The English Renaissance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The English Renaissance


Focus on Human Potential less about the religious afterlife ... (named after the poet himself), octave (8 lines) abbaabba, sestet (6 lines) cdcdcd or cdecde ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The English Renaissance

The English Renaissance
  • rebirth return to the focus of classical
    Greece and Rome on the value of man as the
    measure of all things, as opposed to the medieval
    view of man as the root of all evil.

Key changes from Medieval Period
  • Focus on Human Potential less about the
    religious afterlife and more about mans life on

Focus on becoming a Renaissance Man arts,
literature, nature, athleticism (todays
well-rounded individual)
  • Renaissance period challenge of the medieval
    world view

What a piece of work is man! how noble in
reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and
moving how express and admirable! In action how
like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!
the beauty of the world! the paragon of
animals! (Hamlet II.ii.312-316)
A Brief History
  • Begins with the end of the War of the Roses
    Henry VII (Tudor) becomes King
  • Important event Protestant Reformation
    (discontent with church abuses, growing
    nationalism that wants to separate from Rome,
    head of Roman Catholic Church) Martin Luthers 95
  • Henry VIII founds Church of England (Anglican
    Church) Divine Right of King

Elizabethan Era
  • Queen Elizabeth I highly successful, never
    married (to her advantage)
  • Writers of the time William Shakespeare,
    Christopher Marlowe, John Donne, QEI wrote poetry
  • Theater hugely popular and successful
  • Poetry very competitive

The End of an Era
  • 1611 King James Bible (translated and published
    under auspices of King James) Biblical
    references vie with Shakespearean lines as
    quotable quotes
  • General Oliver Cromwell defeats King Charles is
    named lord protector for life
  • Renaissance ends in Restoration when Charles II
    is re-instated as King.

Literary Terms
  • Pastorals - rural, poetry about shepherds
    lives in idealized country settings
  • Rhyme scheme pattern of rhyming sounds at the
    ends of lines of poetry
  • Meter - measured rhythm of a verse
  • Lyric poetry rhymed poetry intended to be sung

More Literary Terms
  • Sonnets 14 lines, set meter and rhyme scheme
  • Petrarchan - Italian sonnet (named after the poet
    himself), octave (8 lines) abbaabba, sestet (6
    lines) cdcdcd or cdecde
  • Shakespearean - English sonnet (named after
    you-know-who), 3 quatrains (4 lines each) abab,
    rhymed couplet

The history of the English Language
  • http//
  • Tonight for homework explore this website,
    including Acts 5, 6, and 7. Then complete the
    questions on the notes packet.
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