Title: Midterm Solutions
1Midterm Solutions
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6NE 201 Midterm Exam
7CNO cycle
9Helium Burning in Red-Giant Stars
Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler, Hoyle B2FH (1957)
10No stable nuclei with A5 or A8
t1/2(8Be) 10-16 sec
At T 1x108K and r 105 g/cc N(8Be)/N(4He)
12Triple Alpha Reaction
1412C(a,a)12C Ncoin12C-a(7.65 MeV) /Na(7.65
MeV) Grad(7.65 MeV)/Gtot(7.65 MeV)
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16Nuclear Physics A 233 (1974) 495
17Subthreshold resonance important in 12C(a,g)16O
E0 300 keV
18Dyer and Barnes
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21Fate of Stars
- For stars with masses lt 10 MSun
- No further nuclear reactions possible
- ? White Dwarf (maximum mass 1.4 MSun)
- For more massive stars,
- No such quiet fate possible
- ? Neutron Star or Black Hole
22Advanced stellar burning
- 12C 12C ? 24Mg g, 20Ne 4He
- 16O 16O ? 32S g, 28Si 4He
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24 Through successive photodisintegration and
captures of 4He, 28Si ? 56Ni At this
point the star is on its deathbed, No further
energy generation possible
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26Late stage massive star
28Supernova Explosion
- Temperature goes up
- Density goes up
- p e- ? n ne
- e e- ? n n
- 99 of SN energy comes off in neutrinos
SN 1987a
29Neutrinos from SN1987aobserved by Kamiokande and
IMB underground telescopes
30Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory
3126Al gamma rays
3244Ti gamma rays observed from CasA
3356Co gamma rays observed from SN1987a
56Co t1/2 77 days
847 keV
56Fe stable
34Pre-solar graphite grains from Murchison
meteorite containing TiC inclusions
E. Zinner et al. Washington Univ.
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