English Renaissance Period: living for pleasure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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English Renaissance Period: living for pleasure


English Renaissance Period: living for pleasure 1485 -1625 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: English Renaissance Period: living for pleasure

English Renaissance Period living for pleasure
  • 1485 -1625

Essential Questions
  • What impact does the Renaissance have on the
    personality of Western Europe?
  • What changes occur in the personality of Britain?
  • What are the three questions that drive the
    Renaissance literary period?

Rediscovering the Ancient Greeks and Romans
  • The renaissance began in the Italian city-states
  • Scholars and Tutors discovered the Classic
    texts that had been hidden away in monasteries
    and abbeys.
  • As a result literature led to rediscovering how
    to view oneself, and problems followed.
  • Thus, the renaissance was born!

Questions raised about the Catholic church
corruption and teachings.
And so was the
meaning of mans life
Popular events of the Renaissance
  • Columbus- 1492
  • Mona Lisa- 1503
  • Henry VIII- 1509
  • The Prince- 1513 (Church of England 1533)
  • Sir Thomas Mores Utopia- 1516
  • Martin Luthers 95 Thesis- 1517
  • Shakespeare- 1564-1616
  • Globe theatre erected- 1593
  • Jamestown- 1607
  • Mayflower- 1620

A Renaissance Man
  • scientific, literary, artistic, historical minds
    at work
  • Who can you name?

Renaissance Men
  • Columbus
  • Galileo
  • Michelangelo
  • da Vinci

Vitruvian Man- Leonardo da Vinci Blend of art
and science, providing an example of proportion
in art. Also, represents an attempt by Da Vinci
to compare man with nature, the workings of man
being analangous to the workings of the universe.
Leonardo da Vincis helicoptercited as first
serious attempt to create the helicopter
Christopher Columbus 1492 discovers America
Pope Julius IIs tomb work of Michelangelo
Sistine Chapel
Galileo and his telescope
Italian Architects
The Middle Ages or the Medieval Period
  • During the Middle Ages, Christianity was the main
    influence on life-the concern was with Heaven.
    This controlled ones life.
  • Chivalry
  • Nonsexual, courtly love
  • The Romance was developed as a result

The Renaissance (French rebirth Italian re
  • Christianity is still important, but the concern
    was with self instead of afterlife
  • Literacy Asked questions about self through
    the reading of The Bible and the Classics

The Renaissance began in Italy
  • Conditions were favorable in Florence because
  • Quiet, midway town where merchants imported and
    exported riches from the New World

Florence, Italy
Humanists- the good life
  • Three of the biggest questions that came out of
    the Renaissance were
  • What is a human being?
  • What is a good life?
  • How do I lead a good life?
  • Coupled with the Bible, all literary pieces were
    serving to answer these questions

Renaissance Identity
  • Rise of the Middle class
  • Literate
  • Knowledge of The Classics empowered the Middle
  • Allowed them to know about what else was out
  • The middle class grew due to diminishing agrarian
    populations- the plague!
  • Later in the 17th century, this middle class was
    largely responsible for creating an English
    national identity (rather than identity with the
    Catholic Church)

The New Technology- a flood of print
  • Transcribing by hand becomes moveable type in a
    printing press
  • Johannes Gutenberg- 1455 (Germany)
  • William Caxton- Englands version

Breaking with the Churchreformation
  • People read the classical Greek and Roman writers
  • This promoted thoughts that were outside the
    teachings of the Catholic church
  • Start questioning existence and purpose of all
  • Humanism spread with new technology
  • A powerful merchant class grew and began to
    question Popes authority
  • Latin spreads as literacy spreads and therefore
    the sharing of ideas spread

Henry VIII King versus Pope
Henry VIII
  • Had 6 wives
  • Many lost their heads because of the need for a
    male heir Edward dies at 15.
  • Splits with the Catholic church because Pope will
    not allow divorce
  • Edward, Bloody Mary, and the virgin Queen,
    Elizabeth I

The Boy King and Bloody Mary
  • Edward I- his mother is Jane Seymour. Dies of TB
    at 15.
  • Mary- her mother is Spanish and Catholic.
    Executes 300 Protestants to restore Catholicism
    and Popes power.

Elizabeth I the virgin queen
  • possibly poisons her half-sister
  • restores Protestant (Anglicanism)
  • executes cousin, Mary Queen of Scots because she
    is Catholic. Ironically, Marys son, James, is
    successor. Creates the Stuart dynasty.

Elizabeth I promotes the arts
James I- Jacobean eraa dull man replaces a
witty queen
  • King James version of the Bible- greatest piece
    of English prose ever generated.
  • Jamestown, VA. 1607 due to religious persecution.

Essential Questions
  • What impact did the Renaissance have on the
    personality of Western Europe?
  • What changes occurred in the personality of
  • How does believing in something change a
  • What are the three questions that drive the
    Renaissance literary period?
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