Title: Slayt 1
Emel Sentuna Murat Polat Anadolu
University TURKEY
21.the whole program 2.there is no doubt that
3.attempts at 4.teachers beliefs and attitudes
5.before making decisions 6.must take into
account 7.that will affect 8.curriculum renewal
3Why should teachers beliefs be taken into
There is no doubt that attempts at curriculum
renewal must take into account teachers beliefs
and attitudes before making decisions that will
affect the whole program.
4If teachers views as to what constitutes
effective teaching were contrary to that which is
embodied in a syllabus, it would be unlikely that
they would implement the innovation with
enthusiasm, thoroughness, and persistence.
(Clark Peterson,1986)
- An attitude consistently applied to an
activity - Beliefs affect the way in which we perceive
reality, guide both our thoughts and our
behaviours. - Eisenhart et.al (1988)
6Why do we need to value beliefs?
- Teaching is a cognitive activity and that
teachers beliefs greatly impact their
instructional decisions in the classroom. - (Shavelson Stern, 1981 Tillema, 2000)
7Why do we need to value beliefs?
- Teachers are active, thinking decision-makers
who make instructional choices by drawing on
personal thoughts and beliefs. - (Borg, 2003)
8- Beliefs are said to form a structured set of
principles and are derived from a teachers prior
language learning experiences, school practices,
and a teachers individual personality. - (Borg, 2003)
- Beliefs of language teachers may be resistant
to change. - Ng Farrell (2003)
9- Although many language teachers are encouraged
to follow communicative approach to their
teaching, many of them still hold firmly to the
belief that grammar is central to language
learning and explicit grammar teaching is needed
by their students. - Richards, Gallo Renandya (2001)
10 Aim of the study
- Teachers beliefs are neither easy to define nor
study because they are not directly observable. - Forming a pool of teacher beliefs regarding
grammar teaching and testing depending on the
following assumptions
11? Teachers beliefs influence their own
perceptions and judgment.
? Teachers beliefs play a role on how
information on teaching is translated into
classroom practices
? Understanding teachers beliefsis essential to
improving teaching practices and teacher
education programs
? In curriculum renewals, consideration of
teachers beliefs is vitally important
12Research Questions
- What are the teachers beliefs about the way
grammar should be taught? - What are the teachers beliefs about the way
grammar should be tested?
- Participants
- 63 ELT Instructors
- 1-15 years of experience
- 10 males, 53 females
- 3 PhD, 19 MA, 41 BA degrees
14Data Collection
- A belief survey including 6 open-ended
questions. - The survey was delivered to the participants
and collected in 3 weeks time.
15Data Analysis
- Qualitative method
- Categorisation
- Color coding
16Results and Discussions
- How would you like to design your ideal grammar
course? What kind of materials, activities and/or
methods would you use?
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20 What kind of activities, materials and
methods do you prefer not to use?
21What hinders you teaching your ideal grammar
22What do you think about the current grammar
assessment in your institution?
23What do you think about theassessment of grammar
via writing tasks?
24How would you assess grammar if you were given a
chance to design your own assessment system?
- An integrated grammar course
- An integrated grammar coursebook including the
skills practice - Focus on meaning and production
- Inefficient grammar assessment
- Improvement of alternative grammar assessment
methods - An integrated grammar testing
- Time Constraint Loaded Syllabus
- Student Profile
- Coursebook
- Testing System
- Lack of Extra Materials
- Crowded Classes