Title: Andr
1Heavy-flavor correlation measurements via
electron azimuthal correlations with open charm
André Mischke for the STAR Collaboration
- Outline
- Motivation
- Correlation technique
- Data analysis
- Results
- Data-model comparison
- Summary and conclusions
Strangeness in Quark Matter 2429 June 2007,
Levoca (Slovakia)
2Heavy quark energy loss
- Due to their large mass heavy quarks are
primarily produced by gluon fusion ?
production rates can be calculated in
pQCD ? sensitivity to initial state gluon
distribution M. Gyulassy and Z. Lin,
PRC 51, 2177 (1995) - Heavy quarks lose less energy due to suppression
of small angle gluon radiation (dead-cone effect)
Dokshitzer and Kharzeev, PLB 519, 199 (2001) - Amount of collisional and radiative energy
losses seems to be similarM.G. Mustafa, PRC72,
014905 A.K. Dutt-Mazumder et al., PRD71, 094016
hot and dense medium
M. Djordjevic, PRL 94 (2004)
3Heavy flavour measurement
- Hadronic decay channels
- D0 ? Kp B.R. 3.83
- D? ? Kpp B.R. 9.51
- D ? D0p B.R. 65
- Difficulty large combinatoric background,
especially in high multiplicity environments - Event-mixing and/or vertex tracker needed to
obtain a signal
QM 2005, Nucl. Phys. A774 (2006) 701, publication
in preparation
- Semi-leptonic channels (inclusive modes)
- c ? e X B.R. 9.6
- D0 ? e X B.R. 6.87
- D? ? e? X B.R. 17.2
- b ? e- X B.R. 10.9
- B? ? e? X B.R. 10.2
- Single (non-photonic) electrons sensitive to
charm and beauty
4Non-photonic electron spectra in AuAu
- Non-photonic electrons exhibit a similar yield
suppression at high-pT in central AuAu as light
hadrons - Models implying D and B energy loss are
inconclusive yet - ? Disentangle D and B contribution to
non-photonic electron spectrum experimentally - ? At which pT does B contribution start to
dominate ? - Approach Non-photonic electron - D0 meson
azimuthal correlations
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 192301 (2007)
Large suppression not expected due to dead-cone
5Correlation technique
6Electron tagged correlations
- Experimental approach
- non-photonic electrons from semi-leptonic D/B
decays are used to trigger on c-cbar or b-bbar
pairs - associate D0 mesons are reconstructed via their
hadronic decay channel (probe) - Underlying production mechanism can be
identified using second c/b particle
trigger side
3.83 54 10
charm production
probe side
flavor creation gluon splitting/fragmentation
7Electron tagged correlationsB production
8PYTHIA simulations 3ltpTtrglt7 GeV/c
- Different decay channels for D and B
- Charge-sign requirement on (e,K) pairs gives an
additional constraint on production process - - Like-sign (e,K) means charge(electron)
charge(Kaon) - Separation of D and B contribution to
non-photonic electrons
9PYTHIA simulations Electron triggers with
8ltpTtrglt20 GeV/c
- Near-side
- B decays (dominant)
- Away-side
- charm meson pair production (dominant)
- small B contribution
- Away-side
- B decays (dominant)
- small charm contribution
10Data analysis
11STAR experiment
Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC Large acceptance
magnetic spectrometer
- Energy measurement
- - Barrel EMC
- ? lt 1
- Pb/scintillator (21 X0)
- dE/E 16/?E
- Shower maximum detector
- PID and tracking
- - TPC
- ? lt 1.5
- ?p/p 2-4
- ?dE/dx/dEdx 8
- - Magnet
- 0.5 Tesla
12Dataset and triggering
- 2006 pp at ?sNN 200 GeV
- ?Ldt 9 pb-1
- 1.2M events after trigger and vertex cut
- BEMC fully installed
- 97 operational
- Level-0 trigger used to enhance particle yield
at high-pT - BEMC tower energy threshold 5.4 GeV
Run 04
BEMC acceptance
13Electron selection Procedure
- TPC tracks are extrapolated onto BEMC surface
- Select tracks with well developed shower in SMD
- p measurement in TPC
- E measurement in BEMC
- Quality cuts
- p/Etower ratio
- specific energy loss dE/dx
- Shower Maximum Detector (SMD)
- wire proportional counter with strip read-out
- located after 5 X0
- ????? 0.007 x 0.007
14Electron selection Quality cuts
- Ratio of momentum and tower-energy should be one
for electrons - ? cut 0 lt p/Etower lt 2
- 3.5 lt dE/dx lt 5.0 keV/cm
after p/E and SMD cuts
electron candidates
dE/dx cut
hadrons (essentially pions)
15Electron purity and hadron suppression
- Purity 100 for pT lt 7 GeV/c
- Hadron suppression factor 102 - 105
- ? Clean electron sample
16Photonic background
- Measured electron candidates have a photonic and
non-photonic contribution - Photonic contribution from gamma conversions and
(?0, ?) Dalitz decays - Procedure
- electron candidates are combined with TPC tracks
which passed loose dE/dx cuts around the electron
band - invariant mass is calculated at dca of these
pairs - Electrons having a low invariant mass (minv lt
150 MeV/c2) are excluded - Correction for background rejection efficiency
not implemented yet - ? Non-photonic electron excess at high-pT
17Topological reconstruction of open charm mesons
- Non-photonic electron trigger (sub-leading
particle) present in event - No measurement of decay vertex
- dE/dx cut (3?) around Kaon band
- Charge sign requirement sign(e) sign(K)
- (K?) invariant mass
19(K?) invariant mass distribution
w/o electron trigger
pp 200 GeV STAR preliminary
combinatorial background is evaluated using
like-sign pairs
20D0 mesons in pp collisions
- S/B 1/7 ? factor 100 better than in dAu
w/o trigger - Signal significance 3.7
- Peak content 200
21D0 yield versus ??(e,hadron pair)
- Calculate ?? between non-photonic electron
trigger (pTtrg gt 3 GeV/c) and hadron-pair pT - Extract D0 yield from invariant mass
distribution for different ?? bins
22Non-photonic electron D0 meson azimuthal
- Near- and away-side correlation peak observed,
yields are about the same - First heavy flavour correlation measurement at
23Data PYTHIA comparison
Procedure (1) Away-side yield for unlike-sign
(e,K) pairs is essentially from B decays ? Scale
PYTHIA distribution to fit measured away-side
yield (2) Compare near-side yield from scaled
PYTHIA??? distribution for like-sign (e,K) pairs
to data ? Difference is expected to come from
gluon splitting (3) Compare away-side yield from
scaled PYTHIA??? distribution for like-sign (e,K)
pairs to data ? Disentangle charm and beauty
24Comparison Unlike-sign (e,K) pairs
- Away-side yield
- yielddata 0.012 ? 0.0061
- yieldPYTHIA 0.0042
- ? scaling factor 2.86
25MC_at_NLO for charm production
- Near-side yield for like-sign (e,K) pairs
- yielddata 0.011?? 0.0046
- yieldPYTHIA (scaled) 0.0096
- Difference is attributed to gluon splitting
- NLO QCD computations plus Herwig
- Remarkable agreement of the away-side peak shape
between PYTHIA and MC_at_NLO - Indications for small gluon-splitting
contribution (3?10-4) - More statistics needed for final conclusions
private version from S. Frixione (CERN)
26Comparison Like-sign (e,K) pairs
pp at ?sNN 200 GeV
essentially from B decays only
70 from charm 30 from beauty
27Summary and conclusions
- Non-photonic electron trigger helps to suppress
the combinatorial background significantly - - S/B ratio 1/7 and signal significance 3.7
- First heavy flavour correlation measurement in
pp at RHIC - Non photonic electron - D0 meson azimuthal
correlations allow to disentangle charm and
beauty contributions to the non-photonic electron
spectrum - - near-side essentially from B decays
- - away-side high charm contribution
- Data shows hints for prompt charm meson pair
production - Comparison between PYTHIA and MC_at_NLO
- good agreement for LO processes (flavor
creation) - small gluon-splitting contribution for 3 lt pT lt
7 GeV/c
29D0D- cross section measurement at the Tevatron
D0 or D
B. Reisert et al., Beauty 2006, to be published
in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)
- Within errors near- and away-side yields are the
same ? gluon splitting as important as flavour
creation - Near-side yield PYTHIA underestimates gluon
splitting - Note Results are obtained at 10 times higher
collision energy than at RHIC
30MC_at_NLO simulations
31Open charm in dAu
PRL 94, 062301 (2005)
Conventional reconstruction technique
Combination of all positive and negative tracks
after quality and dE/dx cuts
32Invariant mass spectra
3.1k non-photonic electron trigger, 105
D0 3.3k non-photonic positron trigger,
33minv(K?) for photonic e- trigger
pp at ?sNN 200 GeV
- Di-jet events produce many pions, which can make
a, e.g., Dalitz decay - What is the correlation contribution from these
photonic electrons?
?0 ? ?ee-
?c c
No D0 signal observed