Title: JNC 7 Organizational Structure
- Introduction
- JNC 7
- Clinical Evaluation
- BP Measurements
- Benefits Of Lowering BP
- CVD Risk Factors
- BP Goal
- Choice Of Drug Therapy
3Learning Objectives
- At the end of this presentation, participants
will be able to- - 1) appreciate the goals of anti-htn therapy
- 2) understand anti-htn choices
4- Introduction
- The treatment of hypertension is the most common
reason for office visits of adults to physicians
in the United States and for use of prescription
drugs - In 1999-2000 there was approximately about 58 to
65 million hypertensives in the United States,
compared to only 43.2 million in1988-1991
NHANES-III survey . - Despite the prevalence of hypertension and its
associated complications, control of the disease
is far from adequate . Data from NHANES show that
only 34 percent of persons with hypertension have
their blood pressure under control, defined as a
level below 140/90 mmHg -
5HTN management
- 52 yo male with no significant PMH comes for a
physical check up and his BP was 160/90. What it
is the target BP? What is the choice of therapy?
Two months later 180/100? - 54 yo male with PMH of HTN, DM, CKD(stage III) ,
goal BP? choice for the drug therapy? - 70 you male with PMH of HTN, CAD, DM, LVSD(EF
30)? Goal BP? Drug therapy?
6JNC 7
- Publication of many new studies.
- Need for a new, clear, and concise guideline
useful for clinicians. - Need to simplify the classification of BP.
7 New Facts
- For persons over age 50, SBP is a more important
than DBP as CVD risk factor. - Starting at 115/75 mmHg, CVD risk doubles with
each increment of - 20/10 mmHg throughout the BP range.
- Persons who are normotensive at age 55 have a 90
lifetime risk for developing HTN. - Those with SBP 120139 mmHg or DBP 8089 mmHg
should be considered prehypertensive who require
health-promoting lifestyle modifications to
prevent CVD.
8BP Measurement
9Office BP Measurement
- Patient should be seated quietly for 5 minutes in
a chair (not on an exam table), feet on the
floor, and arm supported at heart level. - Appropriate-sized cuff should be used to ensure
accuracy. - At least two measurements should be made.
- Clinicians should provide to patients, verbally
and in writing, specific BP numbers and BP goals.
10Ambulatory BP Monitoring
- evaluation of white-coat HTN in the absence of
target organ injury. - Ambulatory BP values are usually lower than
clinic readings. - Awake, individuals with hypertension have an
average BP of gt135/85 mmHg and during sleep
gt120/75 mmHg. - BP drops by 10 to 20 during the night if
negative, may indicate possible increased risk
for cardiovascular events.
11Self-Measurement of BP
- Provides information on
- Response to antihypertensive therapy
- Improving adherence with therapy
- Evaluating white-coat HTN
- Home measurement of gt135/85 mmHg is generally
considered to be hypertensive. - Home measurement devices should be checked
12Blood Pressure Grades
13Benefits of Lowering BP
Average Percent Reduction Stroke incidence
3540 Myocardial infarction 2025
Heart failure 50
14Benefits of Lowering BP
In stage 1 HTN and additional CVD risk factors,
achieving a sustained 12 mmHg reduction in SBP
over 10 years will prevent 1 death for every 11
patients treated.
15CVD Risk Factors
- Hypertension
- Cigarette smoking
- Obesity (BMI gt30 kg/m2)
- Physical inactivity
- Dyslipidemia
- Diabetes mellitus
- Microalbuminuria or estimated GFR lt60 ml/min
- Age (older than 55 for men, 65 for women)
- Family history of premature CVD
- (men under age 55 or women under age 65)
Components of the metabolic syndrome.
16CVD Risk
- HTN prevalence 50 million people in the United
States. - Each increment of 20/10 mmHg doubles the risk of
CVD across the entire BP range starting from
115/75 mmHg.
17Target Organ Damage
- Heart
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Angina or prior myocardial infarction
- Heart failure
- Brain
- Stroke or transient ischemic attack
- Chronic kidney disease
- Peripheral arterial disease
- Retinopathy
18Identifiable Causes of Hypertension
- Sleep apnea
- Drug-induced or related causes
- Chronic kidney disease
- Primary aldosteronism
- Renovascular disease
- Chronic steroid therapy and Cushings syndrome
- Pheochromocytoma
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Thyroid or parathyroid disease
- Goals of therapy
- Lifestyle modification
- Pharmacologic treatment
- Algorithm for treatment of hypertension
- Classification and management of BP for adults
- Followup and monitoring
20Goals of Therapy
- Reduce CVD and renal morbidity and mortality.
- Treat to BP lt140/90 mmHg or BP lt130/80 mmHg in
patients with diabetes or chronic kidney disease
or lt120/80 if LVD. - Achieve SBP goal especially in persons gt50 years
of age.
21Lifestyle Modificationeffect on BP
22Choice of drug therapy
- Thiazide-type diuretics should be initial drug
therapy for most, either alone or combined with
other drug classes. - Certain high-risk conditions are compelling
indications for other drug classes. - Most patients will require two or more
antihypertensive drugs to achieve goal BP. - If BP is gt20/10 mmHg above goal, initiate therapy
with two agents, one usually should be a
thiazide-type diuretic.
23Algorithm for Treatment of Hypertension
Lifestyle Modifications
Not at Goal Blood Pressure (lt140/90 mmHg)
(lt130/80 mmHg for those with diabetes or chronic
kidney disease) (lt 120/80 with LVD)
Initial Drug Choices
24Followup and Monitoring
- Patients should return for follow up and
adjustment of medications until the BP goal is
reached. - More frequent visits for stage 2 HTN or with
complicating comorbid conditions. - Serum potassium and creatinine monitored 12
times per year.
25Special Indications for Individual Drug Classes
26Special Indications for Individual Drug Classes
27Special indication Left Ventricular Dysfucntion
- LVD is an independent risk factor that increases
the risk of CVD. - GOAL BPlt120/80
- Avoid direct vasodilators hydralazine and
28Hypertension in OlderPersons
- More than two-thirds of people over 65 have HTN.
- This population has the lowest rates of BP
control. - Treatment, including those who with isolated
systolic HTN, should follow same principles
outlined for general care of HTN. - Lower initial drug doses may be indicated to
avoid symptoms standard doses and multiple drugs
will be needed to reach BP targets.
29Considerations in Antihypertensive Drug Choices
- Potential favorable effects
- Thiazide-type diuretics useful in slowing
demineralization in osteoporosis. - BBs useful in the treatment of atrial
tachyarrhythmias/fibrillation, migraine,
thyrotoxicosis (short-term), essential tremor, or
perioperative HTN. - CCBs useful in Raynauds syndrome and certain
30 Special consideration in Antihypertensive Drug
- Potential side effects
- Thiazide diuretics should be used cautiously in
gout or a history of significant hyponatremia. - BBs should be generally avoided in patients with
asthma, reactive airways disease, or second- or
third-degree heart block. - ACEIs and ARBs are contraindicated in pregnant
women or those likely to become pregnant. - ACEIs should not be used in individuals with a
history of angioedema. - Aldosterone antagonists and potassium-sparing
diuretics can cause hyperkalemia.
BP goal no CVD lt140/90 CKD,
DM lt130/80 LVD lt
120/80 If Systolicgt20 0r Diastolicgt10 use 2
agents Choice of therapy 1st
line Thiazide diuretics ,
Post-MI (anterior wall) BB,
spironolactone antagonists
(aldactone) Stroke Thiazide
and ACEI
32- A 58-year-old man is evaluated for a 3-month
history of intermittent cough and shortness of
breath with exertion. He has a history of
hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus but no
history of coronary artery disease. His
medications include extended-release metoprolol,
aspirin, metformin, and atorvastatin. - On examination, blood pressure is 165/92 mm Hg
and heart rate is 88/min. Jugular venous
distention is 5 cm above the clavicle at a
45-degree incline. Faint crackles are present at
the bases of both lungs, cardiac rhythm is
regular, an S3 is present as is a small amount of
peripheral edema. Electrocardiogram shows normal
sinus rhythm and voltage criteria for left
ventricular hypertrophy. Laboratory results
include potassium 4.2 meq/L (4.2 mmol/L), and
creatinine 1.0 mg/dL (88.42 µmol/L). An
echocardiogram is ordered and furosemide is
prescribed, and the patient returns the following
week with resolution of his symptoms. His blood
pressure at this visit is 130/78 mm Hg, his heart
rate is 65/min, jugular venous distention is at
the level of the clavicle at a 45-degree incline,
his chest is clear to auscultation, the S3 is
absent, and there is no peripheral edema. The
echocardiogram shows left ventricular
hypertrophy, reduced systolic function (left
ventricular ejection fraction 40), and inferior
wall hypokinesis. Which of the following is the
most appropriate medication change at this time? - No change
- Change metop to coreg
- Start lisinopril
- Start digoxin
- Start spironolactone
33- A 57-year-old woman is evaluated for intermittent
claudication of the - left calf that she has had for 5 years. The
symptoms reproducibly occur after she walks 100
yards and resolve after 5 minutes of rest. The
patient has an 80 pack-year smoking history but
no longer smokes she also has hypertension, type
2 diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, and
chronic stable angina. Her medications are
include atenolol, atorvastatin, aspirin,
lisinopril, and insulin. - On physical examination, the blood pressure is
142/94 mm Hg bilaterally and heart rate is
66/min. Carotid arteries are brisk, with a right
carotid artery bruit. The lungs are clear to
auscultation and percussion. There is an S4 and
nonradiating 2/6 early systolic murmur at the
left lower sternal border. Examination of the
abdomen is normal. There is a left femoral artery
bruit, with absent pulses in the left foot and
trace pulses in the right foot. - What is the target blood pressure in this
patient? - lt140/85
- lt 140/90
- lt130/90
- lt130/80
34- 55-year-old man with hypertension and diabetic
nephropathy comes for a follow-up visit. He was
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus 10 years
ago. He has no shortness of breath or edema.
Medications are glipizide, 5 mg twice daily
pioglitazone, 30 mg/d metoprolol, 100 mg/d
fosinopril, 80 mg/d hydrochlorothiazide, 25
mg/d atorvastatin, 40 mg/d and aspirin, 81
mg/d. - On physical examination, pulse rate is 55/min and
blood pressure is 145/85 mm Hg. He is obese.
Retinal microaneurysms are present. On cardiac
examination, there is a regular sinus rhythm with
no murmurs. The lungs are clear to auscultation.
There is trace pedal edema. - Laboratory Studies Creatinine
- 1.0 mg/dL (88.42 µmol/L)
- Sodium 140 meq/L (140 mmol/L)
- Potassium 4.0 meq/L (4.0 mmol/L)
- Chloride 106 meq/L (106 mmol/L)
- Bicarbonate 24 meq/L (24 mmol/L)
- 24-Hour urine protein excretion 6 g/24 h
- Urinalysis 4 protein, 12 erythrocytes and 8
leukocytes/hpf - On abdominal ultrasound, the right kidney is 12
cm and the left kidney is 12.2 cm. There is
normal echogenicity and no hydronephrosis,
masses, or stones. - Which of the following is the most appropriate
next step in this patient's management? - Increase hydrochlorothiazide dose to 50 mg/d
- Add amlodipine
- Add losartan
- Add prazosin
- Increase metoprolol dose to 150 mg/d
35- A 45-year-old woman is referred for evaluation
for a blood pressure measurement of 150/94 mm Hg.
Her husband is a nurse and regularly measures her
blood pressure at home. Her usual home blood
pressure measurement is between 110/76 mm Hg and
120/80 mm Hg. She does not smoke cigarettes. Her
mother has hypertension. - On physical examination, her average blood
pressure is 148/98 mm Hg. Results of laboratory
studies, including the creatinine level, are
normal. - In addition to counseling regarding lifestyle
modifications, which of the following is the most
appropriate management for this patient? - Begin hydrochlorothiazide
- Begin enalapril
- Perform ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
- Continue home blood pressure measurement
36- 65-year-old woman is evaluated for resistant
hypertension. Despite use of antihypertensive
therapy for over 20 years, her blood pressure
usually is approximately 160/90 mm Hg. For
several years she has been taking amlodipine, 10
mg/d, and metoprolol, 100 mg/d. However, her
regimen recently was changed to lisinopril, 20
mg/d, and sustained-release verapamil, 180 mg/d. - On physical examination, pulse rate is 68/min and
blood pressure is 178/100 mm Hg. On cardiac
examination, the point of maximal impulse is
prominent and displaced laterally. The lungs are
clear to auscultation. The remainder of the
examination is normal. - Laboratory Studies
- Blood urea nitrogen 18 mg/dL (6.43 mmol/L)
- Creatinine 0.9 mg/dL (79.58 µmol/L)
- Sodium 147 meq/L (147 mmol/L)
- Potassium 3.3 meq/L (3.3 mmol/L)
- Chloride100 meq/L (100 mmol/L)
- Bicarbonate 28 meq/L (28 mmol/L)
- An echocardiogram reveals increased left
ventricular mass. - Which of the following is the most appropriate
next step in this patient's management? - Magnetic resonance angiography
- Hydrochlorothiazide, 25 mg/d
- Aldosteronerenin ratio
- CT scanning
37THANK YOU Questions?