Title: Report of Certificated Staff
1Report of Certificated Staff
- Report of Certificated Staff Overview
- Description
- Data Elements
- Instructional Certificates Endorsements
- Teacher of the Handicapped (TOH)
- Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD)
- Highly Qualified Teacher Requirements
- Report of Certificated Staff Specifics
- Key Screens
3- Report of Certificated Staff Overview
4Report of Certificated Staff
- Description
- A statewide, school-based data collection system
- Includes every teacher, his/her certification,
class assignment, and highly qualified teacher
- Part of the fall survey
5Report of Certificated Staff
- Data Elements - Teachers
- Status (full-time, part-time, permanent sub)
- Social security number
- Last name, first name, middle initial
- Sex
- Race
- Degree
- Educational experience in district
- Educational experience in NJ
- Educational experience total
6Report of Certificated Staff
- Salary
- Exemption contract salary condition
- Year of birth
- Entering code
- Leaving code
- Job codes (can have up to 6)
- Employee type (10-, 11-, or 12-month)
7Report of Certificated Staff
- Teacher preparation
- 1 Alternate Route
- 2 Traditional Route
- Type of certificate held
- 1 Standard
- 2 Provisional
- 3 Emergency
- 4 Temporary
- 5 Conditional
- 6 Non-citizen
- 7 Certificate of Eligibility (CE)
- 8 Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced
Standing (CEAS)
8Report of Certificated Staff
- Highly qualified (for each job code)
- 1 No, is not highly qualified.
- 2 Doesnt need to be highly qualified.
- 3 Yes, passed the appropriate Praxis/NTE.
- 4 Yes, by the House Matrix.
- 5 Yes, has 30 credits in content area.
- 6 Yes, has graduate degree in subject area
- 7 Yes, has undergrad degree in subject area
8 Yes, is Nationally Board Certified.
9Report of Certificated Staff
- Classes Taught (CT)
- Type (self-contained or departmentalized)
- Number of classes taught
- Grade Level(s) Taught
- 1 Elementary
- 2 Middle
- 3 Secondary
- 4 Elementary/Middle
- 5 Elementary/Secondary
- 6 Middle/Secondary
- 7 Elementary/Middle/Secondary
- National Board Certified (NC)
- Y Yes
- N No
10Report of Certificated Staff
- Data Elements District/Program Level
- Vacancies
- Areas of shortage
- Teacher fluency in languages other than English
- General Questions
11- Certificates Endorsements
12Certificates and Endorsements
- Three types of certificates
- Instructional
- Educational Services
- Administrative
- Instructional certificates allow the holder to be
a classroom teacher.
13Certificates and Endorsements
- Educational services certificates allow the
holder to provide educational support such as
counseling, speech language pathology and school
nursing services. - Administrative certificates allow the holder to
provide supervisory and managerial services in
the school district such as those provided by the
building principal or school administrator.
14Certificates and Endorsements
- Under each type of certificate, there are
- The endorsement identifies the specific type of
service that the holder is allowed to provide.
15Certificates and Endorsements
- All endorsements are for grade levels preschool
through Grade 12 (P-12).
- Exceptions
- Elementary School Teacher with Grades K-5
endorsement (K-5)
- Elementary School Teacher with subject-matter
specialization Grades 5-8 endorsement (5-8)
- Preschool through Grade 3 endorsement (P-3)
16Special Education Instructional Certificates
- Teacher of the Handicapped (TOH)
- Original endorsement that authorizes the holder
to teach students with disabilities in grades
- Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD)
- New endorsement that must be accompanied by a
general education instructional certificate
17Special Education Instructional Certificates
- TOH - Grandfathering
- New Jersey and out of state college program
completers through September 1, 2008 will be
issued the Teacher of the Handicapped
certificate. - Must have been matriculated by Spring 2005,
complete the program by September 1, 2008, and
apply to our office no later than March 1, 2009.
18Special Education Instructional Certificates
- Teacher of Students with Disabilities (TOSD)
- Must hold an instructional certificate (CE, CEAS
or Standard certificate as a prerequisite).
- For TOSD CE, must hold an instructional
certificate (CE, CEAS or Standard).
- For TOSD CEAS, must complete a state-approved
college program that includes 21 27 credits in
special education and required supervised
teaching. - For standard TOSD must hold a standard
instructional certificate and complete a
state-approved college special education
19- Highly Qualified Teachers
20Highly Qualified Teachers
- The Highly Qualified Teacher initiative is a
federal mandate that requires states to
demonstrate the alignment between teachers
academic preparation and their content area
teaching assignments through each states
licensing system.
21NJ Special Education Regulations
- All personnel serving students with disabilities
shall be highly qualified and appropriately
certified and licensed, where a license is
required. -
- N.J.A.C. 6A14-1.2(b)13 and 6A14-7.6(c)
22Debunking the Myths
- Just because you are certified, does not mean you
are highly qualified.
- Being highly qualified does not automatically
confer certification.
23Highly Qualified Federal Definition
- To satisfy the federal definition of Highly
Qualified, teachers must
- Have at least a Bachelors degree
- Have valid state certification
- No requirements have been waived
- No emergency certificates
- CE and CEAS are considered state certification
- Demonstrate content expertise in the core
academic subject(s) they teach.
25Professionals Who are Required to Demonstrate
Content Expertise
- Teachers of the following core academic
- Arts (Music, Theater, Dance, Visual Arts)
- English
- Foreign Languages
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Reading
- Science
- Social Studies
- Economics
- Geography
- Government/Civics
- History
26Professionals Who are Not Required to Demonstrate
Content Expertise
- Preschool teachers
- Health/Physical Education
- Educational Services Personnel
- Librarians
- Guidance Counselors
- LDT-Cs, Psychologists, Social Workers,
- Speech-Language Specialists
- Vo-Tech
- Business
- Family and Consumer Science
- Technological Literacy and Technological
- Special education teachers providing in-class
resource programs
- Special education teachers providing pull-out
support resource programs
- Special education teachers providing consultation
as a service
27HQ Requirements and NJ Special Education Teachers
- Who must demonstrate content expertise in the
subject(s) they teach?
- Special education teachers who provide direct
instruction in core academic subjects in special
class programs (self-contained) or pull-out
replacement resource programs
28HQ Requirements and NJ Special Education Teachers
- Who does not have to demonstrate content
- Special education teachers who provide in-class
resource programs
- Note The primary instructional responsibility
for the student in an in-class resource program
shall be the general education teacher unless
otherwise specified in the students IEP
N.J.A.C. 6A14-4.6(i)
29HQ Requirements and NJ Special Education Teachers
- Who does not have to demonstrate content
- Special education teachers who provide pull-out
support resource programs
- Special education teachers who provide
consultation as a service on behalf of a student
or a group of students with disabilities
31HQ Requirements and NJ Special Education Teachers
- Teachers with Teacher of the Handicapped (TOH)
endorsement have the appropriate certification to
teach at the middle and high school level.
- However, they must demonstrate content expertise
through the federal requirements.
- Teachers with Teacher of Students with
Disabilities (TOSD) endorsement may only teach in
their area of instructional certification.
- Teachers with TOH or TOSD may provide support and
consultation services at any level.
32HQ Requirements and NJ Special Education Teachers
- Special education teachers in the following
programs can qualify as elementary generalists
- Pull-out replacement resource programs
- (K-5)
- Self-contained settings (K-8)
- Self-contained settings above grade 8 where the
content/curriculum is elementary and students are
assessed against alternate proficiency standards
33HQ Requirements and NJ Special Education Teachers
- Special education teachers in the following
programs must qualify in each core academic
subject they teach
- Self-contained settings above grade 8
- Departmentalized programs grade 5 and above,
including pull-out replacement resource programs
34Areas for Clarification
- New teacher a novice teacher in the first year
of teaching (MUST use federal requirements).
- Newly hired teacher experienced teacher newly
hired and new to the district (HQ from previous
district or federal requirements).
- Veteran teacher experienced teacher
- Hired before 2002 2003 in Title I schools
- Hired before June 30, 2006 in non-Title I schools
(Federal Requirements or HOUSE).
35Areas for Clarification
- Teachers with an N-8 certificate may satisfy the
highly qualified requirements as an elementary
generalist if they are teaching a self-contained
class at any of those levels by passing the
Praxis II Elementary Content Knowledge Test. - Teachers with N-8 certificate have the
appropriate certification to teach at the middle
school level.
- However, they must demonstrate content expertise
if they are teaching in departmentalized
36Areas for Clarification
- Teachers with a K-5 certificate may not teach at
the middle school level unless they have the
Middle School Content Area Endorsement.
- Teachers who already satisfied the Praxis as part
of their certification have met the highly
qualified requirement, but must complete the
highly qualified forms.
37 HOUSE Requirements
- Provided an alternate means for veteran teachers
to show content expertise by accruing a total of
ten points for
- College coursework (2 points per content course)
- Professional learning (1 point and within a 4
year recency)
- Working with a content expert (1 point and within
a 4 year recency)
- Teaching experience in the content.
- HOUSE may no longer be used as a means of
showing highly qualified status except for those
employing IDEA Flexibility.
38HOUSE Phase-Out
- All new (novice) teachers must demonstrate
content expertise through the federal
requirements except those using IDEA flexibility
and foreign teachers - All veteran teachers who have a new assignment
within their certification must now meet the
federal highly qualified requirements
39Federal Exceptions to House Phase-Out
- New (novice) special education teachers who are
highly qualified in LAL, math or science upon
hire have 2 years from date of hire to become
highly qualified in additional subjects. (IDEA
flexibility) - Foreign teachers who are hired on short- term
assignments may use HOUSE to demonstrate content
40Areas for Clarification
- All highly qualified designations are portable
from district to district in New Jersey,
including HOUSE.
- Those who have demonstrated content expertise
through HOUSE retain that status within their
41Areas for Clarification
- Teachers who provide direct instruction in core
content areas for 4 weeks or more must be highly
qualified in the subject or subjects they teach.
- Teachers who have not yet met the highly
qualified status must be reported accurately on
the Certificated Staff Report.
- The intent of is not to fire teachers if they
have not met the highly qualified status, but
rather to support them in meeting the
42- Report of Certificated Staff Specifics
- WBDOEnet
- -EDCPC Downloads
44 45 46- Screen 3
- Staff Information
- (Select School)
47- Screen 4
- Individual Staff Listing
48Report of Certificated Staff
- Additional Information Screens
- Vacancies
- Languages
- General Questions
49- Final Screen
- Non-certificated Staff
50Key Contacts
- Barbara Molnar (609) 777-0653 or Shannon Tootell
(609) 292-6037(Fall Survey)
- FSV_at_doe.state.nj.us