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My Past Experience in


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: My Past Experience in

My Past Experience in Mathematics
Shing-Tung Yau
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Sep. 19, 2003
  • I grew up in the (farming) countryside of Hong
    Kong Yuen Long and Shatin.
  • There was no electricity and no pipe water.
  • I took bath in the river when I was very young. I
    have eight brothers and sisters and food was
  • When I was five years old, I took an entrance
    examination to a good public school. I failed
    mathematics because I made the wrong convention
  • I wrote 57 to be 75,
  • 69 to be 96.

  • So I entered a very small village school.
  • There were many rough kids from the farm.
  • In a matter of half a year, I got serious sick
    because of the intimidation of the rough kids and
    mistreatment of the teacher.
  • I rested at home for half a year. I started to
    learn how to deal with difficult situation with
    classmates and teachers.
  • By the time when I entered sixth grade, I was a
    leader of a small group of students to wander on
    the street.

  • My father was a professor. He taught me a lot of
    Chinese literature at that time.
  • However, he did not realize that I did not
    attend school for a period of time.
  • (Perhaps because I did well at home as I can
    recite most of the essays that he asked me to do.)

  • The reason that I did not go to school was that
    the teachers did not really teach. I got bored in
    school. Then after a while I got bored on the
    street, also.
  • There was a joint examination for all primary
    schools. I did poorly. However, I was exactly on
    the borderline case.
  • The government allowed these borderline kids to
    apply for private school and gave them tuition.
  • I got into Pui Ching Middle School.

  • ??
  • ??? ? ??? ?
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  • ?????
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  • ????,?????????????,?????????????,????????????,???

  • This is probably one of the best middle school.
  • Nothing was exciting in the first year of middle
    school. I did not do too well that year.
  • However, I learnt much more at home Chinese
    literature, Novels (Chinese and Western),
    Philosophy, history. All from my father and his
    conversations with his students.
  • Although I did not understand Greek Philosophy.
    It started to impress me after listening to many
    conversation of my father with his students.

  • I started to read the famous Chinese history
  • ?????
  • I am especially fascinated by ??.
  • Not only by its beautiful writings, but also by
    its original and responsible way to report the
    ancient history.
  • Up to present days, I read this book.
  • The global view of history from a great master
    resonants with the thinking of a great scientist.

  • The following essay strikes me
  • Though indulged in reading, I do not pursuit
    precise meanings. Nonetheless, every time I hit
    on something I was so overwhelmed with joy that I
    forgot my meals.
  • ?????
  • ???,????,
  • ????,??????
  • I am not bitter for being poor and obscure, nor
    am I keen on being rich and famous.
  • ??????,???????

  • In following years, this has been the guiding
    principle of my study of many different subjects.
  • With my fathers teaching, I started to set the
    goal of my life. An important quotation

  • Zuo's Book of History
  • On Immortality
  • The first place is to reign benevolently, the
    next to gain victory, and the last to say
    valuable words. These achievements will stand
    for long and not be abandoned. Thereafter they
    are called immortal.
  • ??
  • ???????
  • ?????,?????,?????,????,??????
  • One needs being humble and simple to reach these
    goals. A former student of mine recently recited
    the following lines from a Tang poem during a TV
    interview in China
  • ????????,?????????
  • ??????,??????,????????
  • I would rather be at the summit,
  • So all mountains will become tiny under me.
  • I think he was a bit too arrogant.

Sima Qian (???) on Confucius (??)
  • There are so abundantly many kings and men of
    virtue! Widely known by their contemporaries,
    their names feel into oblivion soon after they
    perished. And yet Confucius, a man in plain
    cloth, has been held in great esteem by scholars
    of more than ten generations.
  • ????????,??!
  • ????,????,????,
  • ????,?????

  • During conversations of my father with students,
    many important points of history of philosophy
    were mentioned.
  • Basic principles
  • The root of the very existence of matter (basic
    axioms, etc)
  • General phenomena
  • Unification of all principles (unified field
  • Methods of understanding truth based on logic and
  • How to combine different knowledge and different
    phenomena under a general principle
  • The great philosophers did not simply follow
    others in developing their views, not even from
    their teachers. They created their own thoughts
    (based on previous works.)

  • The goal of writing history of philosophy
  • (??) The origin of a philosophical thinking must
    come from different sources. It is our goal to
    find out such sources.
  • (??) There are many complicated philosophical
    thoughts in the history. It is important to
    figure out the treads of their thoughts.
  • (??) A cortical comments of the occurrence of all
    philosophies and their consequences.

  • I also learnt the way to do research with lasting
  • Wang Guowei (???)
  • The Three Levels To Achieve Breakthrough in
    Research (borrowing some lines from Song Ci or
    lyric poems from the Sung dynasty)
  • Level One
  • ... Last night the west wind withered the
    greenery of the trees
  • In loneliness, I mounted the tall building
  • Casting my eyesight along all roads to the edge
    of the earth
  • ??
  • ???????,????,??????

  • Level two
  •  ... For my loosening waist belt I feel no
  • For her it is worth being haggard and thin.
  • ??
  • ???????,????????
  • Level Three
  • Looking for her a thousand times
  • In a crowd
  • All of a sudden
  • As I turned my head
  • There she was
  • Standing in the shades of fading lights
  • ???
  • ???????,????,????,??????

  • In my second year of Pui Ching, I got into a
    problem with my teacher. The teacher was a very
    devoted head master of my class and clearly meant
    well for me. She was shocked to find out that my
    father was a professor and poorly paid.
  • Her passion for my future changed my behavior in
  • I studied plane geometry in second year of high

My classmates were not used to reason
abstractly. The mere fact that I listened to my
fathers philo-sophical discussion at home made
me feel at home with axiomatic approach.   In
fact, I felt I can understand my fathers
conversation better after I learnt
geometry.   The charm to prove elegant theorems
based on simple axioms excites me.
  • With the passion for geometry, I started to
    develop my taste for mathematics, which included
    algebra. Everything became easy after I found
    the subject exciting.
  • I also found the subject of history interesting.
  • It taught me a global view of everything that I
  •  How events happened?
  • Why they happened?
  • What may happen in the future?

  • At this time, my father just finished writing his
    book on history of Western philosophy. His
    conversations with students taught me the way
    that we should see history in a global manner.
  • This kind of practice deeply influence my way of
    looking at my research projects in the later time.

  • Around 400 A.D.
  • Liu (who wrote the first book on comparative
    literature on Chinese writings up to that period)
    ???? ??
  • My body may perish along with time.
  • My goal and my ambition will extend with my
  • My heart is in resonance with those great men in
    ancient days.
  • My feeling and my theory will go forward for the
    next thousand years.
  • ????,????????????,?????????

  • When I was fourteen, my father passed away. This
    was perhaps the greatest shock to my life. For a
    long time, I could not believe that my father
    left me and the family.
  • The financial situation of the family was really
    bad. It was not clear at all that we could still
    go to school. The tremendous will of my mother
    and the helps of my fathers friends and students
    made it possible.

  • This disastrous change of family situation made
    me much more mature. The extreme hard-ship
    showed difficulty of human relationship, what I
    learnt from my father became practical.
  • The poems and the classical essays that I learnt
    became much more meaningful. I spent half a year
    to read classical literature and history of
    China. It became a way for me to relax during
    very tense situation in life. The beautiful
    poems guided me to appreciate the beauty of

  • ???????
  • ????!??????????,??????????????,???,???,???????????
  • ??????!??????????!??????????,?????????????????????
  • ?????

  • From Byrons Don Juan II -- A variation edition
    by Steffan Pratt
  • Canto III, 86
  • 1. The isles of Greece, the isles of Greece!
  • Where burning Sappho loved and sung,
  • Where grew the arts of war and peace,
  • Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!
  • Eternal summer gilds then yet,
  • But all, except their sun, is set.
  • 2. The mountains look on Marathon
  • And Marathon looks on the sea
  • And musing there an hour alone,
  • I dreamd that Greece might still be free
  • For standing on the Persians grave, I could
    not deem myself a slave.

  • I read a lot of books in mathematics. I thought
    about the problems in those books. When I
    exhausted all those problems, I started to create
    my own problems as I thought that they may be
  • The practice of creating my own problem had been
    the most important part of my research in the
    future. The textbooks in school did not satisfy
    me. I went to library and I went to bookstores
    to read books. I spent hours and hours in
    bookstore to read books that I could not afford
    to buy.

  • When I was fifteen, I started to teach lower
    grade level students to earn money. I was proud
    that by teaching in a novel way, I was able to
    transform some very poor student to become the
    best student in class.
  • It was an experience to train young people. I
    also learnt that it is beneficial to myself to

  • My high school teachers in mathematics were
    excellent. We studied rather advanced topics in
    mathematics. I had no difficulty with them.
  • However, I was rather disappointed that my
    physics teacher was not good enough. The
    fundamental intuition in physics was not
    established during my high school year. I
    regretted it up to now.
  • I had an excellent teacher in Chinese. He was my
    fathers friend he taught us to think in a
    non-traditional manner.

  • We were asked to think creatively. He said that
    we should read good books but also bad books as
    possible comparisons. So I read everything.
    This is true even for my scientific career.
  • A typical topic for our essay in our Chinese
    writing the philosophy of a pig.
  • So we start to dream about anything interesting.
  • I was not the best in my high school. I did not
    have the highest grade in mathematics. But I
    think deeper than my classmates and I read much
    more books.

  • I entered The Chinese University of Hong Kong in
    1966. I chose mathematics as my career although
    I was also very interested in the subject of
  •  By this time, I started to digest those advanced
    level mathematics books that I read in high
    school. I did not quite understand those books
    at the beginning. Suddenly I understand them and
    I was much better than the contemporary students.

  • ??????
  • ??????????????????
  • ??????????????????

Chung Chi College Anthem Men from four seas
founded Chung Chi so that here might youth Honour
Christ, eternal teacher, who Himself is
truth. Through the long night keep the torch
bright and the work begun Till the lights of
faith and knowledge show the world made
one. China's still evolving culture, grateful,
we retain East and West, through freely sharing,
further strength obtain, By the Church upheld and
nurtured, minds to duty drawn, Chung Chi, toward
the very highest, lead us on, and on!
  • College mathematics opened my eyes. The fact
    that one can derive every statement in
    mathematics from simple axioms really excited me.
    After I understood how mathematics was built, I
    got so excited that I wrote a letter to my
    professor showing my great pleasure. It was a
    cornerstone for my appreciation of mathematics.
  • A new Ph.D came from Berkeley to Hong Kong. His
    name is Stephen Salaff. He was so impressed by
    my performance that he wrote a book with me
    together. Its topic is on ordinary differential

  • Another teacher Dr. Brody came from Princeton.
    He had a rather unique way of teaching. He
    picked an advanced book in mathematics. He
    assigned a chapter for the students to find
    mistakes in the book and corrected the mistakes.
  • It is a good method to train us not to depend on
    textbook. At the same time, I trained myself to
    be critical about the established theorems in the
    book. Sometimes I generalized the theorems.
    Brody was very pleased by my performance when I
    showed what I could do in class.

  • The importance of such trainings is that
  • I learnt how to think independently.
  • I found out how important it is to express
    mathematics in front of an audience.
  • These points have been important for me and for
    my teaching.

  • With the help of Dr. Salaff, I was able to enter
    the graduate school of Berkeley despite that I
    did not finish my college in Hong Kong.
  • Of course, Berkeley has the leading mathematics
    department in the world. I arrived in August. I
    met Prof. S. S. Chern who become my thesis
    advisor later.

  • When I was in Hong Kong, I was too much
    fascinated by very abstract mathematics.
    (Although I was trained quite solidly in
    analysis.) I thought mathematics covering a very
    general area is best mathematics. I thought I
    would study functional analysis. I learnt a lot
    in that subject. I read a big fat book of
    Dunford-Schwatz on functional analysis. I also
    read a lot of books on operator algebra.
  • When I arrived in Berkeley, I met some best minds
    in mathematics. I changed my view.

  • When I met those first rated mathematicians, I
    was rather thirsty in learning different subjects
    from them. I attended many classes from 8am to
    5pm. (Sometimes I ate lunch in class.) These
    are subjects ranging from topology, geometry,
    differential equations, Lie groups, number
    theory, combinatorials, probability theory to
    dynamical system. I did not understand all of
    them. But I focus my efforts on several of them.

  • When I learnt topology, it was so differently
    from what I learnt before. There were fifty
    students in class. All of them seem to be smart
    and far better than me. They could perform and
    talked nicely.
  • However, I did my home work well and in a short
    time, I found out that I was not bad, after all.
    The key is to work out all those tough home works
    and think about them thoroughly.

  • I read a book of John Milnor and was fascinated
    by the description of the concept of curvature.
    John Milnor is an excellent topologist.
  • I started to think about problems that is related
    to questions in the book. I spent a lot of time
    in the library.
  • There was no office for graduate students. There
    were many famous professors in Berkeley. Soon I
    realize that they are human beings after all. I
    read many journals and books in the library.

  • I started to be able to prove some nontrivial
    theorems in the second quarter. They are related
    to some theorems in group theory that I learnt
    over some casual conversation with a teacher in
    college. I applied it to geometry. My
    professors were surprised and pleased by my
    progress. One of the professors started to work
    with me. We wrote two papers. Professor Chern
    was on sabbatical leave. When he returned, he
    was very pleased.

  • I did not think what I did was great. I was very
    impressed by Prof. Morrey on his teaching of
    nonlinear partial differential equations. He
    taught nonlinear technique. It was not
    fashionable. The book he wrote was difficult to
    read. I thought those technique that he
    developed are very deep and must be important for
    the future of geometry. I learnt those
    technology. Despite of Prof. Morreys big name,
    very few students or faculties cared about his
    course. At the end, I was the only student in
    class and Prof. Morrey taught me in his office.
    This course built the foundation of my
    mathematics career.

  • After I wrote several papers, Prof. Chern told
    many people how brilliant I was although I did
    not think he knew my works well. I started to
    think more thoroughly about mathematics and
    geometry in particular. I worked on other parts
    of geometry. However, results did not come easy.
  • My friend S. Y. Cheng came from Hong Kong that
    summer. We shared an apartment right next to the
    campus and I became more relax.

  • In that summer, I asked Prof. Chern to be my
    advisor. He agreed and after one month, he said
    that my papers in the first year should be enough
    for my thesis. I was surprised because I thought
    they are not good enough and I wanted to learn
  • In any case, in the second year, I learnt more in
    the field of complex geometry and topology.
    Prof. Chern had a great expectation on me. He
    suggested me to work on Rieman hypothesis.
    Unfortunately up to now, I never thought about it.

  • Instead I pursued the general understanding of
    curvature of space. I decided a key to
    understand such a concept was a proposal made by
    Calabi in early fifties. Nobody believed what
    Calabis thought is true. I started to think
    about it. It is not the standard thing that a
    geometer would do in those days. It is clearly a
    hard question of analysis. Nobody would touch
    such problem.

  • I started to develop my taste into learning how
    to introduce analytic methods into geometry.
    Previous to this, there were attempts to apply
    nonlinear theory to surfaces in three space. I
    wanted to deal with an abstract space in
    arbitrary dimension.
  • Because of Prof. Morrey and Cherns interests in
    minimal surfaces, I also developed interest into
    this fascinating subject. In particular, I was
    interesting into harmonic maps. In general, I
    studied Calculus of variation.

  • I was interested in all analytic aspects of
    geometry. The basic idea is to merge the subject
    of nonlinear differential equation and geometry.
    In order to understand nonlinear equation, it is
    fundamental to understand linear equations.
    Hence I establish the first major theorem for
    harmonic functions on manifolds. I got my friend
    S. Y. Cheng to look into eigenvalue and
    eigenfunction problems. Together we wrote
    several important papers on the subject. They
    are still fundamental for modern research.

  • When I graduated, I got several offers. My
    teacher Chern suggested me to go to Institute for
    Advanced Study. The salary was less than half of
    what I could have gotten from Harvard. But I
    went to the Institute for Advanced Study. I met
    some other group of distinguished mathematicians.
    I developed some taste into topology, especially
    the theory of symmetries of space. I did solve
    some important problems in this subject based on
    analytical ideas I developed (group actions on

  • Because of problem of visa, I went to New York
    State University of Stony Brook. At that point,
    it was supposed to be the center of metric
    geometry. It was indeed a good place, full of
    energetic young geometers. I learnt their
    technique. But I did not think that was the
    right direction for geometry.
  • After one year, I went to Stanford where there
    was no geometer. It is a very peaceful
    environment and is very good in nonlinear partial
    differential equations. I met my very good
    friend Leon Simon and my former student Richard
    Schoen. Together we developed the subject of
    nonlinear analysis in geometry.

  • Tao Yuan-Ming (?????)
  • Long I lived checked by the bars of a cage. Now
    I have turned again to Nature and Freedom.
  • ?????,??????

  • When I arrived at Stanford, there was a big
    conference in geometry. A physicist was involved
    to give a talk on general relativity.
  • Although I did not understand Physics well, I
    immediately fell in love of the geometry problem
    associated to general relativity. It is
    fascinating to give physical meaning of space
    that we saw and vice versa.

  • The problem was too difficult to solve at that
    time. But I kept that in mind.
  • During the conference, I thought I found a way to
    disprove the proposal of Prof. Calabi. I was
    asked to give a presentation of my thoughts. It
    all sounded good. Nobody objected. So every
    people was happy that the general expection was
    true the Calabi Conjecture is wrong after all.

  • After two months, Prof. Calabi wrote to me for
    clarification of my thoughts.
  • I found a serious gap on my reasoning. It was
    the most painful period of my research life. I
    could not sleep.

  • For about two weeks, I could not sleep as I
    considered that my reputation was badly damaged
    by not able to reproduce what I claimed.
    (Although I never wrote any announcement of it.)
    However, the pain of going through of each single
    details of the problem convinced me that the
    opposite direction should be right. The argument
    to give counterexample to the Calabi Conjecture
    was that if it were true, something must happen.
    Hence a few years later, when I settled this
    problem, I knew many natural consequences of it.

  • After I decided that it must be true, I worked
    towards the right direction. Many preparatory
    works were done to prepare for the final proof.
    I worked with Cheng on understanding my questions
    related to Monge-Ampere equations, affine
    geometry, maximal surfaces and many related
    problems. Richard Schoen worked with me on
    harmonic maps. Schoen, Simon and I worked on
    minimal surfaces. In a matter of two years, we
    understood a great deal of nonlinear analysis
    related to geometry. It was an exciting period
    of time in geometry.

  • Qu Yuan (??)
  • This is what I am after.
  • I will not turn back even nine deaths are ahead.
  • ???????,????????

  • Right after I got married, I got the right idea
    to finish the proof of the Calabi Conjecture. I
    felt I finally understood curvature of Kahler
  • Many important applications were found to solve
    some old problems in algebric geometry.

September 2, 2003
One Cosmic Question, Too Many Answers
One problem is that string theory requires 10
dimensions of space-time, whereas we appear to
live in four. Dr. Strominger remembered being
excited when he found a paper by the
mathematician Dr. Shing-Tung Yau, now of Harvard
and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It
proved a conjecture by Dr. Eugenio Calabi, now
retired from the University of Pennsylvania, that
the extra dimensions could be curled up in
microscopically invisible ways like the loops in
a carpet.
  • When I finished the proof of the Calabi
    Conjecture, I felt I have set up a framework for
    mathematicians to merge two important fields
    together nonlinear partial differential equation
    and geometry.
  • In 1976, I was in UCLA and I met my friend Meeks
    who was my classmate in graduate school. He was
    not in good shape. But he was a very original
    mathematician. So I proposed to work with him on
    relating ideas from minimal surfaces and
    topology of three dimensional manifold together.

  • We had a great success. We solved two classical
    problems in both fields
  • If the boundary of a soap film is convex, the
    soap film cannot cross itself.
  • Together with works with Thurston, the famous
    problem of Smith Conjecture is solved.
  • Once the direction was set in the right way, many
    classical questions can be answered.

  • Next year, I visited Berkeley where I gave
    seminars on nonlinear problems in geometry. Both
    Richard Schoen and S. Y. Cheng were there. With
    Schoen, we finally solved the problem that I was
    excited about in general relativity.
  • The problem is called positive mass conjecture
    and is fundamental for general relativity. (Only
    if the mass is positive that spacetime can be

  • In 1978, I returned to Stanford, I applied ideas
    of minimal surfaces to solve a famous problem
    (Frenkel Conjecture) in complex geometry with
    Y.T. Siu. I also introduced ideas of harmonic
    map to studying discrete group symmetries. These
    ideas are still useful up to now.
  • Schoen and I developed the structure theory of
    manifolds with positive scalar curvature based on
    our works on general relativity.

  • In 1979, we had a special year in differential
    geometry in the Institute for Advanced Study.
    Practically all geometers came. We set a good
    direction for geometry. I proposed one hundred
    interesting open problems for the field of
    geometry. Some of them were solved and some of
    them were not.
  • The 1970s have been one of the most fruitful era
    of geometry.

  • By late seventies, I was well-recognized by my
    colleagues. There were many news coverage on
    problems that I solved.
  • However, it will be misleading to think that my
    goal is to earn medals and gain recognition. It
    has never been the priority of my study.
  • I am interested in Mathematics because it is so
    exciting to see how human thought can be extended
    to understand nature. The beauty of nature from
    the point of view of geometry is everlasting.

  • Together with my friends Schoen, Simon, Cheng,
    Meeks, Uhlenbeck, Hamilton, and later by
    Donaldson, Taubes and Huisken, and others,
    Nonlinear Analysis in Geometry has been
    established as a rich subject. Its importance in
    understanding beauty of nature can never be
    underestimated. The most recent developments
    show their importance in Physics and in Applied

  • Once a natural merge of several great subjects
    Geometry, Non-linear Analysis, Algebraic
    Geometry, Mathematical Physics, is done,
    classical and difficult problems were naturally
    solved. Problem solving can be considered as
    lampstands on our road to understand nature.

  • Confucius (??)
  • Studying without thinking goes nowhere thinking
    without studying leads to bewilderment.
  • ??????,???????

  • Han (?? 600 AD) on the process of learning
  • When general people praise my writing, I am not
  • When general people slight my writing, I am not
  • ???????,????????

C.F. Gauss (1817)
  • I am becoming more and more convincing that the
    necessity of our geometry cannot be proved, at
    least not by human reason nor for human reason.
    Perhaps in another life we will be able to obtain
    insight into the nature of space which is now
  • Until then we must place geometry not in the same
    class with arithmetic which is purely a priori,
    but with mechanics.

Lets now demonstrate an old concept of geometry
to computer graphics
  • An abstract two dimensional space with complex
    coordinates is called Riemann surface.
  • In the following pictures, we use these concepts
    to draw a map over the surfaces of a teapot, a
    bunny, and a minimal surface. Note that this map
    is a generalization of latitude and longitude of
    the globe. They are orthogonal to each other.

Application of Gaussian Curvature to Face
Note that the color on the face corresponds to
level sets of the Gaussian curvature of the face
Riemann Surface
  • Holomorphic transformation between surfaces

  • In the last ten years, my coauthors and I are
    very much involved in understanding the role of
    fundamental physics in geometry. In order to
    gain the intuition behind the motivation from
    physics. I spent a lot of time attending their
    seminars in physics department. We were able to
    obtain deep theorems in mathematics based on this
    interaction. A very important concept is duality

  • Duality is a beautiful and elegant concept.
  • It says that some theory with strong coupling is
    the same as other theory with weak coupling.
  • It is very similar to Chinese Taoism or Yingyang.
  • But the concept of duality is more rigorous and
    quantitive. It enables us to calculate some
    mathematical quantities that are otherwise
    difficult to calculate.

  • I do not hesitate to say that mathematics
    deserves to be cultivated for its own sake, and
    that the theories of not admitting applications
    to physics deserve to be studied as well as
  • ??????,????,???????????????????,??????,??????????
  • - ???

  • and, believe me, if I were again beginning my
    studies I would follow the advice of Plato and
    start with mathematics.
  • ?????,????,?????????,?????
  • - ???

My father took part in the establishment of the
Chinese University in its early stages. His
three sons, including the speaker, were educated
in the same school. I am deeply honored to be
able to make contribution towards the university.
Hong Kong has played an important role in modern
history. There are many outstanding scholars
from Hong Kong who are now working all over the
world. Among the four Hong Kong professors in
Harvard, it is interesting to observe that three
of them have been professors of the Chinese
University. I firmly believe that under the
support of our government and our society with
vision, Hong Kong is the city with the greatest
potential to nourish future Nobel or Fields
laureates. Our university should see this as a
goal, not a burden.
Alumni of Mathematics Department http//www.math.
Thank you !
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