Don't Look Back in Anger - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Don't Look Back in Anger


Don't Look Back in Anger [Verse 1] [C]Slip inside the [G]eye of ... har blitt med , Det st r hvilket Capo som blir brukt, og et akkord oversikt bakerst i boka. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: anger | back | capo | don | look


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Don't Look Back in Anger

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Don't Look Back in Anger
Verse 1 CSlip inside the Geye of your
Ammind Don't you Eknow you might Ffind
G A better place to Cplay Am, G CYou
said thGat you'd neverAm been But all the
E7things that you've FseenG Slowly fade
Caway Am, G Prechorus FSo I start a
Fmrevolution from my Cbed FCos you said the
Fmbrains I have went to my Chead FStep
outside the Fmsummertime's inC bloom GStand
up beside the fireplace E7Take that look from
off your face AmCos you ain't ever Ggoing to
burn my Fheart ouuuuuuuGuuut Chorus CSo
GSally can Amwait, she Eknows it's too
Flate As we're Gwalking on Cby CHer soul
Gslides Amaway, but Edon't look Fback in
anger I Gheard you Csay Take me to the place
where you go Where nobody knowsIf it's night or
day Please don't put your life in the hands Of a
Rock and Roll band Who'll throw it all
away Gonna start a revolution from my bed Cos
you said the brains I have went to my head Step
outside the summertime's in bloom Stand up beside
the fireplace Take that look from off your
face Cos you ain't ever gonna burn my heart
ouuuuuuuuuut So Sally can wait, she knows it's
too late As she's walking on by My soul slides
away, but don't look back in anger I heard you
say So Sally can wait, she knows it's too late As
she's walking on by My soul slides away, but
don't look back in anger I heard you say But
Fdon't look back in anger FmDont look back in
anger I heard you Csay
At least not Ctoday
Dette er den andre utgaven av Sangboka/gitar, mi
som ikke er beregnet på speidere i tropp. I denne
utgaven er det kommet inn en del nye og
oppdaterte sanger. Disse bøkene har blitt mere og
mere for gitar og ikke bare en sang bok. Det
vill si at spesielle gitar-grep til sangene har
blitt med , Det står hvilket Capo som blir brukt,
og et akkord oversikt bakerst i boka. Jeg jobber
stadig med å forbedre boka slik at den blir den
beste i sitt slag. Har du tips eller ideer om
stoff som burde være med(eller tas ut) eller
andre kommentarer kan du sende det til
To Be With You
Don't speak
VERSE 1 CmHold on Elittle girl. Show
Asus2me what he's Edone to you. CmStand up
lEittle girl. A Asus2broken heart can't
Ebe that bad. Asus2When it's throEugh, it's
through. Asus2Fate will twist thEe both of
you. DSo come on baby, come on over. BLet me
be the one to show you. Ref E E/F - E/G - E
- Asus2 - B- E Im the one who wants
to be with you. Deep inside I hope you'll feel
it too. Waited on a line of greens and
blues just to be the next to be with
you. VERSE 2 Build up your confidence so you
can be on top for once. Wake up! Who cares about
little boys that talk to much? I seen it all go
down. Your game of love was all rained out. So
come on baby, come on over. Let me be the one to
hold you. Ref Asus2Why be alone when we can
Cmbe together baby? GYou can make my life
worthwhile. I can make you start to
smile. Asus2When it's throEugh, it's
through. Asus2Fate will twist thEe both of
you. DSo come on baby, come on over. BLet me
be the one to show you. Ref
CmYou and me We Gmused to be
toFmgether EBbvery day toGmgether
FmalwaysBb I Cmreally feelGm I'm
Fmloosing my Bbbest friend I Cmcan't
believe This Gmcould be Fmthe endBb It
Cmlook as Gmthough Fmyou're letting
Bbgo And Dif it's real, Well BbI don't
want to Cknow Ref FmDon't speak CI know
just what you're Dsaying CSo please stop
exBmbplaining Don't Ctell me cause it
Fmhurts C C FmDon't speak CI
know that you're Dthinking CI don't need
you're Bmbreasons Don't Ctell me cause Fmit
hurts C C Our Cmmemories GmThey
can be inFmviting But some are
Bbaltogether GmMighty brighteFmningBb Cm
As we Gmdie, both Fmyou and BbI DWith my
head in my Bbhands I sit and Ccry Ref
Let it Be
COh, Amthinking about all our Gyounger
years There was Dmonly you and Amme, we were
Dmyoung and wild and Gfree CNow,
Amnothing can take you aGway from me We've
been Dmdown that road beAmfore But that's
Dmover now, you keep me Gcomin' back for
more chorus FBaby you're Gall that I
Amwant When you're Clying here in my
Farms FI'm finding it Ghard to beAmlieve
we're in Gheaven FAnd love is Gall that I
Amneed And I Cfound it here in your
Fheart FIt isn't too Ghard to Amsee we're
in Gheaven end_of_chorus COh, Amonce in
your life you Gfind someone Who will Dmturn
your world aAmround Bring you Dmup when
you're feeling Gdown CYeah, Amnothing
could change what you Gmean to me Oh there's
Dmlots that I could Amsay But just Dmhold
me now, 'cause our Glove will light the way
chorus DmI've been waiting for so Flong For
Csomething to Amarrive For Dmlove to come
aGlong DmNow our dreams are coming
Ftrue Through the Cgood times and the
Ambad GYeah, I'll be standing there by you
WhGen I find myself in tDimes of
trouble, MoEmther Mary cComes to
me, SpGeaking words of wDisdom, let it
Cbe.G And in my hour of daDrkness, She is
stEmanding right in fCront of me, SpGeaking
words of wDisdom, let it Cbe.G Chorus
Let it Embe, let it Bmbe, let it Cbe, let
it Gbe. Whisper words of wisDdom, let it
Cbe.G And when the broken hearted
people Living in the world agree, There will be
no answer, let it be. But though there may be
parting, There is still a chance that they will
see, There will be an answer, let it
be. Chorus And when the night is cloudy, There
is still a light that shines on me, Shine until
tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of
music, Mother Mary comes to me, Whisper words of
wisdom, let it be. Chorus
Sweet child o' mine
AmIs it getting Dsus2better Fmaj7Or do
you feel the Gsame AmWill it make it
Dsus2easier on you Fmaj7Now you got
someone to Gblame You say COne love AmOne
life Fmaj7When it's one need CIn the night
It's Cone love AmWe get to share it Fmaj7It
leaves you baby If you Cdon't care for it Am
Dsus2 Fmaj7 G AmDid I
disapDsus2point you Fmaj7Or leave a bad taste
in your Gmouth AmYou act like you never
Dsus2had love Fmaj7And you want me to go
withGout Well it's Ctoo late
AmTonight Fmaj7To drag the past out InCto
the light CWe're one But we're Amnot the
same We get to Fmaj7carry each other CCarry
each other One C Am Fmaj7
C AmHave you come here for
forDsus2giveness Fmaj7Have you come to raise
the Gdead AmHave you come here to play
Dsus2Jesus Fmaj7To the lepers in your
Ghead Did I Cask too much AmMore than a
lot Fmaj7You gave me nothing Now it's Call I
got We're Cone But we're Amnot the same We
Fmaj7hurt each other Then we Cdo it
again You say CLove is a temple AmLove a
higher law CLove is a temple AmLove the
higher law CYou ask me to enter GBut then you
make me crawl And I can't be holding Fmaj7on To
what you got When all you got is Churt COne
love AmOne blood Fmaj7One life CYou got to
do what you should COne life AmWith each
other Fmaj7Sisters CBrothers COne life
AmBut we're not the same Fmaj7We get to carry
each other CCarry each other
D She's got smile___ that it seems to
me re_miCnds___me of child - hood
mem-o-ries WhereG ev__'ry - thing__was
as theD bright__blue .
sky DNow and then__When I see her
face she Ctakes me a-way___ to that
spe-cial place and ifG I started____
too___ long, I'll pro-'ly break dowDn
and cry Whoa, Whoa,___ Whoa.___
sweet child o' mine Ooh,________________s
weet love o' mine She's got
eyes______of the bluest skies as___if
they thought___of rain I hate___to look
in-to those eyes and - see an_____ounce
of pain Her hair remin-ds me of a
warm____safe place where___as a chil-d
I___'d hide And___pray for the thunder
and the rain to quie_____tly pass me
Time of your Life
Verse 1 GAnother C9turning point a Dfork
stuck in the Groad GTime grabs you C9by
the wrist Ddirects you where to Ggo EmSo
make the Dbest of these days and C9don't ask
Gwhy EmIt's not a Dquestion but a
C9lesson learned in Gtime Chorus
EmIt's something unpreGdictable Emin the
end it's Gright EmI hope you have the Dtime
of your Glife. Verse 2 GSo take the
C9photographs and Dstillframes in your
Gmind G Hang it on a C9shelf it
Dcould've been good Gtimes EmTatoos and
Dmemories and C9asking on Gtrial EmFor
what it's Dworth it was C9worth all the
Gwhile Chorus
Every rose has its thorn
Intro G Cadd9 GWe both lie silently
stCadd9ill in the dead of the night. Although
we Gboth lie close togetherCadd9 we feel
miles apart inside. Was it Gsomething I
saCadd9id or something IG did? Did my
Cadd9words not come out right? Though
I Dtried not to hurt you, Cthough I tried.
But I guess that's why they say Gev'ry rose
has Cadd9its thorn, just like Gev'ry night
has Cadd9its dawn. Just like Gev'ry Dcowboy
sinCgs his Gsad, sad song ev'ry rose hCas
its thorn G Cadd9 G Cadd9 Listen to our
favourite song playing on the radio hear the D.J.
say love's a game of easy come and easy go. But
I wonder does he know, has he ever felt like
this? And I know that you'd be right now if I
could've let you know somehow. I guess ev'ry
rose has its thorn, just like ev'ry night has its
dawn. Just like ev'ry cowboy sings his sad, sad
song ev'ry rose has its thorn EmThough it's
beDen a while Cnow I can stGill feel so
much pain. EmLike the knife thDats cuts you,
the Cwound heals, but the scar, that
scarGremains Cadd9 G Cadd9 I know I could
have saved our love that night if I'd known what
to say Instead of making love we both made our
separate ways. Now I hear you've found somebody
new and that I never meant that much to you.
To hear that tears me up inside and to see you
cuts me like a knife. I guess ev'ry rose has its
thorn, just like ev'ry night has its dawn. Just
like ev'ry cowboy sings his sad, sad song ev'ry
rose has its thorn
G D/F Em C(add2) She said GI don't know
if I've Dever been good enoughEm I'm a little
Cbit rusty, Gand I think my Dhead is caving
inEm ,C And GI don't know if I'veD ever
been really lovedEm By a hand Cthat's touched
me, G and I feel like Dsomethings gonna
give EmAnd I'm a little Cbit angry DOh
well, this ain't over no not here Cnot while I
still need you Daround You don't owe me, we
might change,C yeah we justD might feel
good Chorus GI wanna Dpush you around, C
well I will, D well I will GI wanna Dpush
you down, Cwell I will, Dwell I will EmI
wanna Dtake you for grantCed... D EmI
wanna Dtake you for grantCed... Yeah I
Dwill, I will G D Em C - Twice She said
GI don't know why you Dever would lie to
meEm Like I'm a little Cuntrusting Gwhen I
think that the Dtruth is gonna hurtEm
yaC And GI don't know why you couldn'tD
just stay with Emme You couldn't stand to Cbe
near me, Gwhen my face don't Dseem to want
to Emshine Cause it's a little Cbit
dirty DOh well, don't just stand there and say
nice Cthings to me I've been cheated, I've been
wronged and Dyou You don't owe me, yeah well I
caCn't change, I won't do aDnything at
all... (Chorus) EmOh but don't bowlD me
over,C just wait a minute, Dwell it kind of
fell Emapart Things Dget so Ccrazy,
Ccrazy EmDon't rush Dthis baby,C D
Emdon't ruDsh this bCaby,
Father and Son
It's not Gtime to make a Dchange, just
reClax, take it Am7easy you're still
Gyoung, that's your Emfault, there's so
Ammuch you have to Dknow Find a Ggirl,
settle Ddown, if you Cwant, you can
Am7marry Look at Gme, I am Emold, but I'm
Amhappy D I was Gonce like you are
Bm7now, and I Cknow that's it's not
Am7easy to be Gcalm when you've Emfound
something Amgoing on D But take your Gtime,
think a Bm7lot, think of Ceverything you've
Am7got, for you will Gstill be here
toEmmorrow, but your Ddreams may Gnot
C Brige How can GI try to exBmplain,
when I Cdo he turns aAm7way again It's
Galways been the Emsame, same old Amstory.
D From the Gmoment I could Bmtalk, I was
Cordered to Am7listen now there's a Gway
and I Emknow that I Dhave to Ggo away. I
Dknow I Chave to Ggo C Solo It's not
Gtime to make a Dchange, just sittCdown,
take it Am7slowly you're still Gyoung, that's
your Emfault, there's so Ammuch you have to
Dgo through Find a Ggirl, settle Ddown, if
you Cwant, you can Am7marry Look at Gme, I
am Emold, but I'm Amhappy D All the
Gtimes that I've Bmtried keeping Call the
things I Am7knew inside. It's Ghard but
it's Emharder to iAmgnore it D If they
were Gright, I'd aBm7gree, but it's Cthem
they know not Am7me now there's a Gway and I
Emknow that I Dhave to Ggo away. I Dknow
I Chave to Ggo
Verse 1 An Fold Bman Fturned
ninety-Gmeight He won the
FlottBery and Fdied the next Gmday
It's a Fblack Bfly in Fyour
chardonGmnay It's a dFeath row
Bpardon two Fminutes to Gmlate
And isn't it Fironic... B Don't you
Fthink?Gm Chorus It's like rFain
Bon your Fwedding Gmday It's a
free FrideB when you've Falready
Gmpaid It's the good FadviceB
that you Fjust didn't Gmtake And
Awho would have Gmthought... It
Ffigures? Verse 2 Mr. Play-It-Safe
was afraid to fly He packed his
suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye He
waited his whole damn life just to take that
flight And as the plane crashed down he
thought, "well isn't this nice?" And
isn't it ironic... Don't you think? Chorus
Bridge Well life has a funny way of
sneaking up on you When you think
everything is okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you
out when you thinK
Everything's gone wrong and
everything blows up in your face Verse 3
A traffic jam when you are already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you
need is a knifE It's like meeting the
man of my dreams And then meeting his
beautiful wife And isn't it ironic...
Don't you think? A little too ironic...
And yeah I really do think Chorus (Repeat
chorus as before)
Intro Brigde
Wild World
Hotel California
Am D7 G Cmaj7
F Dm E AmNow that I've
D7lost everything to Gyou, you say you
Cmaj7want to start something Fnew And it's
Dmbreaking my heart your Eleaving, baby I'm
grieving AmBut if you want to D7leave take
good Gcare hope you have a Cmaj7lot of nice
things to Fwear But then a Dmlot of nice
things turn Ebad out G7there Chorus
COoh Gbaby baby it's a Fwild world
Git's hard to get Fby just upon a Csmile
COoh Gbaby baby it's a Fwild world and
GI'll always reFmember you like a
Cchild girlDm E AmYou know I've
seen a D7lot of what the world can Gdo and
it's Cmaj7breaking my heart in Ftwo Because I
Dmnever want to see you Esad girl, don't be a
bad girl AmBut if you want to D7leave take
good Gcare hope you make a Cmaj7lot of nice
friends out Fthere But just reDmmember
there's a lot of bad Eand beG7ware Chorus A
m D7 G Cmaj7
F Dm E AmBut if you want
to D7leave take good Gcare hope you make a
Cmaj7lot of nice friends out Fthere But just
reDmmember there's a lot of bad Eand
beG7ware Chorus
BmOn a dark desert highway, Fcool wind in my
hair AWarm smell of colitas, Erising through
the air GUp ahead in the distance, DI saw a
shimering light EmMy head grew heavy and my
sight grew dim, FI had to stop for the
night BmThere she stood in the doorway, FI
heard the mission bell AAnd I was thinking to
myself this could be Eheaven or this could be
hell GThen she lit up a candle Dand she
showed me the way EmThere were voices down the
corridor FI thought I heard them
say chorus GWelcome to the Hotel
CaliforDnia FSuch a lovely place (such a
lovely place), such a Bmlovely face GPlenty
of room at the Hotel CaliforDnia Any Emtime
of year (any time of year), you can Ffind it
here" BmHer mind is Tiffany twisted, Fshe
got the Mercedes Benz AShe got a lot of pretty,
pretty boys, Ethat she calls friends GHow
they dance in the courtyard, Dsweet summer
sweat EmSome dance to remember, Fsome dance
to forget BmSo I called up the captain,
"FPlease bring me my wine", He said A"We
haven't had that spirit here since Enineteen
sixty-nine" GAnd still those voices are calling
from Dfar away EmWake you up in the middle of
the night, Fjust to hear them say GWelcome
to the Hotel CaliforDnia FSuch a lovely
place (such a lovely place), such a Bmlovely
face They Glivin' it up at the Hotel
CaliforDnia What a Emnice surprise (what a
nice surprise), bring your Falibis" BmMirror
s on the ceiling, Fthe pink champagne on ice,
and she said AWe are all just prisoners here,
Eof our own device" GAnd in the master's
chambers, Dthey gathered for the feast EmThey
stab it with their steely knives but they
Fjust can't kill the beast BmLast thing I
remember, I was Frunning for the door AI had
to find the passage back to the Eplace I was
before GRelax," said the night man, "We are
Dprogrammed to receive EmYou can check out
any time you like, but Fyou can never
leave" chorus
What's Up?
Two Steps Behind
A/C25 years and my life is still
Bm/DmTryin' to
get up that great big hill of hopD/Fe For a
destiA/Cnation I A/Crealised quickly when
I knew I should That the worBm/Dmld was
made up of this brotherhood of MaD/Fn For
whatever that meA/Cans Pre Chorus And so
I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed Just to
get it all out, what's in my head And I, I am
feeling, a little peculiar And so I wake in
the morning and I step outside And I take a
deep breath and I get real high And I, scream
from the top of my lungs, "What's going
on?" Chorus And I say, "Hey yeah yeah hey,
hey yeah yeah" I said "Hey! What's goin'
on?" And I say, "Hey yeah yeah hey, hey yeah
yeah" I said "Hey! What's goin' on?" Verse
2 And I try, oh my God do I try I try
all the time In this institution And I
pray, oh my God do I pray I pray every single
day, for a revolution Pre Chorus Chorus
Verse 3 25 years and my life and still
Tryin' to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
Intro A D G D (x2) Verse Walk
aAway, D if you Gwant to. D It's
oAkay D if you nGeed to.D You can
Arun, but Dyou can never EhideD From the
shAadow that's cDreepin up beEside
yDou. Chorus FmThere's a magic runnin'
thDrough your soul But Gyou can't have it
all. E (What ever you do) AI'll be two
sDteps behEind you (Where Dever you
go) AAnd I'll be tDhere to Eremind
youD That it Aonly takes a mDinute of your
pErecious Gtime To turn Daround, I'll be
two steps behind. A D G D (x2) Verse
Take the tAime D to think aGbout
it.D Just walk the Aline, you kDnow you
just can't Gfight it.D Take a look arAound,
you'll Dsee what you can EfindD Like the
fAire that's bDurnin' up iE nside
me.D Chorus
Losing my religion
Capo 2
Oh life Am is bigger, Em it's bigger than
you. And you are Amnot me, the lengths that I
will Emgo to. The distance in your
eyes.Am Em Oh no, I've said Em too
Dm much, I've said enough.G That's me in the
corner, Am That's me in the Emspot
light, Losing my religion. Am Trying to
Emkeep up with you. And I Amdon't know if I
can do it. Em Oh no, I've said Em too
Dmmuch, I haven't said enough.G I thought
that I heard you laughing.F FI thought that I
Gheard you Amsing. IF think I thought I
Fsaw Gyou Amtry. G Every
whisper,Am Every waking Emhour, I'm choosing
my confessions.Am Trying to Emkeep eye on
you. Like a Amhurt lost and blinded fool,
fool. Em Oh no, I've said too much. Dm I
said enough.G Consider this, Am consider
this Emhint of the century. Consider this, Am
the slip, that Embrought me to my knees
pale. AmWhat if all these fantasies come Em
flaming aground. EmNow I've Dmsaid too
Gmuch. I thought that I heard you
laughing.F FI thought that I Gheard you
Amsing. I Fthink I thought I Fsaw Gyou
Amtry.G Interlude CThat was just a
dream.Am C That was just a dream. That's
Cme in the corner.Am That's me in the
Emspot light, losing my religion.Am Trying to
Emkeep up with you. And I Amdon't know if I
can do it. Em Oh no, I've said Em too
Dmmuch. I haven't said enough.G
I thought that I heard you
laughing.F FI thought that IG heard you
Amsing. IF think I thought IF saw G you
Amtry. But Fthat was just a Fdream, G
Am try, Amcry, why try. FThat was just a
Fdream, G just a Am dream, just a
Gdream, dream. Outro
INTRO Fm7 A Esus4 B7sus4 (x4) VERSE
1 Fm7Today is Agonna be the day that
they're Esus4gonna throw it back to
B7sus4you Fm7By now you Ashould've
somehow realizEsus4ed what you gottaB7sus4
do Fm7I don't believe that Aanybody
Esus4feels the way I B7sus4do About you
Dadd9now Esus4 B7sus4 VERSE
2 Fm7Backbeat the Aword is on the street
that the Esus4fire in your heart is
B7sus4out Fm7I'm sure you've Aheard it all
before but you Esus4never really had a
B7sus4doubt Fm7,I don't believe that
Aanybody Esus4feels the way I B7sus4do,
About you Fm7now A Esus4
B7sus4 PRE-CHORUS And Dadd9all the roads we
Esus4have to walk are Fm7winding And
Dadd9all the lights that Esus4lead us there
are Fm7blinding Dadd9There are many
Esus4things that I Would Alike to A/Gsay
to Fm7you, but I Esus4don't know
B7sus4how CHORUS Cause Dadd9maybe Fm7
A , Fm7You're gonna be the one that
Dadd9saves me? Fm7 A, And Fm7after
Dadd9all Fm7 AYou're my Fm7wonder ,
Dadd9wall Fm7 A Fm7 Silence VERSE
3 Fm7Today is Agonna be the day but they'll
,Esus4never throw it back to B7sus4you ,
Fm7By now you Ashould've somehow
realizEsus4ed what you're not toB7sus4do,
Fm7I don't believe that Aanybody ,
Esus4feels the way I B7sus4do About you
Dadd9now Esus4 B7sus4 PRE-CHORUS
Someday I'll be Saturday night
EHey man I'm alive I'm Atakin' each day and
night at a time I'm Bfeelin' like a Monday
but(A) someday I'll be SaturdayE
night EHey my name is Jim, where did I go
wrong GmMy lifes a bargain basement, all the
good shits gone. AI just cant hold a job, where
do I belong EIm sleeping in my car, my
Bdreams move Eon EMy name is Billy Jean, my
love was bought and sold, GmI'm only sixteen,
I feel a hundred years old. AMy foster daddy
went, took my innocence away BThe street life
aint much better, but at least I get paid And
ATuesday just might go my way. It Ecan't get
worse than yesterday GmThursdays, Fridays aint
been kind. But Bsomehow I'll survive EHey
man I'm alive I'm Atakin' each day and night at
a time EYeh Im down, but I know I'll get Bby.
Hey hey hey Ehey, man gotta live my life. Like
I Aaint got nothin' but this roll of the
dice Im Bfeelin' like a Monday, but ASomeday
I'll be Saturday EnightA ENow I cant say
my name, and tell you where I am GmI want to
roll myself away, dont know if I can. AI wish
that I could be in some other time and place.
BWith someone elses soul, someone elses
face Oh ATuesday just might go my way. It
Ecan't get worse than yesterday GmThursdays,
Fridays aint been kind. But Bsomehow I'll
survive EHey man I'm alive I'm Atakin' each
day and night at a time EYeh Im down, but I
know I'll get Bby. Hey hey hey Ehey, man
gotta live my life. Im gonna Apick up all the
pieces and whats left of my pride. Im Bfeelin'
like a Monday, but Asomeday I'll be Saturday
Enight E OhA Saturday Enight AHere we
go.ESome day I'll be Saturday night I'll be
Aback on my feet, I'll be doin alright. It
Emay not be tomorrow baby, thats OK. I Aaint
goin' down, gonna find a way, hey hey hey EHey
man I'm alive I'm Atakin' each day and night at
a time EYeh Im down, but I know I'll get
Bby Hey hey hey Ehey, man gotta live my
life Like I Aaint got nothin' but this roll of
the dice Im Bfeelin' like a Monday, but
Asomeday I'll be Saturday Enight Im
Bfeelin' like a Monday, but Asomeday I'll be
Saturday Enight Saturday Enight_____A_____,
all Eright, all rightA Saturday
G C Em D Det var Gsolnedgang , det var
Clatter det var sang det var Emsommerfri ,
det var Dsjø og magi Det var Gdeg og det var
meg det var Cminner som aldri vil dø det var
Emevighet , og en Dsol som farga himmelen
rød Det var Emøl , beAmrusende ord det var
Dsommer det var solG , det var Emhjerter i
brann Amblikkstille vann , Dalt på denne
Gjord Og det var kjAmærlighet, ja det var
kjGærlighet og Cminner som aldri vil dø , en
Emsol som farga himmelen rød-IdDyll GSommer
'n var på hell , Cdette var siste kveld Em vi
lå på rygg jeg følte meg trygg , men Dfrøys
litt likavel G Vi lå og så på stjernene , og
Chørte på sangen fra ternene Em vi visste
begge hvor det bar , og at vi Daldri skulle
glemme hvordan det var Det var Emøl ,
beAmrusende ord det var Dsommer det var
sGol ,det var Emhjerter i brann Amblikkstill
e vann ,Dalt på denne joGrd Og Amkanskje
en dag vi sees igjen vi Em stopper og prater
og du Cblir med meg hjem så Amser vi med
tiden hva som skjer mens vi Dtenker tilbake på
minner og ler Det varEm øl ,beAmrusende
ord det var Dsommer det var sGol , det var
Emhjerter i brann Amblikkstille vann , D
alt på denne jGord Og det var kjAmærlighet
,ja det var kjGærlighet Cminnene vil aldri
vil dø ,Emsolen farga himmelen
rød-IdyllD GBarbeint i varm sjø Csolen
farga himmelen rød Em minnene vil aldri dø
-IdyllD G
Bobby Brown
Capo 5
CHey there people I'm Bobby Brown, AmThey say
I'm the cutest boy in town Dm7My car is fast,
my teeth are shiney GI tell all the girls they
can kiss my hiney Here I am at a famous school
I'm dressing sharp and I'm acting cool I got a
cheerleader here, wants to help with my paper Let
her do all the work and maybe later I'll rape
her Oh FGod I am the american dream I
Emdo not think I'm Amtoo extreme And I'm a
Dm7handsome son of a Gbitch G7 I'm gonna
get a good job and be real rich G(get a good,
get a good, get a good, get a good job) Women's
liberation Came creeping all across the nation. I
tell you people, I was not ready When I fucked
this dyke by the name of Freddy She made a little
speach then. uuh, she tried to make me say
when She had my balls in a vice, but she left the
dick I guess it's still hooked on but now it
shoots too quick Oh God I am the american
dream But now I smell like vaseline I'm a
miserable son of a bitch Am I a boy or a lady,
I don't know which ( I wonder, wonder, I
wonder, wonder) So I went out and bought me a
leisure suit I jingle my change, but I'm still
kinda cute Got a job doing radio promo And none
of the jocks can even tell I'm a homo Eventually
me and a friend . Sort of drifted along into
SM I can take about an hour on the tower of
power As long as I gets a little golden shower
Oh God, I am the american dream With a
spindle up my butt 'till it makes me scream
And I'll do anything to get ahead I lay awake
nights saying "Thank you, Fred Oh FGod, oh
God, I'm so fantastic EmThanks to Freddie,
I'm a Amsexual spasticAnd my Fname is Bobby
GBrown Watch me now, I'm going downAnd my
Fname is Bobby GBrown Watch me now, I'm
going down
You say, I only hear what I want to And you
say, I talk so all the time, so Am7 And I
thought what I feGlt was simple Am7 And I
thought that I Gdon't belong Am7 And now
that GI am leaving Am7 Now I
know that I Gdid something wrong cause I
C(9)missed you Cm Yeah, IAm7 missedG
you(Gsus) Am7 G G(9) And you say Em7I
only hear what I want to, I Am7don't listen
hard I Bmdon't pay attention to the Cdistance
that you're running or to GAnyone,
anywhere IAm7 don't undersBmtand if you
really care I'm C(9)only hearing negative, no
no noC(9) So I,Am7 I turned the radio oGn,
I turned the radio Am7up And this woman was
Gsinging my song The Am7lover's in love and
the GGother's run away The Am7lover is crying
cause the Gother won't stay Am7 Some of us
hover when we Gweep for the other who was
Am7dying Since the day they were Gborn,
well Well,Am7 this is not that,G I think that
I'm throwing but I'm Am7thrownG And I Am7
thought I'd live forever but Am7now I'm not so
sure You try to C(9)tell me that I'm clever but
C(9)that won't take me anyhow Am7 Or
anywhereBm with youC(9) Am7 And you
said that I Gwas naive And Am7I thought that
I was Gstrong, oh Am7 I thought "hey I can
Gleave, I can leave" Oh,Am7 but now I know
that GI was wrong cause I C(9)missed you Cm
Yeah, I Am7 missed youG Am7 G You said
you Am7caught me cause you want me and
oneAm7day you'll let me go You try to
C(9)take away a keeper or C(9)keep me cause
you know You're just too Am7 scared to
BmloseC(9) And you say, G(9)Em7
stayAm7BmC G(9) And youEm7 say I only
hear what I want Am7toBmC
Bohemen lever
Intro FBbFGm Verse 1
F I thought I saw a man brought to lifeAm
He was warm, he came around like he was
dBbignified He showed me what it
was to cry F Well you couldn't be
that man I adoredAm You don't seem
to know Don't seem to care what your
hBbeart is for But I don't know
him anymore Pre Chorus 1 There's
Dmnothing where he used to lie C
My conversation has run dry Am
That's what's going on,C Nothing's fine, I'm
toFrn Chorus 1 (F) I'm all out of
faithC, this is how I fDmeel I'm
cold and I am Bbshamed, lying naked on the
Ffloor Illusion never Cchanged,
into something Dmreal I'm wide
awake and BbI can see, the perfect sky is
toFrn You're a little lCate, I'm
already torn Dm(C)Bb Verse 2
F So I guess the fortune teller's rightAm
I should have seen just what was there and
not some Bbholy light But you crawl
beneath my veins and now Pre Chorus 2
I don't care, I have no
luck I don't miss it all that much
There's just so many things That I can't touch
I'm torn Chorus 1 Pre Chorus 3
There's nothing where he used to lie My
inspiration has run dry That's what's
going on Nothing's right I'm torN Chorus 3
(F) I'm all out of faith,C this is how
I Dm feel I'm cold and I am
Bbshamed, lying naked on the Ffloor
Illusion never chaCnged, into something
reDmal I'm wide awake and IBb
can see, the perfect sky is to Frn
I'm all out of faithC, this is how I feDmel
I'm cold and I am Bbshamed, bound
and broken on the Ffloor You're a
little lCate, I'm already torn Dm(C)Bb
Em G
C D Na na na na na na Na
na na na na na Na na na na na na Na na Em
D Na na na na na na Na na na na
na na Na na na na na na Na na Em
C Det var i 1992 Bohemene fikk seg et sted
å bo D C
D7 en diger leilighet som snart ble byens
fasilitet Em
C Der var det fester natta lang piker vin
og sang D
D7 og kjære du som trodde du var kvitt oss nå
konger går i jorda for å gjenoppstå Em
G C D Em G
C D Bohemen er død Bohemen lever
Bohemen er død Bohemen lever Em Ja ja
ja Na na na na na na... Em
C Og klager ble en vane når
vi fuktet vår tørre gane D
D7 som regel var det bare et lite frø
men den siste gangen stod de alle i kø Em
C da var det blod
overalt da var det hele tiden ting som smalt
D7 det var naboer men det
dreit vi i og plutselig kom Onkel Politi Em
G C D Em
G C D Bohemen er død Bohemen lever
Bohemen er død Bohemen lever Em Ja ja
ja Na na na na na na... Em G C
D Bohemen er død Bohemen lever Bohemen er
død Bohemen lever Bohemen er død Bohemen
lever Bohemen er død Bohemen lever
Em og har det bra!
I Can't Help Myself
Summer of '69
Capo 2
Intro C Am F G If CI would tell you , How
mAmuch you mean to me I thFink you would not
undersGtand it. ,So I wCait, I wait
UunAmtil this day comes, When Fyou will
undersGtand me. But CI can't help myself
,AmI can't stop myselfF I am going crGazy,
CI can't stop myself AmCannot control
myselfF ,I am going crGazy Chorus And I
lCove you, I want you I wFanna talk to
youC, I wanna be wGith you I lCove you, I
want you, I wFanna talk to youG7 I wanna be
with you I cannot change it ,I'm sure not making
it One big hell of a fuss , I cannot turn my
back I've got to face the fact , Life without you
is hazy (Chorus) AmKiss me, thrill me,
donF't say goodbye AmHold me, love me,
donF't say goodbye FOh uho oh oG7h
uho Don't say goodCbye But I can't help
myself I can't stop myself I'm going crazy I
cannot turn my back I've got to face the
fact Life without you is hazy (Chorus) FOh
uho uhGo oh FNo uho oh G7oh Kiss me
Intro D A D A D i got my first real six
string -A brought it at the five dime D
played it til my fingers bled -A was the summer
of '69 D me and some guys from school Ahad a
band and we tried real hard D jimmy quit and
jody got married -A shoulda known we'd never
get far Bm oh when i Alook back now -D
that summer seemed to Glast for ever Bm and
if i Ahad the choice -D ya i'd always
Gwanna be there Bmthose were the Abest days
of my DlifeA D ain't no use complaining
-A when ya gotta job to do D spent my
evenings down at the drive in -A and that's
when i met you - ya Bmstanding on your
Amamma's porch - Dyou told me that you'd
G wait forever Bmand when i Aheld your hand
- Di knew that it was Gnow or never Bm
those were the Abest days of my Dlife - A
Aback in the summer of D'69A Fman we were
Bbkillin' time we were Cyoung and reckless -
we Bbneeded to unwind F i guess Bbnothing
can last forCever... D A D A D and now
the times are changin' A look at everything
that's come and gone D sometimes when i play my
old six string A i think about you wonder what
went wrong Bm standing on your Amanna's
porch -D you told me it'd Glast
forever Bmand when i Aheld your hand -D i
knew that it was Gnow or never Bmthose were
the Abest days of my life D- A A back in
the summer of 'D69A D A
Rumba med Gunn
CI stor salen på FFolkets hus med Gei
sløyfe som er rød Sitter Cdanseskolens
Gminstemann og Dmveit han skal snart dø. For
fru AmSveveland har sagt SmåDpiker ,
engasjer! Men de er slett ikke så små og
G7dessuten er de flere. Og nå hører han den
fjerne torden av en bøffelflokk. Det hamrer
stillett mot parken når horden går amok. I stum
forferdelse griper han naboens hånd Og hvisker et
stille Mor, må det ende sånn? C F G
C F G 1 - 2 -
3 , til siden , frem og en fot ned.
C F G Parketten
knirker, noe tungt er på vei. DM Og
med tennene blottet som til et smil G
Dm F G Nærmer det seg. Og
på 1 2 3. Så har hun festet sitt grep, hvis
slikt kan kalles hun, Hun er på størrelse med en
liten traktor, og heter Gunn. Hun er kretsmester
I alt som er tungt og skal hives langt Han ser på
henne og tenker Dette kan bli interessant. 1
- 2 - 3 Om morgningen er det stille I
storsalen på Folkets Hus, Bare vaktmester Løen
som suger ettertenksomt på en snus. Han har
nettopp vaska gulvet, utenfor faller snø, og , i
hånden så holder han ei sløyfe som er rød. 1 2
3, til siden , frem og en fot ned. Og ingen
her har hørt fra ham på en stund. Sist sett I en
brennhet rumba med Gunn. Going 1 2 3.
Når Dsommerdagen Aligg utover Hmlandet, Og
Emdu og æ har Dfunne A7oss ei Dstrand, Og
Afire kalde pils Fnedi Hmvannet, Og Avi
e brun og E7fin,, og hand i hAand. Når A7vi
har prata om ei bok vi Dlika, Og Aalt e bra,
og Amikke te å H7tru. EmIngen e Dså gAo
soHmm Fmdu da, EmIngen e Dså gAo
sDom du. Når høsten finns og verdagslivet
venta, Og fuglan tar te vett, og flyr mot
sør, Og vi får slit med regninga og renta, Og
meininga forsvinn I det vi gjør. Når vi må ofte
over mang en liten avgrunn, Og ofte på ei
felleferdig bru. Ingen e så god som du da, ingen
e så god som du. Men av og te, når tegnan blir
førr tydelig, Og dem som sett med makta gjør mæ
skræmt. Når de fine ordan demmes blir
motbydelig, Og tanken bak e jævli dårlig
gjemt. Da har æ ei som veit at folk vil
våknopp Og at vinden I fra høyre snart vil
snu. Ingen e så god som du da, ingen er sp god
som du . Og når æ krypt te køys og frys på
beinan Og du har lagt dæ før mæ og e varm. Så
veit du æ e liten og aleina, Og låne mæ litt
dyne og ei arm. Og dagen den e viktig, og den
krev oss, Men natta den e mn , og nu. Ingen e så
god som du da, ingen e så god som du.
The River
The Vidar song!
Turen er snart over, det blir stille mørkt og
trist. Bålet ebber ut, og all går hjem til
sitt. Men vi har vært på nachspiel, men Vidar
står igjen! Og igjen er gode minner, som vi ittj
vill glem. Over speiderombud Falsk Muus Du
bygger vidre på ditt speiderhus Vi drikker
kaffe av fine nachspill krus Kjære
puus! Drosje knusken Vidar stø på sin hånd. I
C13-F føler han seg som James Bond Hva skal
speidarn gjøre viss ei jente får hans lemm! Men
han må ikke glemme speidrn hans aller første
hjemm! DFæsten e snart Gover, det
bliA stille mørkt og Dtrist, HmMusikken
Emebbe ut og all går Ahjæm til sitt. Men
Dnån ska på et Gnachspiel og dem Atræng
en Dgitarist (og) æHm e villt forælEmska I
ei dAame æ ska Dspør. Vill du værra
me mæG hjem IA natt, Ska vi sove I
samme Dsæng IHm natt, Æ kan gi dæ alt
du Emtræng I A natt hvis du Dtør! Å
værra memæ Ghjæm I nAatt, å sov I samme
Dsæng I Hmnatt, Æ kan gi dæ alt duG
træng IA natt hvis duD tør Kjære lille søte
du, æ e så glad I dæ, Skal vi dra hjæm te mæ å
ta en flaske vin? Men du ska på nachspiel og dem
træng en gitarist, Så æ bli med å vente I nån
tima før æ spør.
Em - G- D - C - G - Am - G - C I Em come from
down in the Gvalley, where Dmister when
you're Cyoung They Embring you up to Gdo
Clike your daddy Gdone Me and CMary we met
in high school, when Gshe was just
D/FseventeEmen We'd Amride out of that
valley down to wGhere the fields were
Cgreen We'd go Emdown to the Criver, And
Dinto the river we'd Gride Oh down to the
river we'd ride Then I got Mary pregnant, And
man that was all she wrote And for my nineteenth
birthday I got a union card and a wedding coat We
went down to the courthouse, And the judge put it
all to rest No wedding day smiles no walk down in
the aisle, No flowers no wedding dress That
night we went down to the river, And into the
river we'd dive On down to the river we did
ride I got a job working construction for the
Johnstown Company But lately there ain't been
much work on account of the economy Now all them
things that seemed so important Well mister they
vanished right into the air Now I just act like I
don't remember, Mary acts like she don't
care But I remember us riding in my brother's
car Her body tan and wet down at the reservoir At
night on them banks I'd lie awake And pull her
close just to feel each other breath she'd
take Now those memories come back to haunt me,
They haunt me like a curse Is a dream a lie if it
don't come true, Or is it something worse that
sends me Down to the river my baby and I Oh
down the river we'd ride
Vill du værra me mæ hjem
En solskinnsdag
Jeg sitter ne på berget og ser utover havet En
solskinnsdag I ferien min I sommer skal jeg
surfe, stå på vannski og bade Ja, denne ferien
tror jeg blir fin. Forbi meg suser Andersen I
sin kabincruiser Med alle sine venner ombord Det
kryr av jenter der I gjennomsiktige bluser Som
Andersen ble kjent med I fjord Jeg titter på
jenter, jeg har solbriller på Så ingen riktig ser
hvor jeg ser Den peneste av jentene tar av seg
sin BH Og snur seg imot meg og sier du si
meg Har du det bra? Jo, takk skal du ha Jeg
har det bedre enn de fleste her tilstede Jeg
smiler hverdag fordi jeg er glad Det er så fint å
leve. Så si meg, kan du ikke se det Og bliru med
og lyser etter krabber For krabber er det beste
jeg vet Vi reiser ut I båten min en hvit
dromedille Hun sier hun er glad at jeg spurte Vi
finner oss en holme det er fredelig og
stille Jeg sier jeg er glad at jeg turde Så
sitter vi og koser oss til solen går ned Og
månen atter titter frem Vi lyser etter krabber
helt til klokka blir fire Fornøyde vi vender
hjem. Hun sier Takk for I dag, jeg har hatt
det så bra Det har vært så gøy å være sammen med
deg, kjære Jeg gleder meg til midda klokka to I
morra Vi har hatt det så fint, kanskje er det mer
I gjære Jeg dekker på med lys og røde roser Og
åpner en flaske Veuve Clicquot Nå Har jeg det
bra , å takk skal du ha jeg det bedre enn de
fleste her tilstedeJeg smiler hver dag fordi jeg
er glad Det er så fint å leve selv om stolbeina
er skjeve Jeg dekker på med lys og røde roser Og
venter på at hun skal ringe på
Cm - F - Bb -Gm Cm - F - Bb Cm - F - Bb -Gm Cm -
F - Bb
CNå har jeg Grøkt hasj i fiAmre år, Em
Cfått deilig krGopp, men pDistrete
Ghår.CNå har jeg Gsnart ingen cAmeller
igjen, Em Cmen det er så dGeilig å slippe
å tenDke selvG. Ref x2 CDop, er
tiGngen.Ja, Am også for dEmeg,Cda kan
du b Gli like Dkul som mGeg. Nå er det
lørdag alle gutta skal ha seg skrev.Istedet
sitter jeg hjemme og fyrer opp en rev.Når jeg
blir eldre, vil jeg begynne med heroin,jeg har
hørt at det gjør din hud, så veldig fin.
RefDop, er tingen.Ja, også for deg, da kan
du bli like kul som meg. x4
Cm - f - Bb - D7 Cm - f - Bb - D7 Cm - f - Bb -
Gm Cm - F - Bb
AmThis romeo is bleeding Gbut you can't see
his blood Fit's nothing but some feelings that
this Em7old dog kicked up it's been raining
since you left me now I'm drowning in the
flood you see I've always been a fighter but
Em7without you I give Fup G now I can't
sing a love song like the way it's meant to
be well, I guess I'm not that good anymore but
baby, that's just me yeah, CI will Glove you
babyDm AmAlwGays and CI'll be there
foreGver and a Fday AmAlwaGys, CI'll
be there till the stars don't shine till the
G/Dheavens burst and the words don't rhyme and
I know Fwhen I die, you'll be on my mind and
I'll Glove you FAlwaGysAm,F now you're
pictures that you left behind are just memories
of a different life some that made us laugh, some
that made us cry, one that made you have to say
goodbye. W hat I'd give to run my fingers
through your hair to touch your lips, to hold
you near when you say your prayers try to
understand I've made mistakes, I'm just a man
when he holds you close, when he pulls you near
when he says the words you've been needing to
hear I'll wish I was him cause those words are
mine to say to you till the end of time yeah, I
will love you baby Always and I'll be there
forever and a day - Always Bbif you told me
to Ebcry for youF I could Bbif you told me
to Ebdie for you I Fwould Gmtake a Flook
at my EBface there's no price I won't Fpay to
say these words to you C-G-Dm-Am G-C-G/D-G G F
G well, there Fain't no luck in these loaded
dice but Gbaby if you give me just one more try
we can Fpack up our old dream and our old lives
we'll Gfind a placCe where the sFun still
shGines yeah, I will love you baby Always
and I'll be there forever and a day - Always I'll
be there till the stars don't shine till the
heavens burst and the words don't rhyme and I
know when I die, you'll be on my mind and I'll
love you -Always
EmAnother headC hangs lowly GChild is
slowly takDen EmAnd the violence cauCsed
such silence GWho are we mistDaken but you
see, it's not me it's not my family in your head,
in your head they are fighting Chorus With
their tanks, and their bombs, and their bombs,
and their guns In your head, in your head they
are cryin' In your head, In your head Zombie,
etc. What's in your head in your head, in your
head Zombie, etc. Another mother's
breakin' heart is taking over when the violence
causes silence we must be mistaken it's the same
old theme since 1916 in your head, in your head
they're still fightin' Chorus
Runaway Train
Intro C G A D C G A D C G C Em C G D
D CShed a tear cause I'm missing you , I'm
Gstill allright to smile AGirl I think about
you every Dday now CWas a time when I wasn't
sure, But you Gset my mind at ease AThere is
no doubt, you're in my Dheart now CSad woman
tGake it slow, It will Cwork itself out
Emfine CAll we need is Gjust a little
paDtience CSad sugar mGake it slow and, It
Ccomes together Emfine CAll we need is
Gjust a little paDtience Sit here on the
stairs, Cause I'd rather be alone If I can't have
you right now , I'll wait dear Sometimes I get
so candescent, But I can't speed up the time You
know love, there's one more thing, To
consider Sad woman take it slow , And things
will be just fine You and I just use a little
patience, Sad sugar take the time Cause the
lights are shining bright, You and I got what it
takes to make it DWe don't fake it ,DAhh and
never break it,DCause I can't take it GA
litCtle patience GMhh YCeah GI've been
walking the streets tonight , CJust trying to
get it right GIt's hard to see with so many
around CNoone doesn't like my stucking the
ground And the Gstreets don't change but maybe
the name CI ain't got time for the game, Cause
I Gneed you Yeah Yeah cause I Cneed you ,Uh
I nGeed you Woh I Dneed you, Uhh this
Intro C CCall you up in the middle of the
night EmLike a fire fly without a light AmYou
were there like a blowtorch burnin' GI was a
key that could use a little turnin' CSo I'm
tired and I couldn't even sleep EmSo many
secrets I couldn't keep AmPromised muself I
wouldn't leave GOne more promise I couldn't
keep FSeems no one can Ghelp me now And I'm
Cin too deep there's Amno way out FThis
time I have Emreally let myGself
astray Chorus CRunaway train never going
back, EmRunaway on a one way track AmSeems
like I should be getting somewhere, GSomehow
I'm neither here nor there Can you help me
remember how to smile, Make it somehow all seem
worthwile How on earth did I get so jaded, Life's
mysteries seem so faded I can go where no one
else can go, I know what no one else knows Here I
am just drowning in the rain, With a ticket for a
runaway train Everything seems cut and dry, Day
and night Earth and sky Somehow I just don't
believe it, Chorus Got a ticket for a runaway
train Like a madman laughing at the rain Little
out of touch little insane It's just easier than
dealing with the pain Chorus
California Dreaming
CNo G/Bwoman, no cry. AmFCNo
Fwoman, no Ccry.G CNo G/Bwoman,noAmcry
. FCNo Fwoman, no Ccry.G GSaid,
said, CSaid I G/Bremember Amwhen we used
to sitF CIn the governG/Bment yard in
TrAmenchtown.F COba, ObsG/Berving the
hAmypocritesF As they would Cmingle
G/Bwith the good people we Ammeet,F CGood
friends G/Bwe had oh Amgood friends
we've lostF CalG/Bong the way.AmF CIn
this bright G/Bfuture you Amcan't forget
yourF past CSo dry your G/Btears I Am
sayFAnd No woman, no cry...No woman, no cry.
Here Little darlin', don't shed no tears, No
woman, no cry. Said I remember when we used to
sit In the government yard in Trenchtown. And
then Georgie would make a firelight As it was
love would burn in through the night. Then we
would cook cornmeal porridge of which I'll share
with you. My feet is my only carriage, So, I've
got to push on through, but while I'm
gone CEv'ry thing's gonna G/Bbe alright.
AmEv'ry thing's gonna Fmbe alGright. CEv'r
y thing's gonna G/Bbe alright. AmEv'ry
thing's gonna Fmbe alGright. No woman, no
cry...No woman, no cry. Here Little sister,
don't shed no tears, No woman, no cry. Said I
remember when we used to sit In the government
yard in Trenchtown. And then Georgie would make a
firelight As it was love would burn in through
the night. Then we would cook cornmeal porridge
of which I'll share with you. My feet is my only
carriage, So, I've got to push on through, but
while I'm gone CNo G/Bwoman, no cry.AmF
CNo Fwoman, no Ccry.G COh, my Little
daG/Brlin', dAmon't shed no Ftears. CNo
Fwoman, no Ccry.G COh, my Little
daG/Brlin', dAmon't shed no Ftears. CNo
Fwoman, no Ccry.G Here Little sister, don't
shed no tears, No woman, no cry.
All the leaves are AmbrownG F and the
Gsky is Bm7grey E7 FI've been for a
CwalkE7 Am on a winter's dayE
E7 I'd be be safe and AmwarmG F
if I Gwas in L.Bm7A. E7 California
AmdreamingG F on Gsuch a
winter's Bm7day E7 Stopped into a
AmchurchG F I passes aGlong the
Bm7way E7 Oh I Fgot down on my
CkneesE7 Am and I preFtend to Epray
E7 You know the preacher likes the Amcold,
G F he knows GI'm gonna Bm7stay
E7 California AmdreamingG Fon
Gsuch a winter's Bm7day E7 All the leaves
are AmbrownG F and the Gsky is
Bm7grey E7 FI've been for a CwalkE7
Am on a winter's dayE E7 If I
didn't Amtell herG F I could Gleave
toBm7day E7 California AmdreamingG
F on Gsuch a winter's Bm7day E7
F on Gsuch a winter's Amday G F on
Gsuch a winter's Fmaj7day G Cmaj7
Jentene fra 0stfold
Telefon sex
Na-na-nanananan-na-na-na. G -F- C- F GSpente
på meg skia, det var ikke nFoe dritt CJeg var
klar for en tur for å kose megF litt GJeg
sprita ned der dem var med afFterski Cfor å
nyte stevninga jeg vFar I GOg borti en krok
var det fire aFv dem Csom Gud hadde skapt med
puppeFne frem. GDe viska tiska og smFilte
litt Cog vinka meg bort tilFseg C
A (Med sin coputinio de sa som
så, er det ikke på tide å dra til hytta nå!) Det
er som tida står når man vet man får , jentene
fra østfold, jentene fra østfold Jeg er som tyve
år Mmm-når jeg får, jentene fra østfold jentene
fra østfold Kenare ropte jeg for dem snakker
vell svensk det tenkte jeg meg og dro opp et
løpså dem fikk leska seg for blandevann holdt jo
jeg Så slapp jeg alle hemningene løs, det var
som hele ryggen frøs. Og alle ville ta på meg og
fortelle meg hva de het ( Torun var fra Moss, og
det samme var Gunn, Tove var fra Halden og Rita
fra Haugesund) Skal si tida står. Det er det
beste som har hent I år, Jentene fra Østfold,
jentene fra Østfold Det er som tida står, man
føler seg som tyve år, sammen med jentene fra
østfold, jentene fra østfold. Na-nanana-nanan
x4 Tida gikk og satte sine spor og , jeg måte
hjem til Knaben og mor Jeg halta I nikkersen med
belte på plass , og turen hjem ble som å ttrokke
på glass. Det føltes ut som jeg hadde førti gnage
sår , Ikke på fødtene, bare rundt rumpe og lår så
jeg stolpa meg fram til hytta uten kart og
kompass (Å gjett om jeg skrøyt da jeg kom hjem om
hvor langt jeg hadde gått uten og fortelle
dem) Hvor jeg var I går, der hvor tida står hos
,jentene fra østfold, jentene fra østfold Det er
som tida står , Jeg føler meg som tyve år, sammen
med jentene fra østfold, jentene fra østfold
E Telefon sex,
Telefon sex, jeg innrømmer at jeg hadde telefon
sex, Telefon sex, Telefon sex, jeg innrømmer at
jeg ble per plex A
A Jeg følte meg litt ensom her en kveld, så
jeg tø til min telefon A
C Bm E Jeg
ringte ei dame I dagblad, for å bli kvitt min
depresjon A
D A Stine på 18 snakka
med meg, Og vis hu stemte med info, A
C Bm
E så var hu temmelig sikkert, en
overkått glatt barbert nymfo Telefon sex,
Telefon sex, jeg innrømmer at jeg hadde telefon
sex, Telefon sex, Telefon sex, jeg innrømmer at
jeg ble per plex Hun sa Nå skal vi ha det litt
koselig Ta av deg dine klær Du og jeg skal vre
helt nakene, Og jeg vill tilfredstille ditt
begjær Jeg koste meg og hadde det helt topp, Da
jeg ble avbrutt av den tosken Han sto og banke
vilt på vinduet, til den jævla telefon
kjosken Telefon sex, Telefon sex, jeg innrømmer
at jeg hadde telefon sex, Telefon sex, Telefon
sex, jeg innrømmer at jeg ble per plex Telefon
sex, Telefon sex, jeg innrømmer at jeg hadde
telefon sex, Telefon sex, Telefon sex, jeg
innrømmer at jeg ble per plex
Under the bridge
ESome-times BI feel__ like I Cmdon't have
a BpartAner. ESome-times BI feel__ like
Cmmy only Afriend__ is the Ecity I Blive
in, the CmCity of BAnAgels. ELonely as
BI am, Cmtogether we Acry. Emaj7 I
Edrive on the streeBts, 'cause Cmshe's my
comBpanAion. I Ewalk through the hilBls__
'cause she Cmknows who I Aam. She Esees my
good deBeds and she Cmkiss-es me
BwinAdy. EI never Bworried now Cmthat
is a AlieEmaj7 Part C (repeat TWO
times) FmI don't ev-er want to
EfeelB__like FmI did that day. FmTake
me to the place I EloveB_take Fmme all the
way. E B Cm B A E B Cm A
way_____ yea Yea yea It's
hard to believe that there's nobody out
there. It's hard to believe that I'm all
alone. At least I have her love, the city she
loves me. Lonely as I am, together we cry. Part
C (repeat TWO times) FmI don't ev-er want to
EfeelB__like FmI did that day. FmTake
me to the place I EloveB_take Fmme all the
way. A C G6 Fmaj7
way____ yea!___ yea. yea____. A
C/G G6 Fmaj7 A C/G
G6 Fmaj7 Oh, no__ no no__ yea yea!__
Love__ me__ I say__ yea yea! A
C G6 Fmaj7 (un-der the
bridge__ down-town__ is where I drew some blood
under the bridge downtown I could not get
enough Under the bridge downtown forgot
about my love Under the bridge downtown I
gave my life away A C G6
Fmaj7 way____ yea!___ yea.
Noting else matters Dro på leir til Nesbyen Det
vaar langt ute I villmarken Vi så både hest og
sau og sola den skinte Cats in the cradle Geir
dro på leir først I August og kjørte en bil som
var fri for rust Han spiste mye, ja særlig egg,
og han stelte sitt pene skjeg En liten speider
kom bort til han og sa Gærsja , jeg vil bli som
deg Gærsja .Gærsja , jeg vil bli som
deg Zombie Vi dro på leir fra stasjonen neri
Ski Anne forsovs eeg, men alle var fortsatt like
blid Og på vei, til leir stoppa vi for å gi oss
mat, gi oss mat for vi skal på leir Let it
be Når vi drar på haik I sol og regn, kommer
gærsja bort til deg Du spørr om han kan hjelpe,
Han svarer nei, nei, nei Nothing else
matters Vi kom fra haik utpå formidan Hata alle
som bare (faen) Skulle bli digg å få seg litt
mat Spiste burger med salat Gærsja kom til
verden på en klinikk Det var et sjokk morra han
fikk Når han ble større begynte han I
speidergruppa 1. Ski En dag koom speidersjefen
bort til han og sa Gærsja , jeg vil bli som deg
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