronic Daily) in accordance with the
    Unions procurement legislation.

Transforming European
Public Procurement (SIMAP)
  • Suppliers need tools to provide easier online
    access to tender opportunities and contracts
    awarded, plus other information already available
    in the Member States which can help them respond
    more competitively to public procurement
    opportunities. This includes information on
    tenders with a value lower that of the thresholds
    specified in EU legislation.
  • Further work is underway on enhancing access to
    information areas such as
  • Environmental issues
  • Information on local conditions
  • Business practices
  • Price levels
  • Help for business to find local partners when
    bidding for contracts in other Member States
  • Help in the translation of call for tender,
    standards and electronic product catalogues

The Free Trade Area of the
Americas (FTAA)
  • The effort to unite the economies of the Western
    Hemisphere into a single free trade arrangement
    was initiated at the 1994 Miami Summit of the
    Americas and renewed at the 1998 Santiago Summit
    of the Americas. The Heads of State of the 34
    democracies in the region agreed to construct a
    "Free Trade Area of the Americas" or FTAA and to
    complete negotiations for the agreement by 2005.
  • The effort to build the FTAA is a dynamic process
    that involves three key components
  • The Trade Ministers of the Western Hemisphere,
    who have developed the overall work plan for the
  • The 12 FTAA Working Groups established by the
    Trade Ministers that are gathering and compiling
    information on the current status of trading
    relations in the Hemisphere
  • The Vice-Ministers of Trade of the Western
    Hemisphere, who coordinate the efforts of the
    working groups and make policy recommendations to
    the Trade Ministers.

FTAA Working Group on
Government Procurement
  • Terms of reference
  • Collect, systematize and create an inventory of
    the legislation, regulations, and procedures in
    the countries of the Hemisphere regarding
    government procurement, starting at the central
    government level, including, among other,
    state-owned enterprises. On the basis of that
    inventory, undertake a study of barriers to
    access to procurement by the public sector.
  • Create an inventory and analysis of regulations
    on government procurement included in integration
    schemes and other existing agreements to which
    countries in the Hemisphere are signatories.
  • Compile available data on purchases of goods and
    services by central governments, including,
    state-owned enterprises, in the Hemisphere.
  • Identify areas of commonality and divergence
    among government procurement systems in countries
    of the Hemisphere.
  • Recommend methods to promote transparency in
    government procurement.
  • Make specific recommendations on how to proceed
    in the construction of the FTAA in this area.
  • Recommend methods to promote understanding of the
    WTO Government Procurement Agreement.

Overview of WTO Agreement
on Government Procurement
  • Procurement of products and services by
    government agencies for their own purposes
    represents an important share of total government
    expenditure and thus has a significant role in
    domestic economies.
  • While ensuring best value for money will be
    secured through an open and non-discriminatory
    procurement regime, governments sometimes seek to
    achieve certain other domestic policy goals
    through their purchasing decisions, such as
    promotion of local industrial sectors.
  • Measures to this effect may be either explicitly
    prescribed in national legislation, for example
    prohibitions against the purchase of foreign
    goods or services or from foreign suppliers,
    preference margins, set-asides and offsets, or
    measures or practices which have the effect of
    denying foreign products, services and suppliers
    the opportunity to compete in domestic government
    procurement markets, including selective
    tendering, non-open technical specification
    requirements and, lack of transparency in
    tendering procedures including contract awards.
  • Such discriminatory government procurement
    procedures and practices can lead to distortions
    in international trade.

Overview of WTO Agreement
on Government Procurement
  • Government procurement has been effectively
    omitted from the scope of the multilateral trade
    rules under the WTO, in the areas of both goods
    and services. In the General Agreement on Tariffs
    and Trade, originally negotiated in 1947,
    government procurement was explicitly excluded
    from the key national treatment obligation. More
    recently, government procurement has been carved
    out of main commitments of the General Agreement
    on Trade in Services.
  • Since it is estimated that government procurement
    typically represents 10-15 of GDP, this
    represents a considerable gap in the multilateral
    trading system.
  • The trade-restrictive effects of discriminatory
    procurement policies and of the desirability of
    fulfilling these gaps in the trading system
    resulted in a first effort to bring government
    procurement under internationally agreed trade
    rules in the Tokyo Round of Trade Negotiations.
    As a result, the first Agreement on Government
    Procurement was signed in 1979 and entered into
    force in 1981. It was amended in 1987, with this
    amended version entering into force in 1988.

Overview of WTO Agreement
on Government Procurement
  • The GPA establishes an agreed framework of rights
    and obligations among its Parties with respect to
    their national laws, regulations, procedures and
    practices in the area of government procurement.
    The cornerstone of the rules in
    the Agreement is non-discrimination.
  • Government Parties to the Agreement are required
    to give the products, services and suppliers of
    any other Party to the Agreement treatment "no
    less favorable" than that they give to their
    domestic products, services and suppliers and not
    to discriminate among goods, services and
    suppliers of other Parties.
  • Each Party is required to ensure that its
    entities do not treat one locally-established
    supplier less favorably than another
    locally-established supplier on the basis of
    degree of foreign affiliation or ownership nor
    discriminate on the basis of country of
    production of the good or service being supplied.
  • In order to ensure that the basic principle of
    non-discrimination is followed and that access to
    procurement is available to foreign products,
    services and suppliers, the Agreement lays heavy
    emphasis on procedures for providing transparency
    of laws, regulations, procedures and practices
    regarding government procurement.

G7 Initiative "A Global
Marketplace for Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Early in 1995 the G-7 nations launched a group of
    eleven initiatives that
    collectively aim to demonstrate the potential of
    the information society
    and stimulate its deployment. One of these
    initiatives, "A Global
    Marketplace for SMEs", has the overall objective
    of facilitating increased
    competitiveness and participation in global trade
    for SMEs by exploiting the
    opportunities offered by the development of the
    global information society.
    Electronic commerce enables companies to be more
    efficient and flexible in their internal
    operations, to work more closely with their
    suppliers, and to be more responsive to the needs
    and expectations of their customers. It allows
    companies to select the best suppliers regardless
    of their geographical location and to sell to a
    global market.
  • One special case of Electronic Commerce is
    electronic trading, in which
    a supplier provides goods or services to a
    customer in return for
  • The initiative is open to participation by
    non-G-7 countries and international

G7 Initiative "A Global
Marketplace for Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs)
  • The initiative has three themes
  • Theme 1 - global information network for SMEs
    -This will contribute to the development of an
    open non- discriminatory environment enabling
    SMEs to access information they need and
    disseminate information on their products,
    technologies, etc., using international
    information networks.
  • Theme 2 - SME requirements - legal, institutional
    and technical This aims to
    ensure that the systemic issues associated with
    an open global marketplace
    for SMEs are addressed, and will provide a
    framework based on the
    systematic issues that will ensure that the
    project as a whole responds
    to the explicit needs of SMEs.
  • Theme 3 - international test-beds for Electronic
    Commerce -This theme will (i)
    promote awareness of the issues that must be
    addressed to realize a "global
    marketplace for SMEs" through global
    Electronic Commerce (ii) encourage
    the development of test-beds,
    pilot projects, cooperative ventures that
    evaluate or demonstrate
    approaches to addressing the issues (iii)
    publicize successful demonstrations of global
    Electronic Commerce involving SMEs.

  • The GlobalView Network
  • will implement and operate its
  • Electronic Procurement System
  • to create the funding mechanism
  • to deploy and operate
  • The GlobalView Health Network
  • and other proposed public sector networks
  • in each nation and worldwide.

(No Transcript)
Approach to Worlds Governments and
  • Make presentations to Minister of Health, all
    other government Ministers, other appropriate
    public procurement entities.
  • Explain how The GlobalView Network can be
    deployed throughout all health facilities and
    public procurement entities as a national public
    service utility with no government or private
    sector capital expenditure required.
  • Explain how GlobalViews Electronic Procurement
    System will generate a transaction-based-fee
    revenue stream to offset deployment / operating
  • Analyze past, present and future government
    budgets to determine total amount of annual
    health and other public sector procurement
    expenditures. Estimate all private sector
    procurement Network can facilitate.
  • Determine total annual amount of
    transaction-based-fees generated by public and
    private procurement. Present proposal outlining
    extent of Network deployment based upon
    multi-year Procurement System fee revenue stream.
  • Explain how the total of these fees can be
    pre-identified and will represent only a small
    percentage of overall savings generated by using
    the Network.

The GlobalView Network
The GlobalView Health Network
The GlobalView Health Network
  • The GlobalView Health Network will be deployed
    and operated as a public service in each nation
    available for use by all public and private
    sector health stakeholders and all health
    procurement entities.
  • The Network will assure the patient needs by
  • Linking each nation's health assets/facilities
    (all of which feed data into the national and
    global health system) in order to improve
    communication and interoperability of assets
  • Providing manageable and maintainable structured
    access to these assets enabling end-users to
    access information and tools when and where
  • Integrating evolving tools and methods to assist
    health sector personnel make informed decisions
    that impact areas of strategic planning, health
    administration and clinical care.
  • The fast lane to world health on the global
    information superhighway

Nationwide Intranet Linking All
Health Facilities/Assets
Home Health
Alternate Site
Medical School
13 Channels of Content of The GlobalView Health
13 Channels of Content
  • Channel 1 Data for Decision-Making (Strategic
    Planning for Public Policy)
  • Channel 2 Multimedia Reference Library (Selected
    WWW sites, CD-ROMS, etc.)
  • Channel 3 Telemedicine (Consultation/Teleradiolog
    y/Distance Learning)
  • Channel 4 Computer-based Interactive Medical
    Education/Staff Training Courses
  • Channel 5 Electronic Public Procurement
  • Channel 6 Medical Search Service (International
    and Country-Specific)
  • Channel 7 National Data Banks (Management/Outcome
  • Channel 8 Priority Care Program
    (Prioritization/Protocols/Universal Access)
  • Channel 9 Clinical Applications/Clinical Expert
    Medical Decision Systems/Others
  • Channel 10 Administrative Applications/Materials
    Management/Business Support
  • Channel 11 Health Service Programs (Monitoring
    and Migrating of Pilot Projects)
  • Channel 12 Disease Management Programs/Managed
    Care Programs
  • Channel 13 Multilateral Hotline (Linking All
    Health Facilities on the Planet)

EHCR - Efficient Healthcare Consumer
  • Efficient Healthcare Consumer Response (EHCR) is
    a consortium of North American suppliers,
    distributors and providers formed to reduce
    healthcare supply chain costs by 11 billion
  • EHCR is an example of the industrys commitment
    to cut waste and improve the quality of patient
  • EHCRs objective is to encourage decision makers
    all along the healthcare supply chain to join the
    consortium and agree to implement improvement
    programs to move the industry toward the goal of
    eliminating 11 billion in avoidable process
  • EHCRs target audience is decision makers in
    healthcare suppliers, providers, manufacturers
    and distributors of all sizes senior management
    as well as heads of logistics, materials
    management, supply chain and related services.
  • Senior executives / management of 20 prominent
    healthcare organizations are members of EHCRs
    Executive /Strategic Operating Committees

Channel 5 - EHCRTM Strategies and IT
Solution Sets
Public / Private Purchasing Entities
  • Efficient Product Movement
  • Inventory Management Control Systems
  • Continuous Replenishment Processes
  • Product Packaging and Handling
  • Efficient Order Management
  • Contract / Pricing Administration
  • Purchase Order to Payment
  • Sales Activated Settlement
  • Efficient Information Sharing
  • Electronic Product Information
  • Point-of-Use Data Capture
  • Electronic Customer Information

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