Title: Electronic Transport in DNA the disorder perspective
1Electronic Transport in DNA the disorder
Quantum physics on biological nanostructures a
first attempt
Rudolf A Roemer Daphne Klotsa, Matthew
Turner Department of Physics and Centre for
Scientific Computing
2Why nanostructures?
NanoStructures Laboratory, Princeton University
- New nanotechnologies will fabricate structures
substantially smaller, better, and cheaper than
current technology permits. - Innovative nanoscale electronic, optoelectronic,
and magnetic devices by combining cutting-edge
nanotechnology with frontier knowledge from
different disciplines.
3Semiconductor nanostructuresQ-dots, -well, SETs
4Why DNA?
A. Turberfield, PhysicsWorld 16, March 2003, 43-46
- DNA is a wonderful material with which to
build. It can act as - Molecular glue
- Fuel for molecular engines
- Parallel computer
- Self-assembled nanostructures
- E. Winfree , Nature 394, 539-544, Aug. 6, 1998
- scaffold in protein-crystallography
- Rigid tiles or girders J.H. Reif et al., (2003)
and many more
5Why disorder?
- well-developed theory
- good computational algorithms
- DNA is in solution
- -gt there is disorder
Y2 of electron wave function in 1113 system
6Combining DNA electronics
- Conductor
- Fink/Schoenenberger, Nature 398, 407 (1999)
Semiconductor Porath et al., Nature 403, 635 -
638 (10 Feb 2000)
Insulator Priyadarshy et al., J. Phys. Chem.,
100, 17678 (1996)
5 5
7Do enzymes scan DNA using electric pulses?
"DNA-mediated charge transport for DNA repair"
E.M. Boon, A.L. Livingston, N.H. Chmiel, S.S.
David, and J.K. Barton, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
100, 12543-12547 (2003).
Healthy DNA
Broken DNA
8DNA (Deoxyribonucleicacid)
- Linear bio-polymer, backbone of repeated
sugar-phosphate units, attached with bases - G uanine
- C ytosine
- A denine
- T hymine
- double helix structure
- AT, GC, not AC, AG, TC, TG
9DNA basics
- AT, GC pairs via attractive hybridization
- diameter 2nm, pitch 3.4 nm, base-pair separation
0.34 nm, 3bn base-pairs/sequence - 15 base-pairs stable at room T
- 3 base-pairs form a codon, unit of information,
so 4364 words for 20 aminoacids and additional
operations (stop/start). - Samples with, say, AGCTAGTA code can be ordered
with at least 1 accuracy - Commercial suppliers ship within a few days
10Huge amounts of genetic data
- H. sapiens 30,000 genes 3 ? 109 bp
- C. elegans 10,000 genes 108 bp
- E. coli 4,380 genes 4,639,221 bp
- SARS virus 14 genes 29,761 bp
- Paradox 105 proteins in H. sapiens
- ??One gene codes for more than one protein
11Biological function of DNA
- Replication
- Template for RNA coding for proteins polymerase
of DNA -gt RNA -gt proteins (actin, cell rigidity) - Self-assembly
12Is DNA a quantum wire?
- Absence of dc-Conductivity in l-DNA
- De Pablo et al, PRL 86, 4992 (2000)
- Poly-GC strands have one-band of overlapping
p-orbitals - l-DNA overlap drops quickly
- 13 base-pairs, DFT calculation
13The fishbone model
Cuniberti et al., PRB 65, 24131(R) (2002)
- tight-binding model with a gap
- explains experiments in Poly-GC
Experiments vs. theory
14The fishbone model
- Hopping amplitudes are 1 along chain and 2 onto
backbone - Onsite energies are zero, but could be used to
model the ionization energies
15Semiconducting gap in Poly-GC
- Transfer-matrix method
- Large DNA sequences possible
- Localization lengths l give possible extend of
electron transfer -gt measurable via fluorescence
Energy band
Energy band
LOCUS NC_001416 48502 bp DNA linear PHG
08-JUL-2002 DEFINITION Bacteriophage lambda,
complete genome.
- Small differences between l-DNA and l(R)-DNA
- Computation for complete DNA strand
17Influence of backbone disorder
Klotsa, RAR, Turner, submitted (2004)
- Backbone (BB) disorder used to model
environment/solution into which DNA is immersed - BB disorder leads to a rescaling of the
semi-conducting gap - This might explain diversity of experimental
18Random adhesion of Na-Atoms at backbone
DNA is in solution, so there is disorder
New states
19The ladder model
- Q-chemical calculations do not find HOMO/LUMO on
both bases of a base pair - Hopping amplitudes between chains is 1/2
20Na binary disorder at the BB
More disorder gives less localization! Contradict
ion to folklore!
less localized
highly localized
21Telomeric DNA with Na-BB disorder
- Differences in biologically different DNA
less localized
highly localized
22The equivalent 1D chain
- Exact equivalence to 1D chain with modified
onsite potential
- Physics of 1D localization is applicable
- Klotsa, RAR, Turner, submitted to Proceedings of
ICPS27, (2004)
23Centromeric DNA
813138 base pairs
- chromosome 2 of yeast
- meaningful DNA sequence
- highly repetitive according to biology
24Coding vs. non-coding regions
- Biologically there is a huge difference
- What about in transport?
Kelley et al., Science 283, 375 (1999) ..
Paradigms must now be developed to describe these
properties of the DNA p-stack, which can range
from insulator- to wire-like.
- Can electronic transport measurement be used to
access biological function? - Investigate sub-sequences of DNA with well-known
biological functions - Investigate trigger sequences. Is process
transport specific? - Relate to fluorescence experiments
26Music from l-DNA
- Music from DNA
- The Shamen, S2 Translation - An instrumental
piece of music based on the DNA code for the S2 - S2 receptor protein for 5-hydroxy tryptamine
(Serotonin) and others. One of the most important
molecules in the mediation of both ordinary and
non-ordinary (or "Shamanic") states of
consciousness, which is why the molecule was
chosen for this piece.
- The electronic properties of DNA are an important
challenge for both experiment and theory. - Applications are manifold if linking of
biological with electronic function can be made. - Present research offers a route into DNA physics
via the pathway of disordered systems.
28Disordered Quantum Systems
- DNA D. Klotsa, M. Turner
- Localization M. Ndawana, J. Stephany, A. Croy,
H. Schulz-Baldes (Berlin) - Nano-rings J. He, M. Raikh (Utah)
- Quantum Hall C. Sohrmann, B. Muzykantskii, P.
Cain (Chemnitz) - Bio-diffusion D. Skirvin (HRI Warwick)
- Numerical methods C. Sohrmann, O. Schenk (Basel)
- Funding EPSRC, Warwick, DFG
29A MIT due to disorder-induced quantum
- Adding disorder to a quantum model of
non-interacting electrons gives a transition
30Challenges at the MIT
- Is there universality?
- Ndawana, RAR, Schreiber, EPJB 27, 399-407
(2002) - What about correlations in the disorder?
- Ndawana, RAR, Schreiber, accepted in EPL (2004)
- What about many-body interactions?
- Schuster, RAR, Schreiber, Phys. Rev. B 65,
115114-7 (2002) - What about other transport quantities such as
thermoelectric power? - RAR, MacKinnon, Villagonzalo, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
72 Suppl. A, 167-168 (2003)
31The Anderson model as a challenge to modern
eigenvalue methods
- Indefinite matrix problematic for iterative
solvers, convergence accelerators,
preconditioners - Improving
Colloboration with numerical mathematicians
(Basel) PARDISO is faster for large matrices
32The excitonic AB effect for nano-rings
R. A. Römer and M. E. Raikh, Phys. Rev. B 62,
7045-7049 (2000)
- Nano-sized
- rings with
- radius of
- 30-50nm exist
A. Lorke et al., Microelectronic Engineering 47,
95 (1999).
Excitons are being generated via
photoluminescence. What about Aharonov-Bohm
effect for this nano-geometry and neutral
- Trions and other charged excitons
- R. A. Römer, M. E. Raikh, phys. stat. sol. (b)
227, 381-385 (2001) - Experimental verification
- thus far only for trions
- Bayer, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 186801
(2003) - AB effect in an electric field
- a current project
10000 base-pairs, random ATCG-DNA sequence
- Hopping strengths according to DNA content
- AT-AT -gt 1t
- GC-GC -gt 1t
- DNA-BB -gt 2t
- AT-GC -gt ½ t
- Physics of a random hopping chain
10000 base-pairs, random ATCG-DNA sequence
- Hopping strengths according to DNA content
- AT-AT -gt 1t
- GC-GC -gt 1t
- DNA-BB -gt 2t
- AT-GC -gt 1/10 t
36Why DNA?
A. Turberfield, PhysicsWorld 16, March 2003, 43-46
- DNA is a wonderful material with which to
build. It can act as - Molecular glue
- Fuel for molecular engines
- Parallel computer
- Self-assembled nanostructures
- E. Winfree , Nature 394, 539-544, Aug. 6, 1998
- scaffold in protein-crystallography
- Rigid tiles or girders J.H. Reif et al., (2003)
and many more
37Telomeric DNA with 6000 base pairs
- Buffer sequences at beginning or end of
meaningful DNA gene sequences
38Telomeric DNA with BB disorder
- Large localization lengths even in presence of
39Outlook 2
- What about a two-rung model?
(Quantum chemistry calculations)
- Results qualitatively similar, but
40Transport in and Physics with DNA
A. Turberfield, PhysicsWorld 16, March 2003, 43-46
- Molecular glue
- Fuel for molecular engines
- Parallel computer
- Self-assembled nanostructures
- E. Winfree , Nature 394, 539-544, Aug. 6, 1998
- scaffold in protein-crystallography
- Rigid tiles or girders J.H. Reif et al., (2003)
41Energy-Dependence for ladder model