Title: The Subjective Experience of Feelings Past
1 Group analysis and mixed effects
- Mixed effects motivation
- Evaluating mixed effects methods
- Case Studies
- Summary statistic approach (HF)
- SnPM
- SPM2
- Conclusions
- Mixed effects motivation
- Evaluating mixed effects methods
- Case Studies
- Summary statistic approach (HF)
- SnPM
- SPM5
- Conclusions
Functional MRI experiments are often repeated for
Several runs in the same session.
Several sessions on the same subject.
Several subjects drawn from a population.
Conducting multi subject/session experiments may
- increase the sensitivity of the overall
experiment (More data is available).
- allow for generalization of your conclusions
about activation effects to a whole population of
subjects. - We very rarely make conclusions about individuals
in science! Individual results may not be
representative of others, and thus not useful in
a broader scientific context.
- Hierarchical Models
- Mixed Effects Models
- Random Effects (RFX) Models in imaging lit.
- ... all the same
- ... model multiple sources of variation
(Variance Components) - in contrast to fixed effects models, with no
7Fixed and random effects
- Fixed effect
- Always the same, from experiment to experiment
levels are not draws from a random variable - Sex (M/F)
- Drug type (Prozac)
- Random effect
- Levels are randomly sampled from a population
- Subject
- Day, in longitudinal design
- Word, in experiments with verbal materials
- If effect is treated as fixed, error terms in
model do not include variability across levels - Cannot generalize to unobserved levels
- e.g., if subject is fixed, cannot generalize to
new subjects
8Subject as a fixed effect (wrong)
Animation over replications of one subjects
- Only variation is measurement error
- True response magnitude is fixed
- Significance based on estimated response relative
to measurement error variance
9Fixed Effects Implemented
- Grand GLM approach
- Model all subjects at once
- Assumptions (all likely violated)
- No individual differences
- Data points within each subject are independent
- Error variance is the same for all subjects
Contrast (1 1 1)
10Imaging Then and Now
- Early fMRI and PET studies tended to use the
Super subject approach, ignoring that different
images came from different subjects. - Fixed effects analysis, b/c subject treated as
fixed. - Implications? Cannot generalize to population.
I do not agree with attempts to argue that this
is scientifically valid.
11Why Subjects are Not Fixed Effects
- Imagine I make 1000 observations each on two
subjects. - I run a GLM, ignoring subject ID.
- Thus, I pretend this is the same as having made
one observation each on 2000 people. I find a
significant effect. (Sound fishy?) - If I had really tested 2000 people, a significant
effect would tell me something about whether a
previously unobserved person is likely to show
the effect on average. - With only 2 people, my ability to say something
about people in general is virtually nil. But
if I dont tell the GLM that observations are
nested within subjects, my stats are
12Fixed vs. Random effects Bottom Line
- If I treat subject as a fixed effect, the error
term reflects only scan-to-scan variability, and
the degrees of freedom are determined by the
number of observations (scans). - If I treat subject as a random effect, the error
term reflects the variability across subjects,
which includes two parts - Error due to scan-to-scan variability
- Error due to subject-to-subject variability
- and degrees of freedom are determined by the
number of subjects.
13Mixed-effects analysis
Assume the signal strength varies across sessions
and subjects.
There are two sources of variation
Measurement error
Response magnitude - Each subject/session has a
random magnitude.
The population mean is fixed.
14Subject as a random effect
Animation over different subjects
- Two sources of variation
- Measurement error (scan-to-scan var.)
- Individual differences (subj.-to-subj. var.)
15Random/Mixed Effects
Animation over different subjects
- Response magnitude is random
- Each subject has a different magnitude
Mixed-effects models take into consideration the
fact that the individual subjects are sampled
from the population and thus are random
quantities with associated variances.
Mixed-effects models make fewer assumptions about
the data and the results are valid for
the population from which the subjects are drawn.
However, they also tend be more conservative.
17Fixed vs.RandomEffects in fMRI
Distribution of each subjects estimated effect
Subj. 1
Subj. 2
- Fixed Effects
- Intra-subject variation suggests all these
subjects different from zero - Random Effects
- Intersubject variation suggests population not
very different from zero
Subj. 3
Subj. 4
Subj. 5
Subj. 6
Distribution of population effect
- Mixed effects motivation
- Mixed effects issues
- Evaluating three approaches
- Summary statistic approach (HF)
- SnPM
- SPM5
- Conclusions
19Assessing RFX ModelsIssues to Consider
- Assumptions Limitations
- What must I assume?
- When can I use it
- Efficiency Power
- How sensitive is it?
- Validity Robustness
- Can I trust the P-values?
- Are the standard errors correct?
- If assumptions off, things still OK?
20Issues Assumptions
- Distributional Assumptions
- Gaussian? Nonparametric?
- Homogeneous Variance
- Over subjects?
- Over conditions?
- Independence
- Across subjects?
- Across conditions/repeated measures
- Note
- Nonsphericity (Heterogeneous Var) or
21Issues Soft AssumptionsRegularization
- Regularization
- Weakened homogeneity assumption
- Usually variance/autocorrelation regularized over
space - Examples
- fmristat - local pooling (smoothing) of
(?2RFX)/(?2FFX) - SnPM - local pooling (smoothing) of ?2RFX
- FSL3 - Bayesian (noninformative) prior on ?2RFX
22Issues Efficiency Power
- Efficiency 1/(Estimator Variance)
- Goes up with n
- Power Chance of detecting effect
- Goes up with n
- Also goes up with degrees of freedom (DF)
- DF accounts for uncertainty in estimate of ?2RFX
- Usually DF and n yoked, e.g. DF n-p
23Issues Validity
- Are P-values accurate?
- I reject my null when P lt 0.05Is my risk of
false positives controlled at 5? - Exact control
- FPR a
- Valid control (possibly conservative)
- FPR ? a
- Problems when
- Standard Errors inaccurate
- Degrees of freedom inaccurate
24Four RFX Approaches in fMRI
- Holmes Friston (HF)
- Summary Statistic approach (contrasts only)
- Holmes Friston (HBM 1998). Generalisability,
Random Effects Population Inference. NI, 7(4
(2/3))S754, 1999. - Holmes et al. (SnPM)
- Permutation inference on summary statistics
- Nichols Holmes (2001). Nonparametric
Permutation Tests for Functional Neuroimaging A
Primer with Examples. HBM, 151-25. - Holmes, Blair, Watson Ford (1996).
Nonparametric Analysis of Statistic Images from
Functional Mapping Experiments. JCBFM, 167-22. - Friston et al. (SPM5)
- Empirical Bayesian approach
- Friston et al. Classical and Bayesian inference
in neuroimagining theory. NI 16(2)465-483,
2002 - Friston et al. Classical and Bayesian inference
in neuroimaging variance component estimation
in fMRI. NI 16(2)484-512, 2002. - Beckmann et al. Woolrich et al. (FSL3)
- Summary Statistics (contrast estimates and
variance) - Beckmann, Jenkinson Smith. General Multilevel
linear modeling for group analysis in fMRI. NI
20(2)1052-1063 (2003) - Woolrich, Behrens et al. Multilevel linear
modeling for fMRI group analysis using Bayesian
inference. NI 211732-1747 (2004)
- Mixed effects motivation
- Mixed effects issues
- Evaluating three approaches
- Summary statistic approach (HF)
- SnPM
- SPM5
- Conclusions
26Summary Statistics (contrasts only)
Second level
First level
Data Design Matrix Contrast Images
One-sample t-test _at_ 2nd level
27Case Studies HFAssumptions
- Distribution
- Normality
- Independent subjects
- Homogeneous Variance
- Intrasubject variance homogeneous
- ?2FFX same for all subjects
- Balanced designs
- Efficiency of design to detect effect same for
all Ss
28Case Studies HF Efficiency
- If assumptions true
- Optimal, fully efficient
- If ?2FFX differs between subjects
- Reduced efficiency
- Here, optimal requires down-weighting the 3
highly variable subjects
29Case Studies HF Validity
- If assumptions true
- Exact P-values
- If ?2FFX differs btw subj.
- Standard errors OK
- Est. of ?2RFX unbiased
- DF not OK
- Here, 3 Ss dominate
- DF lt 5 6-1
- Violation of equality of variance
- Solution would require, e.g., weighted least
squares at 2nd level based on variance estimates
30Case Studies HFRobustness
- Heterogeneity of ?2FFX across subjects...
- How bad is bad?
- Dramatic imbalance (rough rules
of thumb only!) - Some subjects missing 1/2 or more sessions
- Measured covariates of interest having
dramatically different efficiency - E.g. Split event related predictor by
correct/incorrect - One subj 5 trials correct, other subj 80 trials
correct - Dramatic heteroscedasticity
- A bad subject, e.g. head movement, spike
- Mixed effects motivation
- Mixed effects issues
- Evaluating three approaches
- Summary statistic approach (HF)
- SnPM
- SPM5
- Conclusions
32Case Study SPM5
- 1 effect per subject
- Uses Holmes Friston approach
- gt1 effect per subject
- SPM2 and higher Variance basis function approach
used... - The good news You can test contrasts using
multiple basis functions at the 2nd level - The bad news
- SPM Pools variance estimates across brain, bad if
variance is not homogenous - Validity of inference depends on accurate
estimation of DF! - Likely typical results somewhere between fixed
and random effects.
33SPM5 Repeated-Measures ANOVA
y X ? e N ? 1 N ? p p ? 1
N ? 1
F-contrast for diffs among conditions
- 12 subjects,4 conditions
- Use F-test to find differences btw conditions
- Standard Assumptions
- Identical distribution
- Independence
- If all 48 images were independent, would have 48
- 4 44 degrees of freedom. - But theyre not because they come from the same
2nd level design matrix
Condition 1
Condition 4
34Sphericity IID Case
Image of spherical Cov matrix
- Violations of sphericity
- Unequal variances
- Autocorrelation
- Correlation due to repeated measures (same
352nd level Non-sphericity
Error covariance
Errors are independent but not identical
Errors are not independent and not identical
36SPM5 Repeated measures ANOVAcovariance matrix
y X ? e N ? 1 N ? p p ? 1
N ? 1
Error covariance
- 12 subjects, 4 conditions
- Measurements btw subjects uncorrelated
- Measurements w/in subjects correlated
Errors can now have different variances and
there can be correlations
Allows for nonsphericity
37Mixed-effects (theoretical only in SPM5?)
Step 1 first level
Summary statistics
Step 2 Group
EM approach
w/i subjects part
btwn part
Friston et al. (2004) Mixed effects and fMRI
studies, Neuroimage
38Some practical points (from Will Penny)
RFX If not using multi-dimensional contrasts at
2nd level (F-tests), use a series of 1-sample
t-tests at the 2nd level.
Use mixed-effects model only, if seriously in
doubt about validity of summary statistics
If using variance components at 2nd level
Always check your variance components (explore
39When to take multiple images to 2nd level
- When you have to
- When comparing conditions modeled with multiple
basis functions
40Case Study SPM5
- Assumptions Limitations
- assumed to
globallyhomogeneous - lks only estimated from voxels with large F
- Most realistically, Cor(e) spatially
heterogeneous - Intrasubject variance assumed homogeneous
41Case Study SPM5
- Efficiency Power
- If assumptions true, fully efficient
- Validity Robustness
- P-values could be wrong (over or under) if local
Cor(e) very different from globally assumed - Stronger assumptions than Holmes Friston
42Robust regression at 2nd level
- Potential way to deal with heteroscedastic
variances - High-variance observations tend to dominate if
their observed values are extreme - When assumptions cannot be checked at each voxel,
automatic procedures for weighting based on
outlier status advantageous
43Group analysis with basis functions at 1st
levelDealing with mutiple parameter estimates
per event type
44Example Famous vs. non-famous faces
- We want to use HRF temporal derivatives to
model each event type - Interested in A B difference (famous non)
- So we have 6 images, 3 for each subject, that
capture differences between event types A and B!
45Review Design matrix with basis sets
46Issues with using multiple parameters to estimate
responses for each trial type
- Cant summarize the response magnitude with a
single number - How to combine them?
- Use just the main one?
- Enter multiple contrast images (one for each
basis function) in 2nd level group analysis in
SPM - 3) Re-parameterize fitted responses in terms of
magnitude, delay, etc. (e.g., Calhoun 2003,
Lindquist Wager, 2007, 2008/in press)
47Issues with using multiple parameters to estimate
responses for each trial type
- Cant summarize the response magnitude with a
single number - How to combine them?
- Use just the main one? No, because fitted
response is a combination of parameters - Enter multiple contrast images (one for each
basis function) in 2nd level group analysis in
SPM. Requires additional assumptions about
homogeneity of nonsphericity, degrees of freedom - 3) Re-parameterize fitted responses in terms of
magnitude, delay, etc. I like this.
48Proving that you cant just ignore some basis
functions An example with HRFderivatives
- Does the canonical (blue) function always capture
the main response? - Not necessarily! The response magnitude is a
combo of ALL THREE basis functions. - Can you guess the height of the canonical
parameter estimate in the Fitted HRF below?
49Proving that you cant just ignore some basis
functions An example with HRFderivatives
- Does the canonical (blue) function always capture
the main response? - Not necessarily! The response magnitude is a
combo of ALL THREE basis functions. - Can you guess the height of the canonical
parameter estimate in the Fitted HRF below?
50Proving that you cant just ignore some basis
functions An example with HRFderivatives
- The graph above looks like it shows an A B
difference (blue red), right? Does that mean a1
gt b1, a2 gt b2, a3 gt b3? - Consider trial A - B, or a1 a2 a3 - b1 b2 b3
- Difference between amplitudes of fitted
responses 0.84 - Difference between canonical HRF betas 0.43
- Amplitude of the difference does NOT equal
difference between canonical param. estimates
(a1 - b1)
51Solutions Re-parameterizing
52Example Emotional resilience
- Mixed effects motivation
- Evaluating mixed effects methods
- Case Studies
- Summary statistic approach (HF)
- SnPM
- SPM5
- Conclusions
- Random Effects crucial for pop. inference
- SPM2 / SPM5
- Most RFX analyses proceed just like SPM99
- But nonsphericity modeling can handle multiple
contrasts per subject - FSL
- Accounts for different intrasubject var.
- More valid, may be more sensitive
- Usually will be similar to SPM results
55End of this section.