Title: A Library Support Staff Certification Program LSSCP
1A Library Support Staff Certification Program
- Sponsored by the
- American Library Association,
- the ALA-Allied Professional Association,
- and the Western Council of State Libraries
2LSS More information?
- Website
- http//www.ala-apa.org/certification/supportstaff
.html - Karen Strege kstrege_at_msn.com
- 206 829 8821
- 206 407 9756 (cell)
- Nancy Bolt nancybolt_at_earthlink.net
- 303 642 0338
- 303 905 9347 (cell)
3LSS Certificate
- I want recognition that my job is important,
that my work is valued, that I am valued as a
human being. This is more important than money.
I want to be trusted that I will do what Im paid
for. I need pride in myself and my job. - Suzanne Mahmoodi and Kathleen Weibel,
Paraprofessionals What Are They Doing? What Are
the Trends? How Do They Get to A Desired Future
A Report of Focus Groups (unpublished, 1991).
4Why Is this Needed?
- 69 of all library staff are support staff
staff without an MLS - 86 of LSS said they would like a national
certification program - 76 supported nationally recognized professional
standards for LSS - 66 felt a national certification program would
improve service to the public
5Data On Benefits
- Surveys in Maryland and Minnesota showed
- High percentage of LSS and Library Managers feel
library users are better served - LSS believe they understand library service
better - High percentage of LSS feel they are more
confident in serving the user - Library managers feel LSS contribute more to the
library operation and success
6Why Bother?
- Love of learning
- Proof of accomplishment
- Move to new job
- Provides a goal
- 15 years of talk no action
- COPE III, 2003 focused on Library Support Staff
- ALA2010 strategic plan calls for a national
support staff certification program - ALA Support Staff Certification Task Force formed
in 2006
8Awarded a Federal Grant
- IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program
Grant - July 1, 2007 June 30, 2010
- Dr. Karen Strege and Nancy Bolt named project
9Grant Schedule
- Finalize competencies 2007-08
- Develop an assessment program 2008-09
- Develop policies and procedures 2008-09
- Field test the program in five organization types
10Advisory Committee Representatives
- Co-Directors, Nancy Bolt
- Karen Strege
- Committee on Education
- Western Council of State Libraries
- ALA-APA staff
11Desired Outcome of the Project
- To improve public and academic library service by
offering to Library Support Staff a national
voluntary certification program endorsed by the
ALA, ALA-APA and participating units of ALA.
12LSS Certification Will Be
- Individually based and voluntary
- Portable from state to state, if approved by the
state - No guarantee of any salary raise or promotion
benefits all such decisions are made by the
local library - A mix of required and elective competencies
- Establish a basic standard of LSS competency
13LSSCP Will
- Be affordable for candidates and ALA
- Be accessible
- Evaluate prior learning as well as new learning
- Use a valid assessment of competencies
- Have reasonable administration requirements
14Target Audience
- Anyone who
- Has a high school education or high school
equivalency - Has one year of library experience
- From any type of library
- And who wishes to obtain or validate library
support staff competencies - Who wants to work in a public or academic library
15Competencies 2007/2008
- Draft competencies written
- Surveyed interested library support staff
stakeholders for their opinion of the draft
competencies - Final set of competencies completed, June 2008
16Preliminary Areas of Competencies
- Required
- Foundations of Library Services
- Communication and Teamwork
- Technology
- 3 electives
- Access Services
- Readers Advisory Services
- Reference and Information Services
- Supervision and Management
- Technical Services
- Youth Services
17 Example 1Foundations of Library Services
- Library Support Staff will know
- The mission and roles of a library in its
community and the mission of libraries in
general. - The ethics and values of the profession,
including an understanding of the Library Bill of
Rights, ALA Code of Ethics, freedom of
information, and privacy issues. - The roles of library support staff in libraries
- The responsibilities of and the relationships
among library departments or functional areas.
18Foundations (contd)
- Basic principles of
- Reference and information services
- Circulation, including interlibrary loan and
collection maintenance - Current cataloging and classification systems
- Acquisitions and collection development
19Foundations (contd)
- How libraries are governed and funded and the
place of libraries within organizations or
government structures. - The value of cooperating with other libraries to
enhance services - The value of participating in professional
development opportunities, including
certification, continuing education, staff
development, and professional associations.
20Foundations (Contd)
- Library staff will be able to
- Practice quality customer service
- Communicate and promote the library values and
services to staff, volunteers, users, and the
community - Recognize and respond to diversity in user needs
and preferences for resources and services
21Example 2Technology Competencies
- Library Support Staff will know
- General trends and developments of appropriate
technology in all library functions and services
whether offered in the library or through remote
access. - Technologys role in creating and delivering
library resources, functions, and services. - The role and responsibilities of libraries for
introducing relevant applications of technology
to the public, including assistive technology.
22Technology Competencies (Contd)
- Basic computer operations needed to access
library applications software and productivity
tools. - Basic networking technologies and protocols.
- Basic data security principles and best practices
to ensure the integrity of data and the
confidentiality of user activities. - Concepts and issues concerning the appropriate
use of technology by different user groups.
23Technology Competencies (Contd)
- Library Support Staff will be able to
- Adapt to changes in technology
- Transfer information gained from training into
the work place. - Assist and train users to operate public
equipment, connect to the internet, utilize
library software applications and access library
services from remote locations - Use information discovery tools including the
librarys catalog, core library databases and
internet search engines.
24Technology Competencies (contd)
- Library Support Staff will be able to
- Perform basic troubleshooting of technical
problems and resolve or appropriately refer those
problems. - Access and use basic assistive technologies,
where appropriate, to ensure that all users have
equitable access to technology.
25Assessment 2008/2009
- Working with Assessment Expert, Maureen Lancaster
- Want to recognize prior learning
- Need to recognize new learning
- Probably will include a combination of
- Approved courses
- Portfolios
- Electronic portfolio
- Decision to be made in October
26Policies and Procedures 2008/2009
- Administration
- How much time will be allowed for completion
- 4 years??
- Application procedures, including forms, etc.
- Course approval process
- Fees How should you pay?
- Marketing
- Program evaluation
- Renewal/recertification
- Other issues
27Field Demonstrations 2009/2010
- North Suburban Library System, IL
- Arizona State Library Archives
- Texas Library Association
- Highline Community College, WA
28Approval Process
- LSSCP Full program is prepared to include
- Background and rationale
- Competencies
- Eligibility to participate
- Assessment process
- Business plan
- Must be reviewed, endorsed, or approved by
multiple bodies
29Tentative Approval Process
- How to make the program affordable yet
sustainable by ALA - How to assess new learning and prior learning
determine if it meets competencies - How to gain acceptance of the program across the
country - How to recruit a significant number of
participants - How to support their learning
31WHY LSS Certification?
- National Certification is going to make a bigger
difference than many folks realize. This portable
standard of excellence will obviously benefit
Support Staff. We are valuable assets to
well-functioning libraries. This needs to be
established beyond regional purviews. - Linda Pierro, Library Support Staff