Title: Electron Transport in Molecular Nanostructures:
1Electron Transport in Molecular
Nanostructures The Columbia Nanocenter. James
T. Yardley Columbia University
2National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI).
Genesis White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy.2000.
3NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers.
U. Illinois CU
U. Mass
U. Wisc.
Ohio State U.
Mus. Of Science
UC Berkeley
U. Penn
Ariz. State U.
Rice U.
NSEC NSEC (Manufacturing) NSEC (Education) NSEC
(Societal Impact)
4Creating New Science and Technology.
5NSECs are creating new paradigms for
interdisciplinary research!
From NSF Committee of Visitors Review,
2004 Two significant and enduring results have
emerged from this investment .. the creation of
a nanoscale science and engineering community,
and the fostering of a strong culture of
interdisciplinary research
6Providing Outreach and Education
7NSECs are taking leadership in providing for
outreach and education!
NanoDay in New York.
Bill Nye, The Science Guy
8Promoting Diversity.
9NSECs are actively building diversity within the
new generation of scientists and engineers.
10Protecting Health, Safety, and Environment.
11NSECs maintain active programs for health,
safety, and environmental awareness.
12Providing Leadership in Scientific Research.
13Columbia Nanocenter Conceptual
Fundamental physics Projected limit for
conventional silicon-based integrated circuit.
- Premise Exploring electron transport in single
molecules and molecular nanostructures - Presents major opportunity for fundamental
scientific understanding of new nanoscale
phenomena. - Offers new opportunities for information
processing devices.
14The Columbia Nanocenter Research Team.
Chemistry Ronald Breslow Louis Brus George
Flynn Richard Friesner Ann McDermott Colin
Nuckolls David Reichman Mechanical
Engineering James Hone Electrical
Engineering Tony Heinz James Yardley Applied
Physics Irving Herman Stephen OBrien Aron
Pinczuk Physics Philip Kim Andrew Millis Horst
Research Scientists Shalom Wind Mark Hybertsen
(BNL) Mike Steigerwald (MRSEC) Latha Venkataraman
NSEC Encompasses Approx. 75 Researchers Including
Graduate Students And Postdocs.
15Research Program Seeking Fundamental knowledge.
- Research Platforms
- Chemical Synthesis.
- Nanoscale Fabrication.
- Theory.
- Structural Characterization.
- Optical Characterization.
- Transport Measurement.
16Carbon Nanotubes One-Dimensional Electronics.
17Graphene New materials for two-dimensional
18Electron Conductance In Single Molecules.
19- The Semiconductor Industry Associations NRI
Member Companies - IBM
- Freescale (Motorola)
- TI
- Micron
- Intel
Quantum Coherent Transport in 1-D Materials
20Quantum Coherent Transport in 1-D Materials
Carbon Nanotube Superlattice
21(No Transcript)
22 Observation of New Electronic Structure of
M. Purewal, P. Jarillo-Herrero, and P. Kim (in