Title: Wolcott Public Schools 20092010 Budget Request
1Wolcott Public Schools 2009-2010 Budget
Budget Process Overview
Goals, Objectives, Budget Issues
Budget Request by Category
Revenue Projections
Summary Closing Thoughts
2 Budget Process Overview
Annual Budget Presentation A Collaborative
Process Between Administrators, Teachers,
Staff, Board of Education, Town Council, and
3Budget Process Overview (continued)
- October November Administrators, Teachers,
and Support Staff - Reviewed Goals and Continuation Budget Programs
- Identified Needs
- Developed Budget Requests
- November December Administrators Developed
Program Improvement Proposals Based on District
Goals and Objectives
4Budget Process Overview (continued)
- December Administrators Submitted Continuation
Program Improvement Budgets to Central
Administration - December January
- Central Administration
- Reviewed Budget Requests with Building and
Program Administrators - Verified Projected Cost Data and Pricing
- Prepared Financial Analysis
- Submitted Initial Budget to Board
5Budget Process Overview (continued)
- January February
- Administrators Presented Budget Requests to
Board and - Board Met to Review Requests, Obtain Additional
Information, and Determine Final Budget Requests - March April
- Business Office Revises Budget Documents Based
on Board Approval, Submitted Budget Request to
Town Officials
6Budget Process Overview (continued)
2008-2009 Total Budget
31,279,433 Change in Continuation Budget
Program Improvements
.0 Long Term Capital Improvements
0 .0 2009-2010
Total Increase
.61 2009-2010 Total Budget
7Budget Breakdown
Continuation Budget Requested
31,470,976 Program Improvements
Requested 0 Long Term
Capital Improv. Requested
0 Total Budget Requested
8Per Pupil Expenditures
- Wolcotts Per Pupil Expenditure Ranking
169 - Average State Per Pupil Expenditure
12,538 - Wolcotts Per Pupil Expenditure
9,543 - Average DRG F (District Reference Group)
9Expenditure Comparisons2007-08 CSDE
- Rank
- 2007-08 Wolcott Per Pupil Expenditure 9,543
169 of 169 -
- Watertown(DRG D) 9,743 168 of 169
- Seymour (DRG F) 10,479 158 of 169
- Southington (DRG D) 11,099 132 of 169
10Expenditure Comparisons (continued)
- Wolcott spends 2,995 less per student than State
average or 9,709,161 - Wolcott spends 1,556 less per student than
Southington or 5,044,225 - Wolcott spends 1,920 less per student than DRG F
average or 6,224,237 - Wolcott spends 2,881 less per student than ERG G
average or 9,339,597 - Wolcott spends 200 less per student than
Watertown ranked 168/169 or 648,358 - Watertowns Superintendent has requested a 5.90
increase for the 2009-2010 Fiscal Year
11Major Budget Issues
- Improve Student Academic Achievement
- Accommodate Current Enrollment
- Equipping Schools with Technology and Support
Services and Materials for the 21st Century - Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Special
Education Services - Continue Cost Savings Programs
12Academic Improvement
- Develop Implement Components of Achievement
Infrastructure - Development of Quality Standards Based Curricula
and Link to Staff Development - Use of Proven Best Practices, With Emphasis on
Technology as a Tool for Improving Student
Achievement - Improve Supervision and Evaluation of
Administration and Teaching Staff -
13Academic Improvement (continued)
- Increase Academic Services
- Support the Districts Goal to Improve CMT Scores
in Reading, Writing and Math at Grades 3-8 - Support States Goal to Have All Students Reading
at Grade Level by the End of Grade 3 - Support the Districts Goal to Increase the
Percent of Students Meeting Fitness Standards - Support the Districts Goal to Improve Student
Performance on the CAPT, SAT and Advanced
Placement and U-CONN CO-OP Assessments
- Continue Implementation of Districts Technology
Plan - Upgrade Computer Inventory/ 5 Year Replacement
Plan - Continue Software Licensing Program Throughout
the District and Technical Support Agreements - Purchase Software for Classrooms
- Continue to Support Professional Development to
Enhance Technology Use and Improve the Skills of
15Special Education
- All Individualized Education Programs are based
on students needs, by creating appropriate
goals, and delivering effective services for all. - The Special Education department is using an
on-line IEP Software, called Easy IEP to
monitor, review, and evaluate student programs
for effectiveness and accountability. -
16Special Education
- The District has the following cost effective
programs - Integrated Pre-School Program at Alcott
- ABC Classroom
- at Frisbie Elementary
- At Tyrrell Middle
- Life Skills Classroom
- at Wakelee
- at Tyrrell Middle
- at Wolcott HS
- Alternate High School Programs
- Phoenix
17Special Education
- Revenue is generated from the department in terms
of - Nexus Students (out of district)
- Medicaid Reimbursements
- Excess Costs Disbursements
- IDEA 611 Grant Individuals with Disabilities
Enhancement Act - School Readiness Grant (Pre-School)
- Stimulus Package 2009
18 Detailed Budget Recap 2009-2010
- Payroll 19,698,767
62.59 - Other Employee Related Cost 5,388,257
17.12 - Contracted Services
- Pupil Transportation
1,482,685 4.71
- Tuition to Other Schools 462,146
- General Operations
1,549,519 4.92
- Supplies 972,141
3.09 - Equipment Capital Improve. 146,583
- Utilities 1,302,857 4.14
- Technology 317,404 1.01
- Miscellaneous 150,617
31,470,976 100
19DETAILED BUDGET RECAP( of Budget) (Continued)
20Detailed Budget Recap (Continued)
- Other Employee-Related Costs Include Health
Benefits, Pension Costs, Disability Insurance,
Unemployment Insurance, Workers Compensation
Insurance and Severance Payments - General Operations Costs Include Various
Professional Services or Contractual Obligations,
Property Insurance and Lease Payments
21Detailed Budget Recap (Continued)
- Capital Costs Include
- Alcott Elementary School
- Replace HVAC Unit in Tech. Lab 15,000
- Miscellaneous Costs Include Dues Fees, Staff
Development, Travel Expenses, and Advertising
2008 - 2009 Approved Budget 19,729,037
2009 - 2010 Budget Request
19,698,767 Increase (Decrease)
(30,270) Increase
(Decrease) (.15)
23Budgeted Staff 08-09
- Administrators 16.0 16.0
- Technology 5.0 5.0
- Professional Staff 228.5
219.9 - Para-Professionals 64.0 64.0
- Nurses 5.0 5.0
- Secretarial 19.0 19.0
- Custodial 23.0 23.0
- Maintenance 4.0 4.0
- Total 364.5 355.9
- Includes Business Manager, Director of
Facilities and H.R. Director
24Changes in Staffing
- Deduct 4.0 Teachers at the Elementary Schools
(Enrollment) - Deduct 2.4 Teachers at the Middle School
(Enrollment) - Deduct 1.0 Teacher at High School (Re-assignment)
- Deduct 1.2 Teachers at Elementary Schools (Class
Size Reduction)
25Other Employee Related Costs
2008-2009 Approved Budget 4,246,503
2009-2010 Budget Request
5,388,257 Increase (Decrease)
1,141,754 Increase (Decrease)
26Contracted Services
Transportation Tuition Other
Total 2008-2009 Approved
1,579,413 543,807 1,607,680
3,730,900 2009-2010 Request 1,482,685 462,146
1,549,519 3,494,350 Increase
(Decrease) (96,728) (81,661)
(58,661) (237,050) Increase (Decrease)
(6.12) (15.02)
(3.62) (6.35)
- 2008-2009 Approved Budget
1,067,727 - 2009-2010 Budget Request
972,141 - Increase (Decrease) (95,586)
- Increase (Decrease) (8.95)
28Equipment Capital Improvements
- 2008-2009 Approved Budget 372,053
- 2009-2010 Budget Request 146,583
- Increase (Decrease)
(225,470) - Increase (Decrease)
29Miscellaneous Expenses
- 2008-2009 Approved Budget 161,676
- 2009-2010 Budget Request 150,617
- Increase (Decrease)
(11,059) - Increase (Decrease) (6.84)
30 Total Increase 191,543 by Category
Employee Wages (30,270) Other
Employee Cost 1,141,754 Contracted
Services (236,550) Supplies
(95,586) Equipment
Cap Improv. (225,470) Utilities
(212,599) Technology
(138,677) Miscellaneous
(11,059) Total
31Increase by Budget Category (in thousands)
32 Major Increases/Program Increases
Board has Limited Control Over These Items)
Health Benefits
1,085,000 3.47 All Other Items
(893,457) (2.86)
33CLAIM COMPARISON 2007-2008 vs. 2008-2009
- 2007-2008 2008-2009
Difference - JULY 278,326 640,546 362,220
- AUG. 269,202 366,977 97,795
- SEPT. 208,222 415,245 207,023
- OCT. 325,290 317,512 -7,776
- NOV. 314,620 297,294 -17,326
- DEC. 206,920 355,309 148,389
- JAN. 369,680 422,958 53,278
- FEB. 311,032 320,765 9,733
- MAR. 316,472 334,874 18,402
- TOTAL 2,599,765 3,471,480 871,716
- JULY 546,620
- AUG. 413,608
- SEPT. 287,021
- OCT. 268,567
- NOV. 250,421
- DEC. 205,940
- JAN. 81,632
- FEB. 40,107
- MAR. (10,086)
- APR. (93,156)
- MAY (176,226)
- JUNE (259,296)
(1,183,722) - PROJECTED
35Major Decreases/Savings
- Computer Leases 33,054
- Because of 5 Year Replacement Plan
- Capital Outlay
182,524 - Postponing for Another Year
- Equipment 42,946
- Delaying Purchases
- Supplies/Textbooks 95,586
- Being as Frugal as Possible
- Oil
- Market Down
- Reduction of 8.6 Positions
434,229 - Furlough Day 92,000
- TOTAL Increase
Increase - Current Budget 31,470,976
191,543 .61 - Plus
- Staff Reductions 434,229
434,229 1.39 - Furlough Day 92,000
92,000 .29 -
- TOTAL 31,997,205 717,772
2.29 -
37Annual Cost Savings Strategies
- Renegotiate Service Contracts Where Applicable
- Consortium Bidding (Supplies and Electricity)
- Use State Bid List When Applicable
38Projected Funding Sources
- Local Property Taxes 17,582,105
55.87 - State Grants
- ECS 13,539,371
- Transportation 213,692
13,753,063 43.70 - Tuition 95,000
.30 - Miscellaneous 40,808 .13
- Total 31,470,976 100.00
40Funding Source Comparison to Prior Year
Source 2008-09 2009-10
Change Taxes
17,325,767 17,582,105
1.48 State Grants 13,799,170
13,753,063 -.33 Tuition
112,000 95,000
-15.18 Miscellaneous 42,496
40,808 -3.97
41Items Not Covered By This Budget
- Title 1 Funding / LIP Tutors
- Unanticipated Special Education Student
Out-Placements - Unanticipated Special Education in District Costs
- Unpredictable Medical Experience Because of Self
Insured Plan - Class Size Reduction Teachers
42Wolcott Public Schools2009-2010 Budget
RequestTotal 31,470,976
Increase 191,543
Percent Increase .61
43Budget Process Overview (continued)
- 2008 Accomplishments
- CMT scores ranked number one in our DRG in 8/20
tests number 2 in six of them and number 3 in
two of them. - Over 90 of the students are proficient in CAPT
Reading Writing - AP25 Students Received Perfect Score on AP Exam
(Scored a 5) - College Attendance85 of Seniors Attended
44Budget Process Overview (continued)
- Accomplishments
- Wolcott High School 2001-20052nd Largest Gain in
CAPT Reading Scores in CT 01-054th Largest Gain
in CAPT Math Scores in CT 01-05 - Tyrell Middle School
- Recognized as one of the Top 10 Middle Schools
in the State for low income student performance - Alcott Awarded Higher-Order Thinking H.O.T.
School Grant - Frisbie CAS CT Outstanding Elementary School of
Year 2003 - WakeleeIRA CT Exemplary Reading Program Award
45Budget Process Overview (continued)
- Accomplishments
- Athletics Department62.1 Participation in High
School Athletics (07-08) - We have 32 High School Programs with 583
students Taking part, 239 Students Participate at
the Middle School - Music Department6 Musicians Selected for
Regional Festival - 5 students Went on to a 2nd Audition for the
CT-All-State Musical Festival - High School and Middle School Robotics Teams
have Earned National Recognition from Various
- Budget Process Began in October
- Teachers Submit Requests to Administrators in
Oct./Nov. - Administrators Submit Budget to Business Manager
in Dec. - Superintendent Presents Budget to Finance
Committee in Jan. - Finance Committee has Workshops to Review Budget
in Feb. - Board of Education has Public Hearing in Feb.
- Board of Education Adopts Budget in March and
Transmits Budget to the Mayor
47Summary (continued)
- Budget Contains 8 Primary Categories, and They
Comply with the Federal and State Reporting
Guidelines - Payroll Expenses
- Other Employee Related Expenses
- Contracted Services
- Supplies
- Equipment Capital Improvements
- Utilities
- Technology
- Miscellaneous
48Summary (continued)
- Budget is Funded with Revenues From Local, State,
Tuition, and Other Miscellaneous Sources - School District has Worked Extremely Hard Over
the Past Few Years to Optimize Cost Savings - Board Respectively Submits Districts Budgetary