Title: Understanding The Rotary Foundation
1Understanding The Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
2Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator
Insert Your Name Here
- Assigned three main responsibilities
- Promote financial support for TRF
- Promote programs support for TRF
- Train Rotarians about TRF
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
3Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator
- I am available
- to answer Foundation-related question
- to help you in creating a Foundation seminar
- to serve as a speaker at any Foundation function
- to provide Foundation-related information
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
4Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator
Your Rotary Foundation Resource
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
5Mission Statement
- New -- Approved June 2006
The Mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary
International is to enable Rotarians to advance
world understanding, goodwill and peace through
the improvement of health, the support of
education and alleviation of poverty.
6Mission Statement
- Our Motto
- Doing good in the world.
7TRF Programs
- Educational
- Humanitarian
- PolioPlus
8Educational Programs
- Ambassadorial Scholarships
- Group Study Exchange
- Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace
and Conflict Resolution - Rotary Grants for University Teachers
- Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies program (at
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
9Ambassadorial Scholarships
For Students to study abroad and serve as
Ambassadors of good will
- Academic-Year
- 9 months full-time study
- Multi-Year Scholarship
- 2 years full-time study
- Cultural Scholarship
- 3 to 6 months intensive language study
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
10Group Study Exchange
The international exchange of young non-Rotarian
- Teams spend 4 to 6 weeks abroad
- Districts can send teams every year using World
Fund awards - Variations include Single-Vocation teams,
Cultural teams, Humanitarian GSEs
11Rotary Centers
Masters degree program in fields related to
peace studies and conflict resolution
- Focus on peace and conflict issues
- Advance knowledge and world understanding among
potential world leaders - Promote greater tolerance and cooperation among
12Peace and Conflict Studies Program
Peace studies, conflict resolution and mediation
training at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- For middle and upper-level managers in
government, non-governmental organizations, and
private corporations - 3-month program
- 30 students per session
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
13Grants for University Teachers
To strengthen higher education in low-income
- Provides expertise not readily available in a
particular area - 3 to 5 month 6 to 10-month programs
- Funded by DDF
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
14Educational Programs
Recent Changes
- Beginning with 2008-09 year, awards for
Ambassadorial scholarships will be a flat grant
of - US23,000 for Academic-Year or Multi-Year
scholarships - US10,000 for 3-month Cultural Scholarship
- US15,000 for a 6-month Cultural Scholarship
15Humanitarian Programs
- Matching Grants
- District Simplified Grants
- Health, Hunger, and Humanity Grants (3-H)
- Volunteer Service Grants
- (formerly Individual Grants)
16Matching Grants
To assist Rotary clubs and districts in carrying
out humanitarian projects
- Foundation match from World Fund
- US 0.50 match for every US 1 cash contribution
- US 1 match for every US 1 DDF (SHARE)
contribution - Applications accepted 1 July 31 March
17Matching Grants
To assist Rotary clubs and districts in carrying
out humanitarian projects
- Two grant types
- Matching Grants US 5,000 - 25,000
- Competitive Matching GrantsUS 25,001 - 150,000
18Matching Grants
General Guidelines
- Projects must involve active Rotarian
participation - Grants must address humanitarian need
- All grants must adhere to Terms and Conditions of
Matching Grants Awards - Reports due every 12 months
19District Simplified Grants
To support service projects in the local
community or internationally
- One grant per year per district (can be used for
multiple projects) - Use 20 maximum DDF from 3 years prior
- For local or international use
- Reports due every 12 months
- Requests accepted 1 July 31 March in Rotary
Year prior to implementation of projects
20What is DDF?
- District Designated Fund
- 50 of districts total Annual Program Funds
raised three years earlier - Available for district use
21What is the World Fund?
- 50 of districts total Annual Program Funds
raised three years earlier - Used for Rotarys match in Matching Grants,
Individual Grants (currently in moratorium) and
to send Group Study Exchange teams
22Volunteer Service Grants
New for 2006-07
- To support travel to plan and provide direct
service - Available to qualified Rotarians and spouses of
Rotarians - Flat grant award
- US3,000 per individual or US6,000 for a team of
up to 5 members - Applications received 3 months prior to departure
and approved 2 months prior to departure
23Volunteer Service Grants
New for 2006-07
- Eligibility for traveler(s) based on
- Defined community need
- Need that can be met by skills and experience of
the traveler's) - Skills and experience not available locally
24District Simplified Grants
Important Criteria
- Grants over 25,000 payment made in installments
based upon spending plan - Districts must provide progress reports
delineating the expenditures before additional
installments are made.
253-H Grants
Funds integrated long-term self-help, grassroots
development projects
- Projects must be self-sustaining (after funds are
spent) - Sponsors have successfully worked together on a
Matching Grant - Sponsors provide minimum of 10 of award
To protect children worldwide from the cruel and
fatal consequences of polio
- 20 years of Rotarians effort
- With 20 million volunteers
- In 200 countries
- Immunizing 2 billion children
27Global Eradication Initiative
- A public-private partnership led by
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Rotary International
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)
28Progress June 2005- June 2006
- 2 new polio vaccines developed, licensed used.
- 2 countries removed from list of endemic areas.
- 15 countries removed from list of
- re-infected areas.
- .. only 4 countries remain endemic.
29Polio Endemic Countries 2006
4 endemic countries, the lowest in history
- What Can Rotarians Do?
- Support a PolioPlus Partners Project
- Highlight publicly the role of Rotary in the
global eradication initiative - Schedule a club program on PolioPlus
- Your name here
- The RI website, www.rotary.org
- The staff at The Rotary Foundation
32Understanding The Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
33(No Transcript)
34Understanding The Rotary Foundation
- Basic Overview
- Fund Development / SHARE
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006
35Fundraising for The Rotary Foundation
- Contributions support the programs of
- The Rotary Foundation
- and are vital to the success of our organization
to do good in the world
36Annual Programs Fund
- Supports Foundation programs
- Vital to the Foundations role today
- Contributions earn Paul Harris Fellow Recognition
- Contributions support Every Rotarian, Every Year
37Permanent Fund
- Contributions support long-term sustainability of
our Foundation - Funds invested, the corpus is never spent
- Supports Foundation programs
- Contributors include Benefactor and Bequest
Society members - Key to Foundations role in the future
38Establish Fundraising Goals
Annual Programs Fund goal for 2006-07 US 120
million or US100 per capita
- In order to reach the Annual Programs Goal
- encourage clubs to set their club goals
- higher than last year
39Goal Setting
- Discuss club goals with incoming club presidents
early (before PETS) - Encourage clubs to set their club goals higher
than previous year - Collect Club Goal Forms during PETS
- Monitor clubs progress toward their goals
- Added benefit Identifies future district leaders
40Fundraising Tips
- Lead by example make your leadership gift at
the beginning of the Rotary year - Encourage clubs to support TRF during club visits
- Urge clubs to participate in at least one
TRF-supported project a year - Establish or increase participation in Paul
Harris Society
41Your Support Team
- Work with your Zone team!
- Communicate regularly with Foundation Staff and
Zone leaders
42Member Access
- View Membership Data
- View own personal contribution history
- Search Official Directory
- Manage E-mail Subscriptions
- View Club Recognition Summaries
- View Monthly Contribution Reports
- Contribute to TRF
43Understanding SHARE
SHARE transforms TRF contributions into
Ambassadorial Scholarships, Matching Grants
projects, Group Study Exchanges and more.
The 3-Year Cycle
TRF uses the earnings from SHAREs 3-year
investment cycle to pay for administration and
fund development
The three-year cycle gives districts time for
program planning and participant selection
TRF operates on a unique funding cycle, using
contributions for program activities three years
after they are collected
45What is DDF?
- District Designated Fund
- 50 of districts total Annual Program Funds
raised three years earlier - Available for district use
46What is the World Fund?
- 50 of districts total Annual Program Funds
raised three years earlier - Used for Rotarys match in Matching Grants,
Volunteer Service Grants and to send out Group
Study Exchange teams
How it works
How it works
Unused DDF transferred to next year (Districts
notified in August)
49SHARE Planning
Who is Involved in SHARE Planning
- DRFC Chair
- Signature required for DDF use
- Works with District Rotary Foundation Committee
to plan DDF use - Serves 3-year term
- District Governor
- Provides leadership and direction to DRFC Chair
and all subcommittees
50District Team
- District Governor
- District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair
- District Rotary Foundation Subcommittee Chairs
- District Governor-Elect
- Other knowledgeable Rotarians
51Regional Concerns
RRFCs, Delete this shape and use this slide to
update your audience with any regional concerns
- Your name here
- The RI website, www.rotary.org
- The staff at The Rotary Foundation
53Understanding The Rotary Foundation
Fund Development / SHARE
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
GETS 2006